The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 524 The writer sent you an invitation to form a team in Wangcheng

Seven deadly sins.

By the way, those guys are the indigenous weird creatures in the mirror world, and the female writer is from the mirror world and will definitely choose to conquer them.

A beautiful memory emerged in Li Huachao's mind. For a cute hunter with a T2 gradient, the difficulty of the copy of Prison Mirror can be said to be just right, and it can be played very comfortably.

What about Zhao Zilong fighting giant Bo Gang, Mifa removing corpses with one click, smelly mud pole dancing, and Cain who loves to do push-ups...

But it was fun at the time, but now he has a vague fear, because the female writer's words clearly said that these four sins remember what happened at that time, and they hold grudges, and they are even stronger now. many.

As a core subordinate of a half-step source monster, T1 is the basic requirement. If there is a T0 between the source monster realm and T1, then it is obviously the current seven deadly sins.

If he can't even defeat the ordinary T1, then Li Huachao will look down on the root ghost talk.

Wait a minute, I haven't met the adventurer at that time, so he did the bad things in front of Yu Liang's face. As a staunch materialist warrior, Li Huachao believed that this matter should be blamed on Yu Liang.

"As promised in advance, I'm just a monster. I didn't participate at the time. This has nothing to do with me." At the critical moment, Hua Niang sent an electric fan in the snow and quickly distanced herself from Li Huachao. She didn't want to give those monsters Pole dancing.

"Hey, wait, you..." Li Huachao didn't expect that even Hua Niang could backstab him. Now he might have to fight four hateful monsters with guaranteed T1 in T2 state. Just thinking about it makes the dog despair.

"Are they still angry now?" Li Huachao asked cautiously.

"No, after the second rewind, their growth in the mirror world is reasonable. Gluttony is gluttony, astringency is astringency, laziness is laziness." The female writer also knew what Li Huachao did at that time, but she He doesn't have any thoughts of helping his children get ahead. Instead, he finds it very interesting. After all, this can be regarded as the dark history of these four sins.

It's probably like a young mother talking about her child wetting the bed.

Of course, Cain and the others wouldn't find it interesting because Li Huachao gave them the diuretics.

"That's good. This means that they have calmed down. Since they have calmed down, don't fight and kill them." Li Huachao started to talk nonsense.

"I hope so." The female writer did not respond. She only conveyed the idea of ​​the four deadly sins.

"Is there a fight?" In the universe, the prophet Yan Hu keenly noticed something and immediately asked.

"No." Li Huachao immediately stopped this guy's thoughts. He still knew a lot.

Although I know that the prophet can avoid injuries and can hit the sea of ​​​​blood every five times without making a sound, but I definitely can't waste my ability in such a place.

If you can pass the sea of ​​flesh, you can't pass the Yuliang test.

"Oh." Yan Hu sank again. It seemed that only battle-related matters related to him.

"Alas." Li Huachao sighed, thinking about countermeasures in his heart.

Since the seven deadly sins remember him, then the angry policeman inside should have a certain fondness for him, right?

Maybe we can work around it.

By the way, the seven deadly sins of the female writer were obtained through backtracking. Theoretically, there should be another money-keeping ghost, and maybe this guy can be brought to his side.

In addition, one of his younger brothers already has a money-keeping man, so isn’t this just a fair competition in 4v4?

Thinking of this, Li Huachao felt relieved. In addition, he also thought of a guy who could help him.


As the forces of all parties increased, Zai Zi, who was T3 and had ordinary abilities, was gradually forgotten. Except for Li Huachao who occasionally came out to tease her, she basically had no role in the battle.

If it can enhance the strength of Yibo Zaizi, it might come in handy in the future.

After all, in this big family, only Zaizi would never leave him.

Yes, even the flower girl will run away at any time, but the bastard will not.

For Li Huachao, this is a matter of life and death, but for other characters in the universe, this is just a small episode. They are more concerned about the printed books that the female writer just put on the table. novel manuscript.

"Prison Mirror", "Electronic Pets", "Rabbit God", "Moon Island" and "Rat, Rat, Rat!" 》.

The Prison Mirror was experienced by Yu Liang and Li Huachao together. The Rabbit God seems to be talking about the "Peace Community" in the dream of the rabbit-shaped god, which is the copy where Lu Baoshen was created. The Moon Island is like the ghost story about the origin of the moon, which is where the community was created. Fairy aunt's place.

Any creative character with some brains will understand that there are big problems in these novels, and they will fall into thinking for a while.

Originally, they just felt that "Yu Liang" was related to the prison mirror copy, so they were able to write some settings and stories in the prison mirror copy, which was reasonable.


A guy trapped in the mirror world can actually write out what the player Yu Liang has experienced outside the dungeon in advance (or maybe at the same time).

"Can you let us take a look at what is written in these books?" Li Geng asked politely. He wanted to know what was written in these stories. It is related to the family history of Yu Liangfa that he had learned about in the past. What a difference.

"Don't worry, just wait until your writer wakes up and then read." The female writer shook her head and rejected Li Geng's request.

In the universe, An Buchen brought up something that Li Geng had forgotten: "Aze may be reading our script now, so it's best not to do these unnecessary things during this period. Let's wait until Yu Liang wakes up." .”

"Okay." Li Geng thought for a while and felt that the little fairy was right. It seemed that An Buchen was more cautious and could suppress his curiosity in front of such a level of secret.

On the other side, Lu Mingzhe listened to the brothers' internal voice conversations as to what happened while he was sleeping.

He lost consciousness in the dungeon of the Moon Community, leaving two dungeons of flesh and blood planet and consciousness.

"It sounds like they are very distinctive dungeons. It's a pity that I'm not here." Lu Mingzhe felt a little regretful. Listening to Lu Baoshen's narration, he felt that he should be able to kill randomly in those two dungeons. After all, he heard It doesn't seem like there are any particularly supernatural creatures.

"Yes, very distinctive." Lu Baoshen nodded immediately, and then wanted to show Lu Mingzhe, "Let me tell you, she is so hot."

"What's big?" Lu Mingzhe's mind was filled with what would happen if he were here. Lu Baoshen's words were automatically filtered, so he didn't notice that Lu Baoshen had just told him a lot about the great elder.

"It's about the same size as my head." Lu Baoshen said with certainty, "I have competed."

"You're talking about the great elder." Lu Mingzhe realized what he was thinking about and said, "It makes sense. When Yu Liang wakes up, we can let us go into that dungeon and have a look. She will be the first opponent to challenge. alright."

Completely different from Lu Baoshen, all Lu Mingzhe thinks about is special training. He wants Lu Baoshen to have at least half of his strength before the next mission. Only in this way can the full power of "Naihetian" in the field be unleashed.

Just practice cooking more.

It’s not just talk.

It seems that he slept well this time. In just a few months, Lu Baoshen barely reached the five-talisman realm, much stronger than the original weakling who made mistakes in both the first and second talismans.

Sure enough, this guy just needs to be forced, and it won't work without some devilish training.

Having said so much, it sounds like Lu Baoshen still cares about that great elder. In this case, how about defeating the great elder and imprisoning him?

If Lu Baoshen didn't complete his daily training tasks and dismantled a part of the elder's body, it would be a strange creature and it couldn't be dismantled.

Lu Mingzhe's heart is quite dark. He doesn't care about many things, but there are many things he doesn't care about. For example, can moral laws restrict a gambler?

Lu Baoshen, on the other hand, had no idea what Lu Mingzhe was thinking deep down, so he just asked with some expectation: "Are we going to find her?"

He also had the idea of ​​​​looking for the great elder, because he did have the ability to find people, but he did not have the strength and did not dare to take the initiative to find the great elder.

If I were trapped in Cyber ​​City, I would definitely lose face and lose my fortune, and I really don’t want to do that.

Now that his eldest brother is back, he has gained some confidence as if he were pretending to be a tiger.

During this period of time, all the characters were basically thinking about their own things, leaving the female writer to wander around the house, stopping in front of some of Yu Liang's furniture from time to time, probably to get a preliminary understanding of the details of life. Once again Yu Liang.

However, she did not leave this home. The reason was very simple. From Yu Liang's memory, she knew that "Zhi" could not leave the seven-step range of "Yu Liang", so naturally she would not find it unpleasant.

She may not be afraid of "it", but just like a leopard meeting a tiger in nature, she definitely doesn't think of any conflict.

In the end, she sat at Yu Liang's computer desk, hesitated for a moment, and opened the coding software on Yu Liang's computer.

The female writer looked at the manuscript that Yu Liang had stored in the document, and for a moment she felt the urge to continue writing.

But after all, she was not the original author, so she didn’t know what Yu Liang was going to write in the future, and after flipping through it, she found that Yu Liang was not in the habit of writing outlines and details, so she could only give up and turn to those that had not yet been written. The deposited manuscript is sent out.

There were some typos and grammatical errors in the saved manuscript, and there was still some room for improvement, so she modified it as she read it. At the same time, she also saved Yu Liang's original manuscript without directly deleting the other party's original manuscript.

It didn't take much time to simply revise it. After completing it, Yu Liang just woke up from the universe.

Such a coincidence made some created characters in the universe reasonably suspect that Yu Liang had woken up long ago and was just waiting silently for the female writer to help him revise the manuscript.

With Yu Liang's character, he must be able to do such a thing.

"Thank you for your revision." Yu Liang thanked him first, and then introduced himself, "You know me, I am Yu Liang, we finally met."

"Yes, I am looking forward to this day." The female writer acted very gently and said her name at the same time, "The name assigned to me by the system is the single word 'Yu'."

"Yu...Yu Niang? Or Yu Ji?" Li Hua repeated to Chao Mu blankly.

"Okay, they all sound nice." She did not resist such a name, but instead narrowed her eyes and smiled, "If you think the original name doesn't sound good, you can also help me choose a new name."

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere in the room immediately cooled down.

Although no one spoke, Yu Liang could feel that his attention seemed to be focused here.

Yu Liang: "..."

He had absolutely reason to believe that Yu Niang did it on purpose.

This guy must know how to name "Zhi". If he names her now...

"Zhi" must be angry. When she gets angry, even if she doesn't get angry now, she will definitely give Yu Liang some shoes at some point.

It can be seen that this female writer is not a good thing!

On the surface, she looks like a kind-hearted big sister, but secretly she is digging a hole for me, and she is very sinister.

Yu Liang inevitably sighed in his heart and could only shake his head and said: "I'm not good at naming. I'm useless at naming."

"Well, the novel author does have this problem." When Yu Niang saw this, she did not force him, but pointed to the manuscripts on the table, "These things may be useful to you."

"Huh?" Yu Liang followed his gaze and was surprised when he saw the novel manuscripts. "Were these written by 'Yu Liang'?"

"Yes." Yu Niang responded.

Yu Liang was more concerned about Yu Niang's fate. He temporarily suppressed his curiosity about these novel manuscripts: "Now that you have come to reality, what are your plans?"

Although he knew that he had some wishful thinking, Yu Liang still had such a fantasy.

Now Yu Niang sounds very talkative, if she can stay...

Not only does he have a super powerful thug, he also has a powerful gunner.

He just saw it. The chapters that Yu Niang had revised obviously had zero error rate, and the literary talent had been improved to a certain extent.

Professional matters should be left to professionals.

"I want to be the root." Yu Niang said seriously, "So I can only stay here for a short time."

"Okay." Yu Liang nodded. This was not beyond his expectation. "In this case, I will go to the adventurer later. He can take you out of the universe."

"Oh?" Yu Niang showed some doubts. She originally wanted to use Yin Qi to condense a body for herself and transfer her consciousness, but she didn't expect that there was such a profession that could take out characters from the universe.

The key is that Yu Liang met him.

This is good, it saves some yin energy.

She is not a source of ghost talk now, and her yin energy is not too abundant, so she can save it if she can.

"Okay, it looks like I can go to Wangcheng a little earlier." Yu Niang saved time to recover her Yin Qi and immediately decided to leave early.

"Going to Wangcheng?" Yu Liang was stunned when he heard this, then became ecstatic, "Wait a minute, I'm going too, how about we come together?"

The writer has sent you a team invitation.

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