The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 522 According to your seniority, you should call me second sister.

Are both capabilities provided?

Yu Liang tried to use these two abilities in advance. Judging from the literal description, the effects of these two abilities are very powerful.

[Content] can increase characters unconditionally, and the increase is based on proportion, not based on numerical value.

Moreover, Yu Liang carefully observed the details of the character collector's ability, and he found that the increase ratio of this [containment] was not based on the characters currently owned by the player, but on the characters he had owned in the past.

This is also easy to understand. If it is an owned character, then one character only provides an increase of 1%, and a dozen characters together only provide an increase of more than ten percent. It is not worth cooling down once a month.

Now, Yu Liang looked at the increase that his [Conservation] could provide, which was a full 469%, an increase of nearly five times.

This is the amount of increase that needs to be cooled down once a month.

If used as a bonus to the "Thunder" character, in the extreme state, this "Thunder" character will deal sixty or seventy times the damage, which can be said to be devastating.

The effect of the multiplier is so terrifying. The only flaw is that this title follows Yu Liang, not Lu Mingzhe. Otherwise, if Lu Mingzhe were to come, there would be no risk of missing the "Thunder" character.

It is a pity that this title belongs exclusively to the writer Yu Liang, which makes him feel helpless as if the shit basin is rimmed with gold.

Fortunately, Yu Liang quickly noticed another thing. This [containment] can affect a wide range of characters, and he can even pre-select the golden characters in his character column - Zhi.

This is extremely outrageous.

Giving "Zhi" a nearly five-fold increase would make "Zhi"'s strength terrifying, Yu Liang couldn't even imagine.

Under normal circumstances, "Zhi" can touch those root ghost stories in adulthood, and can even suppress a considerable number of root ghost stories. When she increases five times, won't she have to suppress a large number of root ghost stories?

The Root Kaidan is indeed unkillable, but they also have methods of sealing each other. For example, in the Moon Kaidan, he must have taken away some of the Root Kaidan's abilities, or it can be said to be devouring them.

Furthermore, "Zhi"'s power increased significantly when Lu Mingzhe performed a manual total lunar eclipse, thus suppressing the Moon Monster and sealing it into his own shadow. This is also the method to deal with the Root Monster.

This time when he returns to Haicheng, he will enter the Forgotten City with the players in the alliance. This [containment] ability is likely to come in handy.

As for the other ability [Copycat], Yu Liang chose to use the junk "wave" character to try it out, and then realized that the temporary character settings created by [Copycat] were more interesting.

There is no cooldown when using temporary characters, and it can even be set as a quick spell cast. When you use a character with the same name as a temporary character, the temporary character will be automatically typed, and the target will be the same as the character with the same name.

At the same time, the effects of temporary characters are additionally calculated and can ignore some restrictions.

For example, the upper limit of a player's physical constitution is 16, and the increase in temporary characters can take effect on a player with a physical constitution of 16, changing it to 17 or even higher.

This is a relatively powerful ability. If used by some special players, it can often achieve more than twice the combat efficiency per unit of time.

There is only one flaw with this ability, that is, the copied characters cannot be copied again, so the burst brought by this title ability is very strong, but it cannot be used repeatedly.

However, such a title is enough to make Yu Liang feel satisfied. After all, it is only a temporary title. He may be broken by others at any time, so Yu Liang will naturally not be too economical, use it when he can, and explode when he needs it. .

As Yu Liang checked his title ability, the white light that symbolized going home gradually enveloped him and led him away from this dungeon.

On the eve of leaving, Yu Liang seemed to feel something and looked in a certain direction.

Following his gaze, actor Aze was standing there pretending to be very busy.

Yu Liang smiled and waved at the other party.

But he knew that neither side could see this wave, and he already understood what Aze wanted to do.

Similar to previous speculations, Aze wanted to use the script ability at the moment when the copy ended, so as to get a glimpse of Yu Liang's real life.

After all, the material rewards on the list are all given back in real life. It would be very interesting for Aze to know the contents of the rewards from the script.

Yes, it's just interesting. Aze doesn't think Yu Liang can surpass himself with one or two material rewards, but he is just curious about what the other party can get.

When the players left the dungeon, the writer's ability began to operate, bringing the prophet Yan Hu and the entire Flat Country into the universe, and then leaving together.

When he opened his eyes again, Yu Liang had already appeared in his home, and he remembered his previous thoughts and prepared to go to bed to sleep.

However, after using the character "Mu" to clean his body and clothes, Yu Liang closed his eyes and lay down on the bed.

He was already a little tired.

Just a minute after he closed his eyes, he opened them again, came to the computer with a solemn expression, looked at the blank document, and was distracted for a moment.


"Did you get the script?" The secretary looked at Aze who was crossing his feet at his desk and asked.

"Yes." Aze nodded, but he was not sure whether Yu Liang noticed him when he used his ability at the last second.

Maybe I discovered it, maybe I didn't, but it doesn't matter. Anyway, if you don't read the script, you won't read it.

Even if Yu Liang finds out, at most he will just kill time by sleeping like last time, thereby consuming his script ability, and nothing will happen.

"Go and see the other clones and let them prepare more or less. They will go to Wangcheng soon, but don't die there." Aze ordered, "Of course you can have fun with Yu Liang, But if there is a conflict with the source monsters or monster humans in that city... they are not that easy to talk to."

"Okay." The secretary nodded slightly. Through this battle, he also realized that there were very serious style problems in Aze's team.

It's a pity that he is just a T2 Aze and can't really care about those T1 players.

Among Aze's group of personality clones, strength is still implicitly respected, so generally no one would object to what the old soldier squad leader said.

On the one hand, it's because soldiers have strong fighting abilities, and on the other hand, it's because this guy has a good personality and can always stand up for justice at the right time.

As for the swordsman, he talks very little. He is usually either hiding in the training room practicing swordsmanship or looking for a blacksmith to study new strengthening methods.

Speaking of which, among Aze's personality clones, there are not many people who have a good relationship with the blacksmith, and the swordsman is barely one of them.

It is precisely because of this that the blacksmith will not be bullied by the Azes because of his unique identity as a second- and fifth-year-old boy.

Of course, after getting familiar with it, Zhong Aze would not bully the blacksmith, but would continue to encourage the blacksmith to revolt, or secretly provide some props suitable for escape to the blacksmith.

For these Azes who don't take it too seriously to watch the excitement, this matter is very interesting.

They can watch helplessly as the blacksmith makes various escape plans, run away with the escape tools they provide, and then bet on how long it will take Aze himself to discover and how long it will take the swordsman to catch the blacksmith. return.

This has become a daily repertoire in the group of personality clones. With the blacksmith's repeated battles and defeats, this guy's escape skills are now very high, and he even has a lot of replays after being captured. Ornamental.

Several ingenious escapes even allowed Aze to break his defenses, because he couldn't find the blacksmith when he needed him, and sometimes he had to use precious props to find traces of the blacksmith.

Fortunately, the blacksmith is also measured. After successfully escaping from prison, he will return on his own within a week at most, depending on the situation, because he will always be noticed by the founding chairman of the Haicheng Alliance.

If a wild Aze appeared in the eyes of the founder of the Haicheng Alliance, the matter would be serious, and the blacksmith would not dare to stay outside for any longer.

Watching the secretary leave his office, Aze's eyes fell in an unknown direction.

He knew that there was the City of Forgetfulness.

This time he was finally going in, and he didn't know what he would encounter on this trip.

Anyway, it will fail.

Aze smiled, his self-deprecation obvious.

"But I finally made up my mind. This Wangcheng is an inescapable obstacle." He murmured to himself, "Maybe we can meet an old friend."

"I hope you are still an engineer now, not a mechanic or some other messy alien profession. If I can't beat you, I will be embarrassed." Aze shook his head, and then opened the writer's script he had just obtained.


Script content (excerpt):

Yu Liang sat at the table with a solemn expression.

He looked at the blank wordless word document and kept mumbling something.

"No, stop, don't come here again." The writer let out a painful, inhuman roar, and said to himself, "I have promised you to take you out, but you must abide by the agreement, you You can't escape from this computer, and you can't go find those things in Wangcheng..."

Suddenly, Yu Liang's shadow on the ground began to distort crazily, and Yu Liang's eyes also changed. Pure black eyes reflected deathly silence. Anyone who saw such eyes would almost go crazy.

At this moment, all the weirdness about Yu Liang suddenly disappeared. He looked at the computer, frowned, and began to rummage eagerly.

"Wait a minute, there should be a Desktop Pet on this computer. I obviously brought out this source of ghost stories. Why isn't He here?" He quickly opened the computer's file search page, as if he wanted to use this simple method. Come and find the root of the ghost story.

At the same time, Yu Liang's voice began to tremble, obviously he was stimulated to a certain extent: "Damn it, the source of this guy's power is the virtual world. If he goes to the Internet, we players will never be able to catch him... "

"Wait a minute." He seemed to realize something. He stood up and touched the wall with his hands. There was confusion in his voice. "It's fake. It's over. I was deceived. The content in the prompt box is all fake." , the root cause of the ghost story has not been solved, we have not left the dungeon, the only one who left the dungeon... is Him."


There was a long silence.

After a few minutes of daze, Yu Liang stood up from the computer desk. He walked out of the room and went to the balcony. He looked in the direction of Aze with a smile: "Hey, Xiaozezi, tell me if I scared you just now." , are you surprised, are you surprised?"

At this moment, Aze, who was in front of the script, threw the script aside with a dark face, and then completely canceled the script that had turned into reality.

There was an urge to curse in his heart.

No, Yu Liang, are you really boring? !

It’s up to you to be an actor, and it’s up to you to be born.

Acting in front of the air for a few minutes just to tease me?

Something is wrong!

To be honest, Aze was surprised when he heard Yu Liang say that none of the players left the instance, but were lost in a deeper virtual world.

He had the urge to stand up and confirm. Although he felt a little doubtful about such a thing, who could be sure about the ability of a root ghost talk?

What's more, he didn't do much to explore the source ghost story in this copy. He only knew that the source ghost story was probably a desktop favorite, and the copy was actually in the computer, that's all.

The unknown of the copy constitutes fear itself, and Aze has not experienced such a deep level of fear for a long time.

If all this is false, it will really be over.

There are some dungeons that are unsolvable. After a certain amount of players are invested, the root ghost stories in the dungeon may be raised to an unmatchable state. Such a dungeon will be blocked and no more players will be sent to die.

Generally speaking, players trapped in this kind of dungeon often have no choice but to wait for death, which is very painful.

As for such an unsolvable dungeon, Aze knew of one, but when he learned the news, the dungeon had been completely sealed, and no player would be able to enter it under normal circumstances.

Under normal circumstances, probably no player would want to go in, because it is probably no longer suitable for any player to explore.

In short, the final result was that Aze concealed the news that should have been spread in Haicheng, and personally extinguished the last flame of hope for the only remaining players in the dungeon.

And the source of the news...

It's the sea.


"it's over?"

"It's over." Facing the questions of several other characters, Li Huachao gave an affirmative answer.

Yu Liang wanted to sleep to avoid Aze's prying eyes, because he did not want to expose the details of his gains and abilities.

The most important thing is that he does not want to expose the existence of female writers.

So he didn't do anything and just chose to fall asleep.

At this time, Li Huachao came out.

I have a plan that will make Azze fearful and then angry, and he will no longer want to inquire about the script.

According to Yu Liang's previous speculation, his ideas will appear in the script, but it seems that these ideas for creating characters will not.

It's okay, at most he can be a clown for a while, and Li Huachao doesn't mind being a clown.

If he succeeds in fooling A Ze, I am afraid that A Ze will be so disgusted that he can't eat, and he will be less interested in spying on Yu Liang's script next time.

So Li Huachao started to perform, regardless of whether the only audience was watching or not. In short, he was very happy to perform, and even received "full support" from "Zhi" sister.

Under the stimulation of "Zhi" sister to the toad-shaped god's eyes, the eyes of the toad-shaped god also jumped out, which strengthened the atmosphere of the performance and made it more confusing.

In short, Li Huachao found it very interesting. It might be even more interesting if he could see Aze's reaction at the same time.

But just when Li Huachao was happily responding to the compliments of various creative characters on his acting skills, a somewhat unfamiliar voice came out.

"You are indeed as interesting as I remembered."

"Excuse me, thank you, wait, who are you?" Li Huachao responded subconsciously, and then realized that the female voice that suddenly appeared was neither An Buchen nor Zhong Chen, nor Li Geng...


"Me? According to your seniority, you should call me second sister." Her voice with a chuckle sounded in the extremely quiet universe. (End of chapter)

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