The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 520 “Yu Liang” is part of the trigger theory

Bring another "Yu Liang" to this computer?

Such a request surprised her, but when she thought about it carefully, it was very common sense.

According to her previous judgment, "Yu Liang" who stayed in the double mirror world was the link to the outside world, and now it seems that this is indeed the case.

"Okay." She simply answered, and then told Cain, "Let the police and Wu Zai come here to guard it, and don't let anyone get close to this computer."

"Yes." Cain bowed his head slightly in response, and then asked, "Lord, then I..."

"You follow me." She replied briefly, then came to the bathroom mirror and entered the mirror world with Cain.

At the same time, Cain also issued instructions to the police and Wudi through the induction of faith between the seven deadly sins, ordering them to come and guard the home of "Yu Liang" in the name of "Lord".

She has completely become the master of the prison copy, and "Yu Liang" is also under her control, so she easily found "Yu Liang" hidden in the world of the double mirror.

Compared to the First Layer Mirror World, all the creatures here are more rigid, like puppets with perfect craftsmanship and no souls of their own.

It is difficult for any sane person to like this place. After a short period of happiness, he will fall into absolute loneliness and sadness. After all, humans are still social animals, and only a few can endure this environment.

"Yu Liang" is exactly this kind of minority.

His absolute desire for control made him enjoy life in this world extremely. After coming here, he truly got rid of all restraints.

Since the second mirror world is separated from the real world by the first mirror world, and the first mirror world was invaded by the power of the "lord" and completely isolated, the current double mirror world is a lost world, no matter what is done No need to worry about being punished by the rules.

In this context, "Yu Liang" became the absolute king, a tyrant in the puppet world.

The creatures here live according to the laws he established, and run the emotions and settings he instilled.

Unfortunately, the program of the puppet in the world of Double Mirror is very low-level. It can only run the program he instilled briefly and has no real intelligence.

She walked out of the mirror without disturbing any creature in the double mirror world.

At this moment, there is a light layer of yin energy lingering on the surface of her body. This yin energy can cause her to become virtual and acquire some characteristics of a soul body.

Yin Qi is a very advanced energy, so the virtualization brought by Yin Qi has a very high priority, and it is difficult for ordinary physical damage to affect her.

She has always known that there is such a "Yu Liang" in the second world, but this is the first time she has entered the second world and the first time she has come to his home.

Strictly speaking, this is not his home. This is Xiaoran's home, a replica of Xiaoran's home in reality.

As if she thought of something, she immediately walked into Xiaoran's parents' room and stretched out her hand towards the familiar wall.

The Yin Qi passed through the wall and landed in the space inside the wall, but just as she thought, there was no Yin Qi in the walls of the Double Mirror World, only a few corpses.

It seems that the Yin Qi is not something that comes with these corpses, but is obtained by the original mirror spirit through some special means and stored in the wall.

Of course, now all these yin energy have fallen into her hands and become part of her body tissue.

She re-entered the living room and did not enter Xiaoran's bedroom immediately. Instead, she turned and walked into the study.

There is nothing to care about in the bedroom, but there are some interesting things in the study.

The computer in front of the desk was in standby mode and there was no password set, so she could easily see the files on the computer screen.

There are various kinds of information, including history and culture, philosophy, psychology and even theology, as well as some folklore and weird gossip that have been circulated on the Internet, such as the SCP Foundation, etc., which have been compiled in more detail.

It can be seen that these are writing materials.

She clicked on another folder, which seemed to contain some novels written by "Yu Liang". Judging from the creation time, it seemed that they were novels written recently.

Have you still not given up on creating in the world of double mirror?

She narrowed her eyes slightly, suddenly thinking highly of this man.

The novel ranked first is "Prison Mirror". The content of the story is similar to the content of the dungeon experienced by the player Yu Liang at that time, but not exactly the same.

In the mirror, Yu Liang escapes from the mirror world, but this is not the case in the novel.

She stood up from the desk and noticed the computer. The camera on the computer was also in a state of being removed, and the traces were exactly the same as "Yu Liang's" computer in the real world.

So it is said that the camera of the actual computer was dismantled by "Yu Liang" earlier?

She made a judgment and also understood what "Yu Liang" was doing with the camera at that time.

There is also a printer here.

She stepped forward and took a look at the printer. She noticed that the paper and ink inside were all in stock, so she realized that this printer had been used recently. After associating some of the things she had seen through the memory of the player Yu Liang, she Then he returned to the desk and opened a drawer.

Inside were some printed manuscripts that had been collected into volumes. She looked through them one by one. There were about four or five stories here, but they were all unfinished, leaving large blanks.

"Prison Mirror", "Electronic Pets", "Rabbit God", "Moon Island" and "Rat, Rat, Rat!" 》.

She hesitated for a moment, then thought of the connection between the novel "Prison Mirror" and the copy of "Prison Mirror", so she took away the manuscripts of these novels.

After walking out of the study, she thought again, turned around and used a USB flash drive to copy all the information organized in the computer, and then entered Xiaoran's bedroom.

Just like what she just saw in the mirror, "Yu Liang" was sleeping with a pillow on the bed, and in the cage was a little...


She looked at "Yu Liang" who was wearing women's clothing and couldn't help but be stunned.

Did you complete the offensive and defensive transformation in such a short period of time?

Could it be that Xiao Ran gave birth to his own mind and imprisoned "Yu Liang"?

However, upon closer inspection, she discovered that the metal cage was unlocked, which meant that "Yu Liang" entered the cage voluntarily.

Well, it looks like this "Yu Liang" is more playful than she thought.

Cain, who was beside him, frowned deeply. He didn't notice that the lock on the cage was open, so he wanted to release "Yu Liang" to see what was going on.

She stopped Cain, then took out her mobile phone under Cain's somewhat puzzled gaze, and silently took photos of the woman dressed as "Yu Liang" from multiple angles.

"Have you finished filming?"

Suddenly, a voice of inquiry rang out.

She looked at "Yu Liang" in the cage, and "Yu Liang" kept his original posture and looked up at her. There was no embarrassment in his voice, but it was unusually calm.

"Did you come from the mirror?" He opened the cage and got out of it. He didn't care about the threatening nature of her and Cain. Instead, he stretched and moved the body that had just been restrained by the cage.

I discovered a special hobby without any embarrassment, so am I, the audience, also part of this special play?

"Yes, I need you to go to a place with me now." She said this, and then without waiting for "Yu Liang"'s reply, she directly wrapped him with Yin Qi and took him into the mirror.

However, the Lord's words still made Cain feel a little surprised.

It can be said that he was the first sin to follow the Lord, so he also had the highest understanding of the Lord.

In daily life, the Lord does not shy away from his existence, which makes his understanding of Yin Qi rise. In addition, he is the only strange creature with double felonies, so his strength is the second largest in the entire dungeon. Yu Zhu, and has a gap in strength with the remaining five sins.

Only the "furious" police officers could barely fight him when in extreme rage.

The most critical thing in the copy is Yin Qi, which is also the source of the Lord's power. However, this special energy will in turn affect and transform the human body. This is how the Seven Deadly Sins come about, and those strange creatures in the First Layer Mirror World The same way it came about.

It's just that the three have completely different degrees of acceptance of yin energy.

Ordinary ghost creatures are suffocated by Yin Qi, and their consciousness is directly swallowed up by Yin Qi, becoming the physical manifestation of Yin Qi.

The Seven Deadly Sins showed a certain degree of mental resistance when they were infected by Yin Qi, which allowed them to resist the erosion of Yin Qi more and obtain Yin Qi strengthening for a longer period of time.

At the same time, because they were in a state of strong emotional fluctuation when the Yin Qi was infected, and it was in line with the weird stories spread in the world of Yi Zhongjing, it became the Seven Deadly Sins.

But the Lord was even different. The purest Yin Qi slowly and harmlessly transformed her body and assimilated to the Lord.

In this process, the Lord quickly became powerful and developed many uses of Yin Qi.

No, now the Lord is Yin Qi itself, and all Yin Qi and the products of Yin Qi are part of the Lord.

Including them, including the entire Yizhong Mirror World.

In the process of Yin Qi transformation, the Lord becomes more and more divine, while at the same time his humanity decreases.

But now, when he was in contact with "Yu Liang", Cain discovered at this moment that the Lord's humanity seemed to be recovering.

Is it because I haven't met a truly thoughtful and special human being for a long time, or is it simply because "Yu Liang" is special?

He didn't know, and he didn't know whether this was a good thing or a bad thing, but he just felt a faint worry.

However, Cain did not show it. He knew that the Lord did not like him to show such emotions excessively.

In just a moment, she brought "Yu Liang" to the real world. During this time, she did not do anything to "Yu Liang".

The player Yu Liang needs to cross dimensions to trade with her in the third dimension and bring "Yu Liang" to the computer desk, and he knows what the conditions she used for the transaction are.

She wants to take this opportunity to enter the player Yu Liang's universe and leave this instance.

During this period, player Yu Liang did not ask about the content related to the source ghost story, nor did he talk about how to leave the dungeon.

This shows that he can take her away, so the "Yu Liang" in her hand is the key to solving the root cause of the ghost story.

In this case, the alternative kaidan power hidden in a computer is the new source of kaidan in the dungeon.

The opportunity to achieve the root was suddenly stolen, which made her a little annoyed deep in her heart, but she knew there was nothing she could do.

The new source of ghost stories is in the computer, and it is probably some kind of program, or some kind of silicon-based life form such as artificial intelligence.

The areas she controlled were different, so she couldn't affect the source of the strange story hiding in the computer, so she could only put it down temporarily.

There is no point in staying in this dungeon. The potential of this dungeon is insufficient. The appearance of a source ghost story is already the limit. She needs to go to the world outside the dungeon to find a new path.

"This is my home?" When "Yu Liang" found himself in this familiar yet somewhat strange place, he inevitably had some special emotions in his heart.

"Yes, sit down in front of the computer, someone is looking for you." She just replied calmly.

"What you just used was Yin Qi, right?" "Yu Liang" did not sit directly in front of the computer. He became very interested in her, who was a bit unfamiliar.

There is no doubt that the world has undergone some subtle changes because of his words.

For example, mirror spirits, such as Yin Qi, they really appeared.

However, according to the content in the novel, the one who masters this Yin Qi should be the Mirror Spirit, so if it were replaced in reality...

It's just a guy who looks like Xiao Ran who has Yin Qi.

The tall woman standing in front of me now, who is 1.75 meters tall, is very strange. She definitely does not fit any character that has appeared in his novels.

In other words, an unexpected person killed the mirror spirit and obtained the Yin Qi that was supposed to be the mirror spirit?

He felt extremely curious and immediately thought of another version of himself in the mirror. The person in the mirror was also beyond the scope of novels.

So are these two guys connected?

"Yes, Yin Qi." She stopped talking nonsense with "Yu Liang". With a thought, "Yu Liang" in front of her sat down at the computer desk uncontrollably.

"Okay." This "Yu Liang" shrugged, understanding that the other party didn't want to talk nonsense with him, so he opened the computer in a familiar manner.

The moment the computer started up, all his eyes were captured by a Q-version loli desk pet that popped up in the lower right corner of the desktop.

The desk pet's smiling face was exactly the same as when he started the computer in the past, but he knew that something was different somewhere.

So, is this the "electronic pet" in the second story?

"Yu Liang" touched his chin and had a reasonable association, but he did not panic at all. Instead, he turned his head and wanted to say something to the woman in front of him.

However, before he could speak, he had completely disappeared from the screen.

"What?!" Cain was startled by this sudden situation. He immediately stopped in front of the master. If the computer eats people again, it will be him and not his master who disappears.

"Don't worry, it's looking for him." But his "master" already understood what happened.

She took out several manuscripts that had just been placed in the inventory, and her eyes rested on one of them for a long time.

"electronic House pet".

To be able to "create" a source of strange stories, this is definitely not an ordinary person...

No, he didn't create it. This is related to the trigger theory. Only the trigger theory can enable an ordinary person to obtain such abilities.

"Yu Liang" is part of the trigger theory.

But is it a cause or an effect, or is it just a process?

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