The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 517 Buying “Female Writer”

Actor Aze was knocked down and fainted on the spot. This is an indisputable fact.

The three people in the distance, the hypnotist, the chess player and the designer of the metaverse, immediately withdrew their fields and let their brains rest.

They were still a little tired after maintaining the field for so long, so after seeing Aze being knocked out, they canceled the field in unison, regardless of whether they really lost the game.

At this critical moment, the first person to run out to check on the actor's status was the secretary. He quickly came to Aze's side to confirm Aze's condition.

Fortunately, after some inspection, Aze was not seriously injured. It may be that he had not been hit by other players for a long time, so he was fainted for a long time.

The secretary quickly calmed down. He looked back at the paper man who suddenly appeared on the field, then looked at Yu Liang's position and asked, "Who is he?"

Obviously, this is a player that exceeds the expectations of Aze's team, but judging from the information obtained before, the writer can only create one character per copy, but now two new characters have appeared.

It's not scientific, there's definitely something wrong with it.

Compared to others, he still cares about the outcome of the game.

It's natural to win, after all, Aze is invincible; if he loses, it's the fault of the Dream Sleepers and the others. Without these damn 25 guys, they would have won a long time ago, so Aze is still invincible.

After the secretary took action, the swordsman also quickly came to Aze's side. The other Azes slowly cleaned up the battlefield, stretched and flexed their muscles, without any intention of coming over to take a look.

If Aze is a star and a mainstay, some of them are like extras.

As long as the director shouts "pass", they can leave the set immediately, prepare to collect their lunch and salary, and there is no need to care about whether the filming is good or not.

Anyway, the result is the same for them, they save a little effort and feel relaxed.

Except for the hypnotist.

He has maintained the place of reversal until now, purely because he wants to take revenge on Aze, and to cause trouble for Aze.

In fact, whether it was the change of position that caused Aze to be beaten by Li Huachao, or the area was stolen by An Buchen later to hide the writer's location, or it confused the swordsman's sense of direction, causing him to occasionally fight a gambler in a one-on-one duel. There was a mistake...

All in all, the loser’s MVP is also the MVP.

"Octagon." Yu Liang looked at the paper man, "Take off the skin and let me deal with the shadow inside."

"Okay." Octagon immediately took off the specimen and handed it to Yu Liang, who then threw it to the swordsman.

"You are the only one who has the ability to fight now. A shadow will come out of it later. You deal with it." Yu Liang said to the swordsman.

Before the battle, Yu Liang had paid attention to the movements of the remaining shadows. He did not want to be intercepted by the shadow players in the middle of the fight with Aze.

Later, Li Geng took the lead and took on the role of off-site surveillance, giving priority to the shadows approaching the city.

Fortunately, the shadow has been broken by Yu Liang, and he doesn't have the strength to do any more tricks.

"Yeah." The swordsman's response was still brief.

"The that guy following you?" The secretary remembered the origin of this shape. The previous shadow puppet artist and Aze had seen it.

"Yes." Yu Liang nodded and said, his explanation of his behavior was righteous, "This is what you said. The degree of utilization of the dungeon forces is also the player's own strength. You use the ability to drive the triangle army to exchange for my large-scale The ability to use guns is offset here, but that doesn’t mean I don’t have the ability to use the dungeon forces.”

It's totally reasonable.

You guys like Ze didn't think of this, it's purely because of your own fault.

"This..." The secretary was speechless for a moment, and nodded after a long time, "Indeed, this is a fair approach, you won."

"Of course, now it's your turn to fulfill your promise." Yu Liang said with a smile, "Hurry up and wake up Aze, it's just a matter of his wealth."

Before this battle began, Yu Liang collected the wealth of the players in this city, and one of them attacked him and succeeded.

Yu Liang had high respect for those who had the courage to resist, so he locked them in a separate painting prison.

Later, Li Hua ran towards the prisoner who was a bitch, but was also beaten by that guy. He also went around looking for guys to fuck him.

At this time, Yu Liang noticed that this guy's alienated professional skills seemed to be pretty good.

Being able to hit him and Li Huachao, a T1 martial artist, consecutively at T2 level, the opponent most likely has some skills similar to the "guaranteed hit" effect.

At that time, Yu Liang hesitated for a while, thinking about whether to kill it and enter it into the creation list to be selected, but finally gave up.

On the one hand, he has no shortage of abilities in this area. In comparison, his current goals are more ambitious and he needs to focus on some T1 alienated professions.

To a certain extent, T2's alienated profession can no longer keep up with his growth level. Unless his ability is extremely unnatural and is similar to that of a gambler, it is meaningless.

Li Huachao was able to be promoted to T1 with Hua Niang as his companion. Other created characters were not so lucky. At most, there was a gambler with a twin personality who had the possibility of promotion, but it was unlikely.

The abilities of bodyguard Zhong Chen, architect Li Geng and prophet Yan Hu are all relatively unique, and their effects at specific moments are even stronger than T1. But now that Yu Liang has the ability to stabilize normal T1, naturally I want to create more T1 alienated professions.

On the other hand, the reason he didn't want to include this player in the creation list was because he could make a specimen for the Octagon to use.

At that time, he had already received a challenge letter from Aze. For some reason, he subconsciously felt that this player specimen might be useful.

No matter how you say it, Aze is a fragile one. Facing special attacks from T2 players, there is a high probability that he will be eliminated directly.

The player's occupation is a "bartender" and he has an extremely weird attack method called "short darts". Even T1's Li Huachao will be hit. It will not be a problem to hit Aze with this layer of octagon.

Of course, many preparations must be completed before this, such as getting rid of the powerful warriors around Aze, leaving Aze alone, and using Zhong Chen's power to explode Aze's character bar and items, and Block the stamp bar.

Only after completing this series of operations can we pin our hopes on the Octagon.

Originally, at the last moment, when Lu Mingzhe failed to kill the swordsman, Yu Liang had already realized that he had lost if there was a formal battle.

Even if Aze's body is killed by the Octagon, he will still be resurrected, at the cost of randomly disappearing a personality clone, and then the swordsman can still promote the team smoothly.

Not to mention the many Aze's free-spirited appearance in battle, which are better than Li Huachao's, and all of them are rebels.

However, after this battle, Yu Liang was still very satisfied. It was equivalent to a major military training in the universe, with many masters under Aze's command providing free sparring...

No, it was a paid sparring session, but it was paid by Aze.

Li Chaoniang has stabilized her level in T1 and gained a lot from the one-on-one duel with the swordsman. If you think about it carefully, the swordsman in the battle seems to have deliberately given him moves.

After the practical operation, An Buchen discovered some flaws in the Tank Dao Mansion, and prepared to study and correct them. She also discovered a way to steal domain energy for her own use. According to her, in the future, she would often work with Azena and several domain masters. If mixed together, it may be possible to simulate some functions of those three areas.

There is no need to simulate everything, just pick one ability in each venue and use it. The combination of Fairy Girl and Room 225 can be said to be awesome.

The alienated professional fairy girl of T1 seems to have growth potential far beyond studying Taoism, and her learning efficiency and speed in these matters are equally astonishing.

As for Zhong Chen, Zhong Chen played well, but Li Geng...well, the gambler's gains were what surprised Yu Liang the most.

Lu Mingzhe's return and the title brought "Nai Hetian" to the gambler field. He has conquered all the players and characters present with his actual performance.

Defeating the soldiers, he fought fiercely with the amplified swordsman for several minutes without defeat. It was almost like one wearing two. The two of Aze's personality clones were the strongest in frontal combat.

Oh, only Li Huachao expressed dissatisfaction with this performance.

"Little T2, you still want to be the boss? I am a root hunter, the spokesperson of the male and female double swords." It is impossible for Li Huachao to convince Lu Mingzhe.

"The swordsman's men were defeated." Lu Mingzhe had already woken up, but he was very tired, but his words were still to the point.

"You may not have defeated the swordsman." Li Huachao said plausibly, "What? Do you still want to meet me again? Don't forget, you have never defeated me even once."

There was only one battle between the hunter and the gambler, and the final result was that Li Huachao won.

"Okay, let's give it a try then." Lu Mingzhe did not hesitate. Of course, he would not be polite to Li Huachao.

The eldest brother and the second brother must be clearly distinguished.


Strictly speaking, there are two "eldest brothers" and two "second brothers". The duel between gamblers and hunters is actually 2v2, which is quite interesting to imagine.

Li Huachao, on the other hand, was snickering in his heart. He had been observing Lu Mingzhe's battle since he was eliminated, and naturally analyzed a lot of tricks.

Gamblers can restrain physical warriors to a certain extent, and Lu Mingzhe, who has gained the domain, even has the strength to challenge T1 physical warriors in a duel. But is this because gamblers' all-round qualities are better than those of soldiers or swordsmen?

Lu Mingzhe would fall down if he was hit even once. This had nothing to do with the attack power of the T1 warrior.

Just because the soldiers couldn't hit Lu Mingzhe didn't mean that Li Huachao couldn't hit him.

Li Huachao also noticed that the existence of those chips prevented Lu Mingzhe from moving wherever he wanted, otherwise the chips would dissipate.

While the domain gives the gambler powerful abilities, it also limits his range of movement, so invisible traps can come in handy.

If you fall behind, I will lay eggs. I will lay eggs like crazy, and the eggs I lay will be invisible, forming a minefield belonging to the hunter, restricting your teleportation.

Whenever you step on a trap and get a restraint effect, you can send it directly, plus a hunting mark or something, and then I will let you see how powerful I, Li Chaoniang, am!

Li Huachao was filled with pride, while Yu Liang on the other side accepted the wealth from Aze, and the wealth value of the money-keeper suddenly jumped to 110,000.

[Yicai]: "100000", you can purchase any item in this copy (this copy is limited to one time).

"How's it going?" Finally reaching the wealth value of 100,000, Yu Liang immediately looked at the money-keeper expectantly.

"Well, I have the ability to buy." The money-keeper nodded, feeling very satisfied with his ability.

Buying any item, the huge amount of wealth gives the money-keeper a sense of full power.

A person who is as wealthy as his country would indeed feel heroic, right?

However, the Scrooge is deliberately suppressing the swelling ambition in his heart, and he does not like the changes that have happened to him.

If you have money, you can; if you have money, you can't.

No matter how much wealth you have, you must rely on writers to survive.

The money-keeping man is all too familiar with things like stocking grain and stocking guns.

The ability brought by one hundred thousand wealth points is slightly different from what the money-keeper imagined. He does have the ability to purchase any item in the copy, but it does not mean that he can afford it.

Yes, 100,000 Wealth Value is like a capital verification before the start of a high-end auction. By doing this, it only has the qualification to buy, which does not mean that it can buy anything in the copy with 100,000 Wealth Value. .

Of course, most of the things in this copy are not worth 100,000 wealth points.

Except for the origin story.

The price of the root ghost talk made the money-keeper feel frightened, and then he had a special thought, similar to the village chief's son walking into a high-end luxury store.

I originally thought I was quite rich, but I immediately gave up on the horrifying prices of luxury goods, and I was still indignant when I walked out of the luxury store.

Come on, how dare you sell it so expensively?

If you have this money, buy me more resources. I will become a source of monsters. Do I still need to buy them?

How obedient I am, can the ghost story I bought be as obedient as me?

The Scrooge skipped the question of purchasing the Origin Ghost Story, and instead began to search for other things in this copy.

Obviously, the most important thing is female writers.

The Scrooge has never met this person before, but he does have a natural sense of familiarity with him, because strictly speaking, they are fellow villagers.

They were all born in a mirror world, right?

They all grew up in a world of mirrors. Isn’t this correct?

No doubt fellow countryman.

After a careful search, the Scrooge found this so-called female writer. There was very little information about her, only a few lines. He read it all and told Yu Liang.


"female writer"

Value: 99999 wealth value

Gradient level: T3

Abilities: unknown

Note: You must have the professional skill [Cosmic] or storage ability to purchase this product. Since the host is currently in the two-dimensional world, this product temporarily exists in the original world. When the host leaves the two-dimensional world or leaves the copy, it will automatically be sent to the personal page. Please check it in time.

"Do you want to buy it?" The money-keeper looked at Yu Liang. It now has a wealth value of 110,000, so there is no need to worry about dying after paying the price.

In any case, there are still more than 10,000 wealth values ​​left, and they will not return to zero.

"T3... indeed, based on who I was at that time, it is indeed T3." Yu Liang said in his heart.

It takes nearly 100,000 yuan to buy a female writer with a T3 grade. Even if there is a premium, it still represents the extraordinaryness of this female writer.

Since it can be found, it means that she is not dead yet. If she is not dead, she may have replaced the mirror spirit step by step and grown to a terrifying situation.

"Buy." Yu Liang no longer hesitated and made up his mind. (End of chapter)

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