The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 511 The emergence of new gamblers and the swordsmen who start to promote the team

After figuring out what that layer of white light was, the Confessor began to regret why he appeared on this battlefield. At the same time, he began to doubt Aze's purpose of letting him play.

Do you just want to see me make a fool of myself?

The confessor didn't understand, but the confessor knew that he had to run, otherwise he would be beaten half to death by the guy in front of him.

Facing this kind of opponent with its own damage-free effect, it is still unable to rely on physical fitness to crush it, and it also ignores the rules of the virtual space...

Fortunately, the guy in front of him was at full health, so he still recovered some health points. The triggering of the rules this time was not too bad.

"No, here comes Aze. This guy has a damage-free effect. I hit him to no avail!" The confessor asked for help for the second time, this time more urgently than the previous time.

If there were some thoughts of trapping and covering just now, now they just want to rescue.

I originally wanted to be clever, but I didn't expect that this silly big guy is naturally black. It looks innocent, but it turns out to be pure black when cut open.

At the same time, after the third rule was triggered, the rules in the virtual space changed.

[Remote attacks are prohibited within the space]

As the content in the prompt box popped up, An Buchen in the tank stopped firing instantly and did not dare to use those shells or the rapid-fire talisman tower.

She was not forced to block the remote ability, but she did not dare to use it at will at this moment, for fear that she would be punished in some way if she violated the rules.

This rule is displayed in the form of a prompt box, and it must have certain restrictions. However, it does not force all creatures to comply, but gives them the opportunity to violate it...

Obviously, this is because "punishment" is also part of the rules, otherwise Tangtang T1's ability would be a joke.

Thinking of this, An Buchen definitely didn't dare to use long-range attacks anymore, for fear that he would be punished for it.

However, she abided by the rules, but things were a bit miserable for Yu Liang. An Buchen was one of the few stable firepower output points. As soon as she stopped, Tank No. 225 had no threat to those sea monsters and could only be passive. Fleeing.

In this regard, An Buchen found an opportunity to stop the tank Taofu, then quickly modified the Taofu and executed the Taofu C mode.

Originally, C mode was a naval battle form, so the corresponding memory metal shell was designed into a collision form, which was a relatively primitive close physical attack.

Now that long-range attacks are blocked, if Tank Daofu wants to continue its output, it can only rely on a single impact.

However, the tank tunnel is not a pure impact. Simple sharp or blunt weapon damage has very little damage to the sea monster. After discovering this, the paper people began to heat the surface of the impact angle, burning the impact angle. Like a soldering iron.

An Buchen took this into consideration when designing the bumper, so there is a heat insulation and insulation layer between the bumper and the tank tunnel, so there is no need to worry that the bumper will in turn damage the tank tunnel.

After the tanks changed their clothes, it was the sea monsters' turn to run away. The skin was originally afraid of flames, and the hot horns could pierce the sea monster's skin in one breath, causing the sea monsters to scream and flee in all directions.

Yu Liang, on the other hand, looked at the sluggish Snake Eater and felt helpless. He had no choice but to continue to let the paper man recharge Snake Eater while delaying as much time as possible.

Long-range attacks were blocked, and strategically they could only retreat passively and wait for the rule ability to disappear.

Three rules appeared in the prompt box before. The first rule is to exchange blood volume, and the second rule is to prohibit remote attacks. If you insist on this period of time, the third rule will be triggered. Otherwise, there is no point in announcing the third rule. of.

An Buchen drove Room 225 around on the chessboard, with even more micro-manipulation of the details. At the same time, he also inflicted fatal injuries on several sea monsters. He successfully took off the skin of a sea monster in just ten seconds. causing the rapper among them to fall out.

Counting the two confessors and the Metaverse Designer who had taken the initiative to shed their skin before, there were still two sea monsters on the field at this time.

Judging from this posture, the remaining two sea monsters will soon be completely destroyed by the tank government, but this is not a clarion call for victory. On the contrary, after the rapper left the sea monster skin, An Buchen's days It's no longer easy.

The rapper has returned to noise pollution. His long-range attack method [Sound Energy Wave] is banned, but his most disgusting [Rap] ability is not.

Sound waves were his way of influencing other people's battles, but they were not considered long-range attacks. So under the influence of various middle and high school math problems, An Buchen made mistakes one after another in his operations. Some decisions even required Room 225 to judge and modify by himself. .

"Paperman, go drag the rapper into the illusion." Yu Liang found an opportunity to spread out the paperman team, hoping to take this opportunity to get rid of the rapper.

Among the Aze present, there are not many players who are suitable for being parasitized by the paper man. Rapper is one of them. Before, he had a sea monster skin on his body and the paper man could not attack him. Now he can be sent out to cause trouble.

In addition, Aze's body is protected by the source of ghost talk, his secretary is always with the body, and the shadow puppeteer is hiding in the rear. None of the three people are suitable targets.

Ten paper men jumped out while drifting in the tank to avoid the attack of the sea monster. In conjunction with An Buchen's invisibility charm, they quickly moved towards the rapper. As long as one of the paper men came around to the rapper and cast an illusion, It is basically guaranteed to destroy Aze's combat power.

The multi-front battlefield was proceeding in an orderly manner. Yan Hu directly chased the Confessor. The Confessor fought and retreated all the way. He wanted to return to Aze. He had two [Confessions] that he had not used before. It would be a huge loss if Yan Hu captured it.

With the help of the chess player, the confessor moved very slowly on the chessboard and soon approached the secretary and Aze, forming a small group of three.

However, Yan Hu still ignored them and rushed towards the faces of the three auxiliary professions with all his strength. The three Azes did not have any control skills, and the damage stamps were completely ignored. They were driven away without thinking.

Fortunately, the confessor successfully used [Confession] to refresh one of the secretary's abilities, allowing Aze's team to retain important firepower.

"Death!" Yan Hu pounced like a vicious tiger, completely leaving the confessor behind, and then kicked him out of the chessboard battlefield, officially announcing that the confessor had left the field. Looking back, he saw that the other two targets had fled away.

It seems that the role of the confessor is to distract Yan Hu and buy time for the secretary and Aze to evacuate.

So the next goal is...

Yan Hu thought for a very short time in his head. His injury-free time was only a dozen seconds, and the 55-50 Ring only had about two minutes left.

If you're in a hurry, you should be able to kill an Aze, but you definitely can't use a physical warrior, so the remaining targets are Chinese medicine practitioners or shadow puppeteers.

But these two people were too far away from him, and just rushing would waste a lot of time. The sea monster that had to pass through the center of the chessboard was not easy to deal with.

Just when Yan Hu was selecting a target, a prompt box suddenly popped up on his page.

[You have been selected as the "rook" chess piece, ready to charge, unstoppable! 】

"Successful." An Buchen in the Tank Road Mansion let out a surprised cry, but in his confusion, the Tank Road Mansion was also knocked away by the sea monster.

Of course, this damage is nothing to the armor-clad Tank Daofu.

"You can also control the chessboard?" Yu Liang was equally surprised when he heard this. He didn't expect that Aze's appearance would trigger a setting that the fairy even didn't know about.

The chessboard, the land of reversal, and the virtual space are all domain-type alienated professional abilities. They are actually very rare. Normal players can't even see them, let alone three of them at the same time.

After the domain is opened, it becomes a small world of its own, from which a steady stream of strange talk abilities overflows, which can also be intercepted and absorbed by the Taoist government.

Tank Daofu stayed in it for nearly ten minutes, and the chessboard energy incorporated gave Xiangu special abilities.

All the energy absorbed by the Taoist government must have a corresponding output method, and An Buchen has seen the output method of chessboard energy many times.

Fu chess.

Under the influence of [Dao Kecheng], An Buchen's study became twice the result with half the effort. He mastered the key in an instant and made his first chess move.

It's a pity that this time Fuqi has consumed almost all the Taoist energy collected during this period, and I don't know when the next Fuqi will be.

"Well, I gave Yan Hu a chess move, and then I can send him to the shadow puppet master." An Buchen nodded and started another operation, "There is also the energy of the reversal place and I can try to reproduce the ability of the virtual space, but these two energies are more complicated and appeared later, so there is not enough time to exist..."

"It's okay, just create some trouble for Aze." Yu Liangliang was pleasantly surprised.

This skill was something that An Buchen himself had not thought of. Domain-type professional abilities were too rare and could only be mastered by top players after they were promoted to T1.

The actual effects of field abilities are purely auxiliary. Normally, when T2 players are promoted to T1, they will subconsciously choose a more comprehensive development template instead of purely auxiliary occupations.

In online games, when changing jobs, you will naturally choose to be the best in one aspect, but this may not be the case in reality.

The reason is simple. Players often only trust themselves. To be a pure support player, you need an absolutely trustworthy team.

Except for Aze's gang, even if T2 has the possibility of acquiring domain skills when advancing, it may not actually be triggered, which makes this type of profession even more scarce.

As Lin Xiangu who barely entered the threshold of T1, she has never seen nature and normality, and An Buchen was born through her memory, and she also did not know this secret setting.

What he said now really shocked the Azes.

"What is it? You who played chess also rebelled?!" The shadow puppeteer looked at Yan Hu who suddenly appeared in front of him and was shocked. Of course he recognized the opponent.

Isn't this another color's "rook" chess piece?

The speed was really fast, and it hit my face in the blink of an eye.

"It has nothing to do with me. It's not my gift. Someone on the opposite side can steal the field!" The chess player was equally surprised. He had never seen such a thing before. "Be careful. If you can steal mine, you can steal the hypnotist and the chess player." Programmer’s.”

"Damn it, this illusion master left several mines before he left." The shadow puppet master immediately cursed, and at the same time, he pulled off the sea monster skins on the other two Azes and put them on his own body to obtain The ability to fight against Yan Hu.

There was no way, those two guys could still function without the sea monster's skin. If he didn't do this, he would have to go offline on the spot.

At this time, something unexpected and reasonable happened. The swordsman and Li Huachao, who had been wandering outside the main battlefield, decided the winner.

The swordsman pointed the tip of his sword at the "death" spot on Li Huachao's body and said coldly: "You lose."

Li Huachao was silent for a while, and finally could only put the knife in his hand back into the inventory, and said helplessly: "Come back next time."

"Okay." The swordsman's answer was very simple. At the same time, he activated the ability of the rook and quickly rushed to the middle position of the chessboard.

He did win, but it was not him who won, but the "Azes".

Without the exchange status of the Metaverse Designer, the outcome of the battle between him and Li Huachao is still unknown.

However, without if, Aze's team is stronger. The big boosting elixir and status exchange at the critical moment helped him stabilize the situation and win the hunter in one fell swoop.

After getting rid of Li Huachao, the swordsman did not go directly to the next target, but came to the secretary's side.

"Decided? Give me the status?" the swordsman asked.

Under normal circumstances, the buff effect brings the greatest benefits to soldiers, because soldiers have stronger tankiness and control-free capabilities.

"Well, you were fighting just now and didn't notice the news from the soldier. He lost, lost to the gambler." The secretary simply explained the situation on the other side, and then activated the skill, "After the new gambler You must clean up the battlefield here before coming here."

New gambler?

What's the meaning?

And why does the secretary look like he's facing a powerful enemy? What happened on the battlefield over there with the soldiers?


Will the squad leader who is considered above average in T1 lose to the gambler in T2?

"Okay." The swordsman's answer was still brief. He suppressed the doubts in his heart and focused on the current battle.

Due to the [Confession] made by the Confessor before he was eliminated, the secretary's abilities were refreshed.

[First Assist]: Choose a target as your assistance object, limited to one copy per round.

The core ability of a secretary is assistance, and it is even more extreme assistance.

He almost only enhances one person, but the magnitude of the enhancement is terrifying.

[Assist]: The buff status released by you can only take effect on the assist object, and the effect is +100%. Each buff will bring an additional 5% health recovery.

At the same time, the secretary began to increase the number of swordsmen.

[Agent]: After you complete the selection of first aid, your stamp field and character field will be replaced by the stamp field and character field of the first aid object (you can use it, and the cooling, consumption and limit will be calculated uniformly.)

Under the influence of this ability, the secretary's stamp column and character column are replaced by the swordsman's, and two people can use double stamps.

At the same time, the swordsman's character column was unlocked, but the secretary who acted as agent bypassed the lock and gained permission to use characters.

The characters of the enhanced series ① are all applied to the swordsman in an instant, and the effects are doubled, and the buff stamps take effect at the same time.

[Combat Body]: Select a character, and within the next 5 minutes, the character's overall physique will be +2, which will be changed to "+1" after five minutes.

[Fighting Without End]: Select a character to apply the war song buff, and gain strength and speed in the next ten minutes. The gain effect will be slightly increased every minute.

The four attributes of strength, speed, defense, and resistance are increased by 100%, 50%, 100%, and 40% respectively, as well as the gain effect of the stamp, which makes the swordsman's current panel reach a terrifying value.

This is something that is often talked about in Azze’s team.

As long as they have one knife left, a field control master, and the assistant ability of their secretary, they will have the ability to push the team!


Gradient: T2

[First Assist]: Choose a target as your assistance object, limited to one copy per round.

[Crisis Sensing]: When there is a crisis targeting your auxiliary object, you will get the sensing, and the overall constitution will be +2 until the crisis is resolved.

[Agent]: After you complete the selection of first aid, your stamp field and character field will be replaced by the stamp field and character field of the first aid object (you can use it, and the cooling, consumption and limit will be calculated uniformly.)

[Assist]: The buff status released by you can only take effect on the assist object, and the effect is +100%. Each buff will bring an additional 5% health recovery.

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