The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 505 It’s so bad, I’ve become the boss

The first round of confrontation ended with both sides having their own results.

The swordsman directly eliminated Li Geng in the writer's camp. At the same time, he was deeply surrounded by the enemy's formation and found it difficult to escape for a while.

Yu Liang felt regretful about Li Geng's premature end, but not much.

There is no "height" in this two-dimensional country. Li Geng's aerial bombing tactics cannot be effective, and it is acceptable to withdraw early.

Originally, the temporarily opened character bar could still cause some terrain interference to the opponent, but unfortunately, Li Geng's battle was over.

Out of a reciprocal exchange, Thunder Snake's riot in the enemy camp also took away two of Aze's personality clones. However, from this point of view, Yu Liang's consumption must be greater.

The fortune-keeper has used half of his [Strong Yi] and [Liyu] combos. Half of the clones in the opposite camp have already triggered the combos and will not be controlled again in a short time.

"Let the Snake-Eater retreat, and we will take down the Swordsman in one go." Li Huachao said to Yu Liang, then followed the steps of the other whistle beasts and put a hunting mark on the Swordsman.

The whistle beasts around him may be regarded as the hunter's hounds. At this moment, the hunter turned on the hunting mode towards the swordsman.

Now, the name of the chess piece on the swordsman is "Rook", so he just rushed over at super high speed, and even the money-keeper could not stop him from attacking Li Geng.

As for the car...

Li Huachao's brain began to think. When he heard the math questions, his mind would not respond at all, but when it came to fighting, he immediately had his own ideas.

First of all, you need to pay attention to letting the whistle beasts surround it and block the swordsman's retreat, so that the swordsman cannot evacuate the battlefield at any time.

If you want to leave, you must attack the whistle beast first and step over it.

Another method is to switch the swordsman to a hostile "cannon" as before, so that the whistle beast can be used as a springboard back to the camp.

It's not difficult to solve this problem. You just need to let two consecutive whistle beasts block the "cannon"'s retreat.

Cannon can only use one whistle beast as a springboard. If there are two in a row, the swordsman cannot jump back.

This is a method that Li Huachao studied after returning to reality after his last defeat and by understanding the rules of chess.

The opponent Swordsman was already studying hunting methods when he was still in T2.

Today's hunters have become T1s and have the real possibility of hunting.

Li Huachao stepped forward and waved his hand. Hunting marks also appeared on the surrounding whistle beasts. Through the hunting marks of different markings, he could hunt more accurately.

The fighting skills of hunters are very simple, at least Li Huachao has already given the answer in his heart.

Replace the injury.

He did not intend to compete with the swordsman in combat skills, because he knew that he would definitely not be able to compete.

How dare a hunter compete with a swordsman who specializes in using cold weapons?

Only by suppressing the attack speed according to the rules can it be possible to subdue the swordsman and give the swordsman a heavy blow.

[Hunting Mark] will be triggered after a heavy hit. The damage from this heavy hit cannot be healed, and will reoccur every time, causing multiple damage.

Succeed with one blow and then wait silently for the prey to die. This is the hunter's fighting style.

In fact, Li Huachao did this, but there were some episodes during the battle.

The time came to two minutes.

Two sleepers appeared.

The first one was the confused Lu Baoshen, and the second one was the Thunder Snake Eater who had completed a double kill and was in a state of decline.

But now, the illusionist uses [disadvantages] to select himself as the third "sleeper" and opens the place of reversal.

Surging energy poured out from his body and solidified into a materialized field in an instant, covering the entire chessboard.

"Then, let me begin." The Dream Sleeper chuckled. He still stayed in the middle position of the chess, but his whole temperament was completely different from just now.

It becomes no longer lazy, but a dreamlike and mysterious feeling, which is elusive.

[The place of reversal takes effect]

[The enemy and friendly targets of long-range attacks are reversed. 】

【Have fun~】

"Do you need me to open a field too?" The designer of the Metaverse who had just recovered some strength asked.

The chess player's chessboard, the dream sleeper's place of reversal and his metaverse virtual space are three realms. The rules of the three realms will collide, but under the clever control of the three, they will bring great consequences to any enemy. Come for an extremely rare combat experience.

"No, just wait a little longer until I drag them all into the place of reversal." The illusionist said lightly, "Just be your 'sage'."

The chess piece given to the designer of the metaverse is the "swordsman", whose ability is to provide the main general with a large amount of defense and come with taunting.

Before the warrior dies, all long-range attacks will be resisted by the warrior.

Therefore, the phantom sleeper did not suffer any damage from the thunder just now, and all the damage was borne by the "shi".

The Metaverse Designer's resistance was higher, and it wasn't too serious. The other "scholar" folklorist was directly eliminated.

Just as Aze's various professions frightened Yu Liang, Yu Liang's outburst also made Aze feel extremely pressured.

Even T1 professional players cannot ignore the damage caused by these three waves of thunder. It can be said that this burst of just one or two minutes can wipe out almost any player group, and even Aze can't take advantage of it.

Every stamp column that Aze used to save his life was consumed. Only the key stamps that were not intended to be used here were saved, and then he was forced out.

Such as blacksmiths, such as folklorists.

Relying on the +2 physical properties of all the own chess pieces brought by the chess piece "check", the casualties on Aze's side were actually not too great.

Thanks to An Buchen's early artillery bombardment, he was the first to break through the damage-free shield.

"Is the other side planning to trap the swordsman to death?" On the other side, the shadow puppet master took out the skin bag he had just made in the past two days, hoping to properly use the power of some shadow puppets.

Now, anyone with a discerning eye can see what Yu Liang wants to do, but the Azes are not panicked at all, and some of them even look like they are watching the fun.

It would actually be quite interesting to see the swordsman deflated.

Witnessing the swordsman's defeat with your own eyes is much more interesting than defeating the writer. What if you see the swordsman breaking the defense and scolding someone for not supporting them...

That would be more interesting.

"Push the squad leader up." Aze's body thought about it carefully and decided that it would be better to go up and provide support.

Although he actually wanted to see the swordsman defeat CG, he really hadn't seen it since the swordsman was born.

How about trying to become a swordsman?

There are three swords and three field control masters in his personality clone. As long as any sword plus a field control master are still there, he has the ability to push the team. In this case, he can really waste one. Have fun.

Forget it, the main thing is sincerity, and the strength of the writer can only be seen through pressure.

"Squad leader, go up, and the others put on the leather bags and press forward to put some pressure on the writer and give the hypnotist some preparation time." Aze confirmed the plan and reached out to take the skin bag handed over by the shadow puppeteer.

The shadow puppeteer has the ability to paint skin, and it is not difficult to explain the details of the ability.

The made skin will randomly come with a native ability, but the effect may not be exactly the same, and it is also related to the quality of the material and other factors.

Secondly, the shadow puppeteer can sew up to three skins together. The new skin will retain the abilities of the three old skins, but will lose one ability every five minutes after use until it completely loses effect after fifteen minutes.

The last ability is that the creature wearing the skin will gain the abilities attached to the skin, but will be controlled by the shadow puppeteer, and its mobility will be reduced by 50%.

Originally, the shadow puppeteer had some high-quality holsters stored in his inventory, but now he has no unlocked inventory, so he can't use them. He can only make do with some holsters made in this instance.

It just so happened that Flatland High School had a fine tradition of making graphic specimens, including some specimens of ocean monsters.

After taking complete control of Lingcheng, these specimens fell into Aze's hands and were transformed into usable skins by the shadow puppet master.

Each skin comes with a certain sea monster ability, and Aze is too lazy to save it. This two-dimensional skin cannot be brought back to the three-dimensional world for use, so he might as well use it to make a living.

It's not enough to turn the tide of the battle, but it can still cause some trouble for the writer. After all, the three waves of lightning strikes just now still made Aze slightly a little annoyed.

On the other hand, Aze wants to obtain Yu Liang's script.

Being so far apart, his script ability cannot be used, and the next step is to have close combat to be interesting.

The Dream Sleeper immediately turned on [True God] after setting himself as a sleeper, and modified the spread range of [Sealing Sleep] to the limit value of 15.

Next, 15 creatures will become sleepers every minute. In just a few minutes, all creatures on the board will be pulled into the land of reversal.

And now what Aze wants to do is...

Delay the time appropriately.

"Can I turn into a sea monster? I've wanted to try it for a long time." The rapper looked very excited. He is not a physical warrior, but he has a violent heart and has long wanted to rush up and beat people up. Yes, it’s just limited by the actual situation and there is no chance.

The sea monster skin can barely give him a physical fitness similar to that of a physical warrior. It would be fun to use it to vent and make a fuss.

Looking at the other clones, they all looked eager to try, so the shadow puppeteer did not hesitate to distribute the sea monster skin bags he originally wanted to collect, and distributed them one by one.

Anyway, after putting on the skin, he can also participate in the control of the sea monster skin, which is equivalent to playing seven or eight sea monsters by himself...

Not a loss at all.

"Wait a minute, I'll give you a big tonic pill." On the other side, the Chinese medicine doctor synthesized nutrients made from five textures into a big tonic pill and gave it to the soldier Aze. "It's better to give it to the swordsman or take it yourself. Look at it." manage."

[Wonderful Rejuvenation]: Only once a week, you can combine five nutrients into a large tonic elixir. The benefits of the nutrients will be doubled, the duration will be doubled, and 50% of your health will be restored immediately.

The big tonic elixir, which is limited to once a week, can be regarded as a full-power buff. With the skills of the Confessor, it can also be made and taken continuously, and the effect is terrifying.

As for why the big tonic pill was made, of course it was because Chinese medicine saw that the swordsman who was deeply trapped in the enemy's formation was completely at a disadvantage.

It's okay to let him deal with one Li Huachao alone, but with Li Huachao plus so many whistle beasts and other created characters...

In just three or two seconds, the swordsman had a lot of scars on his body.

If they attack at the same time, they will be hit first by the hunter's dagger.

In the third round of the fight, the swordsman understood this matter, and at the same time he also understood that this was not a technical defeat, but the hunter's ability to rule.

"I will use my ability next, be careful." The swordsman just reminded him quietly. He did not have any dissatisfaction with Li Huachao's siege, as if he was born to be besieged.

On the contrary, he would remind Li Huachao before using the skill because he was really worried about killing the opponent.

This is not an exaggeration, it is a fact.

[Shed]: The same target is limited to once every three minutes. When your attack hits a target, five "Shed" points will appear on the target. Within the next eight attacks, if you hit all "Shed" points If you click, the next slash will hit.

In addition, the [Living] skill allows him to see the "death" point on the target. After his slash hits the death point, the target has a chance to die.

Use [She] to make a slash that is sure to hit with the next hit, and then attack the "death" point, which can basically complete most of the beheading missions.

After all, the swordsman had hit the opponent's body five times before this. Facing his inevitable blow in this injured state, the "death point" of a normal creature could not withstand it at all.

Moreover, this kind of instant death effect cannot be avoided by things like injury-free shields, and the resistance effects of some stamps are also invalid.

After [giving up], death comes as scheduled and never fails.

Even a T1-level coach would not dare to let him hit all the points. After the fourth hit, he would quickly run away and avoid the battle until the point was reached and disappear automatically.

This is also the point where the swordsman is helpless. He has the ability to kill the coach, but other than that, he has nothing else. The opponent's overall physical fitness far exceeds his, and he cannot use it at all.

And now, his physical fitness is better than that of the hunter in front of him, which makes him have a...

Interesting psychology.

I play a lot of games against the wind, but occasionally playing against the wind is quite interesting.

The swordsman's basic value is +12, plus the +2 brought by the chess pieces, it has reached 14, far more than the hunter.

Li Huachao also knew this, so his choice was...

Stealing heads.

Whenever the swordsman subconsciously kept his hand when dealing with the whistle beast, Li Huachao would go up and hit the target happily, and then get the buff of "all constitution +1".

After all, he had also given hunting marks to these whistle beasts before this.

The swordsman noticed this. Originally, he did not kill the whistle beast because he had no intention of killing. Now he suddenly discovered that Li Huachao was also killing the whistle beast. Naturally, he knew that the whistle beast's life was not important.


Li Huachao also received a buff after taking action, which made the swordsman no longer hold back, and cleared away most of the whistle beasts in just a few dozen seconds.

Later, the swordsman and Li Huachao had a fight because of this. One side didn't want the opponent to gain bonuses, and the other side didn't want the opponent to succeed, so they tried their best to grab heads...

The final result is——

Hua Chao Bu Cai grabbed five heads and received a +5 bonus to his overall physical fitness. His physical fitness at an intuitive level was finally on par with a swordsman.

It's just that the way the two of them cleaned up the mobs made the Whistle Beast mother who was far away a little confused.

I couldn't understand it for a hundred times, and it wasn't until I became the polished commander that I vaguely understood it.


It’s broken, I’ve become the BOSS.

【Shadow Puppet Artist】

Gradient: T2

[Skin Painting Technique]: You can make a creature with "skin" into a skin bag, and the skin bag will be randomly attached with an ability of the creature (the strength of the ability is related to the leather-making technology and the quality of the material).

[Skin Suture]: You can sew up to three skin bags together. This skin bag will retain three abilities at the same time, but one ability will be randomly lost every five minutes after use.

[Skin Control]: The creature wearing the skin will gain the abilities attached to the skin, but will be under your control, and its mobility will be reduced by 50%.

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