The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 503 Suppression of academic qualifications from rappers

On February 14, 543 AD, the April 3rd Revolution broke out. Triangular soldiers from Lingcheng had a large-scale conflict with troops representing the polygonal ruling class outside the Hexagonal City, resulting in numerous casualties.

And the ruler of Lingcheng, the elder "Yuan A12.JPG" who was the initiator of all this, disappeared. This did bring some confusion to the soldiers in Lingcheng, but unexpectedly, they were quickly replaced by soldiers in the triangle. He defeated the elder Yuan Yuan, took over the command of the army, and began to attack the Hexagonal City.

This was not beyond Aze's expectation. After all, he had spent a lot of time educating these figures before, so it was reasonable for such a result to occur.

What's more, the triangles have been suppressing their anger for hundreds of years. Aze just opened a crack for them, and the flood inside poured out, and it was already out of control.

This revolution will not stop because of the disappearance of a certain leader. No, any revolution will not stop because of the disappearance of a leader, because it was not started because of anyone's willful behavior.

The civilization of two-dimensional biological figures may continue forever, but the dynasty of Flatland will certainly not. The first so-called revolution has already occurred, and the dream that the government has spent hundreds of years weaving can no longer trap those triangles and irregular shapes. , so the next decline and a new round of prosperity are about to begin.

What makes Aze a little concerned is that he wants to know what the future of Flatland will look like.

Did the triangles swagger into the circular palace, openly carve up the fruits of the revolution, and sit on the new throne? Or did all the graphics appear together in every corner of the government, allowing the triangles to achieve success in a more subtle and less detectable way? What about interests?

If it is the latter, it can be regarded as a kind of progress of the times, and it will not fall directly into the long cycle of reincarnation.

Aze's thoughts started running wildly, while the twelve personality clones around him looked at each other, looking at his appearance, wondering what the next plan would be.

That's right, they just learned that Aze wanted to have a wonderful duel with the writer, but there was no other notification.

There are even a few personality clones who have just learned about this matter, such as the blacksmith and the Chinese medicine doctor.


Going to fight?

Even I want to go?

That's probably it.

Anyway, just like that, a group of thirteen people broke through the city gate directly from the front and broke into the hexagonal city in front of the gate guards.

The lights at the city gate were brightly lit, and the graphic guards shouted at the top of their lungs, but they still could not stop the pace of these thirteen people. They rode Juechen, blasted open the city gate, and entered the Hexagonal City. Under the leadership of Aze, they randomly selected Rush in one direction.

Aze thought a lot about this battle, but in the end he completely gave up on preparing in advance and planned to adapt to circumstances.

On the one hand, the lineup that has been built with so many years of hard work actually does not have many shortcomings; on the other hand, he does not care about winning or losing.

The outcome of this battle has nothing to do with life or death, so he just needs to have fun. It just so happens that he also wants to see what will happen if he gives the initiative to the opponent.

If it were just a wave of guns and artillery raids after an ambush...

Then he will be a little disappointed.


"Aze has entered the city and is heading to the southeast. If we rush there now, we can attack from behind." Li Geng saw Aze's movements through the Eye of God.

It's night now, and his God's Eye can't actually see much inside the Hexagonal City, but the bright lights at the city gate can still illuminate a large area, so he can see the movements of these thirteen people.

"Is it just like this? It always feels like they have prepared some trick." Yu Liang was a little surprised that Aze's whereabouts were revealed. He looked at Lu Baoshen beside him and gave up asking Lu Baoshen to use the hook. Test the gun.

Using the positioning of the hook gun, it is easy to know whether Aze is real or fake in this line, but it is also easy to waste this precious opportunity.

The grapple can only be used once an hour, and the victory is likely to be decided before the cooldown ends.

As a skill that can play a key role on the battlefield, the hook gun cannot be used so early.

And Yu Liang also thought about hooking the phantom master or chess player before the official battle started, and beating the opponent violently to reduce the opponent's number, but thinking about it carefully, this was not possible.

Aze obtained the source of the ghost story, and also obtained the means to counter the hook gun. In this case, using the hook gun only resulted in Aze's easy resolution, which is meaningless.

Only when the battle situation becomes anxious and Aze has no time to defuse the hook gun, can the hook gun be truly useful.

"Let's go and check out the situation." Yu Liang immediately called out all the other characters in his universe, and then rushed in that direction with the weird creatures in the universe.

He wanted to see what Aze was up to. If the other party didn't have any conspiracy and just wanted to have an upright fight, then he wouldn't do any extra tricks before the battle started.

So fifteen minutes after Aze entered the Hexagonal City, the two parties met on a street that was under martial law due to war.

There was no ambush counter-ambush or trap counter-trap as Yu Liang had expected. Aze seemed to disdain using any conspiracy in this battle and just stood fifty meters away and greeted Yu Liang.

"Yeah, it's faster than I thought. I thought I would encounter some kind of ambush." ​​Aze's hearty voice came from the opposite side. Just listening to the voice, you would definitely think that he is a sunny and cheerful boy.

"If an ambush works, you can't hang around with the reputation of a 'born actor' for so long." Yu Liang also smiled cheerfully, and eighteen whistle beasts immediately appeared around him.

"That's right." Aze seemed to think that the term "born actor" was a bit funny when Yu Liang said it, so he laughed twice and then started the countdown, "5, 4, 3, 2, 1."

Meet for five seconds and start fighting.

In just an instant, another group of ghost brides and ghost grooms from the wedding company appeared around Yu Liang, but the money-keeping ghosts did not appear with them.

He used Money Guard when he first came up, but he was still a little worried that this guy would be killed instantly.

For example, some special skills, such as trapping the fortune-teller in a special space.

It’s not bad to watch the battle in the universe now. Anyway, just come out and release a wave of [Liyu] when the time comes. Of course, the "Chaos", which belongs to the money-keeping ghost, must be used at the most appropriate time.

In addition, some more powerful monsters were not released, such as the Thunder Snake and the Grass Infant Mecha.

The former is because it needs to be used at a critical moment, and the latter is because of a worried conscience.

This Cao Ying mecha cannot be broken by Aze. The scientists at Cao Ying Farm are currently studying flesh and blood technology, but they have not yet touched on such advanced parts. If they are really broken, it will probably be difficult to repair.

Anyway, get married before fighting. This is the guiding principle of Yu Liang's combat system.

It's a good thing to be able to form a knot. It will directly give the money-keeper one more opportunity to control [Liyu], and if it doesn't, it won't be a loss at all. It can be regarded as a free attack opportunity.

Aze's side also quickly formed a formation, and they were also experienced in this kind of group battle.

As a well-known T1 actor in the dungeon, other players would never challenge him in a one-on-one fight when they had conflicts with him. They would basically call a bunch of people to surround him.

Of course, it is difficult to say whether it is a siege or not. After all, not every player can call out a team of thirteen people including several T1s and several T2s.

The chess player stood on the side of the street, extending his hand to activate a unique field ability.

[Foregone conclusion]: Divide a 50m*50m range, which is a chessboard. The ability can only be activated when the chess pieces are on the chessboard.

This is the most basic ability of a chess player. After completing the [final game], he can start assigning chess pieces to each chess piece.

[Assign Chess]: You can set another friendly unit as a "chess piece", and the unit will obtain the corresponding chess piece skills (chess piece skills have a cooling time). Each friendly unit can only change its name once per day, and the number of corresponding chess pieces cannot be exceeded.

On the chess board, there are a total of seven types of chess pieces, each with different abilities. When they are gathered together, the auxiliary effect they can provide is very powerful.

Without any hesitation, the chess player immediately assigned the "check" to the "Phantom Sleeper", making it sit in the center of the chessboard and become the core of the core.

The hypnotist was also unceremonious and immediately stood relaxed and stopped performing any operations.

As an illusion master, he really only needs to stay motionless in the middle palace before the large-scale illusion [Place of Reversal] is activated.

After finishing the chess game, the Phantom Sleeper is next, and the swordsman who is the absolute core of tactics should be next. At this time, the chess players encountered some problems.

The double heavy crossbows from the hunter fired in unison, heading directly towards the chess player.

Now Li Huachao is in a state of separation. He and Hua Niang are using the heavy crossbows brought by the flesh and blood planet to conduct remote harassment.

Facing any player, these two heavy crossbows can bring fatal threats, but when facing Aze's team, they are just harassment.

"Steamed buns, don't you want to play chess?" The chess game was interrupted, and the rapper immediately sent his own greeting, "Can you play?"

The swordsman stepped forward and cut off the arrows of the two heavy crossbows with a simple swing of his sword.

"There is harassment, but it doesn't matter, the swordsman is here." The chess player did not have any anger or urgency, and played chess for the swordsman who was within easy reach.

Rook: Unstoppable on the board, but can be intercepted by dead objects.

Afterwards, he quickly assigned chess pieces to the remaining people, including "soldiers", "bishops", "horses", "cannons" and the indomitable little "soldiers".

On the other side, Room 225 controlled by An Buchen also began to move, using biological cannons to test-fire some localized "cannonballs" in the two-dimensional world.

Strictly speaking, those things cannot be called artillery shells. They can only be regarded as some kind of earthen ammunition or iron ammunition, which are fired flatly through biological cannons to attack those targets.

Essentially, this is no different from a sling, so it's not a violation.

The scattered clods of soil hitting the personality clones did not cause much damage, but an effect was triggered by chance.

[Giving Chess·General]: Centered in the middle palace, mobility -99%, all own chess pieces on the board have +2 physical properties, and gain a damage-free shield every five minutes (can be refreshed, cannot be superimposed).

After the Illusionist becomes a "general", special shields appear on the clones of these chess pieces. These shields will be able to avoid damage once and refresh every five minutes.

It can be said that with the presence of "general", this effect can continue to disgust every opponent.

However, the first wave of damage-proof shields disappeared one after another under An Buchen's bombardment. They were indeed immune to damage, but even small attacks would trigger them.

Of course, this kind of coincidence may also be attributed to Lu Bao's height and luck, but neither party present knew it.

"Okay, you like remote harassment, right? Let me do it." When it comes to harassment, the rapper immediately gets excited, but he is better at another kind of harassment.

Breathe in, breathe out——

"Suppose the function f(x)=e/2x+lnx (x\u003e0), find the monotonic interval of f(x)." A question popped out of the rapper's throat in a rap style, and his voice was not too loud. , but still let all creatures present hear it clearly.

"Huh?" This sudden math problem stunned everyone on Yu Liang's side, and everyone on their side had different reactions.

Li Huachao and Hua Niang were not affected at all, while Lu Baoshen seemed a little confused, but he had nothing to do with him now, so he was affected more because of his curiosity.

An Buchen frowned, and the speed of operating room 225 slowed down a bit. As for Li Geng...

"f'(x)=-e/2x square+1/x=2x-e/2x square...the monotonically increasing interval is from e/2 to positive infinity, and the decreasing interval is from zero to half e." Li Geng said He gave the answer directly like a demon, and then cursed in an extremely rare way, "Damn, my brain automatically calculated and gave the answer."

"Huh?" When Yu Liang heard this question, the question itself appeared in his mind, and his brain tried to solve the problem, but after being down for less than a second, he returned to normal and could throw the question out. mind.

This is……

Forced to think about the questions that guy asked?

And looking at the appearance of the characters he created, Li Huachao Hua Niang and Lu Baoshen were not affected at all, An Buchen was slightly affected, and Li Geng forced himself to think about the answers to the questions.

Fortunately, it was easy to solve this kind of problem at Li Geng's level, so he gave the correct answer in just one second.

Why are you testing your academic qualifications?

Whose skills are so disgusting on the opposite side?

I also want to check your academic qualifications!

Yu Liang felt angry about being played, not because his ability was too disgusting, but because he found that he seemed to be put in the same league as Li Huachao and Lu Baoshen on this issue...

So it’s been so long since I graduated from high school that it’s normal that I can’t do this kind of math problem, right?

"Ah, it seems that not many people can solve this question. It seems that the difficulty of the question needs to be lowered." The rapper used a simple high school mathematics answer to test the academic qualifications of the opponent, and immediately decided to lower the difficulty some more. , otherwise his abilities will not be maximized.

[Rap]: You can narrate one thing in a very short period of time in the form of rap. Any creature within the range of your voice will hear every word clearly and be forced to prioritize analysis and thinking about what you are narrating. .

Through rapping, he can quickly output information and force the other party to accept it, analyzing and thinking about it first.

Before that, the rapper's original body had normal abilities, but after being created by Aze, the rapper's personality avatar underwent a qualitative change.

A rapper started studying.

Yes, I still studied mathematics.

As he weaves math problems into rap songs, every hostile player is finally reminded of the fear of being dominated by math.

Mathematics questions, forcing thinking.

Pressure comparable to the college entrance examination fell on every player in an instant.

The only troublesome thing is that the educational background of the enemy players is different. Not everyone will respond to the math questions. For example, some guys with too low academic qualifications will not understand it at all, so they will not think about it.

Well, some guys gave up thinking...

Therefore, the rapper will gradually reduce the difficulty of the math questions based on the situation on the other side, find the math questions with the greatest impact, and then chant repeatedly to force the players to think.

This is the most terrifying harassment attack on the battlefield.

Just like Aze said to him, when a rapper learns mathematics, he is a god among gods!

Nothing goes wrong!

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