The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 501 The disgusting alienated professional hypnotist

Chapter 501 The Disgusting Alien Profession—The Illusionist

This duel will definitely win!

When Yu Liang encounters difficulties, the first thing he thinks of is the masked man. This can be regarded as a special kind of dependence.

Although he didn't know what was needed specifically, Yu Liang decided to complete the side mission.

"Shougui, what is the value of your wealth now?" Yu Liang asked the mistress next to him.

"85914." The money-keeping ghost reported the exact value, and then continued, "Some time ago, the growth of this wealth value became very slow. It should be that the straw babies at the masked man's shop have been sold out and have been out of stock. "

"Is that so? Then he needs the grass babies I supply even more now." Yu Liang laughed and became more confident about taking the back door. Then he gave Li Geng an order, "Help me take a look. Is there any suitable place in this Hexagonal City to place the Masked Man’s grocery store?”

"Grocery store? Aren't you going to put it on the sea? There doesn't seem to be anything special about Hexagonal City? It doesn't suit the boss's taste." Li Geng was a little surprised.

"No, no, no." Yu Liang shook his head, "The Hexagonal City is the flashpoint of the conflict between the old and new forces. It may be the place where the new ruling class will thrive in the future. No matter how bad it is, it will also be an important ancient battlefield site thousands of years later. It is a It’s a great area to open a store.”

He started to make nonsense. Regardless of whether Li Geng believed it or not, he believed it anyway.

It is already night, which is when the desire to spend money is strongest. When this impulse is born, it will spread quickly and become extremely difficult to restrain.

Therefore, as it approached early morning, Yu Liang found a store location that barely met the requirements of the masked man.

This is a semi-permanent prison in the Hexagonal City. It covers a huge area and is like a maze. It is very easy to get lost without a guiding figure.

Yu Liang wanted to set up the store in a remote corner of the semi-permanent prison, and used the power and money of the Octagon to buy a navigation guide to lead the way.

If a paper man finds this place in the future and asks to go to the masked man's grocery store, he only needs to pay him some reward.

This is to generate income for the graphics that lead the way, so the other party has no reason to refuse.

After selecting the address, Yu Liang began to fill in the site selection requirements and some suggestions, and then sent these things to the masked man.

Out of a polite mentality, Yu Liang's wording in this letter was very polite, such as "I'm sorry, don't hold me back", "Cao Ying is out of stock, I still have goods here", "People here are stupid for money" If you want more, come quickly." "If you have a big order, I'll give you a commission."

About an hour later, Yu Liang saw a grocery store suddenly popping up in the painting prison as he wished.

As soon as the grocery store appeared in front of him, the masked man who looked like a paper man walked out of the door. He looked around, and then quietly greeted Yu Liang to enter the store, looking mysterious.

"What's wrong? What's wrong?" Yu Liang walked into the store and immediately found that he had returned to the three-dimensional state. It seemed that the masked man's store would not be affected by the dungeon rules.

The masked man rolled his eyes at him and said angrily: "Can you choose a better place next time? This kind of thing can only happen once at most."

"Oh, do you want Cao Ying?" Yu Liang said with a smile, and then immediately started wandering around the store again, as if he had grasped the masked man.

"Yes." The masked man answered without hesitation.

The two went to the warehouse and handed over five to six hundred young grass babies.

With the help of adventurers, Yu Liang's grass infant production has been greatly increased. Now he can bring hundreds of them every time he enters a dungeon. This is the result of Yu Liang temporarily reducing the production of grass infants in order to expand the scale of the grass infants in the future.

"However, the grass babies in the pioneer book cannot be synchronized with the stores in other places, so if you want to sell them, you have to complete this copy. When it is completed, you can start selling it." The masked man reminded this point He's said it before.

In the pioneer version, it is the local area network, but in the official copy, it is the Internet.

"It's okay, it's almost over. I just did this because I didn't have time to find a store location." Yu Liang waved his hand, turned around and asked, "Are there any special props in the pioneer book? For example, something to temporarily unlock the four columns. "

"Yes, one stamp for one." The masked man immediately began to quote, "Limited to twenty minutes, a life-saving tool for pioneer players."

"It's quite expensive." Yu Liang felt a little pain in his body. This was only a 20-minute burst, and it was only used in the pioneering book.

He looked through his stamp column and found two stamps that were now useless.

[The one who detects sin] and [The brave one].

"Exchange two. Can't you exchange it for other things? I have quite a lot of characters." Yu Liang looked at the money-keeping ghost beside him.

"Stamps are hard currency. As for characters, I will indeed collect them when players are still novices. After all, every novice player who survives can bring me two or three businesses." The masked man explained.

"I'm a novice. I've only gone through six dungeons, and this is the seventh one. Why am I not a novice? Now in the game, players who have played seven ranked games are only in the silver rank at most, right?" Yu Liang said plausibly.

"Come on." The masked man said speechlessly, "Didn't you always let other players exchange stamps for items and then exchange them for Cao Ying coins with you? Why don't you do it this time?"

"Those players..."

Yu Liang scratched his head and did not continue.

These players are all locked up in the painting prison, and this time they have offended most of the players. Will those guys still support him?

It's hard to say.

Or give it a try?

He did take away the wealth of these players, but the player's stamp bar is still there!

It’s not like we can’t trade anymore.

Big deal...

Give them some Cao Ying coins.

Maybe they still made a profit.

Yu Liang made a plan in his mind to exchange the characters and supernatural items of the players into Cao Ying coins and then return them to them. This was really kind.

Well, implement the first policy of the grass baby market——

Characters and spiritual objects are linked to Cao Ying coins.

Of course, Cao Ying Coin has not yet opened international services, so if you want to spend it, you can only buy Cao Ying Blind Box.


You said that your country's server does not have a monster column, so you can't take the grass baby with you?

Then leave it at the grocery store and pick it up later.

"Then I will bring the players here now?" Yu Liang immediately walked out of the store, went back to get his portable painting prison, and wanted to find the players scattered throughout the Hexagonal City.

"Let's give it a day. The store has just opened and there are still some functions that are not perfect. And I'm worried that someone will find out about the relationship between you and me. If too many people complain, it will be a bit troublesome." The masked man declined politely. .

"Okay." Yu Liang did not refuse. If the player discovers the intrigue between him and the masked man...

Judging from the attitude of these players towards him in this dungeon, they will definitely complain one after another, and it will be really difficult to deal with it.

The masked man cannot be dismissed. This guy has become a close friend of Yu Liang. The two of them have too many unexplained interests.

Yu Liang walked around and wrote down a few more useful props, planning to recommend other players to redeem them in the future, and then left here.

The props in this temporary branch were basically disposable, and he didn't want to waste too many stamps on Aze.

What a loss.

Two unblocking coupons, one was given to Lu Baoshen and the other was given to Li Geng, for the two of them to use at critical moments.

A battle with Aze will consume two stamps. This is enough to hurt Yu Liang, but he will definitely choose to use it.

No reason, just want to defeat the opponent in an upright manner.

He believed that this battle was of great significance to the characters of both sides.

Evenly matched battles and fair victories play an important role in a character's morale.

It is often a precursor to gradient promotion.

Yu Liang knew that these characters in his universe were restricted by rules and could not be promoted, but didn't Li Huachao become a root hunter?

A character like him who has two...

Isn't there another one in the universe?


Early morning.

"Okay, have your abilities been refreshed?"

Just after midnight, Yu Liang found the prophet Yan Hu.

"Well, which Aze do you want to see this time?" The prophet naturally knew what Yu Liang wanted to do.

"Recite the other twelve Azes." Yu Liang planned to start with the professional names. Speaking of which, he still didn't know who the twelve Azes were.

"Confessor, blacksmith, system designer of the metaverse, rapper, secretary, soldier, swordsman, chess player, shadow puppeteer, dream sleeper, folklorist, Chinese medicine practitioner." Yan Hu finished the report as if he was announcing the name of a dish. .

"Yeah." Yu Liang nodded, then looked at the other characters.

Li Geng and An Buchen are both here. The choice this time is very important. The information obtained in advance may become the key point to reverse the situation of the war.

"Currently, the four people with the most mysterious abilities are the metaverse designer, the hypnotist, the rapper, and the folklorist. We know almost nothing about these four," Li Geng said.

"Then choose one from these four?" Yu Liang made a decision.

According to the democratic centralism in the writer's universe, "The Dreamer" passed the resolution with a huge advantage of four votes.

There is no other reason. This ability sounds extremely fashionable, and it has a subtle difference in name from the hypnotist.

This shows that the Dream Master is probably a T1 alienation professional with special mutations, and his ability strength is probably at the level of a Root Hunter.

He is not a physical warrior, but a special profession, so he needs to be more careful.

"Hey, are you really not going to look at the Swordsman's panel anymore? That's the Swordsman. It's the strongest knife in Aze's hand. If you don't look at it, what will you do if you get beaten to death..." Li Huachao naturally They voted for the Swordsman, and they even took Hua Niang to vote for the Swordsman. However, of course, the two of them only counted one vote, and they counted nothing in front of the huge advantage of the Dream Sleeper.

"Okay, let's take the phantom sleep master." Yan Hu searched for the phantom sleep master Aze and activated his [precognition] ability.

"Well, Li Huachao, go and call Xu Cixi over. With Aze's ability... maybe she can give some guidance." Yu Liang looked around and decided to let Li Huachao go.

"Eh? Why me?" Li Huachao expressed dissatisfaction with Yu Liang's move to save him at this critical moment.

"You can't understand the essay." Yu Liang's answer was simple.

The skills of the Illusion Sleep Master must be a short composition, and Li Huachao can't understand it. Shouldn't he listen to his detailed explanation when the time comes?

In this case, it would be better to let him call Xu Cixi over during this time.

"Hey, what about Lu Baoshen? Does he understand?" Li Huachao expressed dissatisfaction.

"It's okay if you get to know Ogura Xu better." Yu Liang felt helpless at this guy's childishness.

"That's pretty much it." Li Hua went to find Xu Cixi.

For him, you can say he is stupid, but you cannot say he is stupider than Lu Baoshen.

The former is a narrative and the latter is an insult. There is an essential difference.

Lu Baoshen, on the other hand, looked at Li Huachao and then at An Buchen, wondering why Li Huachao was so easily persuaded.

After thinking for a while, I couldn't think of anything, so I held my head and walked to the side.


illusion hypnotist

Gradient: T1

[Sleep]: When you are in a still state, it is triggered once every minute. The creature with the lowest mental value in the area (except the sleeper) is set as a "sleeper". The sleeper will not be able to sense the existence of other sleepers. .

[Reversal Land]: When the number of "Sleepers" in an area reaches 3, you can transform the area into a "Reversal Land". The following reversal effects will appear randomly in the Reverse Land. This effect is only valid for "Sleeper". Switch the inversion effect every minute.


reversal of direction


Buff or debuff status effects with numerical values ​​are reversed


The enemy and friendly targets of long-range attacks are reversed -

Centered on a target of your choice, generate position reversal


Random unknown effect reversal

[True God]: You can expand or reduce the range or number of descriptions involving "targets" in Sleeper's skills (the number of targets is at least 1). When you complete the modification and the professional abilities used by the Sleeper take effect, their effects will be resolved on you in turn.

[Disadvantage]: Only once every five minutes, you can set a player as a "sleeper".

As the prophet revealed the abilities of the Sleep Master, the characters present who could understand the skills frowned.

This alienated profession...

Very amazing.

From the perspective of feeling, it is not so abnormal that Yu Liang screams, but from the actual effect, it is extremely weird and disgusting.

The core idea is to set the player as a "sleeper" through the effects of [Sleep] and [Disadvantage]. When the number of sleepers reaches 3, the land of reversal can be opened.

There are four fixed reversal effects and one random effect, each of which will cause great trouble to the sleeper.

In a battle, it would be disgusting to the point of opening the door for nausea, which is so disgusting.

Sense of direction, gain and debuff, target, location...

This means that buff or debuff skills cannot be placed randomly, and the sleeper's battle must overcome possible direction problems, as well as the reversal of long-range attacks at critical moments, and sudden position changes.

Yu Liang could already imagine that Aze must have relied on this ability to cause the other party to suffer a lot of heavy losses when fighting others.

The physical warrior's sense of direction is disturbed, and the reaction is basically always half a beat slower and half useless; needless to say, the reversal of gain and debuff is the ultimate master of Yin people; and then there is the "reverse Q-Sun Immortal", our side Position C suddenly felt like his brain was twitching, and he directly slapped the swordsman in the face...

A simple calculation shows that [Sealing Sleep] is triggered twice in two minutes, and then [Disadvantage] is used to designate a sleeper. That is to say, in two minutes and one second, the Dream Sleeper can open the place of reversal.

There is also [True God], which directly modifies the player's panel description. If used skillfully, it is also a very disgusting skill, and it can also allow the hypnotist to benefit from some enemy "buffs".

Yu Liang frowned slightly, and he noticed a description in [Disadvantages].

"A player" rather than "another player", which means that the mesmerist can set himself as the sleeper.

This is a very scary point, which means that the hypnotist can modify his panel skills, and at the same time, he may also get double "buff" effects, and...

Sleepers cannot sense each other.

As time goes by, there will be fewer and fewer people who can detect the whereabouts of the Illusionist, and all he needs to do is sit leisurely in the land of reversal and watch the enemy troops collapse on their own with a smile.

Simple skill linkage, but it has a series of effects such as self-protection, control, gain, weakening, etc., which is terrifying.

The only good thing is that Yu Liang knew the opponent's skills in advance.

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