The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 491 There is an obvious feeling of hope in the heart of the adventurer


Am I taking any particularly big risks?

The adventurer who was new to the desktop looked at the skyrocketing adventure value on his personal page and was quite confused.

Could it be that I really am a genius?

A self-taught genius?

You don’t have to do anything to get promoted to T1 naturally?

However, the next second, the adventurer sensed something, and his whole body began to tremble uncontrollably.

The source of the strange story!

It’s that desktop favorite!

Holy shit, I know why the risk value is increased, because the root ghost story is on the table!

In other words, the Root Ghost Story must have discovered me, an alternative creature whose whole body is composed of "abandoned documents".

At best, it might be like when you return home one day and suddenly find a garbage monster in your house. All the dry garbage, wet garbage, toxic and harmful garbage in the trash can have gathered together and become a huge monster.

If possible, do you have the urge to completely eliminate the garbage monster?

The worst case scenario is that you come home one day and find a monster made entirely of things you hate...

Is the urge to destroy monsters even stronger?

Adventurers know very well that the adventure value on the personal page will not deceive themselves. Therefore, the current source of ghost talk is most likely to kill him directly.

For files that you don't like, you usually throw them directly into the recycle bin and let them fend for themselves, but if this file keeps regenerating like the 360 ​​Family Bucket...

Is there more determination?

I would rather reinstall the system than drive a piece of software like you out of my computer!

like this.

So at the same moment when the adventurer wanted to understand this, he felt the murderous intention coming from the root ghost story.

Killing intent.

Normally, root monsters are like human beings and will not have any special emotions towards a useless file or useless software.

However, today's adventurers are as annoying as the stubborn 360 family bucket, which directly caused emotional fluctuations in the root ghost talk.

The murderous intention representing disgust surged forward, as unstoppable as a twenty-meter-high wave. Just a photo completely overwhelmed the adventurer.

In the final analysis, he is just a player made up of data, and he will never be able to compete with the source monster on a computer.

Let alone him, even other root ghost stories cannot compete with this current desktop favorite.

In the corresponding field, Root Monster is the absolute authority and has a strong home field advantage.

Unless your own rules are in conflict, it will be difficult to gain any advantage.

Now this kind of computer program-like root story is even more obvious, because after entering the computer, the root story will also be digitized, and then the desktop pet can "restore factory settings" of other digitized root stories through its own rules. Completely erase the other person's consciousness.

The origin of the story is so strange, and it is even more so for digital players.

The adventurer knows that he only has time for one sentence, or even no time at all, but he must give it a try and let the source monster see his value, so that he can have a chance to survive.

Must live!

After finally touching the threshold of T1 level, how could he die in a place like this?

However, the adventurer at this time also forgot a little. It seemed that if he didn't die like this, he might not be able to break through to the T1 gradient so quickly.

Based on previous speculations, it doesn't seem difficult to get Root Kaidan to be interested in him without killing him.

The adventurer's reaction was not slow, and he immediately realized what was more important to the source of the ghost story.

"I can help you see him!"

He shouted without hesitation.

Sure enough, just as he expected, the terrifying aura of the root ghost talk disappeared in an instant.

"Cough." The adventurer coughed twice. He felt as if he had just been fished out of the surging sea, feeling exhausted.

He was covered in cold sweat, as if he was recovering from a serious illness.

But he was still happy in his heart because he knew that he guessed correctly

The source monster in front of him has become interested in him, so he will not kill him in a short time.

"Can you help me see him? Are you sure?" A voice sounded on the desktop. Both the words and the voice were familiar to adventurers.

This voice pack...

It seems to be Yu Jie’s cold voice?

The adventurer recognized this voice packet, so his judgment became clearer.

Yes, your guess is probably the truth. At least so far, there are traces of it all.

In the world of Kaidan, the abilities and rules of the Kaidan may indeed be a bit nonsensical, but the logic of the existence of the Kaitan is not like this.

The origins of root ghost stories are basically traceable, and their existence must be logical.

Just like the current desktop pet, her thoughts and patterns can be guessed by humans, and this is the only weapon humans have when facing the source of ghost stories.

If this can be called a weapon.

Of course, this kind of logic does not refer to the logic that is in line with human science. The birth of some origin ghost stories definitely does not comply with laws such as energy conservation, at least not on the surface. This is only possible in the deep origin. Reflected.

For example, the Source Monster that the adventurers have seen so far is not particularly powerful compared to other Source Monsters, and it is unknown whether it can even affect the real three-dimensional world.

After all, this guy definitely wants to meet the original owner of the computer, but he is unable to achieve this with his own rules ability.

If you think about it differently, any human being in the real three-dimensional world may be stronger than him, and he may be really willing to use the power of his rules to exchange identities with real humans, just to get a chance to see the original owner of the computer with his own eyes.

But here, in this computer that gave birth to two-dimensional civilization, the root monster desktop favorite is an absolute god.

No other source of ghost stories can compete with it in the computer, unless a programming god can come in, or some other god.

For example, the spiritual symbols that emerged after the death of Master Ma, or the spread of weird stories about science and technology and saints, can it be possible to suppress the desktop pets of the root ghost stories with the help of superb technological level and excellent innovative thinking.

This is restraint in terms of rules and abilities. Even if this is the home field of Desktop Pet, he has no way to continue to fight.

"I can." The adventurer accepted the job without hesitation.

If you don't respond, you may die now; if you respond, you may still have room to turn around, at least you can live for a few more days.

As long as it's not stupid, no other option will be chosen here.

"You are just a piece of data that gave birth to your self-consciousness because of me. How dare you boast about this?" The voice continued with a smile in her voice, but she was not joking with the adventurer.

"No, I am not a piece of data." The adventurer immediately realized something. This was a good opportunity to impress the source of the ghost story, so he said without hesitation, "In your eyes, I and those papers in the far north are There is no difference between the film and the character, but in fact, I was originally a three-dimensional person who was reduced to two dimensions. In other words, I know what the real world is like. Maybe I can help you find what you want to find. That person."

"Oh?" There was some confusion in the voice. Her eyes penetrated the adventurer's skin, saw the data flow in it, and saw the historical records of these data flows.

As the paper man in front of me said, he is different from the paper people in the Far North.

With a sense of foreignness and strangeness, there is also the possibility of losing control.

Like an instinct, out of the desire to maintain the stability of the computer environment, she gently selected all the paper people, including the adventurers.

Whether it is the paper people in the Far North or the paper people in Flatland, she has selected them all. Just press "Delete" and all the data will disappear.

The historical record of the paper man in front of her reminded her of something. Previously, she sensed a strange thing appearing on the Flatland continent. It was a "program" that had self-awareness and had the same origin as her.

This program woke her up, causing her to immediately come out to investigate the situation, wanting to completely clean up the current Flat Country.

As a result, she just happened to see the paper man who was west of the Flatland continent, so she subconsciously felt that this maverick paper man was the program she was looking for, so she threw it into the recycling bin.

According to historical records, the paper person who was thrown into the recycling bin was the guy in front of him.

The guy who stitched together other files in the recycle bin and eventually left the recycle bin.

However, judging from the current data, this paper man is not the same program at that time.


Do you really need to clean up Flatland?

At this moment, the adventurer still doesn't know what he has done. He is still introducing his abilities to the root ghost story.

"Don't worry, I really have the ability to help you find him." The adventurer asked, "Don't look at me like this, I am a box-opening master (a box-opening master in two senses), and there has never been a war on the Internet. The defeated Commander-in-Chief..."

In fact, the adventurer has never done this kind of thing at all. At most, he has some understanding of it. After all, he has also studied computer technology for a period of time, so he naturally knows about box attacks.

I just feel that this kind of thing is unethical, and in the end I haven’t actually tried it yet, but I used this trick to help find someone for the source of the strange talk...

I, a T1 level adventurer, am extremely happy.

"This computer is not connected to the Internet." The voice chuckled, "This is a lost island, a place completely isolated from the world."

"There is... a way." The adventurer reluctantly agreed to the job, "Give me some time, I will definitely be able to do it."

She unchecked them all because she thought of something important from what she had just said.

Indeed, this computer is not connected to the Internet, so these pieces of paper with no past (i.e. no historical records) cannot be viruses.

Even viruses can't cause any trouble if they are not connected to the Internet. Everything will be under her control.

It was like this in the past, it is like this now, and it will still be like this in the future.

"How should I trust you?" Her tone was obviously looser now.

The adventurer also heard the meaning of the strange talk about the origin, and immediately struck while the iron was hot: "I am willing to issue a military order. If this task is not completed, it will be up to you."


As expected of me, this is a great trick to use retreat to advance.

Anyway, he might have died, but now he just used it to issue a military order to express his determination and confidence. At least he would definitely survive in a short period of time.

"Okay, I can give you this time. During this period, you can retrieve some of the unlocked records in this computer." She agreed, and then changed the topic, "If you can't do this... you will all die. .”

"Ah?" The adventurer was quite happy to hear it at first and praised himself for his wit. But when he heard the "you" in the last sentence, he was a little confused.

"You?" He tried to repeat the word in her words. Why did this make him feel that he couldn't understand people?

"Yes, you guys. All graphics of unknown origin." A brisk smile appeared in the voice again, and then completely disappeared in front of the adventurer.


No, is this really what my military order means?

Okay, okay, how come this "retreat in order to advance" tied all the players into the car?

For a moment, the adventurer felt a little confused.

You can't blame him, right?

In fact, I really can’t blame him. If we push back the timeline and look at it, he didn’t happen to appear in the blank space to help the financial planner take the blame. I’m afraid the cleanup of the source of the ghost stories would have started at that time.

The adventurer at this moment naturally didn't know that he could still help the financial planner and Yu Liang take the blame thousands of miles away. He just felt that he owed something to the players in this copy.

It was broken. This time, both prosperity and loss were really lost. He was really nervous about putting everyone's lives on his shoulders.

If it were just him, he would naturally not have any psychological burden. If there was a psychological burden, he would not be called an adventurer.

It was different now. He felt like the captain of a large ship whose goal was to open up a new route. Surrounded by storms and waves, he was responsible for the entire ship.

Every decision matters.

There is an imperceptible feeling of despair in the heart of the adventurer.


Forget it, now that we have seen the source of the ghost story, let’s solve the second stage of the main mission first.

Thinking of this, the adventurer "Shuashushua" submitted the exploration results of the second phase of the main mission.

[Player-Ren completed the second stage of the main mission and unlocked the inventory. 】

Looking at his personal page again, to his surprise, his gradient level had reached T1.

T1 level, root adventurer.

Roots adventurer?

Is it because my breakthrough to T1 was achieved by taking risks on the source of ghost stories?


In a fantasy novel, it’s a perfect breakthrough, right?

Fortunately, breaking through T1 only requires completing the adventure and not dying directly. He happened to have completed the breakthrough.

It was a breakthrough and the completion of the second phase of the task, but why couldn't he be happy?

The adventurer sighed deeply, then remembered something, and suddenly asked loudly: "Wait, can you tell me, what is that person's name? It's best to use his real name, not his online name!"

That's right, if you don't even know what your name is, wouldn't that mean you're completely screwed?

"Yu Liang." The voice came out of thin air, giving the adventurer a clear hint.

Adventurer: "Huh?"

There was a palpable feeling of hope in the adventurer's heart.

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