The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 490 The source of the ghost story fell into deep thought

The adventurer remembered the widely circulated story.

The prototype is that a person's computer was infected by a special virus. It was a desktop virus with a cute image. It needed to eat some files regularly to survive. In the end, the owner starved to death because the computer was not turned on for too long while on a business trip.

This story is not complicated, so someone wrote some diary-style text from the perspective of a desktop pet, with ulterior motives and making many netizens stupid.

Yes, the adventurer is one of the netizens who was fooled by the knife.

That's why he instantly associated that story with the current situation. Needless to say, he really felt a sense of familiarity.

Putting the source ghost stories into the perspective of desktop pets, many doubts seem to make sense.

Gaga, as expected of me, I actually figured out the essence of the root ghost story in such a short period of time, which brings me closer to the next stage of the main mission.

The adventurer is a person who is very prone to preconceptions, so after he makes such a judgment, he will not easily have doubts again.

It belongs to the type where one goes all the way to the dark side.

He suffered a lot in the past because of this way of thinking, but he didn't care at all and still went his own way.

Anyway, if he guesses wrong, he can just sit back and wait for a boss-level player to solve the mystery of the source of the ghost talk and take him out of the dungeon. There is no need to explore new ideas.

Now this kind of pioneering is more in line with his style of doing things. If you guessed correctly, Yu Liang and Xu Cixi should also be working hard to solve the mystery of the origin of the ghost story, right?

Since they did not find this recycling bin, it means that their ideas are different from their own, and their own failures can provide them with experience. When the time comes, the three of them will have their own ideas for solving the problem, and they will be able to get it right.

The adventurer is still very optimistic, so he doesn’t think too much about “what if it doesn’t happen”, he only thinks about “what if it happens”.

what to do?

The scenery is great, letting all players know how powerful he is as an adventurer.

Make a name for yourself!

He glanced at his page and suddenly remembered a key point.

Yes, after occupying an area, he should be able to obtain some special products of the area, and these special products can be reviewed before occupying...

Logically speaking, the adventurer profession should first observe whether the resources in an area are valuable, and then choose whether to occupy and obtain the needed resources, but this is not the case for the current adventurer Ren'an at all.

He occupied this recycling bin purely because he didn't like the weird creatures in these recycling bins, but he didn't care about what the recycling bin was going to produce.

After experiencing the data flow attack from the strange creatures, the adventurer also escaped to a relatively safe place and immediately began to check out the harvest after occupying the recycling bin.

Due to the particularity of professional skills, adventurers will have some additional inventory slots after occupying an area, and the materials produced in the area will be stored in these additional inventory slots.

This extra inventory can only store items of this type that are produced, and will be automatically destroyed after the items are consumed.

However, this kind of extra inventory can coexist. As long as the items in it are not consumed, the extra inventory will not disappear.

Like now, adventurers have hundreds of extra inventory slots at the same time, which store all kinds of weird and special resources.

Some of the regional products are extremely useful, such as the Holy Spring Water of the Great Elf, which has restorative powers and can be poured on grass babies to promote their development.

Of course, there are also almost completely useless things in it, such as elven bath water, goblin mineral soil (inferior quality), and rancid poisonous mud.

These things are useless in most cases, but no one can guarantee that these things will be useless in any case.

It doesn’t occupy the inventory anyway, so the adventurer just keeps it all with him in case of emergencies.

And one thing that makes him very satisfied is that the extra inventory is somewhat different from the normal inventory. The main difference lies in whether it is restricted by rules.

For example, in the pioneer book, even if he does not unlock the inventory, he can still access the regional products in the extra inventory.

Although the products in these areas are often raw materials that require certain processing if you want to use them, such raw materials can also help adventurers overcome some difficulties.

For example, the rancid poison mud mentioned just now can use its toxicity to make other creatures sick (without causing death), and it can also be applied to one's own body to cover up the smell, thereby escaping the pursuit of some wild beasts.

It is precisely because of the existence of the extra inventory that adventurers have the confidence to enter the pioneer book for exploration. Otherwise, it would be impossible for an alienated professional who relies on the inventory to enter the pioneer book for exploration.

When no one has unlocked the first stage, he has an advantage because he can use the items in the extra inventory, and after unlocking the alienation profession, he will not become a complete waste because he cannot use the inventory. .

At least there are raw materials in the extra inventory that can be used, right?

That kind of situation is a bit like being a man trying to survive in the wilderness. He has to make simple survival tools by himself...

very interesting.

At the same time, the adventurer also has a weird collecting habit. He will never choose to use up all the resources with good effects, but will leave at least two units of them, making his extra inventory more spectacular.

Spectacular indeed.

Now click on the inventory page, and the first thing that comes into view must be a screen that can be called an item display cabinet, which can make any player feel frightened at first glance.

Hehe, if the writer Yu Liang saw it, he would be shocked.

The adventurer thought of his good brother Yu Liang, and felt happy, but at the same time he felt an inexplicable palpitation.


Why do you subconsciously think that letting that guy see your extra inventory is not necessarily a good thing?

No, the extra items in the inventory are all raw materials that have no big use. These things are not valuable, right?

The adventurer doesn't know that these raw materials are indeed worthless to Yu Liang, but the inventory is valuable!

The extra inventory is also the inventory, which is food for the little Snake Eater.

So it’s hard to say whether Yu Liang will be surprised when he sees the adventurer’s inventory, but the little snake-eating snake will definitely eat a pound.

Just like the cafeteria.

No. 198. Code flow*45

The adventurer found the inventory with the highest number, which represented his latest regional product.

Code flow?

what is that?


code flow

Name: None

Texture: None

Note: Special information substances can be used to reorganize and replace homogeneous objects to produce corresponding effects.

"Oh?" Code flow?

The adventurer was a little surprised. This product was indeed beyond his expectation, but it was normal if he thought about it carefully.

What else can be produced in the Recycle Bin besides code?

A loli with white hair and long legs?

Give me a break.

He looked at the code flow in the inventory that was still increasing slowly, and suddenly had a magical idea.

Code flow can reorganize and replace homogeneous objects, right?

Then these files in the recycle bin should be considered homogeneous items, right?

Then the players themselves should also be homogeneous items, right?

It seems like this code flow can be modified!

Regardless of whether this code flow can be used in the real world, in this copy of Ghost Story, it is god-level material!

Most operations on a computer can be performed using a variety of instructions, and instructions can be written using such a code flow...

In other words, not only can he escape from the recycle bin, but he can also do things that other ordinary players would not dare to think of!

In this way, the most important question now is ready to come out——

How to write a program?

A huge question mark appeared in the adventurer's mind.

He did briefly learn some programming and some useful computer languages, but that was all because of advertisements from a certain website and a certain music channel.

What "is not taught in school, but it is very important. Learning this technology will benefit you for life", what "learn Python and become a trend-setter at the forefront of the times", "you can not use it, you must learn it, the fastest way to get promotion and salary increase must be" Prepare skills”…

The adventurer did not have any worries about being fired, nor was he under the pressure of being abandoned by the times. However, out of an inexplicable sense of urgency at that time, he still paid for the programming course in full and studied it tentatively for a while.

After a while, a fellow traveler who was also a rich second generation invited him to play "desert crossing", and he naturally gave up this skill.

Today's adventurers really realize what "you can use it without it, but you can't use it without it" means.

If he could be given another chance, he would definitely not choose to go on that "desert crossing" in Laoshizi with his travel companion.

Hey, if I had known earlier, I would have studied harder!

The current adventurer also feels a little helpless, but after all, he has learned it before, so he tries to use the code flow in the inventory to weave instructions.

No matter what, you have to at least escape from this recycling bin before talking about other things, right?

Fifteen minutes later.

"Motorcycle Adventurer—Ren'an, come on!"

The adventurer who has completed the data integration is galloping on the land of the recycling bin, running rampant and unscrupulous.

While the adventurer was pondering the code instructions and wanted to throw his file out of the recycle bin, he thought of something.

Since players are files and data, and these junk files in the recycle bin are also data, wouldn't data and data be combined together?

There are so many file-type monsters, but they are all powerful thugs at the original level!

Anyway, they have no self-awareness. If he can use them for his own purposes, wouldn't he be invincible when he returns to the Flatland continent?

As for researching the instruction code to leave the recycle bin...

Let’s talk about it later.

Maybe you'll think of it later, and it's not that easy to come back after you go out, so the resources here don't go to waste.

Strengthen yourself first before leaving, and the code stream produced in the area may not be enough now, so you need to stay in the recycle bin for a while.

Soon, the adventurer convinced himself, and then excitedly began to study how to become a real Transformer.

For a program, it is definitely no problem to add some different file data, as long as it can ensure that there is no conflict between the files.

But it's just a file, not a program that needs to be run, so how can there be a conflict?

The adventurer is still somewhat confident about this kind of thing. The only important point to note is that the data in the "self" file cannot be modified.

If "himself" is modified, he will be completely dead.

Even if he didn't die, he would become a vegetable without self-awareness, and he didn't want to become like this.

So after some research, the adventurer selected several file monster creatures that were more compatible with him to assemble them, and successfully turned them into a combined version of the super-large file.

In this form, he can drive the corresponding file monster creature by driving the original parts of his body.

like this--

I'll form the head!

A true left hand composition!

King Furong forms the right hand!

The white-haired maid loli forms the left leg!

Perverted female Xiao Ran forms the right leg!

When he tries to raise his left hand, a corresponding song will appear next to him, "My lungs are itchy now~"

Other functions are roughly similar.

Anyway, the current collection of adventurers is an "all-star" collection, so to speak, in a state of dominating the recycle bin.

It can be called a super source of mental pollution.

The most important thing is that the original adventurer who is the source of pollution does not feel any discomfort at all. Instead, he senses a special opportunity.


It seems to be the flavor of gradient promotion.

Today's adventurers possess transcendent strength by virtue of assembling documents, and their exploration ability is significantly improved during the adventure, so they enter a state of divine help.

Simply put, this is an opportunity for alienated career gradient promotion.

Several founders of the Haicheng Players Alliance once taught T2 players about this state. It occurs because of outstanding personal achievements and is more like a spiritual breakthrough.

It will come when it comes. It's hard to express that feeling in words, but when it comes, the player himself will definitely realize that this is the opportunity to advance to T1.

If you seize the opportunity and conduct an activity that is absolutely professional, you can seize the opportunity for breakthrough.

The first opportunity is the easiest to grasp. If you don't seize the opportunity, it will become more and more difficult until you don't feel the opportunity to advance to T1 at all.

So for adventurers, what next needs to be a more outstanding adventure to achieve a breakthrough?

The adventurer fell into thinking. He looked at the motionless adventure values ​​on his personal page and had no idea at all.

It seems that just having a chance to break through is of no use. He has always followed the path of an adventurer as he pleased, without any plans or intentions, and now he doesn't know how to break through.

Forget it, there must be a road before the car reaches the mountain. Let’s try using the command set to send yourself out of the recycling bin first.

The adventurer thought for a while and finally gave up helplessly. He was quite free-spirited and did not worry about the matter.

It's okay, it's not like we have completely lost the opportunity for promotion anyway. Maybe we can find a solution by asking the T1s in Haicheng when the time comes, but the next promotion will be more difficult.

And God will also open a window when he closes a door. Through this mysterious state, the adventurer recalled the instruction set to "restore" the files in the recycle bin to the desktop, and immediately chose the output instruction without hesitation. .

In just a moment, the adventurer found himself in a wider space.

Is this the "desktop"?

Did I escape successfully?

As expected of me, so awesome!

The adventurer was immediately delighted. Looking at his personal page again, he suddenly changed from joy to shock.


Why is the adventure value suddenly full?

Did I do anything risky again?

Let me go, why do I suddenly feel like I am about to break through to T1? I just came to the desktop. Can this be considered a super adventure?

Is there a bug in Guaitan World?

At the same time, a certain creature on the table turned to look at the adventurer who suddenly appeared. Looking at this strange document composed entirely of elements he hated, he fell into deep thought and deep self-doubt for a moment. .

This thing...

Where did it come from?

"Beyond, try it now, it will make my lungs itchy!"

White-haired Lolita.jpg

Xiao Ran Xiao Ran Xiao Ran Xiao Ran.txt

By the way, it seems that the monthly vote is still a little short of 2,000. Brothers, please vote a few more times. It will be there soon.

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