The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 486 The writer will die if he is killed!

[Player-Ren completed the second stage of the main mission and unlocked the inventory]

Yu Liang was surprised and delighted by the sudden pop-up prompt box. He did not expect that this copy would go so smoothly.

The first stage is for Xu Cixi, and the second stage is for adventurers. This feeling is really...

So cool!

Sure enough, it is definitely the wisest choice to take your teammates into the dungeon. Both the hypnotist Xu Cixi and the adventurer Ren'an are very capable players.

It may not be that obvious in terms of strength, but his ability to push forward the progress of tasks is not weak at all, at least not necessarily weaker than him.

At least that's how Yu Liang seemed to be, because his strength grew so fast that he could overcome many puzzles with hard power, so the other two teammates showed even more ability.

Well, the main reason is that this copy of him has been busy making money everywhere, and he really hasn't paid much attention to the source of ghost talk, but if you ask him, he will not regret it...

Yu Liang looked at the wealth value of the money-keeper and firmly expressed that he had no regrets.

After looting a group of players, the wealth value of the money-keeper will stably reach "1000", and he will truly become a "blood cow" in a few days.

Now, Yu Liang is still a little worried that the money-keeper will be taken away by a force-opening assassin.

As the backbone of team battles, Shougui has become the most important combat force in the universe. Its only shortcoming is that its ability to fight in single combat is extremely weak. Basically, it only has a strong control [Prostrate Punishment] that can be used to protect itself. Ability somewhat poor.

If it weren't for the fact that bodyguard Zhong Chen couldn't choose the strange creature as the target of protection, Yu Liang would have wanted Zhong Chen to protect the money-keeper.

This is the boss of team battles, the strongest support in the version, and a must-have for both right and wrong.

Yu Liang thought of the adventurer's face in his mind. Probably because he stayed in the two-dimensional world for too long, he immediately converted the adventurer's appearance into a single line segment and into a two-dimensional perspective. The paper figure below.


He instantly became alert. All changes in the copy of Kaitan cannot be ignored, especially at this critical moment.

Adventurers have discovered the source ghost story and analyzed some of its characteristics.

It can be judged from this information that there is a source of ghost stories in this copy, so we must pay attention to it.

Except for the extremely special flesh-based source monsters, almost all source monsters have the ability to cause mental pollution, which will affect the player's state to some extent.

No, it's not quite accurate to say it's ability. It might be more appropriate to use "traits" to describe this.

Maybe the Root Kaidan itself didn't want to be like this, but as human players saw their bodies, they naturally went crazy.

Now, the visual characteristics of the two-dimensional world seem to have invaded Yu Liang's brain, but it is unclear whether it will cause deep-seated lesions.

Entering the two-dimensional world this time, Yu Liang really wanted to obtain a stamp that could be converted into a two-dimensional perspective, but this did not mean that he wanted to obtain a "locking skill". If he always maintained a two-dimensional perspective, then who could bear it?

Yu Liang kept this matter in mind, and then chose to unlock the inventory.

The adventurer's efforts are very useful. Yu Liang and he are teammates, so they can also unlock the inventory. After unlocking the inventory, Yu Liang has truly reached a nearly fully unlocked state of 80% strength.

With a wave of their hands, the grass babies entered their mechas one after another, inspected their mechas, and assembled the airbags, heavy machine guns, and ammunition belts, and directly used live ammunition shooting instead of deeper inspections.

"Da da, da da da -" The heavy machine gun fired a few simple short bursts. Judging from the shooting feedback from Cao Ying, the Cao Ying mecha in the two-dimensional world was basically not weakened. It’s Cao Ying itself.

The grass babies are not used to such a two-dimensional perspective, which significantly increases the difficulty of controlling the mecha, and the accuracy of aiming is greatly reduced.

To put it simply, they cannot see the target and often need to listen to the sound to identify the location, but that is not easy. This results in the Cao Ying mecha team that could originally control the life and death within a range of nearly 100 meters. It can only control two nearby targets. Thirty meters away.

It can be considered a big cut in terms of combat power.

However, after a period of experiments, Yu Liang discovered that as long as Li Geng entered the [Eye of God] and then gave instructions to the Cao Ying mechas to move and shoot according to the direction, this would basically solve the control problem of the Cao Yings. .

Since these grass babies are controlled by voice, the speed of discovering enemies is still not as fast as that of the three-dimensional world, but it is enough.

In addition, Li Geng can see the enemies that may be hiding behind the walls through God's perspective. With a single command, the Cao Ying mechas can spit out a torrent of steel, destroying the walls and vulnerable players in front of them like a torrent.

So after improving his own strength in all aspects, Yu Liangzhong became more confident in winning the position of financial planner, and immediately decided to set out.

"The adventurer has completed the second phase of the mission. He has seen the source of ghost stories?" Xu Cixi came to Yu Liang's side. There was a little doubt in her words, and she sounded a little unbelievable.

The adventurer didn't seem too reliable, but he didn't expect to be able to complete the second stage faster than all the players.

This is good news, because it means that adventurers have found the source of the strange story.

In comparison, the second stage is more difficult than the third stage, because it means that players need to "discover" the source of the ghost story before they can record the characteristics.

The existence logic of the third stage, as well as the instructions left for players who come later, are more like the advanced tasks of the second stage, which are obtained based on the analysis of the characteristics of the root ghost story.

Completing the third stage is not easy, but for every player who has completed the second stage, the door has changed from locked to ajar. Whether you can open the door to the truth depends on your strength. Big.

"He saw the source of the ghost story." Yu Liang affirmed, "The adventurer has a map. The higher the risk value, the more detailed his map will be, and the more help he can provide him."

"That's it." Xu Cixi responded. This was also the first time she heard about the ability of adventurers. With this kind of profession that generates maps, it must not be too difficult to find the source of the ghost story.

Yu Liang talked about the adventurer's skills, and his own words also reminded him. He instantly realized a key point.

The adventurer's risk value needs to be obtained by taking risks (death). Under normal circumstances, such adventures will definitely attract the attention of other figures, but there are no relevant incidents reported in either Ling City or Circular City... …

What does this mean?

Either on the Western Sea or in the far north.

He had carefully observed the Western Sea. No paper figures appeared on the sea. There were only a very small number of graphic adventurers, who should have set out from Flatland.

Then there is only one possibility left. The adventurer will most likely go to the far north to find the source of the strange story.

There are too many Paper People in the Far North, and they are layer upon layer. Even from Li Geng’s God’s perspective, Yu Liang cannot tell the difference between normal players and Paper People residents, so he will naturally not find adventurers mixed in with the crowd.

The adventurer needs to obtain adventure points. He will definitely cause something in the far north. If you go there to ask this guy, there is a high probability that you can find clues about the adventurer.

Yes, Yu Liang now ranks "meeting with adventurers" at the second or third place on his to-do list.

He was going to go to the adventurers to collect clues about the source of the ghost stories, and maybe he could steal an opportunity to "complete the third stage of the main mission first."

Uh, how can it be called stealing?

It was obviously help, and the team helped each other, allowing the three of them to complete the third phase of the task together.

"I've almost recovered, how about you?" Yu Liang felt the strength of his body and he had regained his strength.

Although it can't be said that he has fully recovered, there is definitely no problem with his actions. Anyway, he doesn't have to go there himself. This time, he can leave it to the monsters.

With the addition of these strange creatures in the inventory, the injured financial planner will definitely be surprised.

Yu Liang switched to Li Huachao, who looked at the radar and drove the car all the way to the financial planner.

This time, it's for revenge.

However, it is not a battle between Gou Jian and King Gou Jian, nor is it a battle between evenly matched enemies.

Some are just the charge of the No. 225 tank, and some are just as easy and freehand as crushing an ant.

"He hasn't left the circular city yet? It seems that he is very confident in the safety of his hometown." Li Huachao chuckled. For someone who wanted to rely on force to force him to sell Hua Niang to the prophet, he Naturally, he doesn't have any good intentions.

"This is the best, it can save us a lot of things." Yu Liang's mentality is also relatively relaxed, but unlike Li Huachao, he is still worried that the other party will use the root ghost talk to counterattack when he is about to die, so when the time comes The battle may be resolved a hundred meters away.

The Cao Ying cannon of the No. 225 tank has not been actually used yet. Coupled with the heavy machine gun of the Cao Ying mecha, he really doesn't mind giving this financial planner a little shock of gunfire.

Oh, the financial planner is from America, so he must be very familiar with this trick.

"He may have some trustworthy players around him. If he wants to survive, there are not many people he can rely on now." Li Geng gave a timely reminder.

A lion fights a rabbit with all his strength. Of course he doesn't want Yu Liang to overturn in the gutter.

In the financial planner's hometown, there are probably other circular city players who will protect each other. If they hide in the dark and launch a sneak attack, it is still possible to eliminate Yu Liang's body in one fell swoop.

"Yes." Li Geng's words also reminded Yu Liang, but the point of reminder was not the safety issue Li Geng imagined at all, but the safety issue of the players.

Yu Liang doesn't want to kill so many players. Each player represents a lot of wealth!

This cannot be killed casually.

The only one who must be killed is the financial planner. The other players are all innocent and were just bewitched by the evil financial planner.

As punishment, he would reluctantly exchange wealth with them using a "wave" character.

Yu Liang still couldn't bear the risk of death.

"Is there any way to kill the financial planner without hurting other players? Their lives have other uses." Yu Liang collected relevant methods from the universe.

"Let me do it, let me do it." Li Huachao said cheerfully, "He has my 'hunting mark' there. I guarantee that I can kill him as accurately as a scalpel without hurting others."

"If you come..." Yu Liang instinctively wanted to refuse, because he didn't want to have another close duel with the financial planner.

The dying counterattack of the player who possesses the source of the ghost story must be stopped.

"Forget it, let's wait until we get there." Yu Liang didn't refuse, but he didn't agree directly either.

Soon, Yu Liang found a cluster of houses in the civilian area of ​​​​the circular city. Each house was pentagonal, with some triangles living in it.

Through Li Geng's perspective, Yu Liang could see that there were about ten players in the three inner buildings of these pentagonal houses. The players in the central building were the financial planner and his two cronies.

No, they may not be cronies, they might just be two losers. Otherwise, the financial planner just now should have taken them with him, instead of worrying that they would split their profits and go to the Glory Square alone.

"Twelve people in total." Li Geng answered in the affirmative.

"The financial planner is in the middle house." Li Huachao gave his observation results based on the radar chart.

"Attack directly without saving ammunition and characters." Yu Liang made a quick judgment, "Then we will shout to persuade them to surrender. Without showing their strength, they will not surrender so easily."

Trying to persuade someone to surrender when they first come up is definitely not very convincing.

You all come out, the twelve of you are already surrounded by me alone.

This kind of persuasion to surrender is meaningless. We must first set the tone of our unit's strong strength and then make a statement.

As for how many players will die during the process of establishing their authority, you can't blame him.

Bad luck.


"he came."

The financial planner's father's voice sounded in his mind.

"What? He's here?" The financial planner was shocked. He really didn't expect that the hunter would dare to chase him here. There were players from Round City that he knew!

If there are so many players, isn't that guy afraid?

By the way, I'm really not afraid, but he actually recovered so quickly?

The financial planner felt nervous. He had consumed a lot of "benefits" in Glory Square, but there was still some left, but he didn't dare to continue using it now.

If he continued to use it, he would probably be targeted by the source monster. He had a hunch that the current source monster had already sensed it, but the last cloud point disappeared too quickly and he was not caught.


The financial planner's face twisted.

That guy must die here!

"Follow me, the writer is outside, let's kill him!" The financial planner is convinced that it is impossible for the writer to fully recover in such a short period of time, so as long as the eleven players around him are properly arranged, it is entirely possible Kill the writer.

Being a writer is not an invincible profession!

Writers will die if they are killed!

The financial planner quickly notified the other players, and then assigned tasks according to the players' abilities. Finally, he directly attached a small amount of cloud points to his body and opened the door, but he did not go out directly, but looked like he was inviting you into the urn.

This is a conspiracy.

If they don't come in, they'll run away. If they come in, they'll have to fight in the streets. Depending on the terrain of the civilian area, they still have a great advantage.

Neither writers nor monsters are suitable for street fighting in such cramped terrain, right?

The weather is unknown, and the people and people are uncertain, but the right location must be here for me!

"Get ready, fire!" Following Li Huachao's excited command, Room 225 released his anger for the first time.

A group of grass babies simultaneously applied their abilities to the cannonballs at the starting point of the cannon. With a "whoosh" sound, the cannonballs blasted straight towards the pentagonal house in the center, tearing the house apart with just one blow, and then exploded in the center. .

"Bang - da da da da da -"

Artillery shells exploded one after another near the pentagonal houses, and the bullets from the heavy machine guns converged into a torrent of steel, tearing apart all the houses in front of them, just as easily as tearing apart the remaining hope in the heart of a financial planner.

It seems that the geographical advantage is no longer there.

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