The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 484 OK, let us kill the prophet!

There was still a vast expanse of white as far as the eye could see, but the adventurer immediately realized that something had awakened here.

is "empty".

"Song" has awakened. This is a very mysterious concept, but the adventurer at this moment knows that this is the fact.

The space looks unchanged, but change has occurred.

Sure enough, this copy still needs a great adventurer like me to save it!

Hum hum hum, Yu Liang and Xu Cixi must have never imagined that while they were still immersed in the exploration of Flatland, he had successfully found the whereabouts of the source of the strange talk.

Yes, the source of the ghost story exists in the empty space west of Lu Xin.

The adventurer is very sensitive to smells, and he has seen a lot of strange stories about the origins, so he can easily identify familiar smells.

This feeling of fear, as if being gently licked by the tough barbed tongue of the Tyrannosaurus Rex behind him, and the trembling that seems to come from the soul, all indicate the terror of this creature in this space.

No, this may not be a creature in the strict sense, because it may not need to eat and reproduce, or even "activities" in ordinary people's concepts.

He only needs to stay here, or he doesn't need to stay here. He is the source of strange stories in this copy.

And I will be the first human being to meet the source of strange stories. All this will be attributed to my courage, wisdom, caution and insight.

The adventurer has a hunch that Yu Liang and Xu Cixi will definitely be surprised when they see him next time!

At the same time, a pair of things that can be called "hands" holds something that can be called a "mouse".

The reason why I say this is naturally because they are just a conceptual thing.

When someone passes by them, they will immediately understand at first glance that this is a hand controlling a mouse, but if they look at the hand and the mouse carefully, questions will instantly arise in their mind.

Wait, is this furry hedgehog-like thing full of whirling sharp teeth really a hand?

Wait, is that clear tube filled with red liquid really a mouse?

Wait for me……

Why here?

In short, it is difficult to describe these things that change their appearance all the time with ordinary language. Perhaps they can only be described as "concepts".

Or it can be said that this is a generalization of a concept. A creature gives it a name, so no matter what it was before, from now on, it is what it is.

It wasn’t a forced change, like saying apples as pears and then apples became pears, but more like an epiphany.

The apple realizes that it is a pear.

Similar to…

When the tide rises on the Qiantang River, you will know who I am today.

At this time, this hand was controlling the mouse, causing some confusion in front of the screen.

His attention stayed on the picture on the screen, slowly swaying, and finally stopped on the only little person on a separate blank layer.

As if making some kind of judgment, this hand drove the mouse to drag the moving little man on the screen to a special area, and then he completely disappeared from the screen.


The adventurer could feel that a mysterious force appeared around him, which seemed to be lifting him and moving him.


Is it possible...

The root ghost story here wants to see me?

Do you think I was the first to find Him, so I think I am talented and can be specially cultivated?

Speaking of which, the adventurer is quite envious of Yu Liang, because he knows that Yu Liang has the help of a source of ghost stories.

As a T2 alienation professional, he can become the host of the Root Kaidan, which basically means that this player has a quality that fascinates the Root Kaitan.

For players, there are naturally many benefits, and they can basically steadily advance to the T1 gradient.

Such a good thing.

Adventurers want it too.

Of course, he was not carried away by his fantasy. He was still very calm and activated the bonus of his professional ability to the maximum.

On the one hand, it is mental toughness, which can help him resist a large amount of mental pollution from the source of ghost stories; on the other hand, it is physical toughness, which can enable him to withstand the most basic tests.

After that, it’s all about destiny. Adventurers know that according to the records of the Far North, a very small number of paper people in history have approached Lu Xin and had wonderful encounters in Lu Xin.

Some paper people never returned, while others returned triumphantly and left some oral information.

The adventurers searched for traces and finally found Lu Xin.

According to the circumstances recorded in the biographies of the paper people, the source of the ghost stories here should not be very cold-blooded and cruel, otherwise no paper people would come back alive.

As long as they don't take action as soon as they come up, the adventurer will be sure of survival, and there is also a hope of soul-level communication with the source of the ghost talk.

Maybe, he can also become a sojourner of the source of the ghost story. After all, he can be the first to find the source of the ghost story, which in itself represents his strength...

The adventurer felt that his movement had stopped, and he quickly looked around him. He saw some scattered line segments, which showed that he had arrived in a new space.

Could this be the area where the root ghost stories are located?

But why is there no aura of source ghost talk in this space?

The adventurer keenly sensed something was wrong, and then seemed to remember something. He suddenly opened his personal page and looked at the map on the page.

Well, the map shows the area where I am...

There is an icon on the area.

It was a white barrel icon with a blue recyclable mark printed on the barrel.

It was a very familiar mark, and the adventurer recognized it almost instantly.

Recycle bin.

Am I in the recycle bin?

You're a weird guy who doesn't talk about martial arts. Why did you just throw it into the recycling bin? !

The adventurer was suddenly shocked. What he was most afraid of now was that if he clicked "Empty Recycle Bin" again with that mysterious power, wouldn't he die?

However, after waiting for a while, the adventurer never waited for the end of his fate. Looking at the lines around him, he had a vague guess.

Yes, the surrounding lines are still there, and it is not a blank space, which means that the root ghost story will not "empty the recycle bin" immediately.

Perhaps like many people, the source of the problem is the type that does not empty the Recycle Bin until the C drive memory is insufficient.

This means that you still have time, and you must escape before Root Monster clears the recycle bin, otherwise you will really die!


The adventurer looked again at the icons on his map except for the recycle bin, and gradually began to make assumptions in his mind.




There is a special guess about the existence logic of the root ghost story.


In the Glory Square, thirty minutes after the turmoil broke out, the official forces of the Round City finally gathered their forces slowly and mobilized the triangular soldiers to the Glory Square in order to find potential patients with madness.

The officials of the circular city are actually very wary of madness and are very cautious and meticulous, but unfortunately, the discipline control of the triangular soldiers is not strict at all.

What was supposed to be a thorough search of Glory Square and its surroundings by well-trained triangular soldiers, actually turned into young and Dangerous men marching toward Glory Square under the leadership of Pentagon officers.

Under such power, the triangular army indeed achieved great results. No scoundrel dared to stay in the Glory Square, but Yu Liang and other players took advantage of the chaos to escape.

In short, in the end, the triangular army did not find any mad patients, nor did they discover who the people fighting in the square were, and there were no casualties.

Everyone is happy.

The matter was revealed so smoothly.

Although there are still some figures at the government level and among the nobility who feel that this matter needs to be investigated strictly. After all, this is a disease that almost destroyed Lingcheng and we must be vigilant. However, when other figures mentioned that every time they drive the triangular army, they need to pay a fee. When pen allowance is made, all figures shut their mouths.


Lingcheng has resisted this disease. Even if history repeats itself, with Lingcheng's experience, they will definitely be able to do better than Lingcheng, right?

Moreover, nothing has been found yet, which means that there is a high probability that there is nothing wrong.

Maybe the crazy picture patient was just dazzled by the onlookers at the time. After all, the news coming from Lingcheng some time ago was quite scary, and it is very normal for people to make assumptions about graphics.

No one cares about this, because in the zombie crisis in Lingcheng, there were almost no casualties among dignitaries and nobles. This shows that the danger of madness is not too great, at least it is within the controllable range, and let the triangle army The allowance for conducting the investigation is real, and everyone present needs to pay the price.

Regardless of the outcome of the political discussion in the court, Yu Liang and some of the players who were controlled successfully escaped this disaster. Through the portable prison, he can carry the players with him and become an important part of his wealth.

He naturally had no mercy for these guys who dared to surround and suppress him. After being imprisoned, he only gave them basic food and water, and ignored other needs.

Of course, the imprisoned players also have weapons against Yu Liang, which is to kill each other or commit suicide directly.

Every player can lower the average wealth. If he died so casually, Yu Liang would still be very distressed. It's a pity that they don't have the courage to commit suicide or kill each other, because Yu Liang is the leader of Ling City at T1 level. The actor Aze had promised in his name that he would let these people leave the instance alive, and the current imprisonment was only for protection.

Yes, that's right, of course it's protection.

Otherwise, how can players with no characters or inventory survive in a dangerous flat world?

Yu Liang selectively ignored the fact that players had not yet unlocked the character slot and item slot.

What a joke, are you talking about human rights?

The laws of Flatland state that the graphics in the prison are not protected by law. Of course, if you follow the Romans when you are in a country, you must abide by local laws.

The Octagon made specimens of dead players and transferred their wealth to Yu Liang. Yu Liang's wealth reached 520.

An auspicious number.

As for the other special player still alive in Glory Square, Yu Liang had already planned for her.

"I am willing to transfer all the wealth that the shadows gave me to you. You don't have to kill me. Before the copy ends, I can help you with whoever's panel you want to see." The prophet quickly recounted his remaining value. , and then continued, "And I have the [Blessing] skill. When I receive fatal damage, I will automatically teleport away. If you can't kill me, the best choice is to cooperate. Let's work together. I know that the financial planner may be hiding in Wherever he puts his wealth, I can tell you that you must eradicate his words!"

"[Blessing]..." Yu Liang repeated the name of this skill and laughed, "Indeed, if you receive fatal damage, it will automatically transfer away. This is the reason why I have kept you until now, because I have known this for a long time. Yes. This is indeed a very troublesome skill, but for's useless."

He felt happier because the person who was bullied by the prophet before was Li Huachao, but now it was him who came back with revenge.

Of course, Li Huachao protested strongly. He should have taken the lead in this battle, but he couldn't be allowed to take the final revenge?

What kind of crazy writer is this?

However, Yu Liang turned a deaf ear. What he wanted to create was the prophet. At this time, if Li Huachao killed the prophet, there would be no way to create it.

If you want to create this character, you must use his killing intent and his abilities.

Li Huachao was naturally in great pain, and he and Hua Niang were rolling around in the universe.

With all this going on, can Yu have a bad conscience?

"What? What's useless? This skill is a passive skill. Even if you have the ability to lock the alienated professional skills, it is useless." The writer's calmness made the prophet feel a little timid. She believed in the priority of her abilities, but she was not convinced The writer is alarmed by his indifference.

Could he really kill me?

This is also because the prophet did not notice how Yu Liang used the combined skills of Shougui and Zhong Chen to obtain players' wealth, otherwise he would never have had such a delusion.

"The money-keeper, [Li Yu]." Yu Liang told the money-keeper, and then switched to Zhong Chen.

A heavy attack hit Zhong Chen. Now Yu Liang has analyzed the system table based on Zhong Chen's beating data and knows that multiple attacks can probably expose all the wealth of the opponent player.

This data will be affected by the number of characters in the player's character bar, but only for powerful players.

It may not be that easy to trick Aze's character, but the prophet will naturally have no problem.

"What?!" The prophet watched as he attacked Zhong Chen. The characters and items on his body suddenly exploded one by one and scattered all over the ground. They were all put into the jar by the money-keeping ghost who had been watching for a long time. He was very fast.

"Now, you shouldn't have the characters to activate the skill [Blessing], right?" Yu Liang smiled again, picked up the spike that Li Huachao had used and stepped forward, stabbing it down without hesitation, three or two. The prophet will be stabbed into a hornet's nest.

It wasn't the first time he had killed someone, so naturally he wouldn't feel any discomfort.

Just watching such a person who was warm just now fall in front of him, he felt quite dreamy.

A year ago, he would have never imagined that he would become like this.

"Let's create next." Yu Liang clicked on the page and chose create.

The prophet's words did not move him. He naturally knew that he wanted to eradicate the problem, but did he need the help of the prophet?

If there is a dog's radar, the financial planner cannot escape, and it will definitely enter the waiting list created.

I just don’t know what the writer’s version of the prophet is like.

The skills of the prophet...

Are there any amazing uses?

How did you know that I produced 66 orbs this afternoon?

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