The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 478 I really like the prophet’s words: Huh?

"Yu Liang" who was hiding in room 225 finally came to his senses.

The person controlling this body now is Zhong Chen. Zhong Chen has always been a "iron-blooded" warrior, but now he is also very weak, with a strong sense of exhaustion in his voice.

It is true that she had never done anything before, and she had not been too tired, but it was different now. Just resisting the horrible pain had already consumed too much energy.

Originally, the characters in the universe wanted to replace Zhong Chen and take turns to help resist the numbness and pain that spread throughout his body, but Zhong Chen refused.

She claims to be the absolute protector of the universe, and this pain must be borne by her.

For a time, all the characters in the universe were deeply moved by Zhong Chen's benevolent act, until they noticed a faint "refreshing" feeling in Yu Liang's brain under Zhong Chen's control.

Well, this nerve signal means comfort, and it is a signal that secretes a large amount of dopamine.

Yu Liang is still asleep, so someone who can feel happy...

Well, it’s Zhong Chen.

At this moment, the characters in the universe vaguely felt that this was not a punishment for Zhong Chen, but a kind of enjoyment.

Yes, Zhong Chen has a slight tendency to "shake up", or he has an absolute belief in being a bodyguard.

The belief of a bodyguard is to protect important people even at the expense of oneself. This is the power of "guarding", and this belief has undergone a more profound change with Zhong Chen.

As long as I am injured to protect the people around me, the more injured I feel, the happier I feel, and the more pain I feel, the happier I am, because it means that I have endured this kind of injury for my companions. This is where the bodyguard’s accusation lies...

Oh, praise the pain, praise the suffering!

Although we know the origin of Zhong Chen's weird thoughts, every character in the universe still feels a little outrageous.

Of course, the created characters in these universes are very grateful to Zhong Chen for his efforts, because they naturally hate pain, and they will not be tortured by pain if they can.

Forget it, Zhong Chen's character is a bit weird, but compared to Li Huachao, it's much more normal, right?

These are the inner thoughts of several characters in the universe except Li Huachao.

And Li Huachao’s idea is——

Forget it, Zhong Chen's character is a bit weird, but compared with "coward and pretender", "scared dwarf", and "male body and female appearance", it is much more normal.

Fortunately, the minds of the characters in the universe are not completely connected, otherwise it would be another round of scolding.

The pain of thunder and lightning was not inflicted on themselves, but this did not mean that Li Huachao and the others felt that it did not matter. At this point, the anger of Li Huachao and others had been aroused.

A round city, haha, a round city, right?

Local players are so rude!

We came all the way to help deal with the shadows, and you just greeted us with the "Thunder" character?

Too much!

The players in Round City must be made to feel some pain!

This is the thought lingering in the minds of every character in the universe. Even An Buchen, the "troublesome dwarf" who always chooses to avoid battles to preserve his strength, is filled with righteous indignation and is ready to fight back.

If not, there will still be some short-sighted guys coming to stare at Yu Liang's three-acre land next time, and there will be more things to do.

In order to have less things to do in the future, it is better to do more serious things now.

An Buchen thought so.

Most of the others had the same idea. Only Li Huachao was slightly different. He was really panicked.

Throughout the past, no matter how big things happened, he was able to stay safe and make a fortune, but something happened this time.

He clearly didn't want to cause trouble. He just led a team to the circular city and used the wedding company and the money-slinging ghost to steal some of the shadows and resources from the players. Why did it suddenly become like this?

If Yu Liang's body is electrocuted like this, if he can't get enough benefits, something will happen.

Not to mention the damage to his reputation, Yu Liang might not give him such a high degree of freedom in the future...

For no reason, Li Huachao thought of the scene in the Forgotten City where he dreamed of the rabbit-shaped god's paradise. There was everything in the paradise dream, but he could maintain his innocent heart and not miss it at all. The reason was that he wanted to cause trouble.

If Yu Liang deprived him of his right to do things because of today's incident, it would be no different from killing him.

Damn Round City players, you forced me to do this!

For the public, these guys want to kill Yu Liang; for the private, these guys want to kill him. The combination of the two made Li Huachao furious and wanted to break out of Room 225 to take revenge.

No. 225 is now An Buchen's Taoist mansion. An Buchen can sense what is happening near the Taoist mansion, so she naturally knows the current battle situation.

Li Huachao's sudden idea indeed caused a lot of damage to Yu Liang's body, but relatively speaking, the more serious damage must be to the shadows and players outside.

Originally, there were more than 20 shadows and more than ten players, which can be regarded as a terrifying combat power of thirty or forty people. But now there are only four or five people who can move freely, and they can barely cope with Yu Liang's strange creatures. offensive.

However, the situation of the monster creatures is not good. Half of the paper people have used up the characters carried in the [Extreme Luxury] space, so they go behind the scenes and continue to act as light bulbs to suppress the state of the shadows.

The other part of the paper men wreaked havoc in the square, and were proficient in burning, killing, and looting. From time to time, they would use [unnecessary] to conjure up some inexplicable things to harm other people on the field.

Such as flames, thorn horns, shit and piss, etc. It's very miserable.

On the other side, the human snake also suffered a lot of lightning damage, but after all, he is a purebred T1 gradient flesh and blood creature from the flesh and blood planet. His regeneration and resistance are very strong. Even if he is injured, he can deal with the attacks of three or four shadows. But Under the deliberate guidance of the shadows, they fought farther and farther, reaching the corner of the square.

This is the task of the shadows, to separate the strange creatures from the writer as much as possible, so that the writer can be alone, so that he can take advantage of them.

On the battlefield, the evolved Snake is undoubtedly the strongest help. It has completely transformed into a thunder snake and has the ability to condense thunder and lightning.

It activates the bioelectric energy stored in the body, and then uses a relatively weak electrical signal to activate the electrical cells throughout the body, and finally releases the electric beam from between its horns to attack other living things.

However, it discovered earlier that the attack distance of this electric beam is actually a bit short, far from Pikachu's "100,000 Volts", so Snake Eater changed this special attack move into a physical attack move.

It's too far away and you can't hit it, so why don't I just bump into it?

Anyway, I have an insulation layer on my body, so why am I afraid of being damaged by electricity?

It probably turned into Pikachu's "Crazy Volt", and Snake Eater's movement speed was not too slow. After the electric cells were activated, it became even more agile and ran rampant, causing those shadows or players to fly all over the square.

Well, you can't fly in the two-dimensional world, but you are indeed knocked around.

The most disgusting thing is that this kind of lightning strike will paralyze the corresponding area that was hit, causing the problem of being unable to move normally, making it easier to be hit next time.

One move was hit, and every move was hit.

However, this kind of attack really cannot be used frequently. It is a move that can damage the enemy by one thousand and damage itself by one hundred. If used too much, it is not good for the body, and it also consumes a lot of power.

As a biting snake that has mastered the power of thunder, it does have the ability to store and discharge electricity, but it does not have the ability to produce electrical energy.

Well, the evolutionary points brought by [Dream Eater] were not used here. At that time, Snake Eater just wanted to survive. In short, the independent evolution of "survive" was full, and other abilities were relatively weak.

Anyway, the Snake-eating clan's talent points are all in "eating" and "survival directed evolution". They really don't care if they don't have combat prowess.

But so far, I don't care about the Thunder Snake, because it runs out of power when it hits it. The damage caused by the impact without current coverage is sharply reduced. Players and shadows who are not paralyzed and controlled immediately come to clean up this just T2. Gradient snake-eating.

Snake Eater turned around and ran away. The little remaining power was used to stimulate his muscles, and he ran very fast.

It quickly came to the side of the little paper people, and then hissed and urged the paper people to recharge themselves, and it was so anxious that it almost spoke human words.

However, the electricity generated by the paper people using "Unnecessary" is only a drop in the bucket, and cannot supply the consumption of Snake Eater at all, so they can only be driven away along with Snake Eater.

[Unnecessary] The things it conjures are often not very powerful, and this is exactly the case when used to create electric current.

So at this moment, the few prophets on the battlefield who did not directly participate in the battle felt a change in the rhythm.


The balance of victory once again tilted in their favor.

As time went by, some shadows and players who were not directly killed by the "Thunder" character began to regain their strength. Those shadows were extremely "considerate" and hit a few "Repair" characters for the players around them. Looks like a good ally.

In this case, he did not add insult to injury, but helped. This move undoubtedly slightly increased the trust of other players.

The target of the attack was unanimously directed at the writer hiding in the building.

"That's almost it. Let them push up and drive that guy out." The prophet's gloomy voice came out. She didn't care about the casualties of players and shadows at all. In this dungeon, no one is worth trusting all the time. .

Including those players.

Are the players who came to help her because they have a close friendship with her?

Of course not, it's just because the chips given by Shadow and her are too high, and if you want to get this reward, you have to pay a price.

She had to get her hands on that strange creature called "Flower Girl".

The T2 gradient is equivalent to the combat power of a physical warrior, and it also has a unique seal and character bar. Each of these advantages makes the prophet deeply jealous.

Why does such a useful ghost story creature follow the writer?

Why wasn't she discovered earlier?

However, the prophet also discovered that Hua Niang's abilities are exactly the same as those of the "Hunters" under the writer's command. They are both powerful warriors with the ability to shoot at a certain speed.

Of course, her original words remained unchanged.

Hunter is just a rubbish profession. He seems to be able to do everything, but he is not proficient in any of them. He cannot keep up with defense and defense. He is useless for assassination. In frontal combat, he cannot do anything with combat-type physical warriors (such as boxers, etc.)...

Is it possible to let him hunt in the dungeon?

Perhaps he was only proficient in such inexplicable things as hunting.

But "Flower Girl" is different. She is a monster creature, a creature that can be accommodated in the monster column, which has many advantages over the alienated profession.

As a strange creature, her focus has changed from "proficient in none" to "knowing everything". She can carry, fight, and assassinate. She also has so many unique seals and can use characters. How can she be so powerful? A weird creature?

It happens to be just the T2 gradient, which is the level where she can directly use her abilities to drive it.

The whole plan is flawless. Now all we need to do is get the shadow and the players to attack Room 225 and force the writer inside to come forward.

If they don't come forward, those strange creatures will really suffer casualties other than the eighteen whistle beasts.

Without being forced by the player or the shadow, in just twenty seconds, the door of Room 225 opened, and Li Huachao and Hua Niang both jumped out.

The two of them really couldn't stand it anymore. They had been holding back a fire in their hearts until now. They originally wanted to hide in Room 225 to stall for a while and wait until the [Shared Loss] time was over before going up, but they saw their own The monsters were injured, ran away, and were chased away...

Who can bear this?

Most of the strange creatures here were found by Li Huachao with great effort. How could these shadows and players waste them after collecting them?

And the most important thing is...

That woman!

Li Huachao had already noticed the mastermind behind the scenes. In Room 225, he saw the figure of the prophet outside the square through Li Geng's [Eye of God].

The mastermind behind the scenes must die!

Li Huachao and Hua Niang both rushed there and did not dodge the attacks coming from around them. They just blocked them with the thorn horns in their hands.

"Oh?" The prophet also noticed Li Huachao and Hua Niang coming towards her, but she was not in a hurry because she wanted to get closer.

Waiting until the two hunters come to her before controlling Hua Niang, this will avoid the risk of interference from other strange creatures. If they take action early, the "Wuhan" or other strange creatures will forcibly abduct Hua Niang, and she will also There is no way.

Where she is now, there are no shadows, no players, and no monsters around her, which can provide more convenience.

And Li Huachao also valued this. He really couldn't imagine how the prophet could resist his own edge, just with the programmer beside her?

A T2 programmer plus a prophet with little frontal combat capability is like resisting the male and female swords of the Li family?

Are you kidding me? !

"[Precognition]." The prophet felt that the distance was almost there, so he activated [Precognition] at the "Flower Girl" and forcibly gained control of her.

"Wait...wait!" Hua Niang made an unpleasant sound. She felt that there seemed to be an extra soul in her body, and it was snatching control of her body!

"Be careful, be careful of Hua Niang. I remembered that the prophet can forcibly drive the monsters. This category actually includes the subdued ghost creatures!" Li Geng also came to his senses. He had always regarded Hua Niang as his second child. The two Li Huachao looked at each other but did not pay attention to Hua Niang's true identity.

Flower girl is actually still a strange creature!

"What?" Li Huachao looked at the prophet who was only ten steps away, then looked back at Hua Niang, who had lost control, and was stunned for a moment.

Hua Niang didn't give him any chance of being stunned, and stabbed him directly with the sharp thorn.

"It's done!" The prophet couldn't help but exclaimed. She controlled Hua Niang and naturally understood what happened.

There's just a small chance that the flower girl will stab the writer right away!

At this distance, it is impossible to survive without precautions!

Wait a minute, you old ladies are really going to kill you?

Li Huachao looked at the stabbed Hua Niang with surprise in her heart.

But is it useful?

【Hunting Instinct】!

Li Huachao triggered his shot speed advantage!

The two collided and merged into one, achieving the T1 double sword form.

The prophet's eyes widened, and he couldn't believe what he was seeing.


The writer and the flower girl got together?

It's not an overlap of line segments, is it really a fit? !

Prophet: "Huh?"

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