The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 474 The shadow that fell into the trap set a trap

Xu Cixi discovered the truth!

However, just when she wanted to squat in the corner and listen to what else Li Huachao and Octagon wanted to do, she suddenly found that the door of Room 225 was closed again, and even folded it in the opposite direction, using a comparison The gentle force pushed her out of the door.

Immediately afterwards, before Xu Cixi could react, Room 225 ran away with a roomful of people and strange creatures.


God knows why this room can run so fast, and it is also a very special kind of building.

When No. 225 is in the open space, it is like a simple work shed on a construction site, but when it is close to the wall and chooses to blend in, it becomes a special space within the wall, and you can enter the room by opening the door.

However, it is not as peaceful as a normal room. The door on the wall can be moved freely, and a small amount of travel can be done between the walls.

This is a two-dimensional world. Room 225 is not obvious visually. In addition, its moving speed is not slow and its movement trajectory is very strange, so Xu Cixi quickly lost track of it.


Looking around again, Xu Cixi suddenly found that she had been taken to a relatively unfamiliar alleyway. She could only see a single thick line and nothing else.

This is the Round City, a city she has never been to before, so she is a little confused about this complicated alleyway extending in all directions.

Now, would she be left here?

"Yu Liang" is going to carry out his plan now?

But didn't he know that she had heard about their plan? !

Damn, maybe Room 225 suddenly changed his mind and quickly took "Yu Liang" and Ba Hexiang away. But "Yu Liang" didn't know that this plan had been overheard by her, otherwise he wouldn't have chosen to leave her behind. .

In an instant, Xu Cixi discovered the key point, and alarm bells rang in her heart, realizing that something was wrong.

Now that she has heard "Yu Liang's" plan, it means that Shadow will also know about this plan. At this time, they will still implement the original plan...

I'm afraid something will happen!

We must find the shadows before they act, tell them about this, and make them stop.

Xu Cixi realized what she should do, and while she was anxious, her brain calmed down and began to analyze and think.

Just now, she heard "Yu Liang" say that zombie graphics should be released in places with high graphics traffic, but it is almost completely dark now, and there are not many places with high graphics traffic at night.

She is not very familiar with Round City, but she still knows a little about Ling City. The customs and habits of the two cities should be similar, so the places with high graphics traffic should also be similar.

Generally speaking, only the square where the night market is held or some restaurants and bars have a large amount of graphics.

Then just find a few graphics and ask about the areas with the largest graphic traffic. As for the identity issue, it doesn't matter. It's night now, and she is a paper figure painted in five colors. Generally speaking, she is not thin near street lights. If you look at it, it's hard to identify her from the graphics.

Besides, she was a hypnotist, so it would be too easy to ask the figures for specific details.

As long as "Yu Liang" is not hidden in the group of graphics, Xu Cixi feels that he should be able to find them soon.

With the current character of Yu Liang, I am afraid that it will be easy to become the brightest one in the figure, but it may be difficult to completely hide it.

Xu Cixi made a plan in her mind, and then started wandering in the alleys. She needed to leave here first and run to a street with more graphics.


"Get rid of it?" Li Huachao felt Room 225 stop, so he patted her body.

"Hmm." Room 225 immediately responded.

"That's good. The plan so far has gone very smoothly." Li Huachao laughed confidently and was in a good mood.

Just like the original plan, they successfully created an unpredictable maze of truth and falsehood, a fake plan executed openly and a fake plan executed secretly.

She successfully deceived Xu Cixi, causing her to accidentally discover the real "fake plan".

In this way, the shadows will know that they are preparing to create a "zombie crisis" again in the bustling part of the city.

Unlike last time in Lingcheng, it was an unexpected move in Lingcheng. Li Huachao himself didn't know that doing so would create zombie graphics, so the shadows naturally couldn't stop him.

This time the shadows have experience and are still on their territory, so they will definitely come to stop them.

Even if they don't choose to stop him, they will definitely come to watch and at least confirm what is going on here at Li Huachao.

As long as they dare to come closer, Li Huachao will let them know how powerful he is.

Don't think that he can't recognize these shadows because it's night, he has secretly arranged for the thirty-seven paper figures.

When the time comes, the paper people will use "Unnecessary" to create bright light, and then transform into Li Geng and take a closer look at the situation. It will be easy to tell where the shadow is.

Light is a natural restraint on these shadows, and the light emitted by the thirty-seven paper figures can already make the shadows feel extremely uncomfortable.

Destroying the shadow army is inevitable!

At least it can make the shadows lose troops and lose their generals, and their strength is not as good as before.

As long as there is a large-scale attrition of shadows, it will be difficult for the shadow side to pose any threat to the players.

Hum hum, Li Huachao should take the lead!

Of course, if these shadows don't come at all, there is nothing we can do. This shows that they can not only read the inner activities of "Yu Liang", but also the inner activities of the current Li Huachao and others.

Although such a drama was in vain, at least I got a new piece of information from the shadows.

As for whether the shadows dare to use their tricks to trap him...

Just these shadows?

There are a lot of strange creatures here in Li Huachao, and paper people can create a bright environment to restrain shadows. How dare you come here if you know this?

Then Li Huachao really admired them, and every one of them died.

It is precisely because of this that Li Huachao can now put his hands on his waist and be awesome for a while, and he is already in an invincible position.

The use of "unnecessary" to shine was discovered after Yu Liang fell asleep. Yu Liang himself didn't know that there was such a wonderful use.

If the shadow can't read the mind, it will come to stop it, and then be defeated; if the shadow can read the mind, then it will know that the paper people can shine through [unnecessary], and then it will be impossible to come.

Now, all you need to do is find a prosperous place to start upgrading. It's best to make a big fuss. The bigger the fuss, the easier it is for the shadows to take notice.

And the shadows can naturally find him easily, because Yu Liang's shadow is following him.

Although he is following on the second layer, he can definitely know his location in real time.

"Where is the busiest area in the circular city at night? I'm going there to conduct an upgrade experiment." Li Huachao asked the octagon around him.

"Of course it's Glory Square. It's a gathering place for major events during holidays. On weekdays, there are many activities here. The surrounding streets and alleys are also commercial streets. At night, they will take advantage of the flow of people. Come do business." Octagon immediately recommended a place to Li Huachao.

Li Huachao didn't notice it, but Li Geng and An Buchen in the universe discovered something at the same time.

The octagon says "people flow" instead of "graphic flow", which seems to be just a slip of the tongue, but this subconscious slip of the tongue explains exactly one thing.

The memories from three-dimensional humans have deeply affected Octagon, and he began to consider himself a "human".

Li Geng didn't know whether this was a good thing or a bad thing, but from now on, it seemed that the closer the Octagon was to humans, the better. This meant that he would spare no effort to help Yu Liang, because only Yu Liang could bring him into the human world.

Octagon is now settled in Ling City, but when he was young, he traveled around Flatland and surrounding areas, so he naturally knows the circular city well.

Under the leadership of Octagon, Li Huachao soon arrived at the Glory Square of the Round City. He originally wanted to use the badge of Elder Round to borrow a group of rhombuses from the security office, but was stopped by Octagon. Came down.

The current situation is quite special. The zombie crisis has just ended in Ling City. A group of nobles have fled to Round City. The situation in Ling City has just stabilized.

At this time, Li Huachao brought the badge of the elder of Lingcheng Yuanxiang to borrow the thorny rhombus from the circular city security office...

Abnormal behavior will definitely attract the attention of the top management of the circular city. It is hard to say whether they can get out of the circular city smoothly, let alone whether they can borrow soldiers. They will definitely be tortured.

By that time, I'm afraid Li Huachao will really have to cause a zombie crisis-level chaos to take the opportunity to escape.

Well, according to this rhythm, the unlucky one is the round elder Aze again. All the sewage about the zombie crisis will be poured on Aze. The two zombie crises before and after will be considered to be Aze’s masterpiece...

It is estimated that he will be arrested and imprisoned for "anti-graphic crimes" and directly killed.

"Okay, I'm still thinking about borrowing more strength to deal with those shadows more easily." Li Huachao didn't think so deeply as Octagon, so he could only laugh twice.

Although he likes to see things like Aze's bad luck, he is not willing to ruin the overall situation just to see such a thing happen.

The situation is great now and I have the advantage, so there is no need to waste time like this.

Li Huachao retracted the thoughts that tortured Aze in his heart and instead arranged them in the central square.

In the portable painting prison, the strange creatures have been completely hidden, waiting for the shadows to appear and launch a fatal attack on the shadows.

On the other hand, paper people with An Buchen's invisibility charms on their bodies were positioned everywhere in the square, mainly surrounding Li Huachao in the center, ready to turn on the lights to check the situation at any time.

At this moment, in Glory Square, Li Huachao and the Octagon had cleared an open space and were ready to do something eye-catching.

Some figures quickly gathered around them, and they could roughly guess what would happen here.

Since Glory Square is quite lively at night, there are often some musicians or other people coming here to play, or to conduct hawking sales. This is undoubtedly more interesting for graphics people who live a dull life, so Soon people will be crowding around, wanting to see the excitement up close.

Today, the excitement seems to be more interesting, because a figure recognized one of them as a paper man.

The paper figures in the circular city are also wanted, but the level of the wanted is not too high. In addition, there are paper figures from the Far North in Flatland Middle School, so most of the graphics present do not refer to wanted persons. Lenovo above.

if not?

Will The Wanted perform in such a bustling area?

Picture what?

What's more, the paper man is surrounded by a noble octagon. This is an octagon. How can he hang out with a wanted criminal?

It’s more reasonable to say it’s a dual-graphic band, right?

"Okay, good evening, everyone. I am the paper man 'Ochumelov' from Hexagonal City. Next, we will perform a... wonderful drama." Li Huachao casually made up a name for himself, At the same time, he whispered to the octagon on the side, "Come on, that's enough, let's conduct the 'upgrade' experiment together."

"Okay." Octagon did not refuse. He now had an indifferent attitude towards the disaster in Flatland.

Don’t you see, he didn’t even go home to see Ling City a few times during the zombie crisis. Most of the time, he used the excuse of “helping Elder Yuan Yuan to do things” as an excuse for his wife and children. Now this Yuan City...

So what if there is another zombie crisis?

Looking at the unified situation in Lingcheng, for this country, the zombie crisis may not be a bad thing, right?

Anyway, Octagon is relatively calm about this kind of thing in his heart, and with Li Huachao here, it doesn't matter even if he is "upgraded" to Lingcheng's zombie graphics, killing him on the spot will not pose any threat.

While the octagon was undergoing an upgrading experiment, a high-intelligence molecular figure on the side recognized the octagon's operation. It seemed that it was conducting an upgrading experiment that was prohibited during this period, but they were not sure, and they were still in their hearts. There was some hesitation.

Li Huachao switched to Li Geng and entered a high-altitude perspective.

Looking down from here, there are only a few spark lights in the circular city. Even the Glory Square is not bright. It is a dark shape, and it is impossible to tell whether it is a shadow or a shape.

After waiting for a while, Li Huachao heard some noisy sounds coming from the graphics group. It seemed that some graphics confirmed that the octagon was conducting an upgrade experiment. He wanted to come up to stop him, but was immediately controlled by the flower girl next to him. .

It’s almost time to let the paper man turn on the light. Next, I want to see the stunned hearts of those shadows!

Following Li Geng's movement, the paper people lurking in the square released their light with all their strength. For a moment, it seemed as if dozens of stars lit up out of thin air, illuminating the entire square.

In the huge square, the graphics seemed a bit chaotic, because there were octagons conducting prohibited experiments with prohibited items in public.

Among the chaotic graphics, Li Geng saw nearly twenty black shadow versions of paper figures, hiding among the graphics, waiting for opportunities to move.

The brightness of the paper people was obviously beyond their expectation. Their bodies became blurred to a certain extent, and they began to tremble, instinctively wanting to escape from the bright square.

At the same time, the octagon's upgrading experiment was also successful. He transformed several triangles into "zombie graphics."

Yes, there is a one-fifth chance of hitting the target in just one experiment. There seems to be a hand pushing this thing to happen.

The appearance of zombie graphics shocked the graphics present. For a moment, they fled frantically, and the square was completely empty of the octagon.

Screams and crashes were heard endlessly. It seemed that it only took a few seconds for "prosperity" to turn into "chaos", and order collapsed at the speed of light.

Among those shadow paper figures, Li Geng also saw more than ten dyed or hollow paper figures.

For a moment, Li Geng felt that his heart was clenched tightly by something. He knew what those special paper figures were.

It's the player.

He is a player from Round City.

Indeed, the shadows did not know how to synchronize the thinking of their created characters, so the shadows did not know that the paper figures would create light, so they took the bait, and they also suffered a loss. The shadow army was weakened by the light.


Both Li Geng and Li Huachao ignored one thing: there were "Yu Liang" and "Aze" in the shadows.

They have not descended on the first layer, but they can make suggestions for the shadows and serve as the brains of the shadow army.

They didn't know Li Huachao's true plan, but at the same time they sensed something was wrong, so they made a change.

Use unknown interests to unite these players in the circular city to launch a surprise attack and encirclement against the sleeping "Yu Liang". This is the answer given by the shadow "Yu Liang" and the shadow "Aze".

At this moment, the situation changed drastically.

Because the shadows who fell into the trap also set a trap.

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