The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 468 The Snake-Eating Snake actually hatched? !

"Here, this is the real animal tamer." Aze told Yu Liang the relevant information of the animal tamer. He had also seen the abilities of this profession, so he could understand the detailed information of the animal tamer.

It was precisely because he knew the actual skills of the animal tamer that Aze didn't believe it when he heard Yu Liang call himself an animal tamer, at least he definitely didn't believe it in his heart.

Now telling Yu Liang the real skills of a beast tamer in front of him can be regarded as A Ze's personal bad taste.

Of course, the trainer skills Aze has mastered are only at the T2 level, while the trainer Carl just mentioned is a T1 level trainer, and his abilities must have been improved and differentiated.

【Animal Tamer】

Gradient: T2

[Physique Energy]: Overall constitution +2. When you are short of physical strength, you can draw it from your pet.

[Beast Whisperer]: You can communicate and converse with the monsters that appear in the dungeon (the communication results will be affected by the intelligence level and personality of the monsters)

[Beast Pet]: You can set the beast you have tamed in reality as a "Beast Pet" and store it in the alienation career page (limited to 1). The beast pet will be strengthened in all aspects (the degree of strengthening is based on gradient levels). as the limit).

[Unity of Thoughts]: You can fuse with your animal pet and inherit all the values ​​​​and corresponding special abilities of the animal pet; when you receive fatal damage in this state, the animal pet will bear the damage on your behalf.

"For a T1 level animal trainer, I guess his upgrade direction should be to remove some boundaries, such as no longer having a single animal pet, but having more animal pets." Aze guessed, "Because the animal trainer It has a physical bonus in itself, and when combined with a T2-level animal pet, his combat power is also very powerful. In terms of physical fitness alone, it is stronger than the physical warriors of the same level."

"This profession sounds very good." Yu Liang carefully thought about the ability of the animal trainer, and suddenly felt the strength.

However, this profession is not suitable for creation, because Yu Liang has never tamed any wild beasts in reality, so there will be no beast pets accompanying him in the dungeon.

If he wanted to have an animal pet, Yu Liang had to tame a beast in reality.

Yes, the skill description refers to "beasts", which refers to things like jackals, tigers and leopards. Apart from zookeepers or circus trainers, Yu Liang really doesn't know anyone who can raise these beasts. .

He did serve as a zoo director, but that was a long time ago.

Let's forget it for now.

"Apart from them, there may be some high-end combat forces in the other two cities, but I haven't received clear information yet." Aze sighed, "It seems like the players in our city are the weakest. If we have to fight for the right to speak, we may suffer some losses."

When Aze finished these words, both he and Yu Liang present felt an inexplicable guilty conscience.

There is no other reason. The reason for the scarcity of players in Ling City is naturally the massacre that occurred on the campus at that time, and it was massacred indiscriminately. Even if there were some strong players among them, it was meaningless.

He couldn't use any of his moves, and a lot of them died when he came up.

And at that time, Aze and Yu Liang...

One was gloating at the play at the school gate, while the other was only thinking about himself and running away desperately.

It can be said that if there is a conflict with the player groups of the other two cities in the future and they suffer a loss, Aze and Yu Liang really have no place to reason.

Their deeds were worthy of their suffering.

Aze accounted for 70% and Yu Liang accounted for 30%.

"We'll see when the time comes. If you capture the power of Ling City as soon as possible, you may not be afraid of the players in other cities." Yu Liang said, there was one more thing he didn't say directly.

This Aze has about ten clones, and he can summon five or six people in the presence of adventurers. It seems like...

Other cities don't seem to be so "popular with strength". Judging from the total number of people, they are actually not much different.

But Yu Liang was somewhat concerned about another thing.

Aze's ability is similar to his. He can select a player as a target to obtain new characters. Among the current characters...

The Western swordsman overlaps with the swordsman, and that guy is only very popular in this dungeon in the two-dimensional world; the financial planner's ability is weird, so I won't consider it for the time being; and the animal tamer is more difficult to use.

Damn it, isn’t the character Aze is eyeing also a prophet?

Yu Liang felt a sense of urgency in his heart.

Originally, he didn't want to kill other players for no reason to obtain alienated professions, because that had already crossed his bottom line.

Of course, he still wouldn't do that now, he just instinctively wanted to cause trouble for Aze.

Yes, you are not allowed to cross the moral bottom line that I have not crossed. How about it, am I good to you?

"Next, I may have to leave for a while, and I will leave the affairs of Lingcheng to you. I hope that when I come back, you will have complete control of Lingcheng." Yu Liang said to Aze. This was also a farewell. He really couldn't. Stay any longer.

Now that he is still staying in Lingcheng, he basically does not have much benefit and can only become Aze's vassal. He is not willing to follow Aze and eat dust.

So far, Aze's plan has been great, and all he needs to do next is to take control of it steadily, which is equivalent to holding one-third of Lingcheng in his hands.

In this case, he has to do his own thing, such as finding Xu Cixi near the mine, and the adventurers who don't know where to go...

Open a box first and unlock your own combat power.

After opening the box, he has the combat power equivalent to five or six T1s.

The combination of Li Huachao and Hua Niang has stable T1 combat effectiveness.

The combination of An Buchen, Li Geng, and Room 225 can almost be regarded as two T1 level combat forces.

The human snake, due to its limited two-dimensional expansion ability, can only be regarded as half of the T1 combat effectiveness.

The total strength of the whistle beast mother body and more than ten whistle beasts is basically equivalent to the T1 level, and it is considered a powerful T1.

Dozens of T2-level paper figurines naturally count as one.

Money Keeper counts as one, and if it's a team fight, it can even count as two.

A T2 level writer is so powerful.

The remaining miscellaneous characters and strange creatures can barely be counted as one. After all, there is Lu Baoshen without a character field. His main skill is mascot, and he understands everything.

"Leaving now? Do you want me to see you off?" Aze's face lit up when he heard this. Yu Liang was finally gone, and he felt relieved immediately.

It is true that Yu Liang helped him some when he was in Lingcheng, but something as inexplicable as the zombie crisis...

It’s better not to come again.

"It's not necessary." Yu Liang didn't bother to say anything to him. He knew very well that Aze wanted him to leave as soon as possible, and the further away the better.

"By the way, I have also inquired about the whereabouts of the adventurer in the other two cities. He does not seem to be in those two cities, but some players said that the adventurer seemed to have appeared in the circular city a long time ago, but soon He disappeared without a trace." Aze told Yu Liang the information he had obtained. He did not want his companion's companion to disappear like this.

"Okay, I understand." Yu Liang nodded, with some guesses in his mind.

This Flatland continent is not very vast. If the adventurer is not in those three cities, there will not be many places to go.

Forget it, let’s find the teammates we can find first.

Aze had told him the whereabouts of Xu Cixi before this, and Xu Cixi should still be following Aze's personality clone near the mining area to help.

It seems that Xu Cixi left early. With the help of Li Huachao, Aze's plan is progressing very quickly. However, Xu Cixi in the mining area is a bit idle now.

Now, Xu Cixi had received news from the chess player Aze and was already on his way to Lingcheng. Yu Liang only needed to walk towards the mining area, and he would probably meet Xu Cixi on the road.

Yu Liang switched to Li Geng and entered the God's perspective to look in the direction of the mining area. On the road between Lingcheng and the mining area, he saw a paper figure dyed in five colors.

It looks the same as what Aze said, so this paper figure is most likely Xu Cixi.

He briefly estimated the distance between the two parties, then entered Room 225 and rushed in the direction of Xu Cixi.

Multiple companions will provide multiple assistance, which will be of great benefit to his next plan.

While rushing to room 225, Yu Liang finally had time to rest. It was only now that he felt something was wrong.

Why does he do all the dirty and hard work?

This was the case when I was working on the painting prison a few days ago. After I woke up, I experienced a day and night of zombie crisis...

During this period of time, Li Huachao slept very soundly!

The more he thought about it, the more uncomfortable he became. Yu Liang immediately pulled Li Huachao's character card twice in the universe.

"Get up, change shifts. I'll take a rest. Wake me up when you see Xu Cixi. Also, during this period, you and Octagon will process the batch of player specimens and turn them into wealth." Yu Liang He ordered Li Huachao, then ignored the dazed Li Huachao, switched to the universe and fell asleep.

Anyway, Li Geng is also awake. With Li Geng watching Li Huachao work, nothing should happen.

Last time……

It's just that he didn't set a clear goal for Li Huachao. There will definitely be no problem this time.

He didn't get much rest this day and night, so Yu Liang was exhausted both physically and mentally. He fell asleep completely soon after turning off the "voice".

"Second brother, Yu Liang fell asleep again, so what should we do now?" Lu Baoshen asked Li Huachao immediately after noticing that Yu Liang was asleep.

As a gambler, Lu Baoshen has always had the idea of ​​doing something big. He used to be timid and didn't dare to do anything, but now...

He dared to follow Li Huachao and cause trouble. Anyway, the blame would never fall on him.

"What to do? Let's get rid of the player specimens first!" Li Huachao said in a bad mood, feeling like he was getting out of bed. It felt like coming home from work on the weekend, having a good time and going to bed at two o'clock, but ended up sleeping until three o'clock. At that time, I was woken up by my boss with a series of life-threatening calls to work...

The resentment at this moment can definitely drown the entire dwarf alliance.

So Li Huachao woke up from room 225, found Octagon immediately, and told Octagon to work with him in a cold tone.

And this time it is not as casual as before. It is not necessary to choose to open the player's character bar, but to let the octagon make its own judgment based on the memory contained in the player's specimen to determine whether the player's things in the character bar are important or the items. What's in the column is important.

Take a character like an adventurer as an example. If you rob his character slot, he won't feel bad at all, but if you steal his inventory, he will risk his life with others.

Under such non-stop work, Li Huachao quickly completed the collection of the wealth of more than 30 player specimens, which brought the wealth value of the money-keeper to 250, not more, not less, just right.

There are thousands of characters among them, as well as many supernatural objects with different abilities.

However, the abilities of these supernatural items seem to be suppressed, and they cannot be used in this two-dimensional world under normal circumstances.

For example, there is a small mirror that can reflect the prototype of a special type of monster if you look at the notes.

For example, the Hanhao Bird that Yu Liang met in the Zoo Dungeon was invisible to normal people like Lao Du, but with this mirror, this was no longer a problem.

The priority of this mirror is very high. As long as the player realizes that he is affected by some special strange power and takes out the mirror, he can see the true appearance of the strange creature.

The category of "weird creatures" even includes origin ghost stories.

In other words, if he is directly affected by the source monster, he can see the appearance of the source monster in the mirror.

It's just that the mirror is facing upward, so you have to switch to Li Geng's perspective to see clearly what's on the mirror.

Although inconvenient, it is still very useful.

Li Huachao has already envisioned a plan. If he can successfully provoke the source ghost talk in this dungeon and the source ghost talk can influence him, then won't he be able to see the other person's true face in the mirror?

As long as the appearance can be seen, wouldn't the main mission be pushed forward vigorously?

Can you at least know the manifestation of the root ghost story?

If you react faster, you may even be able to determine the logic behind the origin of the ghost story.

Although it is a little bit dangerous, if it can really succeed...

It can definitely give Yu Liang a surprise!

Haha, you can’t believe it, you will be as tired as a dog working part-time, but if you let me work, you can make a fortune even if you work part-time!

Why, do you feel the gap between people?

Li Huachao was working, and while he was working, he began to have fantasy time, until Zhong Chen said something strange.

"Wait, there seems to be something wrong with my inventory..." Her voice was full of surprise.

"What's the problem?" Li Huachao was playing with the supernatural objects handed over by Octagon. They were two special stones with patterns but no date.

"It's the three snake-eating eggs you put in my inventory before." Zhong Chen looked at the shaking inventory and had a bad feeling.

"Snake-eating eggs? I almost forgot." Li Huachao was equally surprised. The snake-eating eggs had not been moved since he brought them back because he could not hatch them at all. It felt like these eggs had lost their vitality.

It was similar to a dinosaur egg fossil, so Yu Liang put it in Zhong Chen's inventory. Anyway, there were many characters, so there were quite a lot of inventory.

"Wait... wait! Switch over quickly! It's coming out, that thing is coming out!" Zhong Chen exclaimed, quickly squeezing Li Huachao off the line.

Snake-eating eggs are items, but snake-eating eggs are not. After the snake-eating snakes received stimulation and hatched, they appeared in front of Li Huachao.

"Snake-eating?" Li Huachao blinked.

The sleeping straw-eating snake suddenly woke up and looked over with a puzzled expression, as if wanting to see who was calling it.

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