The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 457 Restarting the turbulent twenty years

"Loan business?" The money-keeper also heard Li Huachao's narration, and he felt happy. He had been planning this step for a long time, but he had never had the conditions to start it.

Loan business is definitely an important means of making money legally, and it is one of the most important means. There is no doubt about this.

As the incarnation of "greed", the money-keeping ghost has naturally had this plan for a long time, but due to reality, the loan business in the strange world is not so easy to realize.

The most important thing is, how to charge interest?

Everyone knows that Guitan players are in danger and may not even be able to save their lives. Do we still expect them to repay their loans in time?

What can I do if I can't repay the loan?

Put a personal credit blacklist on them?

Then restricting the use of transportation in the Kaitan world?

Don't talk nonsense. Without a good means of collecting debts, those players will let you know what it means to talk nonsense.

If some supernatural items are used as collateral, then there is no need for players to take out loans. Can't they just sell the supernatural items and buy them again?

On the other hand, even if they successfully obtain some assets through loans, what is the use?

This fantasy world is not reality. There are no investment channels, and it is difficult to realize "compounding interest and compounding interest". "Money begets money" seems to be only a beautiful fantasy.

To sum up, the money-grubber has been thinking about a safe enough way to introduce the "loan" business, so that it can become popular immediately and then make a steady stream of money.

Otherwise, not only Yu Liang's wealth will shrink as a result, but the creditworthiness of the Cao Ying market and even Cao Ying coins will decline.

Then the gains outweigh the losses.

Now that Li Huachao has a new idea, how can this not make the money-keeper excited?

Regardless of everything else, Li Huachao can be regarded as the father of Cao Ying Market!

It may seem fantastic in the eyes of others, but the Scrooge knows for sure that the founder of this business empire is not the Scrooge, nor Yu Liang, nor the masked man, but the careless hunter in front of him, this unconstrained hunter. Li Huachao, a hunter who just ignores all his thoughts.

Therefore, for Li Huachao's proposal, the money-keeping ghost listened carefully and considered it carefully.

"Loan business... are you finally going to enter this industry?" Li Geng sighed silently in his heart. He knew that this kind of thing is the best blood-sucking method for "capital". According to the current development trend of Yu Liang, this is considered It is the only way to go.

He is an architect and has the memory of an architect, so he is no stranger to this business. He always has a faint resistance in his heart, but if he thinks about it carefully...

Oh, we are the ones lending money, so that’s okay.

"Loan, loan!" Lu Baoshen was also excited, "Let me come, let me come, I will lend money, I can make the guy who is betting against me lose his money and lose everything!"

He thought of the red-eyed gamblers who lost their money, and a lot of evil thoughts inexplicably came to his mind.

Because Lu Baoshen was originally a gambler, and he was relatively young, his concept of good and evil was relatively weak.

As the owner of the pig-killing plate, he would not sympathize with those gamblers. Instead, he wanted to see these guys lose everything.

In a way, it makes him feel awesome.

"What loan?" Li Huachao looked like he hadn't thought about it at all. He was stunned and vaguely realized that he and these created characters were not talking about the same thing. "I was talking about asking the masked man for a loan. He Aren’t you quite rich?”

Everyone: "??"

Scrooge: "???"

" hundred thousand points of wealth?" An Buchen's heart collapsed inexplicably, but he still asked in an unbelievable tone, as if he wanted to confirm whether this was the case.

"Yes, let's borrow it to buy a source ghost story first." Li Huachao's answer was full of desire for the future and a special kind of excitement, "When we have a source ghost story, wouldn't it be awesome?"

Everyone: "..."

Sometimes I really envy Li Huachao. Is his brain always so short-term?

It seems that all of them have misunderstood this guy. This stupid hunter just wants to borrow money to buy the source of ghost stories!

How outrageous.

When Yu Liang woke up, he found that he had fallen from the top of the dungeon player wealth list to the bottom, and was burdened with tens of millions of dollars in debt...

Just thinking about it will make you collapse, right?

"Hey, hey, what's your reaction?" Li Huachao saw that these people were speechless, and she couldn't help but feel a little angry. "Think about it, we already have the source of the ghost story, and we still have to be afraid of that. What are you doing with the masked man? Of course I won’t repay this debt!”

While thinking about it, he continued: "If we buy the source of Kaitan, we can be regarded as one of the shareholders of Kaitan World. Are you still worried that someone will follow behind and ask for the account? Just kidding."

"But..." Lu Baoshen instinctively felt that something was wrong, but when he thought of Li Huachao triggering the "Isolated and Helpless" buff, a fire of loyalty suddenly ignited in his heart, and he said solemnly, "What my second brother said makes sense. .”

Everyone else sighed and didn't want to pay attention to the two brothers.

Ask the masked man to borrow money to buy the root monster, and then use the power of the root monster to escape...

Needless to say, this operation reminded them of another similar thing.

During Double Eleven, I asked Huabei to borrow 200 billion and buy Taobao, which has a market value of 400 billion, at half price. Then everything will be fine. After buying Taobao, do I still need to pay back Huabei?

There is a kind of retarded beauty.

"Well, there does seem to be some problems with this." Li Huachao saw that only Lu Baoshen supported him. Although he felt that the feasibility of this plan was too low, he then thought of another key point, "Think about it, if you owe The masked man has millions of dollars, so who is the person who least wants us to die? Isn’t it him? In this case, doesn’t he need to continuously provide us with good things to ensure that we will not die in the dungeon? Otherwise, who will sell Cao Ying to repay the money?"

Everyone: "..."

It makes so much sense that I can't refute it.

"This is tentative. If the final result is not much different, you can try to borrow some from the masked man, but you must ensure that the wealth value does not return to zero, otherwise the money-keeping ghost will die." Li Geng blurred the question Processing, he summarized what Li Huachao just said in his mind and divided it into several modules.

Treat the shadow.

Treat players.

Treat the player specimen in room 225.

In any case, raising the wealth value first is definitely a good thing for the money-keeper. Don't forget that he is still in a state of residual health.

Since the wealth value has always been lower than one thousand, he has not recovered his health.

"Okay." Li Huachao was a little helpless, but he also knew that his loan plan could not be realized for the time being. After all, they didn't even decide on the masked man's grocery store...

Well, based on my understanding of the masked man, the grocery store needs to be placed in a place that is both secretive and has a certain amount of customer traffic.

It's the kind of place that only advanced players who know how to explore can find it.

An excellent answer immediately popped into his mind.


The "eye" pattern button not far from the west coast is very suitable. It is the key area of ​​the dungeon that Yu Liang judged, and it definitely meets the requirements of the masked man.

Coupled with the background relationship of Cao Ying Market, the masked man must have used his location as the location of the store, and he will be able to get a good prop for free.

On the other hand, Li Geng divided the plan mentioned by Li Huachao into three more detailed parts. Through everyone's discussion, he listed the details and key points of each part one by one, making the steps of the plan clearer and full of executable information. sex.

Some of the steps need to be carried out simultaneously, so the person who presides over the overall situation must have enough perspective on the overall situation.

At this point, the characters in the universe chose Li Geng without much hesitation. For them, the reason was very simple.

Lu Baoshen's eyes darkened, and he was basically acting as a mascot.

Well, it’s a real mascot.

An Buchen didn't want to take responsibility, and he didn't like to be pushy in the first place.

Zhong Chen has strong execution ability, but when it comes to issuing orders, forget it.

Because of this, the final choice was very clear, and everyone agreed——

It's better than choosing Li Huachao.

That is a ruthless character who wants to ask the masked man to borrow 100,000 yuan worth of wealth. He must not be in charge of the overall situation.

While several people were discussing the steps enthusiastically, two small paper figures ran out and told them that Octagon had found relevant information and needed them to go in and elaborate.

Li Geng first switched to the [Eye of God] to see the situation from a high altitude. After noticing that Octagon was not tampering with the library, he switched to Li Huachao, who teamed up with Hua Niang to find Octagon.

"'Heixu', that's right, a creature that is 'blacker' than ordinary figures." Octagon stroked the wall and said, "Not only do they look black, but the internal structure of their bodies is even darker. The anatomy I can’t see anything at all, this should be what you call the shadow.”

"Continue." Li Geng asked Octagon to continue reading these shadow-related contents.

"According to records, very few figures who are destined to have a 'black void', but no figure knows whether they have a black void. These figures often carry important missions. If they die due to an accident, there will be a 'black void' 'Emerged from their bodies, driving their bodies to complete their unfinished business." Octagon said, this belonged to the secrets of Flatland. "According to legend, there are many great foundation figures for many undertakings. They actually After a certain accident, Heixu took control of the body and completed the work on his behalf."

"It's a bit like it." Li Huachao kept echoing in the universe. This kind of "black void" has the same purpose as the shadow.

No, maybe they are the same thing, but the shadow of the figure is called "Black Void", that's all.

"Of course, this seems to be just a rumor about ghosts and monsters." Octagon continued, "It says that these black voids have all the memories of the original owners and know all their secrets, so they can perfectly replace the original owners. The differences can only be found by killing them and dissecting them."

Having said this, Octagon paused for a moment and looked at Li Huachao: "I don't know how you did it, but you do have the ability to distinguish black from virtual."

"Well, tell me what is Heixu's weakness?" Li Huachao asked, eager to know the correct answer, "This is the key."

"It's 'light'." Octagon said with a kind of pride in his tone, "This is what I guessed based on multiple damaged historical materials."

He continued: "About three hundred years ago, there was a dark period in Flatland, which lasted for nearly twenty years. Almost all historical data about this period are missing. We only know what happened during this period. A lot of incredible things.”

"For example?" Li Huachao asked curiously.

"The temperament has changed drastically." Octagon looked serious.

"Sexual... assault has changed drastically." Li Huachao pretended to be shocked, just like a primary school student playing with the bad jokes from who knows how long ago.

"Yes, during that time, the trust between figures disappeared, and there was turmoil for twenty years." Octagon continued, "The figures were killing each other crazily, and the Middle Ages appeared. Witch-hunting behavior."

He has the memory of the player, so he is aware of the witch hunting activities in the Middle Ages. During this period, what was hunted was not witches, but all figures that behaved strangely.

He sighed, a little helpless: "The whole story of this matter can no longer be found. Maybe only the ruling circular class knows the answer, but it is not important. I guess the reason for this is the large-scale appearance of black voids. Causing every figure to be in danger."

"Twenty years later, this turmoil mysteriously disappeared." Octagon continued, "According to historical data, I guess that the disappearance of Black Void is due to the large number of 'lamps' appearing in Flatland."

"Lamp? Lamp..." Li Huachao felt as if he suddenly realized something.

"Yes, the lamp is made of special materials that can gather and store light. When this kind of thing is concentrated, it may be able to eliminate those black voids, and eventually the flat country will usher in light and enter a new era, and those turbulent For twenty years, it has been buried forever in history, and even I can only get a little glimpse of the truth from historical materials." Octagon seemed a little emotional. As a scholar, especially a erudite historian, his professional qualities are Very powerful, otherwise there would be no clues.

"It makes sense, it makes sense. Shadows are afraid of light. Isn't this inevitable?" Li Huachao nodded silently. At this time, he thought of the shadow attendants in the universe. Don't those shadow attendants happen to be like this?

You cannot survive in absolute darkness, nor can you survive in absolute light.

Now that he knows the weaknesses of the shadows, he has a lot of room for manipulation!

You need a "light", right?

Get ready now!

"Then now..." Octagon did not continue and left the choice to Li Huachao.

"I gather the players first. I need their help, and they also need my help." Li Huachao chuckled, "I can use the answers in the first stage as a bargaining chip for cooperation, and it is also the first condition for gaining trust."

He looked towards the octagon: "And you, my friend, you have a more important mission."

"What?" Octagon didn't follow Li Huachao's thinking.

"Restart those turbulent twenty years!"

"Ligning the flame of Aze's revolution starts with me!" Li Huachao became excited instantly, even though he couldn't be more handsome for more than two seconds——

"Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

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