The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 445 I, Yu Xiaolang, am best at three things

After nearly half a day's journey, Yu Liang finally approached Lingcheng.

On the way, he saw many triangles. Some triangles were coming out of the city. They had dyed themselves with special colors, frequently attracting attention from other triangles on the road. Some triangles had the same goal as Yu Liang. It’s all about heading to the big city for color.

During this period, Yu Liang also tested his other abilities, focusing on the [Universe] in his professional abilities.

Kaitan creatures can be summoned freely, but they are also compressed into a two-dimensional state, and some conflicting abilities have been reduced.

Such as man-snake.

The performance of Golden Eyes' two-dimensional expansion ability in Flatland seems a bit strange.

Yu Liang tried this to make him disintegrate, and then found that the human snake almost died on the spot at the moment of separation.

According to the snake's own description, at the moment when the body disintegrates, countless pressures pour into the body, and it feels like there is a huge pressure difference between the inside and outside the body.

The frightened human snake quickly returned to its original state, and did not dare to use the golden eyes again.

At this time, Yu Liang realized that the lethality of sharp angles was so terrifying. For these closed figures, being pierced meant a high probability of death.

Whether it is a paper man player or a strange creature summoned from his universe, they are all regarded as simple closed figures under the rules of Flatland.

Once pierced by an acute angle, once they are no longer a closed figure, they will die under the influence of the rules.

The creatures in this flat country...

Much more fragile than imagined.

Yu's conscience couldn't help but become alarmed. He also needed to abide by this rule. If he was pierced, he would also face the threat of death.

Not to mention that he is a small T2 player, even if the source monster comes over, I am afraid he must abide by the rules.

According to "Zhi"'s explanation, there is no level of rules between the source monsters. Within the scope of the other party's rules, even if they are both the source monsters, they will still be affected.

When a source of ghost stories enters Flatland, it is likely to be reduced to a two-dimensional figure. If it becomes a two-dimensional figure, it may be killed.


Will die from a small sharp angle.

The dimensions of the rules are always equal, and the ability of the "painter" is to drag the opponent into the field he is good at and carry out dimensionality reduction attacks.

If we could subdue this "painter" source ghost talk, wouldn't we have the power to kill other source ghost stories?

Yu Liang's mind moved, and he thought of other things "Zhi" had said.

The strange rules are that they are immortal and can only be sealed, but at the same time, the real immortality is actually their rules, not themselves.

In other words, the consciousness of the root ghost story may die, and after it dies, another new consciousness will be born to control this rule.

Then the ability of the "Painter" does have a restraining effect on some root monsters, because it can force a dimensional difference with the locked root monsters, thereby carrying out dimensionality reduction strikes.

However, this kind of restraint is only limited to some root monsters. At least Yu Liang can imagine some root monsters that cannot be killed with dimensionality reduction strikes.

The simplest example is the "villagers" of Cyber ​​City.

Unless those Cybermen die, He cannot truly disappear and die. His body will become a closed figure in Flatland, but he will not die because of being pierced by an acute angle.

The Cyberman's consciousness is the logic of his existence and his rules.

The rules are equal, so the "painter" cannot use the dimensionality reduction rules to kill the "villagers".

Another example is "Zhi", she is the incarnation of the Chinese character "Zhi". As long as this character does not die out and completely disappears from human consciousness, her consciousness will also not disappear.

This kind of consciousness of root ghosts born in abstract conceptual things is difficult to eliminate unless the logic of their existence is completely eliminated.

For example, if you kill all the Cybermen, or if you make all humans forget Chinese, then they will naturally forget the Chinese character "之".

Perhaps only those root ghost stories that have no relevant rules in the logic of existence can be killed by dimensionality reduction, such as the "Rabbit-shaped God".

He is a four-dimensional creature, a creature that integrates four dimensions. It is not a root ghost story born from an abstract concept, so it is possible for him to be killed by the rules of dimensionality reduction.

Of course, it may be more difficult to kill the "rabbit-shaped god" than to kill the "villagers". When you think you are sending the "rabbit-shaped god" to Flatland, when you think you are close to killing the rabbit-shaped god , suddenly found that he woke up from his dream.

Never despair?

And this is the power of the rabbit-shaped god.

Yu Liang recorded his guesses about the "painter's" abilities in his mind. These were important clues and important references when handing in assignments.

He looked not far away, where there was a large line segment with no end, and in the gaps in the line segments, some colored line segments were moving slowly, and the colors on their bodies were light and dark.

Lingcheng has arrived.

Yu Liang made a judgment and at the same time took out Daofu No. 225 and switched to An Buchen.

He didn't want to rely on two-dimensional Taoist tanks to forcefully break through the card. There was no need to do so now, and in Flatland, Taoist tanks could be pierced by soldiers with sharp angles, so he didn't want to give it a try.

Room 225 is very strange in the setting of Flatland. It is a building-type creature, so it can exist in an unenclosed state. It can open the door. After opening the door, it will not suffer a huge pressure difference like the disintegration of a human-snake.

An Buchen walked into the Tank Taoist Mansion and used the energy contained in the Taoist Mansion to draw several talismans, mainly invisibility talismans.

She herself didn't know what the drawing process was like. She only knew that she easily made the talisman using a technique she had practiced countless times, and it was a two-dimensional talisman.

The invisibility charm is almost useless in a three-dimensional space, because it can only be transparent like an optical camouflage, and the outline can be seen if you look closely.

In the two-dimensional world of Flatland, this invisibility charm has been greatly strengthened, because the outline of the figure is originally a "line segment".

Two-dimensional vision has great limitations. All other graphics look like line segments, and the invisibility charm can further restrict the vision of graphics. Now even the line segment representing "Yu Liang" can no longer be seen.

After attaching the invisibility charm, Yu Liang seemed to completely disappear in front of the figures.

Relying on the powerful effect of the invisibility talisman, he easily blended into Ling City, and then walked according to the place where the colorful graphics gathered in his memory.

There is probably a dyeing shop there. If you find a dyeing shop, Aze will be found.

He took out a piece of oval-shaped food from his pocket. This oval-shaped food is called "round bean" by the figures. It is a product of triangular-shaped farmers. It is similar to crops and is a mid-to-low-end food. .

The only difference is that crops are grown, while round beans are painted by painters who use specific methods to consume energy and energy.

Yu Liang stuffed the round beans into the portable bell, so that the portable bell would get stuck and would not ring again, and his whereabouts in the invisible state would not be exposed.

Mixed in among the graphics crowd, Yu Liang also got some latest news about the color bill.

For example, the current "National Color Act" is more complete than the original one, and the new provisions are mainly aimed at advanced graphics such as extreme polygons.

First of all, irregular graphics can only have a single solid color, which is already an illegal favor of the ruling class.

Irregular shapes that have been stained with multiple colors will be forced to fade.

Secondly, when a figure has more than ten sides, it is eligible for two special colors - gold and silver.

At the same time, in order to highlight the outstanding status of advanced graphics in daily life and to facilitate management and identification, polygons can only have two colors: "gold" and "silver".

Yes, triangles have three colors, quadrilaterals have four colors, and more advanced decagons and even circles can only have two colors.

The two most noble colors are arranged separately, one part is gold and the other is silver. Anyone who sees this dyeing image can easily distinguish it.

On this street, Yu Liang saw some gold and silver polygons. There was often a large area of ​​space around them. Other shapes were shocked by this luxurious color. They did not dare to approach at will, but only dared to stay away. Enjoy the high-profile gold and silver in the light.

To a certain extent, the emergence of color has promoted the development of this society. At least now Yu Liang does not need to stare in front of him all the time on the streets full of colors, for fear of accidentally bumping into a certain shape. At an acute angle, he encountered a fatal disaster.

At this point, every graphic in Flatland is viewed this way, and the appearance of color is tantamount to pushing the aesthetics and artistic sense of the two-dimensional world to a peak.

On the street, some quadrilateral merchants with a keen sense of business paint their shops in dazzling colors, and with vigorous shouting and refreshing music, they can often attract the attention of the figures on the street in an instant.

Although covering the building with paint is a bit wasteful, judging from the daily increase in turnover, it is definitely a good move.

Dyed graphics will be more inclined to be consumed in dyed stores, and this phenomenon will cause a large number of dyed graphics to gather in the store, which will virtually increase the identification of the dyed graphics with the dyeing store.

The dyed figure talks loudly in the shop and plays with his colorful body. This creates psychological pressure on undyed graphics in the store, and they tend to leave voluntarily.

However, this will not cause a loss of customers, because these graphics often make up their minds to dye and quickly fall into the trap.

After a brief inspection, Yu Liang had an understanding of the development of the dyeing situation in Lingcheng, but at the same time he was still a little curious.

Why did Aze invent color?

Is it because you want to make money?

Yu Liang didn't think so.

He sneaked into several dyeing shops, but did not see Aze, and he did not get the answers he wanted when questioning the owners of the dyeing shops.

These dyes can be picked up at a fixed location every day. All you need to do is put the money to buy the dyes in a small box with a hidden mechanism.

From beginning to end, the bosses were unable to see this mysterious "dyeer."

Not only were the owners of the dyeing shops unable to find him, but even some high-level graphics could not find the whereabouts of the "dyers". Even the circular class had no way to knight the graphics behind the scenes who invented color.

The history books are in dire need of adding the name "Dyeer," but it's clear that this guy doesn't care about these false names.

Yu Liang originally thought that Aze invented pigments to make money and gain a higher status, but when he thought about it carefully, this was not the case.

He doesn't care how much money the bosses spend to buy paints. He never checks it. Basically, he takes what he pays. Even if he pays less, it's okay. He will continue to cooperate happily next time.

Could it be that Aze didn’t dare to show up because of the paper man’s special status?

Just kidding, let’s not mention that the official will create an identity for him, such as an alchemist or adventurer from the far north. There are many such paper people in the three major cities. As for Aze himself, he can completely control it. A graphic comes to the rescue.

If the person who invented color is a noble regular pentagon, then Flatland will not hesitate to bestow upon him the highest honor, give him a large number of rewards and commend him.

Look, the wisdom of a pentagon is enough to amaze an era!

As long as you gain a high status, subsequent main quests will be much easier.

However, Aze didn't care, he wanted to play bigger.

Yu Liang looked at the colorful graphics silently. He didn't know what Aze was going to do, but he already had a vague guess in his heart.

One thing he must admit is that Aze's practical ability is far stronger than his. Whether it is the fullness of the plan or the final result, Aze's performance is unmatched.

Yu Liang knew that he could keep up with Aze's rhythm, but that was all. Without mischief, there was no possibility of taking the initiative.

There is no way, he is indeed not as good as Aze in this area. After all, Aze always goes out with more than a dozen people at a time, and with the cooperation of their abilities, they can easily get into trouble.

Yu Liang felt that now there are even circles that have been infiltrated by Aze, and the laws that will be issued next will even have obvious "Aze's characteristic troublemaking".

In the next few days, he stayed at the trading point agreed between the owner of the dyeing shop and Aze, trying to find Aze, but the trading point would change every few days. After catching the trader for the only time, Yu Liang discovered that the opponent was just an irregular shape dyed green.

Aze was much more careful than he thought.

However, he did not gain nothing. At least during this period, he stole a lot of silver dye and hoarded it, preparing to take it to the West Coast for dyeing.

As a result, those extreme polygons lost the opportunity to be dyed. For a while, the advanced graphics in Ling City expressed solemn protest.

Of course, this is just a small episode.

In the dark, Yu Liang is waiting for the secret Aze to make a move, and he is also curious about what Aze's next plan will be.

Looking at it now, the peaceful meaning of color is far greater than the meaning of war. The revolutionary uprising that Aze likes seems to have no possibility of happening.

Just like Yu Liang didn't expect that Aze would come up with "color" as a breakthrough, he is now like an outsider looking forward to the next breakthrough that Aze will find.

Anyway, no matter what, his Mirror Sea plan will definitely be implemented, right?

From a strategic perspective, he is at least invincible.

There are two things that Yu Xiaolang is best at.

One is to copy homework, and the other is to turn over the table.

Oh, by the way, there's a third thing.

Let the dogs loose.

Three days later, a breakthrough occurred that Yu Liang had not expected.



Is it reasonable to exploit the lethality of the weak gender?

Yu Liang thought of Rachel.

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