The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 443 [Do not believe in evil] Stable performance

Regardless of how his teammates are doing, Yu Liang is now more confident.

He really didn't expect that after wandering around this flat country for a week, the first stage of the task was completed inexplicably, which was an unexpected surprise.

Yu Liang kept switching between the created characters, feeling the power contained in this two-dimensional body, and the confidence in his heart gradually returned.

Hunter Li Huachao, gambler Lu Baoshen, fairy An Buchen, bodyguard Zhong Chen, architect Li Geng, there are no problems with the five created characters in the universe.

While Yu Liang was checking his abilities on the page, he walked out of the village and into the countryside. He was going to test his alienation ability first.

The two-dimensional world is very different from the three-dimensional world. His professional skills may not be effective here. Test his abilities first so that he can avoid surprises when encountering danger in the future.

He switched to Li Huachao, wanting to see if the hunter's physical fitness bonus would be synchronized to this two-dimensional body.

Through a simple test, Yu Liang can basically get the answer. In the two-dimensional state, he still retains the strong physical fitness of a hunter.

Running faster and being stronger are two things that need not be said, they will definitely have a big effect.

Secondly, some small thorns with shapes close to acute angles were judged as short weapons in Li Huachao's hands, which could trigger the "hunting instinct" shot speed bonus.

As for traps, they can’t be used for the time being.

The alienated professional skills of several other created characters are similar. They have been "characterized in a two-dimensional world" and are not exactly the same as the original abilities.

For example, Xiangu's Taoist mansion originally chose a "space", but now it chooses a "plane".

Among these abilities, the one that Yu Liang looks forward to the most is the skills of architect Li Geng.

【Eye of God】.

The effect of this ability is very important, and its effect directly determines whether Yu Liang's three-dimensional transformation will succeed.

If what he sees after opening God's Eye is still various line segments, it means that he cannot switch to the three-dimensional state with the stamp [Dimension Man]; it would be great if he could trigger a bird's-eye view of Flatland from high altitude.

"So... let me give it a try?" Li Geng controlled the body of this two-dimensional world and activated his own abilities.

After a three-second switching period, he opened his eyes again, and a picture-scroll-like scene immediately appeared in his field of vision.

This is an aerial view of Flat Country from a high altitude. Based on his wandering in Flat Country during this period, Yu Liang can easily identify some iconic buildings or villages.

At this moment, the village directly below is the village where the dyed Li Saner just lived. There are some triangles of different shapes gathered in the village. Two obvious eyes can be seen in the triangular body, one on the left and one on the right. on both sides.

The three-colored Li San was at the head of the village, surrounded by villagers. At the same time, other villagers were walking out of their homes, looking for excitement and walking towards Li San's position.

Here, the houses are all regular pentagons, because this kind of polygonal house can have a larger and more "forgiving" angle, and it is not easy to scratch the figures that are not paying attention to the road, such as Yu Liang once painted in prison The triangular houses I have seen have been banned in the real Flatland for a long time, and they only occasionally appear in private places like Hua Lao.

It is worth mentioning that the houses in Flat Middle School naturally have no roofs, so Yu Liang can clearly see what the figures are doing inside these houses.

Now this kind of perspective can really be regarded as God's perspective, right?

Looking down from a high altitude, there are no secrets in the entire Flatland.

"Wait, why do you keep retreating?" Suddenly, Yu Liang noticed the shrinkage of the field of view and was immediately curious.

The screen is shrinking, but the scenes included in the screen are increasing. Originally, you could only see the village below, but now you only need to turn your head to see the Hexagonal City next door. And this process is still continuing, appearing in Yu The picture in Liangyan became larger and larger, and the graphics became smaller and smaller. Soon they were only the size of ants. At first glance, they looked like countless motionless sesame seeds.

No, only the graphics in the villages are sesame seeds. There are obviously a large number of colorful graphics in the city. They are like a wave sweeping through the streets and alleys of the city.

"Retreating? Yes, why?" Li Geng shook his head in surprise. He had never encountered such a thing before. Why did he keep moving away from the plane after entering [God's Perspective]?

This feeling...

It's like an astronaut keeps looking at the earth, while his body is taken away from the ground by a rocket and keeps rising into the sky.

"This is the hexagonal city, this is the rhombus city, and this is the round city." Yu Liang couldn't think of the answer for the moment, so he suppressed his doubts and turned his attention to the flat country. He recognized the shapes of the city walls one by one. These three cities are surrounded by dozens of small villages guarding them like satellites.

"Yes, I have memorized it." Li Geng nodded silently. He has a very high memory efficiency for such two-dimensional or three-dimensional drawings. His sensitivity to images and shorthand ability are indispensable skills for architects.

The maps of Flatland are only available in contact mode and often occupy a huge area. There is no way for ordinary graphics to access these maps, so for most of the graphics, they will still feel unfamiliar even if it is their own country.

They know that they are citizens of Flatland, but they don't have a clear idea of ​​how big Flatland is, where it lies in the east and where it ends in the west.

Of course, ordinary graphics don't have any channels to understand these things. It seems that they only need to hide in their own small village for the rest of their lives.

The living radius of an ordinary figure is the village where he was born, and at most it radiates to the city next to the village. A lifetime of savings is just to go to a big city in middle age and undergo a trivial plastic surgery, in the hope that his descendants will grow taller. standard.

"Those sharp triangles or rhombus-shaped buildings should be the secret areas of the city." Li Geng's sharp eyes recognized several special figures from the gradually shrinking buildings.

"Well, remember the location." Yu Liang responded.

Nowadays, the houses in Flatland are basically in the standard pentagonal shape. Such buildings are safer. According to the common sense of this society, those dangerous triangular buildings in big cities are obviously restricted areas, but it is unlikely that government agencies will pass by such shapes. A place with a lot of volume.

There is a high probability that they are buildings such as military sites, warehouses, and secret archives. You can try to sneak into them when the time comes.

"There is a large colored area in the southeast, you should be able to see it." Li Geng continued, with a little doubt in his voice.

On a black and white image, a large colorful area suddenly appeared. It looked like a child accidentally knocked over the paint bucket. But at this moment, in the eyes of Yu Liang and others, this area As colorful as the clouds.

"Yeah." Yu Liang said, "So the dyeing raw materials that are very popular recently come from there."

At the same time, he also noticed that the west coast has a large area of ​​​​water waves, which glows with microwave phosphorescence in the sun.

"Hey, there is an ocean there? Does this flat country actually have such a large area of ​​water?" Li Huachao said in surprise. With his little head, he still couldn't figure out where the water came from, "This layer of water... If there is only a flat surface, how does water appear? The water body must be placed on top of something, right? If there is an 'up and down' distinction, then this is not a flat country!"

"Indeed." Yu Liang frowned slightly. Based on his knowledge and logical judgment, he couldn't figure out why.

"Hey, in the middle of the ocean is..." Li Huachao suddenly noticed the islands in the ocean, as if he had discovered some treasure. "Look at those islands, do they look like an eye?"

"It seems a bit." Lu Baoshen found a viewing angle and began to echo Li Huachao's words.

"How about we go to that place and have a look? Maybe there will be a surprise." Li Huachao suddenly became restless. Now that Yu Liang has regained the alienation profession, he must be superior to Flat Country in terms of strength, and his own safety is guaranteed. Naturally, more exploration is required.

Yu Liang ignored this guy. He looked at the eyes made of islands and seawater, and felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity in his heart.

That is……

What's coming?

I always feel like I have seen him somewhere before, but I have gradually lost my memory because I haven’t seen him for such a long time.

Forget it, it's just an inexplicable feeling of familiarity. I can't remember it if I can't remember it.

Yu Liang thought hard for a while and gave up after getting no results.

"Wait a minute, that thing seems to be the 'visual button' of PS?" In this regard, Li Geng, as the only character in the universe who is familiar with computer software, suddenly reminded, "That's right. Look, those seawaters are actually It’s sensitive to contrast, and combined with the shape of the island, does it look like a square frame with an eye inside?”

After Li Geng's reminder, Yu Liang suddenly remembered the content of the high school computer class.

PS is a commonly used image editing software, and this "visual button"...

It is generally placed on the edge of the layer, and its function is to "show" or "hide" the layer.

"No, could it be..." Thinking along this line of thought, Yu Liang suddenly had a bold idea in his mind.

The entire dungeon is not limited to Flatland and the Far North?

The concept of layers is like drawing pages stacked together. When there is no interference, the top layer is the layer that the painter in front of the computer sees.

Click the "visible button" to hide the corresponding layer.

In other words, Flatland is just the top layer. If you click the "Visible Button", you can hide the Flatland layer and expose the content of the second layer.

"It seems I have to go." Li Geng paused and said what Yu Liangliang was thinking.

Although I don't know what the second layer that appears after clicking the "visual button" will look like, it is obvious that since I have found this clue, I must go and see it, otherwise wouldn't it be a waste of opportunity?

Now we have only completed the first phase, and the content related to the source ghost story has not yet emerged. Yu Liang speculates that the mysterious "second layer" may be the key.

With the observation point high in the sky, he could vaguely see that there were still some figures in the ocean on the west coast, but most of the figures were just wandering near the coastline, and there were no paper figures among them.

Those are probably graphic navigators from Flatland, not players.

He may have been the first player to discover the second layer.

Thinking along this line of thinking, Yu Liang suddenly understood the answer to Li Huachao's question just now.

What exactly does seawater exist on?

Exists on top of the second layer.

Just like the seawater in the real world gathers on the earth's crust, this seawater is on the first layer of Flat Country, and the earth's crust is the second layer.

The entire copy is just multiple layers superimposed. He needs to slowly explore the truth hidden under the copy like peeling off a cocoon.

Yu Liang glanced at the colors that appeared in Flatland again. Judging from the time, the colors appeared at a very clever time, and Aze and Xu Cixi completed the first stage during this time period, which shows that "colors" "It's probably something they made.

He has already imagined that Aze, who is good at building momentum, will definitely use "color" as a breakthrough point to cause a big disturbance in Flatland.

Follow the path of Aze and beyond Aze...

This idea has already been played once in the Cyber ​​City dungeon. This time Aze will definitely be on guard, and he doesn't have such a perverted stamp as [The Man Who Deceived Time].

Moreover, he has not completed the first stage by himself. The progress on this road is too far behind Aze, and he will definitely not be able to catch up.

Instead of passively following Aze's train of thought, it would be better to explore in another direction and directly flip the table.

Yu Liang was already looking forward to it. He had an inexplicable sense of pictures:

When Aze thought he was done, when Aze thought he could enjoy the fruits of victory, suddenly, Aze noticed something was wrong.

The plan went too smoothly, and the handsome and majestic writer Yu Liang was never found.

This sense of unknown made him faintly panicked.

Sure enough, when he was about to become the ruler of Flatland, Flatland disappeared.

The first layer "Flatland" is hidden!

This means that everything has to start from scratch, which means that he has to explore new game rules and adapt to new game rules...

At this time, Yu Liang himself had already gone ahead to study the new rules.

"It feels good." Yu Liang suppressed the faint sense of expectation in his heart. This was what could enable him to overtake in corners.

With his "Visible Button", he can hide Flatland.

Of course, he would not hide Flatland just to disgust Aze. He needed to use this trump card at a time when he could maximize his own interests.

"Do you feel that... we seem to be getting farther and farther away from this flat country?" Li Huachao repeated the discovery he had just made.

"Yes, I just said this." Lu Baoshen felt disdainful of Li Huachao's hindsight.

Stupid second brother, did you just realize it now?

"No, no, no, I you think this feels like..." Li Huachao wanted to describe it, but after searching his brain for a while, he came up with a suitable sentence, "Flatland is like a computer screen. We are just bugs that stick to the screen unintentionally, and now the bugs are moving away from the screen involuntarily, why?”

"Why?" Lu Baoshen didn't understand.

"You mean... there is a 'person' in front of the screen. He found me, a bug, so he reached out and grabbed me and took me away from the screen?" Yu Liang understood Li Huachao's words and felt inexplicably. tight.


It makes sense. Li Geng's perspective of God is usually fixed, but today it is slowly moving backwards.

But shouldn’t catching bugs be so slow?

Wait, maybe it’s just that the bug like me feels slow, because the time flow rate felt by the “bug” is not consistent with that of the “human”!

Li Geng tried to turn back, but he couldn't do it, which made Yu Liang hesitate for a microsecond.

This kind of speculation is a bit unreasonable.

"Haha, I don't believe it." Lu Baoshen snorted, as if to show that he was not slow to react and belatedly realized, so he firmly expressed his disbelief.

Yu Liang: "..."

Li Geng, switch back to the normal perspective!

I believe it, I believe it!

This gambler’s [Not Believing in Evil] must have been activated, don’t ask me how I know!

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