The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 442 Aze’s colorful plan

[Player-Yu completed the first stage of the main mission and unlocked professional abilities. 】

[Player-Ren completed the first stage of the main mission and unlocked professional abilities. 】

Looking at the content of the prompt box on the page, Xu Cixi secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

In the pioneer book, if a player completes a certain stage of the main mission, all players in the same team are deemed to have completed it and have the authority to unlock an ability.

The announcement of this unlocked ability can be seen by all players in the dungeon, so by virtue of completing the first phase of his mission, Xu Cixi can judge the survival status of his teammates through the announcement.

"Yu" is naturally Yu Liang, and "Ren" is naturally an adventurer. She is still a little worried after losing contact for a week, but fortunately, the broadcast shows that neither of them is in danger, at least they are alive, which is enough to make people feel Reassured.

For pioneer players, the most difficult thing to overcome is the early stage when they don't have the alienation ability. As long as they get a chance to choose the alienation ability, the player's survivability will be greatly enhanced.

At present, it seems that the combat power level of this pioneer book is not very high. Players can basically do whatever they want after unlocking the alienated profession.

Unless these graphics are also enhanced, it's unlikely to hold up against players in this pristine state.

"I told you right? There won't be any problem with them." In the same alley, Aze looked at Xu Cixi who was dyed in five colors with a smile.

Thanks to their unique dyeing, they now look like pentagons if not touched.

In fact, in Lingcheng, the birthplace of dyeing, a new force has emerged in this city. Touch is no longer a necessary means of contact for the superior polygons.

Unique dyeing has become a rather fashionable avant-garde art, so a dyed figure can arbitrarily refuse to be touched by other figures, and instead rotate in front of the figure to show its own color, thereby allowing the other party to guess. own shape.

This has become a somewhat playful way of socializing and is loved by graphics from all walks of life.

In addition, Xu Cixi also got a portable bell and showed as little publicity as possible, so she basically didn't have to worry about being exposed.

"Yeah." Xu Cixi did not deny this.

This is part of the reason why I agreed to cooperate with Aze for a short period of time.

Aze's plan is very practical, and even if you put aside those grand and unique ideas, it will at least allow her to complete the first phase of the task.

For the pioneer player, there is no doubt the importance of completing the first phase of the mission early, and she can also know the safety of her teammates through mission broadcasts, which is even better.

Of course, Aze's guidance is indeed very tempting.

"If you complete the first stage first, you can help him a lot."

Well, now she couldn't allow herself to hold Yu Liang back, so she only hesitated briefly before agreeing to Aze's invitation to cooperate.

Such cooperation may allow Aze to win more, but she will definitely not lose.

Indeed, Yu Liang had invited her to start this pioneering adventure, but she would never allow herself to become a vase, as the exploration and cooperation in the past few days proved.

"Okay, what you asked me to do for you is basically done." Xu Cixi looked in Aze's direction warily and responded coldly.

"Yeah, I know." Aze was still smiling. He guessed from the lightness and darkness of the opposite line that Xu Cixi was standing silently far away from him at this time, and responded in a somewhat plaintive tone, "I I’ve shared all the clues about the copy with you, can’t you even trust me?”

However, Xu Cixi, who was standing ten meters away, did not respond. She knew very well that now that she had unlocked the power of the hamster ghost talk, her true strength had greatly increased, but she would definitely not be Aze's opponent.

Only Aze who has unlocked the alienated profession can be called a "born actor".

"Don't worry, the person who least wants anything to happen to you right now is me." Aze smiled while releasing his personality clones. For a moment, the alley was crowded with his twelve personality clones, and he continued. , "If nothing else, my broadcast and your broadcast appeared right next to each other. He must have guessed that you are next to me now. If you die when the copy is released, I will live..."

Aze curled his lips, some not-so-good memories came to mind.

I guess I won’t be able to sleep peacefully again in the future.

That writer...

Extremely vengeful.

Even if Xu Cixi didn't die because of him, Yu Liang would definitely blame him and torture him severely.

Hearing this, Xu Cixi thought about what he meant for two seconds. She felt that what the other party said made sense, and her defenses inexplicably weakened a bit.

But after he realized this, he became even more vigilant.

Can you only say that he is worthy of being an actor?

A few words can capture the weakness of human nature and lower people's defensiveness. No wonder this guy is nicknamed "born".

Even without the use of alienated professional abilities, he is definitely not a player that can be ignored based on his precise grasp of human nature. Coupled with his genius creativity and execution ability that can make trouble at every turn...

It's terrifying.

As a partner, Xu Cixi probably knew what the Aze beside him had done.


There is no doubt that the emergence of color is the biggest change that has occurred in the entire Flatland recently, and this change was made by Aze.

After arriving in this pioneer city in the name of the "upgrade experiment", Aze quickly learned about the country's general situation, and then he set his first exploration target on the "Geographical Collection Hall".

In the family he came to, the head of the family was the owner of the geography collection, a regular heptagon that looked outstanding.

From this regular heptagon, Aze got the key to enter the museum, so he entered the museum to explore.

There is a map of Flatland here, which is a touch map, and there are also some special recording instruments, which record the geographical conditions of the entire Flatland and its surroundings.

Here, Aze also got some simple recording and playback equipment. In Flat Country, this is a very basic equipment for "recording".

Through observing maps and some documentary records, Aze keenly noticed that there were special terrains similar to mines in the east of Flatland.

It is said to be a mine, but there are no ups and downs. There is no height difference in a flat country, so it cannot be called a "mountain" in the strict sense.

However, it is indeed different from the normal flat country land. The difference lies in "gravity".

The gravity in the mining area is not right, so the graphics in it will be affected involuntarily, and the loss of physical strength will increase, making it easier to get tired.

Depending on the specific area, the speed of stamina loss is not consistent, and the degree of thinness of the air is also different. From the records, this is really the same as climbing a mountain in reality.

Depending on the altitude, climbing requires different amounts of energy.

It's just that the altitude here cannot be displayed intuitively in front of two-dimensional creatures.

In the same way, there is something called the "sea" to the west of Flatland. It is an area where a large amount of liquid exists, but there is no concept of "depth".

Two-dimensional creatures will encounter stronger resistance when walking in this area, and the "Western Sea" is also dotted with some small lands similar to islands. Two-dimensional monsters of different shapes are hidden in the sea, which is a "forbidden land" general place.

However, this has also attracted a large number of adventurers from Flatland or the Far North to explore deeply, perhaps to find the existence of a "light source", perhaps to find a "new continent", or simply to obtain treasures.

There are many legends about treasures in the West Sea. Some wanted criminals and political prisoners often escape to the West Sea when they are desperate. The treasures they carry become the talk of the common people in Flatland after dinner.

In the mine to the southeast, Aze saw the description of "luminous stone". After careful consideration, he guessed that there was a large amount of colored ore in the mining area.

In just one week, he personally went to the mining area to collect a large amount of colored ore, and obtained the "color" using a simple smelting method.

This is where dyeing comes from.

Of course, in this process, he relied on his own wisdom to get help from many graphics, and also used some paper figures, otherwise the "dying" would not have been so successful.

In just three days, "dyeing" spread rapidly throughout Flatland, bringing a large amount of revenue to Aze, and at the same time, it also had a profound impact on the social atmosphere of the entire country.

On the first day when dyeing appeared, the twelve round elders announced the "Temporary Dyeing Act" immediately. The whole nonsense can be summed up in one concise and clear sentence -

The number of sides is different and the color is different.

How many sides you have, you have at most a few colors.

However, this is a temporary bill after all. The emergence of dyeing has temporarily confused the country's ruling class, so they have not yet thought about the deep meaning behind it all.

Aze thought about it.

At this stage, Flatland's tolerance for color is extremely high, because almost all advanced graphics love this kind of thing that adds color to the country. It makes artists at all levels ecstatic and makes the rulers feel an overwhelming sense of accomplishment.

Just imagine, being born at the beginning of this colorful era almost means that they will definitely leave their mark in history.

They would become the wise kings who ushered in the "Colorful Era", and were given elegant titles such as "Colorful Emperors" and "Colorful Presbyterians" by later historians.

Aze knew that if he hadn't hidden it well and all the smelting materials were transmitted to the outside world in one direction, he would have been invited by the round elders to be awarded a title such as "Color Baron".

Or maybe this business was targeted by greedy people early on and swallowed up Aze along with his ore and smelting technology.

Of course, this is only temporary, because Aze has not concealed the origin of these pigments. At this rate, a large chamber of commerce in Flatland Middle School will soon discover the connection between the mining area and the pigments, and this smelting technology is not difficult at all. , more advanced color extraction technology will soon be discovered.

The types of colors will be richer, the purity of colors will be higher, and the visual intuitive experience will be better.

This is all a thing for another day. As the starting point of the plan, he only needs to use color to ignite this trend.

It seems to be going very smoothly now, and everything is moving in a direction that is favorable to him.


Thinking of such a thing, Aze couldn't help but laugh again, with a sinister flavor in his smile.

Nowadays, the vision of a two-dimensional creature cannot see his smile, so he can laugh sinisterly like the bad guys behind the scenes in movies and TV shows.

This thing is not all good for Flatland.

The most obvious one is the current interim Colors Bill.

The more sides there are, the more colors can be used.

It seems very reasonable. The higher the status, the more colors you can have, and the higher the status, the more luxurious colors you can use. But there is a contradiction here.

irregular shape.

Any family has a probability of giving birth to such deformed and irregular shapes, but triangular families have a higher probability of giving birth to them.

The IQ of irregular figures is even stupider than the sharpest acute-angled triangle, but they are indeed not animals, and they have polygons that are difficult to understand with ordinary figures.

In this regard, psychiatric researchers believe that it is a kind of atavism, coupled with genetic mutations, disordered work and rest during the reproductive period and other factors, resulting in the deformation of offspring.

This is an incurable disease, so sterilization will be mandatory for those families who have given birth to irregular figures to avoid more irregular figures in society...

Under the interim bill, irregular shapes may even have more colors than a quadrilateral or pentagon, which is clearly against the rules.

Secondly, does the noble circular class have countless sides or just one side?

How many colors should they have?

How many colors should the Paper Man from the Far North have?

These are manifestations of deep-seated contradictions that will erupt when "color" completely sweeps the country.

Appearances can still be suppressed, but Aze also took this opportunity to attack the deep-rooted polygonal aristocratic system.

The emergence of color makes the touch skills that the nobles are proud of no longer have any meaning, and as nobles, they simply cannot make up their minds to refuse to use paint to "add color" to themselves, which makes every noble become a contradiction. community.

Old-fashioned ideas can maintain the stability of class, but the desire for color cannot curb the popularity of color among aristocratic groups.

When conflicts arise among the nobles themselves, Aze knows that the opportunity will come as expected.

Just like the conflict between the old aristocracy and the small bourgeois aristocracy, in order to gain more political power, the two sides will engage in a long-term tug of war over "color", and the mine will become the center of a new round of competition for interests.

And there in the past...

It's a wild place.

Only irregular shapes and inferior triangles wandered there, and they occupied this area for a long time. This is why the "color" was not excavated in the mining area until Azer arrived.

Therefore, Azer's next area of ​​activity is mainly in the southeastern region of Flat Country.

He knew it would be great fun.

In each copy, Aze will try his best to ignite the flames of class conflict because he really enjoys this chaotic feeling.

The disaster started because of him, and he himself had no control over how the disaster would develop...

From the known to the unknown, from order to chaos, he is like an observer rooted in society, admiring his masterpiece with interest.

Creation or destruction, even he himself doesn't know.

after all……

He is a "loser".

"So next..." Xu Cixi saw more than ten extra lines in the alley, and she knew that they were all Aze.

"Next, I would like to call it - color..." He seemed to have thought of something and changed his mind instantly.

"Color Revolution."

"Haha, don't say that word carelessly, or something will happen."

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