The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 439: Strange stories abound, and the copy shows its fangs

Imagine that a group of creatures from neighboring countries appear on your land in a way that you cannot understand, appearing in the homes of students from the second most important university, and invariably teaching these future pillars of the country the magic. Cult thoughts...

How would you feel about this?

When he noticed Professor Octagon's suppressed anger, Yu Liang was aware of this possibility and had already made extremely bad plans in his heart.

From the perspective of Professor Octagon, these players are undoubtedly spies sent by neighboring countries, villains who intend to brainwash the new generation of Flatland, and people with ulterior motives.

"Huh? Aren't you guys still reasonable in private? Why can't you explain it to me now?" Seeing no one in the audience respond, Professor Octagon's voice immediately raised an octave, as if to refute All the paper figures present were ordinary.

Yu Liang knew that any refutation in this case was meaningless. With their preconceived concepts, it was impossible for them to teach a normal three-dimensional world view to the graphics of Flatland.

Apart from anything else, the "key point" that Professor Octagon just identified is enough to deal a fatal blow to the three-dimensional world view.

Dimension means that it can be measured, there is more or less, but the creatures in this world cannot observe this so-called third dimension, so how can we talk about measurement?

Any other theories can be ignored. As long as we return to reality, we can give those who believe in the three-dimensional world a fatal counterattack.

They can't prove the existence of a third dimension in Flatland, at least not yet.

It's like an atheist's response to a ghost theorist. If you say there is, fine, then I believe it. Why don't you let the so-called ghosts and gods come out and take a look?

At this point, unless the ghost theorist can really summon an unexplainable existence, all responses will seem a bit weak, and all he can do is get a sneer from the other party.

At this moment, Yu Liang's mind was running rapidly, and he didn't want to use any sophistry to prove or refute Professor Octagon, because he knew that it would have no meaning.

Words alone cannot change the current predicament. On the contrary, it will make him receive extra attention from the security department, so Yu Liang naturally does not intend to say anything more, but sets his sights behind Professor Octagon.

The classroom door is open. If you take advantage of this opportunity to escape outside, you may be able to escape first.

Just when Yu Liang was thinking about whether he needed to escape, the people in the classroom were not willing to be outdone to refute Professor Octagon's words.

"This dimension can be measured, but because you two-dimensional creatures, your vision cannot capture this dimension."

"It is true that the vision of two-dimensional creatures can only see line segments. This does not mean that our theory is wrong."


Arguments like these were heard endlessly, but the more Yu Liang listened, the more helpless he became.

Until now, haven’t these players realized this?

It makes no sense to discuss a three-dimensional world view with this octagon, they simply cannot convince any graphics in this case.

Do you think this is an academic seminar?

No, this is obviously a simple criticism and struggle meeting before the trial.

"Oh? Since two-dimensional creatures can only see line segments and cannot see your so-called three-dimensional world picture, then I would like to know how you can see it?" Professor Octagon accurately grasped the key point of the players' argument. , sneered, "Aren't you two-dimensional creatures? Since I can't see or feel it, what about you? How do you know? Did God tell you personally?"


For a while, the players couldn't say anything more because they couldn't reveal the fact that they were three-dimensional people, because that might lead to the existence of the Kaitan World, and the Kaitan World strictly prohibited this from happening.

After this back and forth, the players were unable to take advantage of the octagonal professor, and there was nothing they could do against the three-dimensional defense professor.

The professor does not need to refute any of their reasoning and guesses, he only needs to simply ask where the dimension is.

Just such a rhetorical question, no one present could answer it.

However, during this period, Yu Liang also felt other atmospheres in the classroom, and the players seemed to be aware of this.

They were helpless on this issue, and the professor called the security department's graphics. If they didn't think about the way out, they would really have no way out.

Yu Liang had two choices before him. One was to attack the professor by throwing out the "light source theory", because the professor definitely couldn't answer this question, and he also had a hunch that the "source of light" might be the key to three-dimensional existence. The second is to run away before anyone reacts.

The earlier and faster you run, the greater the possibility of escaping, but this will also harm other players, and their nature will change from "pagans with different ideological concepts" to "spies who abscond in fear of crime". In the future, Flatland will also pursue and intercept paper people like them, and their situation will deteriorate rapidly.


If you don't run, it's equivalent to putting your life in the hands of other players, and in the hands of those polygons.

In order to ensure that the stability and sacred origin of the Polygon aristocracy are not tarnished, the Polygons will not allow such new ideas to appear.

Even if they could convince the wise men of the country, they would still be executed secretly without any incident.

Must run!

Yu Liang made a decision in his heart. He would rather be chased by the minions sent by Polygon than confess everything in a cold and damp prison.

"Regil, help me." He said softly.

There are not many people who can help him now. Regiel may be one of them, but he is not sure about this.

After all, the two of them just met yesterday.

"What's wrong?" To be honest, the keen Rachel already felt that something was wrong. It turned out that she thought about this matter too simply and wanted to use this kind of thing to increase her political chips. Now it seems that she is in danger. , so she no longer wanted to wade into this muddy water, so all she wanted to do was pretend to be dumbfounded and get over the matter in front of her first.

"What these people are saying is wrong. You know, even knowledgeable professors can't answer the question of the source of light, and the three-dimensional view can explain it all, but it is no longer important." Yu Liang said helplessly.

He looked in the direction of the door, mentally calculating the direction and distance of his escape.

"When science and truth are mixed with politics, they are no longer pure." He replied as briefly as possible, trying to use rational language to influence Regiel's desire to explore the truth, "Now, help me one last time, this I won’t drag you into the water, you just need to hand over the portable bell to me, you can say that I snatched it away.”

He sighed: "If I have the chance, I will personally take you to experience the three-dimensional world, but the premise of this is that I can survive. This is just a piece of cake for you."

Regiel didn't answer. To be fair, she had a good impression of the intelligent Mr. Kirito. After all, Flat Country is a country that worships "wisdom", and she was in her youthful age, and she always had weird fantasies in her mind.

To put it bluntly, Kirito's simple dialectic about the third dimension spoke to her heart. Now that it cannot be falsified, this theory is not a lie.

"Okay, as long as you run fast enough, you can escape under the influence of the bell." Rachel was moved by Yu Liang's rational yet romantic words. She knew that Yu Liang was already planning for her. It was not too much to ask for her help, so she hung her portable bell on Yu Liang's body and said, "Let's go quickly. I have a hunch that a targeted massacre is about to happen here."

"Yes, I understand." Yu Liang's response was not fierce, but rather dull. He was gathering strength for the next escape.

He took a deep breath, turned his head again and looked at the long and short lines in the entire class, and apologized in advance in his heart.

The dead Taoist friend is not the poor Taoist, he is going to escape first.

Yu Liang activated his body and rushed toward the door. The scene in front of him was still a variety of line segments, but in his mind, the internal structure of the entire classroom was replayed.

It is actually not very accurate to say that it is an internal structure diagram, because he only has part of the areas he has traveled through in his mind, and the terrain of other areas is unknown.

For a normal person who has just entered the two-dimensional world, it is difficult to let go and run wildly without using visual aids to judge distance.

But Yu Liang was different. As a blind man who had been blinded many times, he had completely overcome the interference of vision on movement. Even if he couldn't see the road clearly, he was familiar with the road. He ran forward quickly and passed sideways between the octagonal professor and the door. Drilled out.

Since two-dimensional creatures are extremely insensitive to vision, most of the time they rely on touch and hearing to determine their identity. Now Yu Liang walks very fast and is surrounded by the ringtone of Regiel's portable bell, so Professor Octagon does not I didn't realize at the first moment that the person passing by was a paper man.

"Regier, it's class time now..." Professor Octagon reminded subconsciously, and then reacted, "Wait, you are not Regiel, stop!"

However, how could Yu Liang stop after escaping from the classroom? He ran out quickly along the route he came from, constantly passing through the group of graphics along the way, and rushed towards the exit of the Huulao teaching building.

Along with the sound of the wind, he heard constant footsteps passing by him. He did not stop, but just looked back, trying to determine what those lines were.

Judging from the distribution of endpoints, there is a high probability that it is not a paper man, but some regular graphics with sharp angles.

The security office graphics have arrived?

Then it is very likely that the door of this painting prison has been blocked by people from the security office!

Damn it, these security offices probably got the news in advance.

Several thoughts flashed through Yu Liang's mind, but he couldn't stop now and had to run away now.

The graphics of the security office have just arrived, so I may not be able to react to them.

"Stop him, that guy is not a polygon, he is a fleeing paper man!" At this time, half of Professor Octagon's body was exposed from the classroom door, and he shouted at the graphics at the security office.

"What?!" Most of the graphics in the security office are sharp-angled rhombuses, which have a higher status than triangles. They also have a pair of extremely sharp sharp angles.

The diamonds in the security office didn't pay much attention when they passed by Yu Liang just now, because Yu Liang had a bell on his body and was running so fast that they couldn't see the endpoints of the line segments clearly. But now after the professor's reminder, they He immediately turned around and looked at Yu Liang's running back.

"Stop!" Several of the diamonds shouted immediately, and they immediately went to chase him, but the other players in the classroom were not stupid either. After witnessing (mainly listening to) Yu Liang's escape, they all followed suit. , rushed out of the classroom together.

They are not stupid, and they can feel one thing from the gradually becoming serious atmosphere.

If you don't run, you will really be left here. Who can really run and want to stay with this professor to discuss the three-dimensional world? Is there something wrong? This is not it!

So the players rushed out of the classroom and pushed the octagon professor once. Now they were only thankful that the students and teachers present were all polygons, and few graphics had sharp corners.

"Quick, stop these paper people." Professor Octagon was pushed down in the corridor. He pressed against the wall to avoid the running route of the players, and at the same time shouted at the security department members who were blocking the players.

At this moment, the diamonds in the security office no longer had time to chase Yu Liang at the front. They all changed directions and blocked the corridor of the classroom, lining up in a row to face the rushing players with their sharp rhombus angles.

"Wait..." When Yu Liang turned around, he happened to see a horizontal line blocking the corridor, and the bright endpoints that appeared on this line were neatly arranged, which made him realize something.

There is something blocking the corridor, and it has a sharp angle like a thorn, just like the thorns placed by the police on the ground to block the way, except that the thorns are now facing the group of players rushing over.

Just as he was about to remind him, he saw the thorns begin to blur. He knew that this was because some black liquid had soaked into the thorns, blurring the sharpness of the thorns.

It's blood and flesh.

If that can be called flesh and blood.


Screams came one after another, and the players who came one after another were unable to dodge, and they were bumping into these diamonds blocking the road. The players in front were easily pierced by the sharp corners of the diamonds, letting out bursts of wailing, while the players behind did not know why, and still sprinted forward. , knocking the player in front of him into the sharp thorns and turning him into a paper man.

Death came suddenly, almost comically.

The T2 and T3 gradient players who were the proud ones outside of the Frontier were unable to exert their strength here. Dozens of players died at the hands of Diamond in the blink of an eye, and such tragedies continued.

Yu Liang knew that he no longer needed to be reminded, so he turned around and continued sprinting towards the exit of the prison.

"Wait, this is an emergency period, please stop..." The guard at the door of the painting prison heard the ringing of the advanced graphic bell, so he did not stop Yu Liang directly, but stopped him verbally first.

Naturally, Yu Liang would not stop, and quickly passed through the gap between the guards, then ran all the way out of the school gate and disappeared on the street.

In this case, he definitely had no time to care about other players and could only simply pray for them in his heart.

Due to the cleverness of the players, this pioneer finally began to show its fangs. With just one bite, dozens of players died.

The road is not going well.

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