The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 422: Taoist Evolution Path No. 225: Advance by sea, land and air!

Li Geng was high in the sky, constantly typing out the earthy yellow "fort" characters. At the same time, the earth balls around him quickly formed, covering the entire sky in the blink of an eye.

The sky was clear just a moment ago, but in an instant it became gloomy, as if dark clouds were pressing in, and it looked like rain was about to come.

Under the action of gravity, these earthen balls naturally accelerated and descended, swooping down like huge brown raindrops, cutting through the sky, hitting like a violent storm, and delivering a saturated blow to the flower girls on the ground.

When the flower girl on the ground looked up and saw this scene, she felt "grateful" in her heart and subconsciously panicked.

The earth balls made from the character "Fort" may not be as hard as stone balls or iron balls, but in this case, the power cannot be underestimated. One or two are okay, but if there are more, I'm afraid she won't be able to carry them. Stay?

Hey, wait!

No, this guy can't fly. Sooner or later, he will fall. If it falls to the ground, then she is afraid of it!

Hua Niang was greatly shaken, and she suddenly had a backbone. As long as she delayed this short burst period, she could win steadily.

The earth balls all over the sky may not be able to hit her a few times, and the impact of the earth balls about 20 meters away is very strong, but it is not enough to drop her instantly. If you use your back to bear it, you don't have to worry too much.

Guizhou donkey has no skills!

"Royal!" Hua Niang quickly typed a character to increase her defense, then looked up at the seemingly endless earth balls. Because the earth balls blocked her vision, she could not find Li Geng's specific location. But he still accurately found the gaps between the earth balls.

At this time, Hua Niang, whose confidence doubled, showed off the strong physique and nervous reaction speed of a physical warrior. She was seen tossing and turning among countless earth balls, dodging the earth balls falling from the sky one after another. When she couldn't dodge, she hurriedly She typed a "cancel" character to offset the earth ball. Occasionally, she was hit by the aftermath of the earth ball, but with her enhanced defense, she was not afraid at all, and there was no problem in this moment.

So far, Li Geng's professional performance is indeed terrifying, but the actual effect is really limited. If you want to win her, Li Huachao, it is far from enough.

Yes, your humanoid bombers are indeed very strong, and the clods of soil in the sky are indeed very powerful, but the problem is that they are just clods of soil. What does it mean to be hit twice?

However, nearly ten seconds passed, and Hua Niang still did not see Li Geng's fall, and the earth balls continued to fall, without any intention of stopping. Therefore, Hua Niang, who sensed something was wrong, immediately searched the chaotic sky carefully, trying to find Li Geng. Geng’s figure.

During this concentrated search process, Hua Niang did not dodge or avoid the rain of earth balls, and did not care about anything. She just wanted to find Li Geng first.

After being hit by three earth balls, Hua Niang finally found Li Geng, who was still in the air, and couldn't help but curse in her heart.

What kind of incredible ability is this? You can actually stay in the air for such a long time. Are you crazy? !

If you follow her line of sight, you can understand the secret of Li Geng staying in the air.

When using character creation, since the creation of earth-type characters is a process, it does not directly appear a large earth ball that meets the standards. Instead, a earth ball first appears as the core, and then grows rapidly until it is fully formed. The creation is successful, and then it falls due to gravity.

Before taking shape, the earthen ball has a solid body and is temporarily fixed in a location chosen by the architect.

In other words, before completely completing the creation, Li Geng could step on the prototype of the earth ball and stay in the air.

Although the molding time of this earth ball is very short, it is not that easy to take advantage of it. You have to be quick-sighted and quick-footed. However, Li Geng cannot resist Li Geng's creation speed. In the blink of an eye, a large number of earth balls are generated below. He is like Just as relaxing as strolling through your own back garden.

With a gentle step, he used the force to stabilize the ball in the air and at the same time, he stepped down the earth ball and hit the flower girl on the ground.

After mastering the rhythm of trampling and generating earth balls, the rhythm of the entire battle was also under Li Geng's control. Logically speaking, there were earth balls underneath him and Hua Niang's specific position could not be seen. But now no the same.

He opened the [Eye of God] in advance while he was still on the ground. From this perspective, he could easily discover what Li Huachao was doing, and could even keep pace with Hua Niang in the air. It could be said that Hua Niang was He would follow her wherever she hid, and the earthy balls would rain down one after another, and her ghost would never leave.

It felt like there was a dark cloud following Hua Niang closely, and she couldn't get rid of it no matter what. The continuous attacks made Hua Niang tired of dodging, and she was hit by more than ten people in just ten seconds. Drop the dirt ball.

"Damn it, you're bullying me because I can't fly, right? How disgusting!" Hua Niang was furious on the ground. She immediately took out her bone gun, took a simple aim, and locked onto Li Geng in the sky.

"Get down here!" Under the natural bonus of the hunter, Hua Niang's hunting bird gene appeared. She fired three shots at Li Geng in the sky, then rolled to the right to avoid the earth ball. frontal bombing.

Even though Li Geng was looming above the earth ball, Hua Niang's three shots were still extremely accurate at Li Geng's hiding place.

The disadvantages of earth balls appeared again. Due to the loose soil, they were completely unable to withstand Hua Niang's bullets, and several earth balls were shot through quickly.

"!!!" Li Geng, who has a God's perspective, felt a sense of crisis the moment Hua Niang took out her gun. In an instant, he strengthened the thickness of the pile of earth balls, and then pounced to the side, trying to Avoid bullets.

Due to the uniqueness of God's perspective, he responded quickly to the crisis, but his ability to control his body declined and he could not avoid it in time. One of the three bullets still penetrated the layers of soil balls and grazed his A deep blood mark was drawn on his arm.

"Hiss—" Li Geng took a deep breath. The severe pain caused him to lose the rhythm of controlling the formation of the earth ball. His feet were in the air, and his body suddenly fell rapidly.

With just the power of one shot, Li Geng fell nearly ten meters. When Hua Niang noticed that her three shots hit her unexpectedly, she was immediately delighted and rushed towards Li Geng's landing point, wanting to make up for it a few more times. In just one minute, she suffered a lot.

Yes, enduring hardship is another matter. The key is to feel aggrieved!

He really didn't have any tricks to deal with this kind of air combat unit. He could only rely on his bone gun to carry out long-range sneak attacks.

Originally, with the [Spider-Man] stamp, she might be able to use the spider silk to climb up, find Li Geng and beat him up, but the stamp was banned by Yu Liang due to unfairness, and she completely lost the possibility of aerial combat. You can only use this rifle to masturbate.

Li Geng, who was in the air, still stabilized his figure when he fell ten meters into the air, and quickly formed a "wall" character under his body to support his body.

Then, under the influence of pain, the speed at which he created the clods of soil became faster. He created a staircase in the air, climbed up quickly, and reached an altitude of nearly fifty meters in the blink of an eye.

At this moment, Li Geng felt slightly relieved and continued to build an aerial fortress of sufficient thickness. Once built, it was a large area, completely blocking Hua Niang's view.

It is impossible for Hua Niang to hit him now, because the large "wall" character directly blocks Li Geng's figure completely. The hit rate of Hua Niang's single-shot gun is as good as buying a lottery ticket, and there is no chance at all. Possible hit.

On the contrary, Li Geng was able to continue bombing.

Hua Niang: "..."

No, are you sick?

It's hard to hit someone when you're running so high. It's already difficult to hit someone high when you're low. But if you're still running so high, it's not that easy to hit with a gun, right?

In addition, there were countless earth balls at Li Geng's feet as support and resistance. Now Hua Niang had completely lost interest in fighting and waved her hands to raise the white flag.

"No fight, no fight, your gameplay is too bad." Hua Niang was very angry, but to be honest, she really couldn't deal with this kind of aerial combat player, she was fooled.

Looking back at the entire battle, he first used the earth wall to block her steps, and then took the opportunity to create a seesaw that quickly lifted into the air. At the same time, he turned on the [Eye of God]. By the time she approached, Li Geng had already had the opportunity to take off, and then Completely entered into the opponent's rhythm.

If Li Geng hadn't been careless and initially fought with her at twenty meters in the air, she wouldn't have even had the chance to fire those three shots.

The clods of earth smashed down from an altitude of fifty meters are very powerful, and this is not his limit. Li Geng can also run to higher places to fight and crush them purely.

After Hua Niang admitted defeat, Li Geng built a downward staircase and slowly returned to the ground. He looked at the scene around him and scratched his head in embarrassment: "Uh, it seems a bit too much."

Yu Liang didn't care at all. He switched back and waved his hands cheerfully: "It's okay, just let those paper people come out to clean up later."

The paper people can now carry three characters, and the "Mu" character can be used for cleaning. Just let these paper people clean the open space later, so there is no need to worry.

As for Li Geng's performance, Yu Liang was naturally very satisfied. This fighting ability could be said to be far beyond his expectations.

Who would have thought that architects could play like this?

Air combat humanoid bomber?

And the most important thing is that Li Geng has never used a bone gun or a heavy crossbow. Facing a guy with no long-range means, he can escape to the sky and switch back to the original perspective, and then continue to generate earth walls. Just lie down on it and start firing cold shots slowly.

You can attack indiscriminately from a God's perspective, or you can be possessed by a sniper from a first-person perspective, and you are completely invincible.

Facing this kind of opponent, if you can't fly or don't have any effective long-range attack methods, there really is nothing you can do.

"If you can use a stamp, the outcome is still uncertain." When Hua Niang saw Yu Liang approaching, her face was still full of dissatisfaction, "If I use spider silk to catch up, I might be able to pull him down. "

"Well, maybe." Yu Liang did not deny it. He wanted to see that scene. It was probably as exciting as the special effects action scenes in Hollywood blockbusters. The flower girl with spider silk and super physical fitness was showing off her power. It may be really similar to Spider-Man, but it's a pity that Spider-Man wants to fight "him".

Li Geng was controlling his body, so it was actually Yu Liang himself who was injured.

At this moment, Yu Liang was relieved that he was back on the ground safely. He was really a little panicked just now when Li Geng was bounced into the sky. Fortunately, Li Geng said that there was no problem. He had a unique method of staying in the air that belonged to an architect.

Oh, it’s really a way to stay in the air. It can be called a left-foot-stepping-right-foot lift-off tutorial. It’s a purely anti-physics take-off.

He glanced at the scratch on his left arm and typed the character "recover" to eliminate the minor injury. Then he looked at Hua Niang and said, "It's okay. His combat system is too restraining for you. Not only is it restraining you, , it can be said that it restrains all players who do not have anti-air capabilities, and defeat is normal."

"Well, I understand." Hua Niang said with some regret, but then she started to suppress someone in the universe, "Of course, if I can't do it, there is nothing that Li Huachao can do to him. It seems that the combat power ranking in the universe is There's going to be a change."

"That's not necessarily true, it's just that you can't do it. If it were me, I would have pulled down Li Geng before he even got into the air!" Li Huachao immediately shouted in the universe. Unfortunately, there was no Hua Niang outside the universe. His words cannot be heard.

"Don't be impatient for a moment, second brother." Lu Baoshen said leisurely, and he was very angry, "Actually speaking, among everyone here, you are the only one who can't handle Li Geng. Otherwise, I should change your title to ...Sixth brother is fine."

Li Huachao: "%¥ # * Come out and speak¥% # ¥"

There is some truth to what Lu Baoshen said. He is a gambler. He has an unlimited character casting range. He can also slowly transfer himself to high altitudes by changing his position to fight with Li Geng. In aerial combat, his hit rate is obviously higher than Li Geng's, and he has good luck. Maybe he can knock Li Geng down with a random hit from the bone gun.

As for Zhong Chen, he had a lot of junk characters on his body. Li Geng hit him twice and the characters exploded violently. He couldn't stand it after a little consumption. It didn't take long for him to have to stay down, otherwise he would crash.

And the little fairy...

Lu Baoshen couldn't understand this little man, but he was sure that if he really wanted to have a fight, the little fairy would take action before the agreed time, directly nip the threat in the cradle, or do some inexplicable things. In short, it would be impossible to face it head-on. confrontation.

At this moment, An Buchen recalled the scene from the first-person perspective, and his heart suddenly moved. Isn't this the air force he dreamed of?

With the addition of Li Geng, there will be no problem with a real air strike now!

It would be better if Daofu No. 225 could fly.

Unfortunately, An Buchen did some random calculations and found that using a meat machine to add wings would definitely not make Taoist Mansion No. 225 fly. That would probably require a wingspan of hundreds of meters, which is nonsense.

Therefore, if you want to fly, you cannot rely on the biotechnology of the flesh and blood planet. You must try the cyber technology of Cyber ​​City!

It seems that she will spend the next two months in Cyber ​​City, and she will also bring Li Geng with her. She and Li Geng still have a common language. They both know a lot about physics and mathematics, so they can be together. Explore Cyber ​​City and loot goodies.

Thank God, there was finally someone other than her who was not illiterate in the universe.

Yu Liang looked at the time and saw that there was still some time before the nine-hour final scene, so he released the paper people and asked them to clean up the scene. After completion, he replenished Li Geng's character consumption and created the final scene. in buildings.

Nine hours later, Yu Liang stood in front of this crooked building, released the eyes of the toad-shaped god, and completed the reconstruction.

After maintaining the same posture for five minutes, Yu Liang was sure that the nine-hour limit had passed before he stopped.

Time has not gone back, he must have deceived the God of Time.

Then, he raised his head and looked at the blue sky, inexplicably thinking of an "old friend" in Cyber ​​City.

Wonder what the four-dimensional part of his creation is doing? (End of chapter)

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