The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 412 The third blinding

"Can you give me some grace for the 'quality life' you need?"

In the inner world, Yu Liang was discussing with "Zhi".

Now the problem has been laid out clearly. He must rely on "his" ability to solve the current problem, but he doesn't know how to sacrifice a "quality life".


To be more precise, he didn't even want to make a sacrifice. Two words could describe his true thoughts now.

Whoring for free.

"Grace? How to grant grace? Do you think these requests are just a joke on you?" the little raccoon said angrily, "If you want to get help from the source, you have to pay the same price. A quality life is already very expensive. It’s a small price to pay!”

Then the little raccoon continued to add: "Also, you know better than me what the seal [conspirator] means, right? If you don't help me harm others, how can I help you?"

As a vicious tiger, such questions are reasonable and convincing.

"Is there no room for maneuver?" Yu Liang asked tentatively, and then made a somewhat excessive proposal, "Can you give it on credit? How about I kill a pig for you before I return to reality? That can be considered high quality. Life, right? That’s enough for three people.”

The little raccoon was silent for a long time after hearing this, as if he had nothing to say for a while.

Yu Liang knew that he was a little pushy and had the feeling of "turning over and singing", so in order to relieve "Zhi"'s resistance, he continued: "Anyway, you mean a quality life, you know Yes, there are only two hours left now, it’s a bit hard to find.”

Hearing the "zhi" in this sentence was like hearing the other party relenting during an argument, so he pretended that he had not heard what Yu Liang said just now and ordered the little raccoon to continue passing on the message.

"A life with quality is very simple." The little raccoon paused, "The flower girl created by the root ghost story can do it."

Yu Liang's heart skipped a beat when he heard this. This was similar to his guess. It was precisely because of this guess that he resisted and wanted to raise conditions with "Zhi".

Looking around at the people around him, only Hua Niang seemed to be the most suitable victim who could sacrifice her life for Yu Liang's "great cause".

However, deep down in Yu Liang's heart, he still resisted. The existence of the seal [Assault] was full of malice. He didn't know whether this malice came from "it" or from the world of ghost stories. In short, he wanted to try to resist this malice.

There is a price to be paid for getting help from the root ghost talk. Yu Liang admits that this makes sense, but if there is no need to pay any price and you force him to lose something and make him feel the loss and pain, then it is purely pure. Very vicious.

He is not a vassal of "it", nor is he a puppet of "it". He needs to have self-awareness on these issues, otherwise, what is the difference between him and those web hosting protagonists who passively complete "system tasks"?

"Hua Niang can't." So Yu Liang shook his head, "You can choose something from me, or something I own, which is called a transaction. Using other people's lives in exchange for what I need, this It doesn’t count as a deal.”

"She should have disappeared." There was a playfulness in the little raccoon's tone, "She is different from the hamster created by the moon. She is something more hypocritical. Once you leave this copy, she will disappear here. For a moment, this was her destiny."

"No." Yu Liang's rejection was very obvious, and the meaning of his words was unclear.

"Sometimes you are cold and heartless, and sometimes you become a little pedantic and boring." The little raccoon sighed, with a bit of boredom in his tone, as if he had lost some interesting toy, and he imitated "Zhi" He yawned, and then said with a hint of threat, "In this case, I can't take action, but you have room to regret at any time."

"But I will still choose to do what I should do." Yu Liang laughed. After a simple test, he could already hear some relief from "Zhi"'s words.

This means that the rules of the seal [Assistant] can be broken. That is not a request made by the world of ghost talk, but a request made by "it".

It has to be said that this is indeed in line with the most original malice of "it".

What Yu Liang doesn't know is that what he is doing now directly hits the key points of "ghosts" and "root ghost stories", and he is working hard in the direction of Aze's dream.

status change.

Let human beings become equal beings with the corresponding source monsters, so as to do more things that could not be done before.

Complete equality is difficult, but it is even more difficult to make the original concession. For the original Kaidan, who always insists on one thing, changing his own conditions to meet the requirements of human beings is an extremely rare thing.

And now Yu Liang is making this happen.

Of course, he didn't think so much, he just simply felt...

When I put these dozens of strange stories about the roots of Cyber ​​City in front of your Miss Zhi's face, you can see if you agree.

No matter what, the prince is going to force the palace.

Yu Liang opened the page, looked at the stamp [The Man Who Cheats Time] that was automatically on top in the stamp column, took a deep breath, and activated it in the next second.

In an instant, the scene in front of him began to change rapidly. The Cyber ​​City in front of him shrank rapidly, and he stood at a God's perspective, looking down at the Cyber ​​City that was only the size of his own head.

A circular timeline slowly emerged around him. They were presented in the form of words. When Yu Liang focused on these words, the corresponding pictures of the corresponding events immediately appeared on the words.

As the timeline appeared, a familiar feeling instinctively surged through Yu Liang's body, as if fish were born to be able to breathe in water and birds could fly easily.

This is his innate ability.

No, it's not his innate ability, but the ability that this body currently possesses.

With this body, he has entered the four-dimensional observation state and mastered the four-dimensional perspective, and the one that is linked to it is the seal [Dimensional Man].

As Yu Liang, he does not have a four-dimensional part. His four-dimensional part left him in a copy in the past, and now that he has gained a four-dimensional vision again, he has reshaped his four-dimensional part with the help of [Dimensional Man].

And it is a brand new, infantile four-dimensional part.

If He really had an infancy.

As a special kind of creature that can affect the timeline, Yu Liang is not sure whether they will have such a thing as infancy. It seems that they only need to gently turn the gears of time to fully grow up and master everything. Something that should be mastered.

Now, under the influence of the seal, the consciousness controlling this four-dimensional body is the three-dimensional Yu Liang. While observing the timeline, he wants to communicate with the consciousness of the four-dimensional part in his heart.

If you want to have good communication with the fourth-dimensional part of yourself, of course you have to take advantage of it when it has just been born, when the consciousness is just beginning to open up. If you really want to deceive it, it will be easy to deceive it.

"Is there anyone there? Can you hear me?" Yu Liang asked. Not only did he speak in his mind, he also controlled the body to speak, but he waited quietly for a while and did not get any response.

After repeated calls to no avail, Yu Liang could only smile mockingly to himself. Maybe he was thinking too much and trying to get in touch with his fourth-dimensional part was not that simple.

However, preparations still need to be made. Yu Liang quickly sorted out what he wanted to convey in his mind, and then expressed it in words:

"Hello, I am the three-dimensional part of 'Yu Liang'. Because of a seal, you were born under my influence and had some contact with me. We are all one body and part of 'Yu Liang'. I hope We can cooperate well. At some point in the future, you may receive messages from me. Please remember me, I don’t have any ill will towards you, and maybe I can also help you a lot."

If this four-dimensional part can indeed control time to a certain extent, then he will definitely be able to see the message being conveyed now at some point in the future. Because this body is four-dimensional, he should be able to detect what happened before the birth of his consciousness. This physical thing.

After completing this initial work, Yu Liang quickly found the current timeline and began observing the "events" composed of text and pictures nine hours ago.

The order of each event can be changed and operated freely, and these changes will also lead to drastic changes in the future.

Nine hours ago, Yu Liang and others entered the village to solve the strange story about the flat house.

Eight hours ago, after encountering Li Huachao and Hua Niang, the village was eventually destroyed and countless ghost stories escaped.

Seven hours ago, Yu Liang and the dungeon players escaped into the "Meet" grocery store and conducted grass baby trade.

Six hours ago, he captured Aze's true form and reached an agreement to cooperate with the white humanoid.

Five hours ago, the "Knowledge of Truth God" campaign officially started and reached a 25% spread within five hours.

Now, Yu Liang goes to Aze's residence to look for Aze, hoping to get the current and accurate progress information.

Aze introduced him to the current situation in Cyber ​​City, showing several major areas and the root ghost stories entrenched in these areas.

However, these strange origins are not critical. Human beings in their areas have almost completely disappeared or evacuated when official news was received, or passively or actively turned these dangerous areas into no man's land.

In some subsequent events, the parade of Cybermen occasionally entered the territory of these ghost stories, but this did not have any impact on the spread of ghost stories.

What Aze needs to do is to turn most of the Cybermen in the city into player ghosts. Only in this way can these Cybermen be brought out of the dungeon, and thus the "villagers" can also be brought out of the dungeon.

During this process, the Cybermen participating in the parade had already begun to transform into ghosts, so even if he ran to seek death in his blood and was killed by the root, it would be considered a contribution to the progress of Ghost Stories.

The progress of dissemination depends on the percentage, not the quantity.

If they use more extreme assumptions, they can kill the Cybermen until there is only one Cyberman left, and then turn that Cyberman into a player ghost. The result of both methods is the same.

It's just a pity that the existence of the white humanoid will not allow Aze to do such a thing, even think about it.

Three hours later, most of the Cybermen had gathered in the central area A of Cyber ​​City. As a once absolutely wealthy area, Area A suffered unprecedented vandalism, smashing and looting by the mob, but driven by a certain psychology , even the wealthy people in this area joined the riots and became members of the most ordinary mob.

The richer they are, the more channels they have access to information, the clearer they are, and the more they can faintly perceive it, this is the most correct approach.

Future Yu Liang expressed doubts about this phenomenon because he had never heard of rich people actively participating in riots in wealthy areas. Aze's explanation for this was simple.

The cognition of the masses is the cognition of Cyber ​​City, the cognition of Cyber ​​City is the cognition of Source Monster, and the cognition of Source Monster...

It's the fact itself.

Therefore, all beliefs have a response, and "God" is everything.

When "public opinion" gathers together, the most appropriate way to deal with it is to comply. Only by complying can you have a chance of survival.

The upper class who can become rich obviously have this principle in their bones, so they join the ranks of the mob without hesitation.

Of course, there are also those in the upper class who are stubborn and have a sense of luck, but these people were wiped out in the golden light of the mob.

Four hours later, the mob gathered, and Aze suddenly realized that he seemed to have missed a key point.

Jiuyin Sect.

The followers of the Jiuyin Sect are also Cybermen, and their stories of ghosts and ghosts are obviously different from those of the "Knowledge Truth Sect", and they are very different.

The number of believers is not very large, but they are still on the list that needs to be fought for, and they belong to an ancient god - the toad-shaped god "The Undertaker".

And this battle for ghost stories will also become the most critical battle.

Of course, this was only for Yu Liang and others at the time. So far, Yu Liang, who looked at the text descriptions and pictures, could not personally feel the horror of this battle.

Four and a half hours later, Aze gathered all the players who were still in Cyber ​​City and informed them of all the facts and corresponding plans.

As long as the last step is completed, everyone can go home safely.

This last step is to rob the followers of the Nine Yin Sect through violence and completely crush the Nine Yin Sect.

Five hours later, the decisive battle began.

Yu Liang glanced at this paragraph briefly and frowned slightly.

Originally, Li Huachao's ghosts and ghosts were the nemesis of the congregation, and their transformation efficiency was extremely high. However, under the influence of the toad-shaped god, those ghosts seemed to have entered a terrifying world where they were forbidden, and they quickly changed. Became an extreme ascetic.

The players quickly fell into a hard fight, losing ground and holding on for several hours.

At this time, Aze launched the white human form. As long as he and the toad-shaped god sleep together, the last step can be easily solved.

As a result, the white humanoid was unable to find the toad-shaped god by its own strength, so Lu Baoshen, who had gathered all his energy, took action and controlled the hook gun to capture the toad-shaped god. Then the white humanoid turned on his abilities and went to sleep together.

The toad-shaped god fell into a deep sleep, and Hua Niang died without even having time to say goodbye.

At this time, Yu Liang and Li Huachao realized that Hua Niang was caused by the ability of the toad-shaped god.

Before falling asleep, the toad-shaped god accurately found Yu Liang and placed a curse on Yu Liang, blinding the future Yu Liang.

Seeing this, Yu Liang also sighed silently.

I'm blind for the third time, I'm used to it, just stay blind like this, it doesn't matter, it's going to be over anyway.

The final spread of ghosts begins, and at this time the will of the "villagers" is revealed.

In Azer's original plan, the white human form slept together with the "villagers", so there would be no backlash from the "villagers" during the final transformation process, but now the plan has changed, and the "villagers" feel the unity of the Cybermen's will. A huge threat, occurring immediately.

At the critical moment, Yu Liang activated [Assault].

Due to the death of Hua Niang, "Zhi" gained a quality life, so he appeared in Cyber ​​City and had a final decisive battle with the "villagers".

Within five minutes, the two sources fought fiercely, but they were completely invisible to anyone.

Finally, the player transformed all the Jiuyin cultists, reversed the situation, and completed the root ghost story.

Nine hours later, the freeze-frame picture of the stamp "The Man Who Cheats Time" appeared, and the subject of the picture was Yu Liang.

"Yu Liang" opened his eyes again, but those eyes were completely different from before.

They are the eyes of the toad-shaped god.

The above is the entire content of the eighteen-hour timeline.

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