The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 408 Aze: Welcome to join

Seeing that he had been exposed, Aze no longer concealed anything, but silently straightened his back. The color in his eyes was no longer as lively as it was in the "confessor" state just now, but gradually became turbid.

Like a pool of real stagnant water, it cannot make a single ripple.

This change took place in front of Yu Liang, and Yu Liang himself couldn't help but marvel at this change that could not be seen in movie textbooks.

He is still the same person as before, but his temperament is completely different. It's like his eyes are covered with a layer of old glass, unable to clearly see the human emotions in them.

"I actually found the rightful owner. It seems like I'm really lucky." Yu Liang smiled, while Lu Baoshen beside him puffed up his chest and looked like "Thanks to me."

"Indeed, I told you the information about the Confessor, so should you tell me your profession?" Aze stared at Yu Liang, his eyes still lifeless and a bit gloomy, but there was some doubt and curiosity in his words. "I once suspected that you were an actor because your abilities are similar to mine, but we are very different."

"Perhaps you are a special actor who has changed in the T1 stage, but I did not have a similar choice when I was promoted to T1, and if I did not use any special props to suppress the gradient perception, you should be in the T2 gradient, not T1 ." Aze continued.

He smiled and was very interested: "I know that even if we are not the same profession, we should at least be in the same subject. Tell me the answer about the profession, and I am willing to take you to experience it most intuitively. --my plan."

"My profession is relatively rare, both in the real world and in the world of ghost stories. You may have never heard of it. But in the near future, you will hear about me." Yu Liang said seriously and openly He said his profession, "animal tamer."

He doesn't want to be exposed in front of Aze yet, and he would probably tell the truth to anyone else, because he wants to expand Cao Ying's business, and sooner or later he will show up, and it doesn't matter if he becomes famous all over the world, but Aze cannot.

This actor lives in Haicheng. If you mention "writer", you will probably know about Yu Liang's existence at some point.

If Aze discovered him in reality and he developed a unique interest in "writers"...

This is definitely not a good thing.

"Animal tamer?" Aze was stunned when he heard this, then turned his head slightly, his eyes bypassed Yu Liang, and fell on the various people behind him, a little confused, "Are they beasts?"

"To be precise, it is a beast that has completed its transformation, a beast that has been reborn." Yu Liang smiled slightly and began to joke, "To be honest, when it comes to taming strange creatures, I say the second one, but no one dares to say the second one. One, and they are the embodiment of strange creatures."

Aze looked at these "weird creatures" around Yu Liang, hesitated, and finally retorted: "But they seem to have something similar to players' professional abilities."

"It's very simple, because they are kaitan creatures that develop towards the appearance of humans." Yu Liang said eloquently, "Humans are the primates of all things. As kaitan creatures, they take human form as the direction of evolution. Although it may destroy the root of their promotion The possibility of ghost stories will greatly increase their chances of being promoted to high-gradient creatures. The source of ghost stories is too unrealistic, so they can just do it this way."

He went on to explain: "Since they are cultivated using humans as templates, it is normal for them to acquire human-like professional abilities. For example, he is the template for hunters."

Just as he was talking, Yu Liang pointed to Li Huachao beside him, and at the same time released the mantis woman and the long human snake in the universe, and continued: "They are like semi-human beings on the road to evolving into 'human beings', and they look similar to humans. They are somewhat similar, but at the same time they have their own characteristics.”

Aze looked at the cracked mantis and the human-snake made of deformed people. They all looked like humans but were different. They seemed to be really evolving into "human" forms, so he nodded doubtfully.

He is indeed well-informed. Of course he talks eloquently about player professions, source monsters, etc., but when it comes to monster creatures...

This monster column was a recent update. He really knew nothing about taming and cultivating monster creatures, so he had no way of judging the authenticity of what Yu Liang said.

Forget it, let’s go back to reality and find out more.

"Okay, according to the agreement just now, I will take you to see my plan. I think Li Huachao should have introduced you to the plan he knows, but he does not know everything." Aze said, with something in his words. Test.

Yu Liang shook his head and said lightly: "No, just say it here and I will make a decision."

Obviously, he is not so stupid that he would not easily fall for the actor's temptation.

Go and see Aze’s plan with your own eyes?

I guess other Azes are waiting there too, right?

Now it's good to use the main body as a hostage, so there is no need to move the position.

"Okay." Aze showed no other reaction, as if Yu Liang's words had been expected by him.

He took out a comfortable chair from the inventory, sat on it and leaned against the backrest, then closed his eyes and thought, and after a long time he asked Yu Liang: "Do you know what the world of ghost stories and these copies are?"

"Huh?" Yu Liang originally thought that he would start with the history of Cyber ​​City, or his plans and future, but he didn't expect that Aze would start with a bigger topic.

What exactly is the world of ghost stories?

As a player, he must have thought about this problem countless times, but with his strength and vision, it is difficult to figure it out.

The actor in front of him has experienced so many dungeons and is a top T1 player. He must know something deeper.

So Yu Liang summoned the little paper man, and used the "unnecessary" of the paper man tribe to create a chair that was the same as the actor's seat out of thin air. He also made it up and listened attentively.

The little paper people worked hard and made chairs for several other people. Probably because making fine chairs requires more energy, the chairs of the other people were very sloppy, and could even be said to be "small wooden chairs". stool".

Several other people's attention was focused on Aze. Zhong Chen was still close to Yu Liang, alert at all times, while An Buchen raised his head and glanced at the small room just built by the architect. House, silently set it as your own Taoist residence.

"The history of ghost stories has a long history. Various ghost creatures have been born a long time ago. Some of them are myths and legends that you are familiar with, but more ghost stories have disappeared in the long river of time. Among these There are ghostly creatures in the story, and there are also ghostly players like us." Aze said, and what he said was actually not shocking, so all the players present had no other reaction.

It can be seen from some of An Buchen's previous words that some of the ancient immortal treasure records and magical power illustrations were actually done by the selected ghost talk players in real life.

Although the world of Kaitan restricts players' ability to use it in reality, when certain Kaidans are rampant, this restriction will be removed. Players need to use unique abilities to eliminate Kaitan, which will also leave a unique mark in the hearts of the people. Myths and legends.

"Can such characters be used in ancient times? But the splitting of traditional far more difficult than simplified characters?" Yu Liang asked a question he had always been curious about.

"The gameplay of each season will be slightly different. Isn't it difficult to understand? After so many seasons, the rules of our season are completely different from those of the mythical season. Isn't this normal?" Aze smiled. Laughing, but he didn't say a word.

As the season progresses, the number of Kaitan players has increased, but the overall strength has also become much weaker, and there is an urgent need for backbone players like him.

Well, in the eyes of normal players, he doesn't seem to be a backbone.

"So what is a copy?" Yu Liang continued to ask, "Also, what does it mean to solve the root cause of the ghost story?"

These two questions have been bothering him for a long time, because judging from his feelings, the logical relationship between them seems to contradict each other.

The source monsters stay in the dungeon. They can't be in the dungeon as soon as they are born, right?

At least "it" is certainly not the case.

It should be that Kaitan World placed them in the dungeon so that the source Kaidan could not wreak havoc on the world. Following this logic, what is the meaning of the existence of players?



The source ghost story stayed well in the dungeon. Players entered the dungeon and worked hard to solve the root ghost story.

In the zoo, solving the source of the ghost story means turning "it" into a human being and taking her out of the instance.

This is freeing.

The hidden mission of Prison Mirror is actually no different from the mission of the root, which is to prevent the mirror spirit from becoming the root and prevent her from transcending.

This is bondage.

In the Rabbit game, solving the root cause of the ghost story means breaking the dream of the mathematician, and then the mathematician leaves the dungeon area and goes to the four-dimensional space to find himself.

This is freeing.

In the Moon Community, the final result is that "Zhi" seals the moon in its own shadow and "annihilates" the ghost talk.

This is bondage.

Planet of flesh and blood...

It is probably to cut off the connection between the flesh and blood planet and the native bacteria. This is what Yu Liang is doing. Maybe it will be solved suddenly when. This is also a kind of constraint.

The origin stories of each dungeon are not uniform, and can even be said to be somewhat aimless. For example, Yu Liang often waits until half the time of the dungeon before suddenly discovering——

Oh, this is what Root Kaitan originally wanted to do.

As the main line in the main line, you need to trigger it yourself every time. How can a game be designed like this?

"A dungeon is an independent area with a unique self-operating ecological environment, and the creatures in it are Kaitan creatures and humans. Standing at the top of this food chain is the Origin Kaitan. There may be only one, or there may be more than one." Aze slowly explained, "This independent area may even be in reality, but it does not exist for ordinary people. Only players can perceive its existence."

He paused and began to explain another question: "And what do you mean by solving the root cause of the mystery..."

A strange smile appeared on Aze's face. It was a heartfelt smile, as if he saw a friend accidentally falling into the same abyss as himself.

A bit of schadenfreude, but also a bit of "so you are too" sympathy.

"What?" Yu Liang was so numb from his laughter that he had a bad feeling in his heart.

"Stand in line." Aze uttered two words softly in his mouth, "Unfortunately, when I knew this, it was too late. I had already finished standing in line, and I could not survive the disaster. "

"Which team are you on?" Yu Liang inexplicably thought of "Zhi" and what happened to "Zhi", and this bad premonition reached its peak.

"If you have solved the source ghost story more than once, you will find that in some dungeons you can help and redeem the source, and in others you can seal and imprison the source. In the process, you will have an inseparable connection with the source ghost story. ." Aze thought for a while and felt that what he said was not accurate, so he added, "This connection may not come directly from the root, but the ultimate source must be the root."

Yu Liang: "..."

He seemed to understand what this guy was talking about.

In the zoo, wolf and monkey look like.

Imprisoned in the mirror, the mirror image is lost.

Rabbit game, losing the fourth dimension.

Is this his bond with those roots?

This is really...

Too bad.

"Some connections mean that you are on good terms with the roots, and some connections mean that you are on bad terms with the roots. This is the evidence of your side. In the big events that will appear every season, you will usher in your opportunities, and at the same time you will also You are in danger." Aze continued, "About... once at the beginning of the season, twice in the middle of the season, and once at the end of the season. Big events are actually major disasters that appear in real life, the kind that can affect the whole world. Disasters may be natural disasters or man-made disasters, and some of the source ghost stories reside in them, waiting for opportunities to destroy them, and you, who have established a connection with the source ghost stories, are often the first to bear the brunt."

Yu Liang: "..."

It's over.

That was the worst news for him.

The root ghost story has a chance to appear in reality and will be beyond the control of the copy.

What's more important is that they often find big "root" owners like him.

This is both a stance and a seed of conflict.

As the host of "Zhi", Yu Liang sincerely felt that this seed of conflict could definitely thrive.

Take sides?

Standing in the fart team, with the help of "Zhi", he is almost standing on the opposite side of the entire root.

Make good friends and make enemies?

The good friends include "Zhi" who has made countless enemies, and the "mathematician" who can't find himself. The bad friends include the rabbit-shaped god, the consciousness of the flesh and blood planet, and Wangcheng...

"Then...what about you?" Yu Liang swallowed, his heart was already half cold, but he still asked the actor in an "expectant" tone.

"Me? Haha, I'm not bragging. It's okay to describe me as having countless enemies." Aze laughed twice, and his voice sounded somewhat sad.

"Let the root cause me to be my dog", this sentence is not just words, he plans to do this in almost every dungeon, and only gives up when he can't think of a plan.

And this is not the most terrifying thing. The most terrifying thing is that he has never succeeded even once...

Just think about how many sources he has offended.

Now, it’s purely a matter of having too many debts to worry about.

"Anyway, no matter what you have experienced in the past, I probably know where you stand." Aze laughed again, this time it was not sad, and it was back to the context of "So you are too", he took a picture He patted Yu Liang on the shoulder and said, "Welcome to join."

Yu Liang: "..." (End of this chapter)

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