The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 388 Li Huaniang and Li Huanan beside the stone monument

Li Huachao knew that he was not a reckless man, and he never had been.

This seemingly outrageous behavior is only based on his understanding of the entire village, so he dares to be so outrageous.

Not everything in this village is dangerous, and not everything hides mysteries. Everything can be judged from the "aura".

As a hunter, his sense of breath is very keen.

In fact, most players who have been in the Kaitan world for a long time can sense this. Among other things, even a writer with slow reaction can detect the gradient level of Kaitan creatures.

Oh, maybe it’s because a certain writer has seen quite a lot of strange creatures. If you stay together every day, if you don’t become familiar with them, you’d be a ghost.

The smell of T2-level monsters is a fishy smell that makes people feel slightly disgusted. This always reminds him of the wretched jackals on the grassland, so every time he encounters them, he will bully them severely if he has the opportunity.

T1-level monsters have a depressing aura, which can make people tremble unconsciously. This may be considered the special power of monsters.

As for the root ghost story, it is also easy to distinguish. Each root ghost story gives people a very unique feeling. It is a kind of tremor from the soul, and each tremor feels different, and the breath from the root ghost story can linger very much. long time.

From this, Li Huachao can distinguish which items belong to the root ghost story and which items do not belong to the root ghost story.

If an item or an area belongs to a certain source of ghost talk, there will be an obvious residual aura of the source ghost talk on it, and this aura is different.

So in constant experiments, Li Huachao keenly discovered a pattern.

If a certain item or area contains very little aura of Source Kaidan, it means that this thing or area is very dangerous, because this is a private item (area) of a certain Source Kaidan, and they will actively eliminate their own items ( The aura of other source monsters on the territory) is like a beast peeing to confirm its territory.

Correspondingly, an item has a lot of residual source ghost stories, which basically means that this item has had many source ghost stories passing by, but they have not eliminated the smell of other source ghost stories on it. This means that this item is not important and is not subject to any Pay attention to the source of ghost stories.

The same applies to areas. If there is no aura of Kaitan in an area or there is only the aura of Kaidan, it means that the place is not too dangerous. The premise is that it must be confirmed that there is really no aura of Kaitan here, rather than that the aura is hidden. .

Of course, under normal circumstances, source monsters don't care about releasing their aura. Except for some naughty guys, they generally hate trouble. If they release their aura, they can avoid most of the troubles.

And Li Huachao felt the aura of many strange origin stories on this stone tablet, and when he applied it to the rules he had just discovered, it meant that this stone tablet was completely unimportant.

Yes, it doesn't matter at all.

But why didn't those raven men chase after them in this area just now?

The atmosphere in this area is mixed, doesn't it feel quite safe?

Li Huachao had problems that he hadn't figured out, but he didn't care about the existence of a few problems. After all, if he always liked to get into trouble, he would become bald. He felt that Yu Liang had this tendency.

After stepping down, he patted the dust on his clothes before walking away leisurely.

After walking two steps, he felt something was wrong again. This wordless monument seemed to have a special charm the more he looked at it.

Li Huachao stopped and turned around again, trying to carefully observe the lines on the wordless tablet.

Once he carefully observes these lines, he will feel that these lines are faintly reorganizing and reorganizing into the appearance of words, but this process is very slow and makes people feel dizzy.

A slow and low groan sounded in his ears, like the chanting of a Buddha or the lies of a demon.

No, no, no, there is something wrong with this stone tablet!

Li Huachao made an instant judgment in his mind, then looked around and saw that no one was around. He immediately stepped forward and threw himself on the edge of the stone monument. He reached out to grab his sleeves and wiped the place where he had just kicked, and said with a smile: "Brother Bei, Don’t blame me if you don’t understand.”

However, Brother Bei didn't answer him. Li Huachao only felt that the voice surrounding his mind was getting louder and louder, as if he wanted to tear his brain into pieces, split it in two, and completely separate it.

Pain, pain, pain, pain...

! ! !

Li Huachao did not dare to neglect, and quickly wiped the whole body of the stone tablet, wiping away the dust and cobwebs on the stone tablet in circles, and finally made the stone tablet clean.

As he walked around in circles, he discovered that there was another person beside the stone tablet. That person was actually accompanying him in wiping the stone tablet, and he was very serious about it.

When he turned around again, Li Huachao saw his face.

However, it was a small and delicate face, coupled with the wide-eyed expression of surprise, it looked very cute.

What? !

Li Huachao opened his mouth and was extremely shocked by the woman who was following him around the stone monument.

! ! !

There is no doubt that this woman's face is almost a one-to-one copy of his, but a lot of details have been modified to make it more feminine.

Li Huachao's appearance was originally of middle-to-upper-class elegance, but now after this woman inherited it, she has become a superior-looking person, with a kind of indistinguishable androgynous beauty.


This, this, this!

Am I a woman?

He touched his crotch and instantly realized that he was not looking in the mirror, but that there really was a female version of Li Huachao in front of him.

So he subconsciously grabbed a handful of the tights on the woman's chest, and the feeling was undoubtedly what he was thinking about.

"I..." The woman reached out and knocked off Li Huachao's hand. She squeezed her breasts twice more. Shock appeared on her face, and her eyes became more confused. "That's not right, I'm still a woman."

After saying this, she took the initiative to reach out and grab Li Huachao's crotch, as if she wanted to confirm something.

"Hey, don't touch it if it's inappropriate!" Li Huachao shrank his butt back and said something without hesitation.

However, this woman's reaction speed was also extremely fast. She raised her right leg and hooked it with her toes, hooking Li Huachao's butt and pulling it forward. Li Huachao felt a force that did not belong to him coming from his butt, and his body suddenly leaned forward.

The woman took it out with one hand, her eyes suddenly lit up, and her face showed the excited and gasping expression that is often seen on Li Huachao's face. Her delicate and lovely face was suddenly completely ruined by the obscene expression.

"It's pretty much what I thought. If I were a man, I would be this big!" The woman said what she was thinking without hesitation, which made Li Huachao feel a little shy.

No, where did this bitch come from?

How come you share a face with me?

What is this?

"Wait a minute, where are you from? What's your name?" Li Hua stepped back towards Xiaotiao, turning sideways and asking the woman warily while reaching out and touching her crotch.

This woman is so ruthless, she grabs her so hard, does she know the rules?

"I don't want to change my name or surname. It's Li Huachao." The woman replied without hesitation. She seemed to have seen the origin of Li Huachao. "You shouldn't be called Li Huachao too, right? This copy of the ghost story is really interesting. It's actually Such a masculine role."

"Your name is also Li Huachao, and I am Li Huachao!" Li Huachao became a little anxious when he heard it, "This doesn't sound like a woman's name, does it?"

"What are you calling a dog?" the woman scolded her unceremoniously, "How can anyone bear to miss each other when they fall in love with each other on a moonlit night? Can this be a man's name? Then you are usually quite effeminate?"

Li Huachao: "..."

His mind was a little confused, and for a moment he couldn't tell who was schizophrenic.


By the way, he just kicked the stone monument, and then he felt a splitting headache, so he tried his best to apologize to the stone monument. In the end, the headache was relieved. He thought it was because he apologized sincerely enough, but he didn't expect that it was because "Li Hua Chao" was really divided. Became two.

Also one male and one female.

I'm really torn apart.

Li Huachao felt like there were ten thousand alpacas rushing past in his heart. Looking at the beautiful face in front of him, he didn't know what to do for a moment.

How about supplying Yu Liang?

This thought only appeared for a moment before he was killed by himself. He did have no taboos in speaking, but there were many things that he would not dare to do if he really wanted to do them just by talking about them.

It's just a mouthful, if you really want to do this kind of thing, you're out of your mind.

"Forget it, just follow me first, I will try my best to protect you." The woman sighed, then waved to Li Huachao, while constantly muttering, "But try to avoid Yu Liang, we are in Cyber ​​City ahead. He has done so many great things, and if he is caught, it will be all over."

"Big deal? You mean the ghost stories, the big hooked wolf-faced monkey and the great elder?" Li Huachao was even more surprised when he heard this and asked in one breath.

"Absolutely. You actually know this? This weird story is quite intelligent. It seems to have completely copied my memory." The woman chuckled and patted Li Huachao, who was half a head taller than her. "But don't be afraid, hide. Just click and leave. When the time comes, just do a great job and see Yu Liang with your achievements, and he won’t be angry.”

The more Li Huachao listened, the more he took a breath. This woman actually knew his thoughts and preparations. She was almost carved from the same mold as him!

"Okay, from now on I call you 'Hua Nan', and calling you 'Li Huachao' is really hard to say." The woman said again, like Li Huachao, she likes to make decisions for others on her own initiative.

But this point was not recognized by Li Huachao: "No, no, no, it would be very awkward for me to call you 'Li Huachao'. Well, it's better for me to call you 'Hua Niang'."

"Oh? Have you forgotten what I just said?" The woman bared her big white teeth and smiled brightly, "I can't change my name, but I can't change my surname. If you want to change it, you can change it."

"Oh, I have such a bad temper." Li Huachao rolled up his sleeves when he heard this. If he agreed to such a thing, wouldn't it mean that he was inferior to the woman in front of him?

How could such a thing be allowed to happen!

The woman also instantly understood what Li Huachao meant, so she stretched out her hand towards Li Huachao and hooked her fingers. The provocative meaning was self-evident.

The two gunpowder barrels were set on fire at once, and they started working without saying a word. They didn't care what they were doing. They each held two table knives and walked around each other's body, hacking and killing.

Four table knives kept clinking together around the stone tablet, making a "ding-dong-dang" sound.

The situation on the field was very strange at this time. Two guys with Li Huachao faces were constantly attacking each other, but every attack could collide just right, and it looked like they were acting.

Of course, that has to be an acting skill that even top martial arts stars can't match.

After fighting for a while, the two Li Huachao also noticed something was wrong, so they stopped at the same time, panting slightly and looked at each other, and couldn't help but have the same thought in their hearts.

These are all taught by the same master, so you can’t break the trick!

However, this was not a reason to stop. At this time, Li Huachao had only one thought in their minds.

Very simple.

I want to completely impress this guy in front of me!

Aren’t there always plots in movies and TV dramas about how defeating oneself is the greatest victory?

Li Huachao's long-cherished wish was to fight Yu Liang, but that was based on the actual situation. Now that an identical opponent appeared, it would be useless to defeat Yu Liang, and it would be more interesting to fight with himself.

The two of them clenched the knives in their hands, inadvertently and inadvertently gave the knives a "six" character, and then suddenly activated the Blade Storm.

For a moment, the light and shadow of the sword turned again, and the two tornadoes transformed from the blades stirred up the wind and clouds in the square, and finally collided together, making a loud noise.

"Ahhhhhhh!" This was a thicker roar, like a tiger's roar.

"Ahhhhhhh!" This was a thicker roar, like a dragon's roar.

Just the moment the tornadoes collided with each other, there were more than ten small wounds on the two people's bodies. The two were separated at the first touch, and they were separated by more than ten meters.

Li Huachao took a long breath and raised his eyes to look at Hua Niang opposite.

At this time, the tight black dress on Hua Niang's body had been cut with several cuts by a knife, revealing her plain white skin. She was not thin, with a height of just over 1.7 meters, but the tight dress perfectly outlined her figure and her muscles were well-proportioned. It looks neat and looks more healthy.

If I had to give an example, Li Huaniang is somewhat similar to some fitness women who appear in Korean comics, but her figure is not as exaggerated as in the comics.

Don't tell me, it turns out that I'm quite tempting after becoming a girl.

Li Huachao's eyes quickly traveled around Hua Niang's body, sometimes observing with focus, sometimes scanning roughly.

Probably because of the effect of the "咂" character on the knife, Li Huachao only felt an itching sensation all over his body, and there was also a bit of unique interest in his heart.

In the past, he felt that he was not very interested in human women. Instead, it was some strange creatures that poked at his heart. Now it seems that this is not the case...

It turns out that there are such beautiful women in the world!

Ah, that's me!

No, be serious.

Li Huachao suppressed the strange thoughts in his heart. He felt that it was disrespectful to reveal such thoughts in front of Hua Niang.



This should be regarded as self-respect, right?

At this moment, what Li Huachao, who was thinking wildly in his mind, didn't know was...

The flower girl opposite had exactly the same idea as him——

Oh my God, there are such handsome men in the world!

Ah, as expected of myself!

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