The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 375 Yu Liang: Huh?

The battle is still going on, and these dozen ghosts are not easy to deal with.

After the bright light ended, the appearance of the T1-level human snake made all the players present panic. They did not expect that a T1-level monster would suddenly appear at such a close position, but if you look closely, the target of the human-snake attack has always been Those ghosts, then players will understand that human snakes are also strange creatures tamed by animal trainers.

This beast tamer also has T1 monster creatures!


This is a very scary gradient level. With tacit cooperation, the animal trainer can even kill T1 players of the same level with this T1 level monster creature!

It can be said that with this human-snake alone, the Tamer is the character who walks sideways in a normal copy.

Only Xiao Hei among the players frowned slightly. He seemed to have thought of something, and looked at Yu Liang with even more surprise.

Naturally, Yu Liang didn't know the inner thoughts of these players. He didn't even notice the female athlete's strange thoughts about his family members.

From his perspective, the female athlete was attacked by ghosts, and then he ordered the human snake to save her, and that was it.

However, he still very carefully sent two paper figures to keep an eye on the female athletes, to prevent them from being infected by the ghost attack just now and attacking their teammates after being alienated.

The human snake is like a god descending to the earth among the crowd of ghosts. No one can get along with the ghosts and humans, but the strange thing is that it cannot kill effectively.

The wolf-faced monkey has been hiding in a dark corner and has not had a head-on confrontation with the human snake, while the black hole ghost man is running around under the cover of the ooze ghost man. Only the ooze ghost man will take the initiative to meet the attack of the human snake. When faced with being slashed or struck by a human-snake, they showed a very high level of attenuation. The attack of the human-snake seemed to be very effective, but in fact it did not cause much damage.

At the same time, the golden eyes embedded in the human snake's forehead shone brightly. It probably realized that it could not completely eliminate these ghosts with its T1 level physical fitness, so it wanted to activate the golden eyes to expand two-dimensionally and update the ghosts. Multi-level strikes.

This pure physical attack is ineffective. It can also try to use stomach acid, blood, neural network packages, microbial communities, etc. to attack.

As a flesh-based monster creature born from a flesh-and-blood fruit, the human-snake's attack methods are not single.

If you think that flesh and blood monsters can only punch and kick, you are totally wrong.

However, the human snake has just learned how to use the golden eye, and the method is still superficial. It can only perform the most basic stage of disintegration, separating the bones and flesh of its own body, stripping out the blood vessels, and conducting simple attacks.

Correspondingly, new movements also appeared in the crowd of ghosts. The wolf-faced monkeys hung upside down on the rock wall of the ceiling and began to split continuously, creating hundreds of similar clones in just a few seconds.

They separated the battlefield, looking for their opponents respectively, and even entangled the human snake with their numerical advantage, using a large number of clones to consume the two-dimensional state of the human snake after it was enlarged.

Yu Liang, who had been observing at the edge of the battlefield, also noticed something. These ghosts seemed to know the players very well, and would make simple plans and fight against the enemy based on the players' fighting methods, showing very high combat wisdom.

The Ooze Ghost Man is very restrained against physical warriors. With physical ability alone, T2 physical warriors cannot even defeat it.

And they also successfully served as the main force against the human snakes, withstanding wave after wave of attacks from the human snakes, and even separated one of them to fight against Xiao Hei.

Player Xiao Hei's ability is somewhat similar to that of a physical warrior, but there seems to be a difference. His speed is sometimes fast and sometimes slow, and his strength is sometimes strong. It sounds like he can suppress his own strength, but after a brief look, After a few glances, Yu Liang noticed that Xiao Hei's fighting state was not like this.

It feels like...

It's more like a "temporary addition".

Xiao Hei's physical fitness data is constant, but he can change his various physical attributes by temporarily adding points. He increases speed when speed is needed, strength when strength is needed, and defense when defense is needed.

It all depends on micromanagement.

However, this is just Yu Liang's guess. Xiao Hei should have the ability to flexibly switch combat states. Whether it is similar to the "additional points" of game characters is anyone's guess.

In addition to his physical abilities, Yu Liang noticed that Xiao Hei had a lot of small props and stamps. This was probably due to the high frequency of triggering ghost missions unique to gamers, so he received many small rewards, similar to an adventurer to a certain extent.

However, this alone is not enough to deal with the alliance between the slime ghost and the black hole ghost. The combination of the two ghosts happens to restrain Xiao Hei's ability. If he hits hard, he will be stopped by the slime ghost, and the small props will be blocked by the slime ghost. The black hole ghost absorbs and dissolves.

The same is true for surgeons and psychological counselors. They rely more on characters as a means of output and will have a headache when facing black hole ghosts.

As for the architect, he basically became a battlefield firefighter. He would create walls of earth and stone to protect any player who was in danger.

Blocking cannot stop the ghosts, but it can at least interrupt their movements so that the player will not be dragged into the crowd of ghosts.

The ghosts could not be eliminated, but the ghosts could not further harm the players, and the battle was at a stalemate.


There were originally two wolf-faced monkeys over there. After a few wolf-faced monkeys activated their clones just now, they seemed to have taken advantage of the chaos and disappeared——


Yu Liangliang was startled and instantly looked up at the ceiling.

The two wolf-faced monkeys actually hung from the ceiling and sneaked up near Yu Liang. When Yu Liang reacted, he let out a roar, which made his scalp numb. He held his head and fell backwards.

Zhong Chen noticed the strange movement of the wolf's head, and without thinking, he left the architect who was still in the "Eye of God" and ran directly towards Yu Liang, supporting Yu Liang's body with his strong shoulders.

As a bodyguard, she actually caused the wolf head to be hurt. Even if the mental attack was not something she could resist, it was too derelict in her duty.

For a moment, self-blame and anger brewed in her heart. She breathed violently, her chest rose and fell rapidly, and her muscles were trying their best to absorb the energy in her body, which was about to explode.

"You!" Zhong Chen's eyes widened angrily and he raised his fist.

After just one glance, the wolf-faced monkey ghosts ran away screaming. They were supposed to take this opportunity to perform illusions, but after being frightened by the terrifying Zhong Chen, they immediately hurriedly ran away. Get away.

"Wait a minute." Yu Liang reached out and took Zhong Chen's arm, "I have nothing to do. They have no further follow-up."

Just as he was shocked by the roar, a sexy and seductive woman immediately appeared in front of him, dancing coquettishly and trying to seduce him, and the fire in his heart was easier to ignite than usual, so he had to try his best to restrain his desire.

Just as he was looking carefully with his eyes wide open, trying to adapt to the vivid illusion in front of him, Zhong Chen's appearance broke the illusion. She drove away all the wolf-faced monkeys, and then looked at Yu Liang in her arms with concern. .

Yu Liang: "..."

Can you imagine this scenario?

Just a moment ago, the charming and sexy beauty in front of me suddenly turned into a wolf warrior with a strong and angular face...

All in all, he was quite tough.

The infection progress of Sese Guiren's ghost stories was directly cleared, and it caused some shadows to Yu Liang. It is estimated that he will not enter this kind of hallucination casually again.

"I'm fine." He waved his hand, thinking highly of these two wolf-faced monkeys.

Obviously, this is a kind of ghost who targets the commander of the battle. The wolf-faced monkey has the ability to bypass perception. Even the architect from a God's perspective did not discover the hiding of the wolf-faced monkey.

After controlling the target by roaring and frightening him, he immediately injects special hallucinations and infects the target with stories of ghosts and ghosts. When the target is fully immersed in the battle, this trick can often work wonders.

Every type of ghost is so targeted, and the most targeted one is of course this big... wolf-faced monkey. Not only is its appearance targeted, but its abilities are also targeted. It even has a certain effect on Yu Liang at this stage. Some threats.

This kind of ghost made Yu Liang smell an extremely familiar smell, and now he had a more accurate judgment in his heart.

"Architect, help me." He said in the direction of the architect. He was going to use a strong attack to break through these ghosts and find the murderer as soon as possible. "Separate these players and the ghosts."

Just relying on the currently summoned Kaitan creature might not be too strong, and he didn't want to waste any more time.

"Okay." The architect understood. He probably knew that Yu Liang wanted to amplify his move, so he immediately took action and used various earth and stone structures to separate the players, creating a suitable passage and enough space for Yu Liang to perform.

When Xiao Hei and others heard this, they also retreated to give enough space to this somewhat mysterious animal trainer to avoid accidental injuries.

Does this mean that the trainer wants to turn it on?

What kind of ultimate move is it?

At the T2 stage, everyone will prepare a "killer" when fighting for life and death. This is a player's most critical and core ability.

Then the beast tamer’s trump card...

Maybe it's a strange biological impact similar to the galloping of thousands of horses?

At least it won't be worse than the T1 level monster creature just summoned by the trainer, right?

For a moment, all the players showed curious eyes. Yu Liang at this end of the corridor raised his hand. Six Cao Ying mechas were stacked in two layers, filling the entire corridor.

At the end of the corridor planned out by earth and stone, the group of ghosts all looked over and looked at the dark muzzle of the Cao Ying mecha.

"This is……"

Xiao Hei murmured, he had found a high point made of earth and stone, and looked at the end of the corridor in shock at the "3X2" pile of six Grass Infant mechas.

The other players were even more shocked. They never expected that the trainer would summon six bone mechas full of primitive style with a wave of his hand.


No, mechas can also be considered "beasts"?

Are you telling me that mechas are something that animal trainers can train?

You are a bit of a heretic as an animal trainer!


Yu Liang, who was wearing a mask, did not change his color. He lowered his raised hand and commanded the grass babies to activate the heavy machine gun.

"Da da da da da-"

The six long bullet chains gathered into one big stream in the air, and then rushed towards the ghosts like a torrent of steel. In just a moment, they tore apart the clones of the wolf-faced monkeys and scattered the bodies of the slime ghosts. .

The Black Hole Ghost tries to continue to open the black hole to absorb bullets, but the current number of bullets is not what it can absorb. Its upper limit of absorption is very high, but it is definitely not close to ten rounds per second.

For modern warfare, the combined bullet speed of six heavy machine guns is only ten rounds per second. This is a very rubbish data, but the enemy they face is ghost.

It's a strange creature, but it's also made of flesh and blood, so it belongs in the barrel of a machine gun.

The bullets of the heavy machine gun are also mixed with cannonballs fired by the Cao Ying mecha. The power of these cannonballs is not great, but it is certainly more than enough to deal with these ghosts. Almost every shell that hits can directly smash the ghosts. Crush it and grind it into a thick white pulp.

A minute later, Yu Liang waved his hand and put away the six Cao Ying mechas again.

This consumes a lot of money, and these cold weapons are not legal, so he usually does not use them.

Looking at the entire corridor, it seemed as if it had been rained down by iron rain, revealing countless small pits and covered with white blood that exploded from the ghosts.

How messy the battlefield is represents how powerful the Cao Ying mecha was just now.

I thought it was thousands of horses galloping, but I didn't expect it was a torrent of bullets. This animal trainer was really unexpected.

The architect lowered his head in confusion. He thought the beast tamer was going to rush into the crowd of ghosts with two knives and spin around. How could it be a summoned mecha?

How much background does this animal trainer have?

"These weapons of yours...are they?" Xiao Hei said in surprise.

The rate of fire of these machine guns is not fast, but their kinetic energy is very sufficient. They can be regarded as controlled weapons in Cyber ​​City, and normal civilian armed forces are not allowed to possess them.

Although few forces will comply, few forces will use weapons of this level with great fanfare, and Yu Liang, a player...

Why can an animal trainer come up with so many weapons like this?

And those primitive animal bone mechas, at first glance, are not products of this Cyber ​​City!

This animal tamer...

He is actually a mechanic who can control multiple mechas? !

Is it so outrageous to do things across different industries now?

"Shh-" Yu Liang just put his finger in front of his mouth on the mask, made a "silence" gesture, and then smiled, "It's just a strange trick, continue to lead the way, I have to find that person quickly. murderer."

Yes, he wanted to see the murderer quickly, because the true identity of the murderer was becoming more and more clear, and he also very much hoped that it was Li Huachao.

This means that every injustice has its owner and its debtor has its owner.

Wolf face, right?

Big Dinkey, right?

You like to have the illusion of a sexy big sister, right?

After the battle was over, the group of people started on their way again, but Yu Liang noticed that the female athlete glanced at him with an ambiguous look, intentionally or unintentionally, and her thoughts were self-evident.

But Yu Liang could only sigh in his heart and walked quickly to the front.

It seems that after showing the exaggerated means of Cao Ying Mecha, in addition to shocking other players, it is possible to gain their attachment.

Now, this female athlete's ambition is clearly revealed.

The female athlete quickly followed Yu Liang, and after some hesitation she finally spoke: "Trainer, can I...can I ask your summon to meet again?"

"Sorry, I...Eh?" Yu Liang instinctively wanted to refuse, but he was stunned when he listened carefully, "Summoned object? What is it?"

"It's the long snake made of human body just now." The female athlete looked hopeful, which made Yu Liang confused about her thoughts, so he raised his hand to summon the human snake.

After seeing the man in black armor with the head of a human and a snake, little stars suddenly appeared in the female athlete's eyes. She only felt that something was growing deep in her heart, and she immediately drove her body to meet it, using a kind of a little... He asked in a nervous tone: "Hello, I want to know your name, and..."

Then she added another straight shot: "I think I've fallen in love with you."

Human snake: "?"

Seeing that the snake was stunned, she cast anxious eyes on Yu Liang, covered her chest, and said regardless: "My feelings for him are serious! I can try to enter the space where you store the summons, and you can tame him I, humans are also kind of beasts, aren’t they? You are an animal trainer, right? You must have a way!”

Yu Liang: "???"


I really like a saying from a professional writer: "Huh?"

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