The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 356: Actor Aze is still behind the scenes.


Gradient: T2

[Plastic Construction] The noun characters related to "earth, wood, and stone" you synthesize can be regarded as creative verb characters, and corresponding standard buildings can be built.

[Eye of God]: You can observe the scene and create it from a three-dimensional perspective; its own movement speed is -50%, and it takes 3 seconds to switch between the main perspective and the Eye of God.

[Creation]: When you are in the "God's Eye" state, there is no distance limit when using creation characters, and the creation speed is +50%; using destruction characters at any time must be in contact with the target object to be successfully released.

In the "Waiting List" on the creation page, the details of the architect's alienated professional skills appeared in front of Yu Liang.

[Plastic Construction], [Creation] and [God's Eye], we can see the close connection between these abilities. While bringing powerful creation abilities, the alienation profession also places certain restrictions on architects.

Taken together, this is a profession with obvious advantages and disadvantages. The unique creation system gives him excellent terrain construction capabilities, and he can build terrain with the three types of characters "earth, wood, and stone" as units.

If you think about it, you will know that the lower limit of this ability is not low, and the upper limit is even more terrifying.

The papermen who just control the architect can create a maze of earth and stone in a wave. If they change to a more sophisticated controller, they can probably trap the people they want to trap and let them go while creating the maze. Let the people go and truly have complete control over the "geographical advantage".

The disadvantage is that architects can no longer directly use destructive characters. Characters used for destruction such as the "break" character, the "burn" character, and the "cut" character need to touch the target with your hand to cast a spell, which is basically prohibited. It is possible for the Architect to use destructive characters. After all, no one will be stupidly touched by the Architect during the battle.

After all, the architect is just a long-range spellcasting profession without any physical bonus.

Secondly, when using [God's Eye], you can't even switch the perspective at will, and you can't move at will.

This is also an obvious shortcoming, making the architect's career setting closer to that of "Fort Mage".

Of course, the above shortcomings are not insurmountable, and the way to overcome them is very simple.

Find teammates.

As long as you find teammates you can trust, the Architect can maximize his Turret Mage attributes.

If you put it into the universe...

Just right.

Can't use destructive characters?

So what if it works?

Is your "broken" character as far as the gambler's [Qian Shu]?

Being unable to move and quickly switch perspectives would be easier to deal with. When the time comes, you can stay in the Tank Mansion, surrounded by a full array of Grass Infant mechas and a squad of Whistle Beasts, without having to worry about your own safety at all.

But now there is no need to rush to create it. The architect can even be saved for the next copy, so Yu Liang just put it away and did not directly create a new character.

"Your voice?" Yu Liang heard that the architect's voice seemed to be synthesized from the miniature speaker in his throat, which surprised him.

Logically speaking, an architect without a tongue should be unable to speak.

"It's probably the speakers those people installed. Controlling the puppet to speak autonomously requires fine control of the tongue and throat. It's better to just install a miniature speaker instead of speaking. Anyway, the puppet only needs to be able to make sounds." The architect explained briefly, and he sat up from the bed. He stood up and looked at his surroundings, "It looks like I was rescued by you. I'm so grateful. If you need me for anything in the future, just ask."

"Yeah." Yu Liang did not dwell too much on this issue. He took out the meat machine and entered the set program into it. After a few seconds, a tongue of normal specifications was produced from the meat machine. Yu Liang was When it was handed over to the architect, "Just fit it directly along the cut surface of the tongue base, and they will grow together."

A look of surprise appeared on the architect's face. He used "View" on the tongue in his hand and immediately got the relevant information.



Note: Has the function of tongue.

This naming method means that this tongue can be used for character synthesis. Likewise, it means that it is a product of the Kaitan world, rather than an item created by the player.

While the architect installed the tongue into his mouth, he was secretly frightened by this machine. He almost instantly thought of the truly terrifying aspect of this machine.

Machine-generated items can be used to synthesize characters, which means that Yu Liang can mass-produce "body"-related resources as materials for character synthesis.

For example, various hairs or various body organs are made of these materials, but in critical times, it is of course more convenient to make these organs yourself.

On the road of character synthesis, Yu Liang will be less restricted, and the synthesized characters will be more arbitrary.

This top-level production equipment is probably the top-level black technology product that can be found in the dungeon, so the architect became interested in the origin of the meat machine: "This machine is a bit interesting, it is the black technology in Cyber ​​City. ?”

"No, they were brought from other copies." Yu Liang just shook his head. He looked at the architect who had restored his normal tongue function and asked, "How much can you remember before you became a puppet?"

The "tongue" produced in the meat machine can be used normally, but it cannot be used to make another "living" character. Yu Liang has already tested this.

"Before I became a puppet..." the architect muttered, and the information he possessed began to replay in his mind.

However, at this time, the mechanic who had been outside the sterile room before asked the two people inside to come out and talk. Don't stay in the sterile room all the time. It will be troublesome to clean up later.

So Yu Liang, the architect, and the mechanic came to a relatively private room in the store and briefly introduced themselves.

"My profession is a mechanic. There is no need to mention my name. Just call me mechanic." The mechanic said. He had heard that some players' alienation abilities could use a name to learn about the opponent's alienation career status, or even curse them.

Although the activation conditions for this kind of curse are relatively difficult and the effect is not strong, you still don't want to be disgusted.

"Okay." Yu Liang didn't say anything after hearing this. Since there was an architect among the people present, he used the vest from the copy of "Rabbit Game", "I am an animal tamer."

At the same time, he looked at the mechanic: "As for the mechanic... I know a player, and his profession may be the same as yours."

Yu Liang was naturally referring to Xue Wubin, Xu Cixi's brother, the guy who used robots to fight.

"Is that so? I thought my profession would be very rare in reality." The mechanic was a little surprised, but didn't say much.

"Probably." Yu Liang looked at the architect.

The architect understood: "I am an architect, probably in..."

He looked at the page and saw that he only had 94 hours left to watch the movie, so he quickly calculated the time period during which he would become a puppet and continued: "About two days ago, I was captured by a technology player in this city. Captured by the company, they are from a large group - the Huangpo Group, and have strong armed forces."

The architect frowned slightly, feeling a headache whenever he recalled the difficult situation at that time: "They came well prepared, so they could easily destroy the building I created. My companions were facing These advanced and light external armors are as fragile as a layer of paper. If you insist on it..."

He thought about it and thought of a more appropriate metaphor in his mind: "Have you seen "X-Men"? The mecha team used by the Huangpo Group is like the sentry robot from the future in the movie. For those of us, The 'superpower' person has extremely strong restraint, so we were caught quickly."

"You can probably guess what happened next." The architect continued, "We were made into so-called salable ghosts. They originally planned to use the players they had in hand to study the human body's superpowers, but suddenly It was discovered that players would die after a period of time, so we changed the method and used 'sellable ghosts' to fish out other players in the city."

Yu Liang and the mechanic naturally understood what the architect said, "You will die after a period of time." This is probably because the captured player has delayed the viewing time and has not completed the most basic origin of the ghost. mission, and then died.

It's cruel and helpless. This is also the deep malice this copy has towards players.

While fighting against the ghosts, some of the indigenous people who hold the core power in this world have also become the players' opponents. Their presence will cause great interference to the player's mission progress.

"That is to say, players like you who have just joined the dungeon and haven't had time to solve the ghost man's origin mission must not be caught by the people of the Huangpo Group, otherwise the only result waiting for you will be death." The mechanic knocked his hand. , and came to a conclusion.

"Almost." The architect nodded. He seemed to have remembered something, and some thoughts appeared on his face.

"Did this kind of thing just happen recently? I had never heard of this kind of thing three years ago." The mechanic showed a little surprise, but he had already completed the Ghost Man's origin mission, and only the last one was left. You can successfully complete your training and return to reality in one week, so your mentality is naturally much more relaxed than that of Yu Liang and the other two.

"Yeah." The architect also remembered something he had forgotten in the mechanics' words. His expression changed and his brows furrowed even more tightly. "I remembered that Huangpo Group learned about the player's relevant information. , and then the search and arrest of players began because someone was leaking secrets to them."

"Leaked secrets? Players leaked secrets?" This was beyond Yu Liang's expectation, but it made sense if he thought about it carefully. After all, this Cyber ​​City had not noticed the existence of "players" for three or four years, but now it suddenly discovered it. , presumably there are external factors hindering it.

But what makes Yu Liang a little strange is, who would be so bored as to take the initiative to leak secrets to the natives of Cyber ​​City?

Isn't this causing trouble for all players for no reason?

It is equivalent to provoking all the players at once. This kind of courage is probably not possessed by normal people.

And Yu Liang was also a little lucky, because Li Huachao disappeared two days ago, and the Huangpo Group started arresting him earlier, so this matter should have nothing to do with Li Huachao.

But if you think about it carefully, Li Huachao's current situation is quite dangerous.

He defeated a small mecha as a primitive in public. This was completely beyond the reach of a human being, and he might be targeted by the Huangpo Group.

Of course, it may not be a good thing for the Huangpo Group to target Li Huachao. According to Li Huachao's extreme character, he might do something that only a terrorist would do.

"Well, based on some of the information I got, I speculate that the person who leaked the information is an 'actor'." The architect said with an angry expression, "He is a well-known villain who is keen on doing some crazy things. It can be without benefit or even cause harm. , but it must be fun, at least to make him feel fun."

"Actor...Aze?" When Yu Liang heard about this profession, he immediately thought of the "born actor" Aze who had been mentioned by the five founders of the Players Alliance.

Although Yu Liang has never met this guy before, he has already had a deep impression of this guy in his heart, even to the point where——

If it were Aze, it would be normal for him to do such a thing.

"Do you know him? In reality, he seems to be from City X and lives in a city near me, so many players know him." The architect looked at Yu Liang, and he knew when he saw Yu Liang's solemn look. The other party has also heard of Aze.

The city next door?

So, the architect's actual address is near Haicheng?

Yu Liang was thoughtful.

"Actor...Aze? Is he famous? Is he very powerful?" The mechanic looked at Yu Liang and the two curiously.

In this regard, the architect used only three words to perfectly express the dangers of "born actors":

"T1, has weird abilities and just wants to cause trouble."

The mechanic's face also became serious, and he realized how terrifying this kind of person was.

If a T1-level alienation professional doesn't want to solve the root cause of the ghost story, or doesn't want to solve the basic tasks of the dungeon, but only wants to torment other players, it will be a very scary thing.

At least that's the case for most players.

Now that the architect said this, and the actor is a well-known fun-loving person with very weird abilities, it is obvious that the other party has regarded Cyber ​​City as his own amusement park.

The mechanic was a little lucky. Fortunately, he had completed the mission of the origin of the ghost a long time ago, so the fire should not be able to burn him.

As for the animal trainers and architects in front of them, they have no choice but to ask for their own blessings.

"Let's talk about other things. Apart from the affairs of the Huangpo Group, do you have any clues about the origin of the strange stories in this city?" Yu Liang did not want to think about the Huangpo Group for the time being. He would avoid it if he could at this stage. I can't avoid making other plans.

With one person's strength against the entire group, he didn't want to do such a thing, let alone the actor Aze behind him to add fuel to the fire.

"Three days before arriving in this city, I formed an alliance with several players to explore and found some records left by pioneer players, but we were not sure what they meant." The architect regained his energy. , he only had less than four days left to explore, and there was not that much time left for him. After exchanging his clues with these two people, he also needed to find the new origin of the ghost man quickly.

As for his companions who were also arrested, they can only do their best.

"The first sentence is also the most critical sentence."

"He said this is not a city, but a village."

The architect slowly read out the words he had written down:

"This village is real, and so are the ghosts, but the ghosts are dreams and imaginary creatures."

"Knowledge accumulates here, time stands still, and history is fiction."

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