The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 353 The Taoist is Lu Baoshen

The marketable ghost is a player.

Yu Liang looked at the familiar face and made an accurate judgment in his heart.

Both appearance and ability are that of an architect, so this is obviously an architect.

His eyes fell on the transparent back of the architect's head. The thing that was deeply embedded in the brain should be the control device, but it seemed that it could not be pulled out directly. After all, it was something inserted into the brain. Pulling it out directly might cause trouble. Die directly.

T2-level construction engineers have the ability to quickly construct terrain, but now they are captured by this company and transformed into this kind of puppet-like thing using Cyber ​​City's high technology.

The facial muscles are stiff and the movements appear mechanical and rigid, like a wooden man.

But not dead.

Dead people cannot use alienated professional abilities, and architects can also use characters to build fortresses, which shows that in the eyes of the Kaitan World, they still belong to the category of players.

Yu Liangshang still remembers that in the Rabbit game, the architect had two teammates beside him. One seemed to be able to provide him with a large number of similar characters, and the other was a physical warrior with a gradient level around T2.

Although teammates cannot carry it to the next copy, this also shows that the architect is not a lone ranger and has a strong willingness to form a team.

This is probably because his abilities are very strong and his shortcomings are equally obvious, so he needs his teammates to make up for his shortcomings.

How on earth did this guy get caught?

Is it because he used the alienated professional ability in front of the natives in this copy?

Yu Liang warned himself and tried to avoid using super-technical power in front of these indigenous people, otherwise he would be caught, transformed and sold like an architect.

Unexpectedly, the player who solved the root cause of the ghost story as an advent dungeon would eventually become a toy of the natives. Yu Liang had never encountered such a thing.

He could feel the deep malice coming from this world.

For the players in the Monster World, people are a resource; and for these high-tech companies in Cyber ​​City, players are a resource.

This gave Yu Liang a strong sense of crisis. He frowned slightly and wrote down the name of the company.

Huangpo Group.

Judging from the size of the open-air exhibition, this does not seem to be a large company.

Can even a small company like this have the technology to control the human body?

Yu Liang walked slowly over, intending to get closer to see if there were any other ghosts for sale at the exhibition.

However, no, the exhibition was very small, with only one booth. The origin of the available ghosts was written on the shiny sign. On the booth was a robot, and the architect was controlled by this robot.

It was a bionic robot with a face similar to that of a human, but it could be seen that its face was made up of multiple white metal plates, and it had extremely obvious robot characteristics.

People being controlled by robots seems like a joke, but it's not funny.

His eyes met the architect's. Both of his eyes were replaced with prosthetic eyes. The glass spheres of the prosthetic eyes shone with a faint red light. Yu Liang felt that he was looking at two cameras. , there is no life in the other person's eyes.

The signboard of the salable ghost man states the research process of the Huangpo Group on this kind of ghost man, which is basically nonsense.

[One piece in the palm of your hand, a salable ghost man, your exclusive superpower partner!

The salable ghost man developed by Huangpo Technology Co., Ltd. has superpowers beyond imagination, allowing you to navigate your daily life with ease.

You only need to use the Brain Claw controller to permanently obtain a personal bodyguard, which can be easily controlled using the remote control.

The remote control can be implanted with prosthetic eyes and connected to the controller via Bluetooth. Voice control and key control are seamlessly connected, giving you a better operating experience.

The salable ghost has been fully developed by Arasaka Technology Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Arasaka Group, and has been passed down with decades of ingenuity to provide you with a better protection experience.

Don’t be afraid of any difficulties, Ghost Man will protect all your ideas. Unlike traditional robots, Ghost Man has strong emotional resonance and is always connected to your heart, making your trip smoother.

With unique cutting technology, ghosts and evil spirits are completely separated, and there is no need to worry about infecting oneself.

It's time to get your own super-powered sidekick, a marketable ghost with unlimited powers in the palm of your hand. 】

Several people around Yu Liang also began to ask the robot some more critical information, such as "how much it costs", "what are the purchasing channels", "are there any men or women with better looks" and "can it be used for emotional needs".

In this regard, the robot's answer seemed very mechanical: "The products at the fair are not for sale at the moment. The products are for exhibition and are not for sale at the moment. The company has more ghosts for sale, some of which are more handsome or beautiful. Individuals. Our ghosts are generated through capture, domestication and raising. They are transformations of natural ghosts, so they have certain differences and contingency. We can only guarantee that these ghosts have unique superpowers, but we cannot guarantee that ghosts will His appearance must be in line with public aesthetics."

"Inside the company? You have such a salable ghost man on display at this exhibition. This makes me doubt whether you have so many ghost men." The onlookers on the side teased the robot with great interest.

The robot turned around and looked at each other and said word by word: "Our company adopts a unique offline marketing method. Today, we held hundreds of exhibitions at the same time, located in various areas of the city, striving to attract citizens and friends. Intuitively feel the power of the salable ghost."

"Offline marketing? Unique? No wonder I didn't see any news online." The onlooker curled his lips and did not express any opinions on the robot's words, because he could not make the mistake of pointing at a robot without autonomous consciousness.

In his opinion, offline marketing is not stupid, but just offline marketing is too stupid. Do these people want to sell goods?

Is there any way to do pure offline marketing now?

Is this communication efficiency too low?

Do you think it was still a few decades ago?

Isn’t this company owned by Huangpo Group?

Such a big group, why can’t they even handle advertising and marketing?

However, Yu Liang, who was standing next to the onlookers, felt excited. He quickly turned around and looked around. Sure enough, he saw a lot of cameras above the marketable ghost people exhibition. They brought the people present into view one by one. .

Something is wrong.

Something is very wrong with this trade fair!

Due to the giant eye in the river just now, Yu Liang's brain reaction speed was a bit slow, and it was only now that he noticed the mystery hidden in this exhibition.

Since it is a trade fair, why is it so small?

The Ghost Man is the enemy that lingers in the minds of Cybermen. If the Ghost Man can be tamed, wouldn't it be possible to use this as a gimmick and spread it widely to make huge profits?

But now the robot says that hundreds of such small trade fairs have been held, and there are only offline trade fairs and no online trade fairs. What does this mean?

Explain that the exhibition is open to players!

They are attracting players to watch, and then identify the players mixed in the crowd and not capture them.

Why is there no online communication?

Firstly, it was because the players did not have the identity certificate or money to go online at the beginning, and secondly, they were worried that some comments from netizens would make these players realize that it was a trap, and they would run away on the spot and disappear.

This kind of offline trade fair is smarter and is the best trap for players, because this company knows that players are extremely interested in the word "ghost man". Players have been exploring Cyber ​​City, so when they encounter a trade fair, they will definitely I can't help but come forward.

When they saw the character used by the marketable ghost, they naturally realized that the marketable ghost's true identity was a player, and his words and deeds were very likely to appear strange.

In addition, normal players and Cybermen are incompatible with each other, so they can be easily recognized.

After all, normal players don't wear fancy clothes and have "otherworldly" hairstyles like those Cybermen.

Although not all Cybermen like this kind of exaggerated personal decoration, and some powerful or wealthy people will not dress up like this, but as long as you pay attention, you can easily notice the difference between players and Cybermen.


Like a passer-by, like a tourist, not a resident of Cyber ​​City.

Yu Liang let out a sigh of relief. He suspected that he had been targeted. His face might have been marked in the camera. As soon as he was far away from the crowd, his captor would appear.

No matter what, escape to a safe place quickly.

There was a sense of urgency in his heart. He didn't want to be targeted by Cyber ​​City's technology companies just yet.

For a company that controls hundreds of salable ghosts, that is, players, one can imagine how terrifying the company's strength is.

The current Yu Liang has no created character, and can only be regarded as the youth version of the T1 player. No matter what he does, there are many inconveniences.

Try to cause chaos with Kaitan creatures and then take the opportunity to escape.

He made a plan in his mind and looked at the architect.

In this case, why not take the architect away with you?

Even if he couldn't turn the architect back into an adult, he could at least gain a T2-level combat power for nothing.

Architects with the ability to build terrain are great for causing chaos and then running away together.

Just as he said, Yu Liang turned around and left the exhibition venue, creating a simple alibi. Then he released the human snake directly into the middle of the exhibition without hesitation.

In his universe, man-snake is the creature that best meets the requirements of the image of a monster. Not only is it large in size and easy to cause chaos, but it also has relatively strong strength.

The man-snake, which is more than twenty meters tall, can be considered a behemoth. Its main body is composed of dozens of deformed people. Dozens of pairs of crooked hands and feet swing wildly, causing the body of the man-snake to flip up and down, causing wanton destruction.

"Roar!" The black-armored egg creature with the head of a human and a snake let out a monster's roar. He rolled his body and cleared an emptiness at the exhibition. He first destroyed the surrounding surveillance cameras, and then surrounded the exhibition with deformed people. He stood on the tall pillar, and then swept his crazy eyes downwards, looking at the Cybermen who were running away crazily.


"It's a ghost! It's a big ghost who ate dozens of people!"

"The evil spirit is coming, run!"

The crowd surged and dissipated as quickly as the ebbing tide. Hundreds of people fled frantically, causing crowding and trampling on the streets near the exhibition. Curses and calls for help continued for a while.

While Yu Liang and Zhong Chen fled with the crowd, these cyber people soon discovered that the long snake deformed man seemed to have no interest in them, so they stayed on the street outside the exhibition, looking at the terrifying human-snake from a distance. .

They took out some small things with photography functions to take pictures of the human-snake appearance, or directly recorded it with prosthetic eyes, and then excitedly told their relatives and friends.

"Hot hot spot, post the video quickly, this is big news!"

“If you get the hot video, you’ll make a lot of money!”

There were sounds of surprise from the crowd, and this kind of thing would not be disgusted by other people. Instead, they would imitate it in large numbers, with a spirit of entertaining themselves to death.

Yu Liang took the opportunity to spread rumors:

"This ghost man is here to save the ghost man at the exhibition! They are all from the Huangpo Group. They are conducting experiments on the ghost man. They have offended the evil spirits and the ghost man. All participants will die, all!"

Rumors spread rapidly among the crowd, probably because this group has never done anything good. This kind of rumor about ghost experiments is very consistent with their group settings, so the crowd did not have the slightest suspicion, and for a while they were extremely angry.

"Huangpo! They were the ones who did the human experiments in the past few years, and they haven't given up on the superpower plan yet!"

"I have long felt that something is wrong. How could there be so many ghosts in our area to be tamed by the people in Huangpo? I'm afraid they have mastered the technology of transforming people into ghosts!"


As people's attention shifted, a series of paper figures appeared in Yu Liang's hands. They dripped from his fingertips, and then quickly transformed into paper figures, crawling towards the direction of the architect.

After receiving Yu Liang's instructions, the human snake coiled down from the pillar, then slapped the robot away, and then used his body to surround the architect in the center.

At the same time, the papermen took advantage of the cover and got into the body of the human snake. They picked up the remote control next to the robot's wreckage and started studying it.

Soon, they completely mastered the architect's method of use, so they controlled the architect to continuously type characters and build various earth and stone buildings. With the exhibition as the center, a maze of earth and stone structures spread rapidly like water waves. It opened up and completely enveloped the street before the onlookers had time to react, trapping them inside.

When the department dedicated to managing ghosts arrived and dismantled the maze, everything that had just happened seemed like a dream. The terrifying human snake and the salable ghost had long since disappeared.

No matter what kind of uproar this fuss caused, Yu Liang and Zhong Chen had already found a temporary hiding place.

The parts on the Huangpo Company's robot were all good, so the two of them moved the robot, sold it in a grocery store on the outskirts of the city, got some money, and opened a house nearby.

Yu Liang and Zhong Chen stopped here temporarily. Since they were not sure whether the architect was wearing a locator or something, Yu Liang bought a small signal jammer from a nearby machinery store to cover up any possible marks on the architect's body. .

For the next two hours, he stayed in this hotel to take a nap. The giant eye in the river brought physical and mental exhaustion, which made him unable to keep thinking and had to take a rest.

The harvest this time was pretty good, and I got an architect to help me.

The Papermen have completely mastered the knack of manipulating architects, and now they use their architectural abilities very smoothly, as if they were born to manipulate others.

If this architect can be saved, then try to save him. After all, we have met him several times. If he cannot be saved, he will have to become a new created character.

The upper limit of this kind of construction ability depends on the upper limit of the user's thinking, and Yu Liang's created character...

Never lost in my whole life.

I really never lost.

So at this moment, Lu Baoshen was sitting on a high platform wearing a golden Taoist robe, and below him were hundreds of believers:

"I beg you, the heavy fragrance, to answer the eternal stems of the universe and open the gate of heaven. Please go to the gate of heaven and pray to the ancestor of the nine vaginas to save me and teach millions of people to eliminate the sins. I am as urgent as the law!"

Lu Baoshen quietly opened one eye, looked at the believers below, couldn't help but swallowed, and thought wildly in his heart.

Save me, save me, save me, save me, save me...

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