The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 351 Yu Liang’s hair turned white instantly

" thing, love one thing..."

"Do what you do, love what you do."

The man's speech in the middle of the street gradually became clearer, but his condition seemed to get worse. Colorful bubbles continued to float on the surface of his body, sometimes big and sometimes small, and the whole person swelled up until it reached a height of more than three meters. Come down.

The whole person becomes stronger because of these bubbles, but the bubbles on his body emit different colors under the light, making him look dreamlike.

Bubble man?

I just looked a little dizzy and a little nauseous.

"I don't want to, but I have no choice." The man gasped. He looked back at the woman with a ferocious expression on his face. The huge bubbles on the surface of his body kept exploding, making "bang bang bang" sounds.

Every time a bubble bursts, the muscles in the man's arms will grow larger. The bursting of the bubbles seems to provide him with a lot of strength.

"How do I choose? Who would have thought that I would have to work for a lifetime in any job I choose?" He cried with a sad face, his emotions kept fluctuating, and he kept cursing in his mouth. He seemed to be out of his mind again: "It's easy for me. ?The boss is a pure idiot. A person with no professional and technical skills comes to guide our technical department. The first plan is too streamlined, the second plan is too complicated, the third plan is not interesting, and the fourth plan is all bad. After a month of operation, the results are The Ministry has chosen another plan. No bonus will be paid for the time wasted. If you don’t change your job, you will starve to death. If you change your job, you will become a ghost..."

"Ah——" The man became angrier as he thought about it, and couldn't help shouting into the night sky, causing all the voice-activated lights in the corridors of nearby residential buildings to light up.

At the same time, many residents in residential buildings turned on lights in their homes, but no one opened their windows. No one seemed to be curious about what was going on downstairs.

After the bubble man vented his anger, he became much more rational and the redness in his eyes dissipated, but his body was still strong and the bubbles on his body had not diminished by half.

"Goodbye, I finally don't have to be a human anymore. Those from the Ghost Investigation Bureau will find me soon. I don't have much time to live, but at least I can use this time to do something I really want to do. "Papa Man looked at his wife hiding in the dark corner, sighed, still feeling guilty, "I still have some savings in my account, you can take it out for household use."

"Zhiquan, you..." The woman was so shocked by the familiar yet unfamiliar man in front of her that she was speechless. She only knew that her husband was under a lot of pressure at work, but she never expected that he would change his job and become a ghost. people.

Just like some people don't know that their friends are suffering from severe depression until they commit suicide by jumping off a building. She had never thought about this before.

The woman looked at the other person in shock, with a little fear in her eyes. Her eyes kept drifting around the man, as if she wanted to find something: "Evil spirits... have you really come into contact with those evil spirits?"

"Evil spirits? No, no, no, ghosts don't appear like this." Bubble Man shook his head quickly, pointing to the sky and the ground, and his mood became excited again, "It's a disease. There is something wrong with this city. Sick, sick, people like me appear, I am the embodiment of disease, the embodiment of urban stress disease, those ghosts... are all diseases, they are all diseases!"

Bubble Man took a deep look at his wife and suppressed the pressure and anger in his heart: "I'm leaving. If I stay any longer, I'm afraid it will hurt you."

He didn't say much anymore. He knew that he had been locked by the camera and it might be too late if he didn't run away, so he immediately controlled the bubbles on his body to burst.

To be precise, he didn't know why he did this, but like an animal with a wild instinct, he knew what would happen when he popped the bubble.

These bubbles are pressure.

There are a lot of heavy pressures, including mortgages, car loans, bosses’ responsibilities and work pressures, and family pressures, to name a few.

These pressures have always existed, but now that he has become a ghost, these pressures have also materialized, turning into pressure bubbles that can be popped and released.

It's interesting, it's not until you become a ghost that you can truly release the stress accumulated in this body.

Bubble Man found it funny and couldn't help laughing.

He popped three bubbles.

As the pressure was released, he felt a sense of relaxation pouring down from head to toe, as if he had a can of ice soda after a boring Taoism class in the summer of his youth.

Orange flavored ice soda.

Bubble Man was distracted for a moment, and his mind was filled with things about his time at that time. At that time, he was faced with a lot of studies, but he was very comfortable.

That bullshit Taoist teacher insists on saying "Tao follows nature" and "the mind is calm and cool naturally". In the middle of summer, he has to turn off all the refrigeration equipment when taking such a bad class, so when class is over, there is often a strong smell of sweat lingering in the classroom. Stink.

Both men and women are sweating profusely. A can of ice soda at this time is simply refreshing from head to toe, just like now.

The bubble man who popped the bubble was relieved of pressure and at the same time released of power.

He punched a telephone pole on the side of the road, knocking it down immediately, and the wires on it were torn off one after another. He didn't stop until he pulled down an LED streamer billboard upstairs on the street and smashed it to the ground.

The bubble man nodded with satisfaction, then popped the bubble again and pushed it all the way to the telephone pole, just like he would kick two cans when he encountered them in his childhood. He didn't know why he pushed them, maybe to show his strength, maybe It's to relieve stress, or maybe just follow nature.

He walked quickly, and soon he left his astonished wife and walked away. He didn't know where he was going. Maybe he wanted to settle a score with his stupid boss, or he was looking for a place to temporarily hide from the law enforcers.

And this series of things were all seen by Yu Liang in the dark. He looked at the retreating figure of the bubble man and the telegraph pole that was pushed, thoughtfully.

He originally thought that the ghost man's mutation was caused by "changing his profession", just like what the government leaflet said, but after listening to it, it seemed that this was not the case.

Urban disease?

The embodiment of urban disease?

The origin of ghosts this time is the incarnation of urban diseases. This cyber city has many urban diseases. For example, urban stress disorder can turn people into ghosts like "bubble people".

It seems that those bubbles may represent this man's "pressure"?

Belonging is a symbolic representation.

Yu Liang noticed that every time the bubble man wanted to exert force, he would control the bursting of bubbles. He thought that the opponent's strange power also came from it.

It's like the stress is released and the whole person becomes refreshed and energetic.

The ghosts born in this state are very different. They seem to have enough reason and know what they want to do. They may occasionally get emotional, but they don't have a strong desire to hurt people, and they won't eat people. , are relatively kind ghosts.

Obviously, this is another kind of ghost origin, but it is not a new ghost origin, because Yu Liang, who witnessed the whole process, did not trigger any tasks.

The urban sick ghosts did not start from the bubble people, and we may still meet some urban sick ghosts in the future.

Yu Liang said, feeling more and more that the entire Cyber ​​City was in chaos.

How did the ghost appear?

Changing professions, extracting consciousness, communicating with evil spirits, escaping from the back room, and urban diseases. There are now five types of ghosts. Each ghost has a different form and ability. Yu Liang even thinks that they are all called ghosts except for their names. There aren't many similarities outside of that.

Before this dungeon, most of the ghost creatures derived from the source ghost stories in the dungeon had something in common. They either had the same causes or similar origins. However, these ghosts were really extremely confusing.

To put it a bit outrageously, every kind of ghost setting can be used to write novels, but now he is integrating into Cyber ​​City like crazy. After only about two days, he has met five kinds of ghost origins.

I'm afraid law enforcers will come to this place soon.

Yu Liang took Zhong Chen and quickly bypassed this place and ran towards Area C.

There were no other incidents along the way. Soon he saw the big river between the two areas of CF. The river was not too wide, about fifty meters. There were patrol boats going back and forth on the river. These boats were about It is a fully automatic machine used to check whether there are human stowaways.

Standing on the bank of the river, Yu Liang could clearly see the river stretching between the two worlds. The tall buildings on the other side and the various dazzling lights reflected in the tidal waves on the river.

The other side of the river was full of high-rise buildings, neon lights and huge billboards. There was a vague introduction by the host and the sound of exciting rhythm music like a music festival could be heard across the river.

The sound, light and shadow on the other side create a frivolous and prosperous world.

On this side of the river, the two words "curfew" can perfectly erase everything that should not exist in the night.

For example, sound and light are things that should not exist in the dark night, as if too much sound and light will attract some kind of monster hidden in the darkness.

Human beings here are just like in primitive society. When it is dark, they must lower their voices and reduce the light, so as to hide themselves and not be noticed by anything.

"This river... how did the adventurers at that time survive?" Yu Liang looked at the patrol boats on the river and felt a little headache.

This time is the curfew time in Area F. He definitely cannot cross the bridge normally. If he wants to cross the river, he needs to avoid these patrol boats...


There is a distance of more than fifty meters, why not try to use the Cao Ying Cannon to launch him over?

Yu Liang called out those grass babies in the universe that have the ability to "dodge without killing". Each grass baby can force him to gain a displacement of six meters, so this river only needs nine grass babies. .

However, the nine grass babies cannot activate their abilities at the same time. If they activate their abilities at the same time, Yu Liang will become a cannonball. His physical fitness cannot withstand the shock damage of landing like a cannonball.

Of course, this is also simple, just release Cao Ying's abilities one after another.

He has cultivated many grass babies of this kind [dodge but not kill], and use them as biological cannons in Room 225, which is also the main gun of the Tank Dao Mansion.

So Yu Liang looked around, first broke the camera, and then jumped off the river bank, preparing to use Cao Ying to forcefully cross the river.

At the same time, he also summoned the Devouring Snake and wrapped it around himself as a life vest.

This biting snake can even float in the air, so floating on water is naturally not a problem.

After making preparations, Yu Liang stood by the river and summoned two grass babies with his back to the other side of the river.

The two grass babies accepted Yu Liang's order and fired at him and Zhong Chen.

Since Cao Ying is shorter and Yu Liang and Zhong Chen are taller, the displacement caused by this [cross-dodge but not kill] shot is diagonally upward, causing the two of them to fly into the air at an angle of 45 degrees.

At the same time, Snake Eater desperately activated its power and left Yu Liang's body empty for as long as possible because it hated water.

Yes, it’s especially annoying when you’re covered in water.

The wind whistled in his ears. Yu Liang retracted the grass babies on the ground, and then released two more grass babies in the air. These grass babies used [dodge without killing] on himself and Zhong Chen.

As if borrowing force from the air, Yu Liang, who had originally fallen due to gravity, took off again and moved six meters high into the sky.

After going back and forth like this, Yu Liang quickly found his rhythm and arrived at the middle of the river.

Nothing could be seen in the dark whirlpool, only the sound of water echoed in my ears.

There was only the red and blue light of these patrol boats in the darkness. He couldn't see clearly where he landed for a while. He could only release Cao Ying by feeling, and command Cao Ying to use his abilities in his direction.

However, when he released Cao Ying, his body suddenly stiffened.

Absolute silence and darkness enveloped him, as if he had entered a realm, completely isolated from the world just now.

Is there something...

There's something in the river!

Yu Liang realized something, and he immediately lowered his head and looked down towards the river.

His eyes received light again, and he was able to see things hidden under the dark river in the red and blue light of the patrol boat.

It was absolutely malicious, it was absolutely ominous, it was a giant eye.

In the fast-flowing river, his eyes suddenly opened, occupying half of the width of the river.

There is no emotion in the vertical pupils, and the whites of the eyes appear cleaner and more demonic under the wash of the river.

Compared to these eyes, Yu Liang was like an ant, an ant in the air, constantly falling towards the aura of disaster.

It, this thing found me!

It found me crossing the river!

Can't move...

I can't move my body!

Just like meeting a high-ranking predator in the biological predator chain, this eye can really exude a unique aura, like a mountain pressing on people's hearts, making them instinctively afraid and unable to move.

It's just like……

This thing was born to eat humans. It has been eating humans for generations. It eats humans every day. Human beings are the other's food.

No, how could such a big creature grow up by eating humans?

How many people will it need to eat?

It is possible that the creatures it preys on can grow up by eating humans.

It is naturally at the forefront of the food chain, with humans far behind.

Just by opening their eyes and taking a quick glance, human beings can no longer fight, and can no longer even think of escaping.

At this moment, Yu Liang suddenly completely lost the ability to think rationally. This sense of oppression made his body tremble involuntarily and made it difficult to move.

Zhong Chen, who was also in the air, was in the same situation. Her body was also stiff, and she could only watch her body fall with Yu Liang.

But suddenly, she took two sharp breaths, and her body quickly exploded with strength under the urging of something, causing her to break free from this restraint.

She reached out and grabbed Yu Liang's body, and then shook Yu Liang continuously, trying to make Yu Liang wake up.

However, this was a useless effort, so she could only carry the other person behind her back, then grabbed the two grass babies that she had no time to retrieve with one hand, and jumped onto the boat on the river.

You can't look, you can't look down, you have to move forward!


Zhong Chen's heart was also filled with fear, but perhaps it was because something in her body was awakening, absorbing a large amount of oxygen, complying with her mood, and complying with the bodyguard's natural desire to protect her employer. This power forced her to overcome of this fear.

Pointing her toes on the boat, her body burst out with endless energy, and she quickly crossed the river on the boat, and in an instant she was on the grass on the other side of the river.

She threw Yu Liang and the two grass babies onto the river bank, panting heavily, and the clothes on her back were completely wet with cold sweat.

When she looked at Yu Liang, she was stunned again.

At this time, Yu Liang still hadn't come back to his senses, and his hair had completely turned gray.

Yes, gray, like an old man in his fifties.

Just a glance, just a few seconds after crossing the river, Yu Liang's hair turned white.

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