The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 280 The newborn [group], their [ancestor]

us. civilization. That's it.

What is our civilization?

No, there is no more to say, so what it should say is——

We are the civilization.

This was said in Chinese, from the mouth of a humanoid creature.

The voice is hoarse, the intonation is strange, and the grammar is confusing.

But it is indeed Chinese.

So what does the phrase "we are civilization" actually mean?

Yu Liang tried to connect the information in his mind, but before he could come up with a possible guess, the humanoid creature spoke again.

"You are the monsters. You are no longer one of us, but a tool of the alien planet."

This time, what it said was much more coherent and smooth, and had a clearer meaning.

Yu's conscience tightened, and his mind was running rapidly, analyzing the deeper meaning of his words.

It says that they, the egg-born ones, are monsters and no longer one of them.

In other words, Dan Shengren was originally one of "them".


Refers to flesh and blood civilization.

Whistle beasts belong to a flesh-and-blood civilization, and Dansheng humans also belong to a flesh-and-blood civilization.

They are all products of flesh-and-blood civilization, so they have the same goals.

Go back to the [tree]!

At this time, Yu Liang suddenly thought of the scene on the rooftop altar that he had not paid careful attention to before.

At that time, three advanced whistle beasts emerged from the tunnel and braved the wind and sand to walk in the direction of the giant's head. Their scales were completely corroded by the wind and sand. When they were about to die, the three advanced whistle beasts lifted up one after another. Headed.

Yes, look up.

He remembered that the whistle beasts at that time had their heads raised.

Stubbornly holding his head high, he stared at the blurry shadows of trees in the wind and sand, quietly waiting for death to come.

He should have thought long ago that the whistle beast group has become different after the birth of advanced whistle beasts. They have gained a strong purpose.

The last ethnic group with such a clear purpose...

He is a native of flesh and blood civilization.

If native people really became extinct due to reproductive problems, the current situation is that these whistle beasts have inherited the orthodoxy of flesh-and-blood civilization.

Inherit the orthodoxy.

What is orthodoxy?


On this desolate planet, all living things and even all tools are of the same bloodline and are an extension of [Fruit].


Although there is no clear evidence, Yu Liang is convinced that today's whistle beast group has the same beliefs as the original people.

Worship [tree].

And knowledge, this is the most critical part.

Yu Liang's eyes fell on the humanoid creature and on the biological computer.

As a computer, it must have the ability to store data, and the natives of the flesh-and-blood civilization would choose to store the knowledge of the civilization in the computer before dying, leaving all of it to possible successors.

As the creators of [Group] consciousness, all natives are probably collectivists and altruists to a certain extent. They will not care which race finally climbs the [Tree].

Because any race born in [Fruit] is their own.

So now this unknown creature...

It is very likely that the knowledge in the biological computer was extracted and passed on.

Otherwise, it would be hard for Yu Liang to imagine how such a thin whistle beast with bare hands could kill the sumo wrestler.

That was an alienated professional that even Li Huachao couldn't match, but he was killed by the humanoid creature in front of him in such a short period of time. And judging from the traces at the scene, the sumo wrestler should have been killed instantly.

The corpse also had its brains sucked.


Now it can speak Chinese, which is most likely because it has absorbed the brains of sumo wrestlers, so it knows the civilization and language of the "alien".

"You. Can't speak." Seeing that Yu Liang didn't respond for a long time, the humanoid creature nodded and turned to face the biological computer.

Its hand reached into the long piece of flesh, and it operated the computer with a calm expression.

Yu Liang stared at its back and felt something move, but the next second a smart eye appeared on the back of its head, staring directly at Yu Liang, wary of his every move.

"This guy is very strange." There was confusion in Li Huachao's voice, "A bit weak and a bit strong, but his Qi is almost perfect. I can't judge this guy."

"Don't think about taking action first. Let's see what it wants to do first." Yu Liang had no intention of taking action. He knew that he couldn't deal with this weird guy at his current level.

Soon, the humanoid creature completed the operation of the biological computer. It walked to another corner of the factory, where there was a machine that looked like a microwave oven. It was connected to the biological computer through blood vessels. It was red all over and its surface was as elastic as jelly. .

Yu Liang saw a small ball of flesh and blood falling into the machine from a height, and then the machine started to work.

Blood clots?

Is this the kind of blood and flesh chunks that come from meat monsters?

He thought of the flesh and blood clots he had seen in another area that had the ability to imitate and proliferate, and roughly guessed what the humanoids wanted to do.

This machine is probably a bioprinter. Humanoids edit biological programs on the computer, and then use blood and flesh clots as raw materials for bioprinting to create suitable tools.

After a short wait, the meat machine completed its work and made a gentle buzzing sound.

The humanoid creature opened the machine, took out a piece of flesh and blood with a predetermined shape, then handed it to Yu Liang, and gestured to Yu Liang to place the piece of flesh and blood at the position of his mouth.

It does talk, but it doesn't seem to like talking too much.

Yu Liang took the piece of flesh and blood. This was his first time observing such a piece of flesh and blood at such a close distance.

This lump of flesh and blood was rose red in color and crystal clear, with a tooth-shaped core inside.

If you look carefully, you can see that there are fine lines on the core, but looking through the flesh and blood is like looking at the rocks at the bottom of the river through the river. There is a fluctuating unreal feeling on the core.

He glanced at the humanoid creature, and he couldn't feel much emotion from the other person.

There was no animosity, but there was no kindness either.

The way you look at yourself is like looking at a tool, a tool from an alien planet.

Yu Liang was a little hesitant. He was not sure whether the blood clot at this time had any side effects.

However, the humanoid creature in front of him raised his hand, and his hand glowed with light.




After seeing this familiar light, Yu Liang was also startled because he had seen this light before.

I've seen it on sumo wrestlers.

That is the ability of the alienated profession.

This humanoid creature can actually use it?

It not only learned the language from the sumo wrestler's brain, it also learned the alienation professional ability!

If it was just surprising before, now it is really scary.

Isn’t the ability to alienate professions given to players by the Kaitan World?

In a sense, this is not the player's own thing, so how does it learn it?

Or is this not learning at all?

Yu Liang's heart sank, and he felt a sense of inexplicable despair.

He had a guess in his mind that the sumo wrestler might have joined the [Group].

It is the brain of this [group], and the sumo wrestler becomes the tool of [the group].

The sumo wrestler is not dead, he just exists in another way, so he still has the alienation professional ability.

The Kaitan World still bestows abilities on him and [the group].

"I need you to answer." The humanoid's words were plain, but some threats could be heard, "Help me, don't kill."

Yu Liang turned his head slightly and glanced at the way he came from with his peripheral vision.

The hole was a bit small, and he wasn't sure he could escape the opponent's pursuit.

As for death...

What is more terrifying than death is joining the [Group].

If you really join its [group] consciousness, your own personal consciousness may be erased.

And suicide is useless. What it has just eaten is the brain in the corpse. If it wants to escape from here by committing suicide, it may need to completely smash its own brain.

Too late.

There is no such condition here.

In the end, Yu Liang stuck the piece of flesh and blood to his mouth, and he found that the fit between the two was perfect.

It turns out that there is a slit in Dansheng's mouth. Through this slit, he can make extremely simple sounds, such as onomatopoeic words such as "ah", "ah" and "mei", but more sophisticated speech is naturally impossible. of.

Now think about it, the seam in Dan Shengren's mouth is like an interface, preparing in advance for the mouth tongue that may need to be installed.

Danshengman is like a basic model. Its strong adaptability allows him to successfully install many organs or biological tools.

The lump of flesh and blood bit into his face, and then quickly took shape, mimicking it.

In a short time, the lips and tongue were fully formed and connected with the nerves in Yu Liang's mouth and face.

Yu Liang tried it. This tongue and mouth were very flexible, even more flexible than the original tongue on the earth. There was obviously no problem in using it to speak.

"How can I help you?" He tried to say the first words to the humanoid creature, his voice deeper than he expected.

"I need more people." The humanoid creature pointed to the sumo wrestler on the ground, "Human memory."

Yu Liang also glanced at the sumo wrestler on the ground along its fingers, and the scene at that time was obvious.

This sumo wrestler sneaked here secretly. He saw the humanoid creature in front of him and wanted to attack him, but he didn't expect that the humanoid creature was much more powerful than it looked. So he was killed and his brain was eaten.

"They are outside, you can catch them yourself." Yu Liang avoided the easy matter, "They can't deal with you."

The humanoid creature shook its head and said nothing.

"Can I know your name?" Seeing that the other party didn't answer, Yu Liang asked it in turn, pretending to be natural, while waiting for an opportunity to escape.

"Me? I don't need a name." The humanoid creature narrowed its eyes slightly, "I am the newborn [group], and I am their [ancestor]. Unlike you, we don't need a specific title."

"The newborn [group]." Yu Liang recited this key word silently in his heart.

It seems that his guess just now may be right, and the sumo wrestler has really entered the [group] consciousness created by the opponent.

"Tsk tsk, you are really a newbie." Li Huachao tskted twice and expressed his dissatisfaction with words, but then he suddenly discovered something and asked Yu Liangdao, "Do you feel that his Chinese is getting smoother and smoother? ?”

"Yes, you should have learned from my words, my intonation and basic grammar." Yu Liang said, giving a reasonable guess.

"Hiss—" Li Huachao rarely used his brain. He was a little confused, "Did this guy really learn Chinese from a sumo wrestler? Didn't he teach me how to write at that time? Where did he learn the pronunciation?"


Yu Liang was stunned by Li Huachao's words, and memories flooded his mind.

Yes, no one in Dansheng can speak. This sumo wrestler probably has never learned pronunciation.

From the previous communication with the sumo wrestler, we can also feel that this guy did not know Chinese at first.

So how did it learn this pronunciation?

It’s not easy to write, so I’d better write slowly.

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