Li Huachao was curled up in the corner of the first floor, staring at the Dansheng people on the upper floor with his more than a hundred eyes.

Most of the entire base buildings are made of biomass materials, but some earth and stone structures are used in the northeast direction.

He knew that he would not be able to figure it out based on his level of knowledge, so he simply didn't think about it.

Anyway, with his hunter's keen sense of smell, he could sense that there were far more dangers hidden in the flesh and blood walls than in the earth and stone walls, so Li Huachao chose to nest on the edge of the earth and stone walls.

The current copy is enveloped in an aging and dead air, and it no longer has the vitality it once had.

There is no way, the players have gradually figured out the same thing, so they would rather delay here than go to the dungeon to explore again.

The more you explore, the more you lose. If you risk losing a life, you will lose even more. Players don’t want to explore the dungeon anymore for the time being.

Look at the situation first, and then trust your teammates in the worst case.

Well, trust your teammates.

The names of their teammates are not known to other people in the Chinese lecture hall, so their teammates can be anonymous writers.

When some players think about this, they feel a little helpless.

How did a good pioneering book become like this?

It's just like Werewolf, whoever does the task alone will get into trouble, and whoever has the answer will be caught by other players.

As for Li Huachao, the initiator of all this, he didn't feel any guilt at all. At most, he was just a little bit worried and didn't know how to give Yu Liang an explanation.


Just delay, he has so much energy in him, why would he be afraid of these guys delaying?

If these players are delayed until all the energy of the thirty eggs is consumed, he will want to see if these players still go to complete the task.

Li Huachao felt confident. This feeling probably meant that he had food at home and was not panicking.

But An Buchen was afraid that Li Huachao would become the target of public criticism, so he urged Li Huachao to leave this place again and again.

"What's the rush? I'm very strong now." Li Huachao said cheerfully. This armor can increase physical functions. Coupled with the hunter professional bonus of the main body, his current physical fitness has reached a very terrifying level.

The strong strength also gave Li Huachao strong self-confidence, making him feel fearless.

"In the current universe, all characters have been castrated." An Buchen was a little helpless and pointed out a somewhat cruel truth.

She continued: "This dungeon has no metal, you don't have an inventory, and you can't make traps; Lu Baoshen doesn't have a character slot, he can only change his luck, so its function is probably equivalent to... a mascot; I don't have a Taoist mansion, nor do I have one. The tools used in practice can only be used for fortune telling now.”

(There was a small bug yesterday. Lu Baoshen did not have a character field, so he could not use [Qian Shu] to change his position. This has been corrected.)

Li Huachao leaned against the stone wall and propped up his chin with his hands.

What the little fairy said makes sense.

At this time, Li Huachao noticed a sneaky guy slipping down from upstairs, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

The appearance and figure of Dansheng people are exactly the same, but they are just born the same. Players will give Dansheng people different acquired changes.

For example, this sneaky Dan Shengren has bony protrusions piercing the skin on his back. This bony protrusion is the key to the spine that Li Huachao once saw. There are also two eyes inlaid on the shoulder blades to help him. Watch the enemies behind you.

Observing and observing, these eyes looked at Li Huachao's more than a hundred eyes in the dark.

Lee felt the gaze from more than a hundred eyes, large and small, and couldn't help but feel chilled in his heart and trembled all over.

Li Huachao hooked his hands at that guy, and the fifty or so deformed people behind him also hooked their hands at Lee along with their leader.

Lee, on the other hand, looked around and saw that Li Huachao was the only one...

No, he probably saw that only Li Huachao noticed him among the fifty people, so he breathed a sigh of relief and trotted over.

When the other party came to him, Li Huachao handed over the slate with words already written on it.

"what are you going to do?"

Lee took the slate and wrote: "Go to a few other districts."

"Okay, take me with you." Li Huachao finished writing quickly, then stretched out his hand to curve the seam on his mouth, showing a sunny and generous smile.

As soon as the bone spur in Lee's hand stopped, he certainly didn't want to take this guy with him, but looking at the twisted tree spirit's sinister smile, he had to restrain the disgust deep in his heart.

Forget it, just take one with you. It’s better to leave quickly while no one is paying attention.

"Okay." Lee smashed the thin slate with a slap, found a larger slate, then patted Li Huachao on the back and walked into the deeper darkness.

He climbed the stairs with ease and entered a slightly hidden hole.

The pothole is very shallow, only about one meter.

The bottom is oval and has a jelly-like meat texture. The walls of the pit are not smooth, but have a large number of flesh folds piled up. The meat folds are piled up to one meter high, which is equivalent to the height of the pit. .

In the pothole, Li Huachao also saw a bone control console growing out of the ground.

It doesn't sound like it's a console. The surface of the console is just a groove, and it looks like something needs to be pushed into it.

"What is this?" Li Huachao asked on the stone slab.

Lee looked at the line of deformed people submerged in the darkness behind Li Huachao. It was so long that he couldn't see the end at a glance, and he suddenly patted his head helplessly.

"This is a biological elevator, an upward elevator," Lee wrote. "I only know one way to go up, but you can't get into the elevator like this."

It's too big and overloaded.

Li Huachao looked at the group of deformed people behind him, feeling somewhat reluctant to leave them behind.

"What are you going to do up there? Will you come down later?" he asked again.

If there are not many things to do, he can cut off the carriages at the back and put them away, and then come back and connect them after the work above is done.

Anyway, this thing is a biological tool. If you are a biological tool, you can choose to bring it or not, right?

"Salute, go up and salute." Lee replied, "You can come down by yourself later."

"Okay." Li Huachao nodded. He turned to look behind him and wrote again, "Cut it off for me. Cut off the connection on the back."

Lee readily agreed. He just wanted to see what biological reaction would occur after such a huge biological tool was removed.

He pulled out the short bone spur from his arm bone, then stepped on a stone, stood on the side of the human flesh train, and looked down at the Danren and the deformed people back to back.

Just when he was about to take action, Li Huachao stopped him again and handed the longer-edged sickle on the deformed man behind him to Lee.

This sickle was snatched from the mute student, and it comes in handy now.

Since it was a complete separation operation, it would be better to use a larger knife to cut it off in one go. Li Huachao didn't like Lee's small bone spurs, which were like malnutrition.

Lee took the sickle, raised the knife high, and swung it down towards the flesh where it was connected.

It seemed that he was worried about cutting Li Huachao's back, so he chose the point of attack more towards the deformed person's back.

The blade sank into the flesh, neatly separating the two people back to back.

At this time, the deformed figure behind Li Huachao seemed to suddenly wake up. It began to twist its body unconsciously and stretched out its hands backward to hug Li Huachao's body.

It didn't want to be separated from Li Huachao, and its strong will made its arms fold back, and it was fearless even if it was broken.

However, the broken hand no longer had the strength to grasp Li Huachao's body, so it could only gently caress Li Huachao's waist, and then completely detached from Li Huachao's body.


Li Huachao couldn't help but clenched his fists.

He was not afraid of pain, and the pain was even lower after he became a Dansheng human. But the severe pain in his mind at this moment made him couldn't help but tighten the muscles in his body and mobilize all the energy in his body to resist the pain.

This was probably the punishment for being separated from the [Group]. There was nothing special about it. It was just extremely painful. First there was a needle prick, then a heavy hammer blow. Wave after wave of dizziness passed through my mind.

Li Huachao pounded the stone wall beside him with his fists and carried it down without saying a word until his body felt numb and numb.

He mobilized the warm current in his body to circulate around the world, and the pain in various muscles was relieved and disappeared in a few breaths.

Touching his forehead, there was dense fine sweat on his head, but the pain was over, and Li Huachao only felt happy in his heart, so he wiped the sweat off his head without caring.

Touching the spot that had just been touched by the deformed man, he felt a little attachment in his heart, but the next second it was replaced by a sense of alertness.

what happened?

Could this kind of emotion be born out of separation?

Is this affecting me?

He looked back at the long, deformed carriage. The entire carriage was swaying and completely losing its vitality without anyone controlling it.

And the deformed man who had been skin-to-skin with him was now paralyzed on the ground, with only two arms still maintaining a backward posture, refusing to fall.

Look at its eyes again, there is no sparkle in them.

It had died a long time ago, maybe earlier, or maybe just now.

These deformed people no longer have that energy in their bodies, so they die very completely.

Li Huachao felt a little lucky in his heart. Fortunately, these guys were not protected by the rules of the Origin Ghost Story. If they separated and had to take away half of their energy property, he would be in trouble.

If each of the more than fifty deformed people takes away half of them, what will he have left?

Lee on the side recorded the entire process of Li Huachao's performance in breaking away from the [group] organization, objectively and rigorously.

At this time, he saw that there was some deformed skin left on Li Huachao's back, probably accidentally left behind when it was just removed.

Lee stretched out the small bone spurs in his wrist bones, and was about to step forward to help Li Huachao cut off the flesh, when he suddenly saw the flesh turning inward and shrinking into Li Huachao's body.

Taking a closer look, the wound on the back seemed as if it had never appeared before. The skin on the back was smooth and flat, as if it had been born.


Lee calmly put away the small bone spur on his arm, pretending that nothing had happened.

After doing all this, Li Huachao walked to the side of a certain deformed man's carriage and took out the storage box of the individual armor from the hand of a deformed man.

There is a piece of back armor inside. When he was wearing the armor before, he had a deformed person on his back, so he couldn't put on this piece of back armor, but now he can put it on.

Although he didn't know what was on it, Li Huachao decided to be fully armed and be careful if possible. At least to a certain extent, he could prevent backstabbing.

After putting on the back armor, Li Huachao heard a voice in the universe that surprised him.

"I'm back." Yu Liang's voice was a little tired.

"Eh?" Li Huachao was stunned. How could he summon Yu Liang with a back armor?

He couldn't help but ask: "Are you Aladdin?"

"Don't talk nonsense." Yu Liang didn't understand at first, but his mind was a little groggy now and he was too lazy to think about what Li Huachao meant.

"Oh." Li Huachao nodded obediently, then followed Lee into the biological elevator and watched as Lee inserted the spinal key on his back into the control console.

As the biological elevator started, the flesh folds on both sides rose upwards and connected to the ceiling above his head, and Li Huachao also felt the flesh jelly blocks under his feet began to rise upwards, moving upwards with him and Lee.

"What did you do just now?" Li Huachao asked.

"I tried to overcome the [group] consciousness, but failed." Yu Liang was a little helpless, "I almost succeeded several times, but the [group] consciousness suddenly grew stronger, just like the boss turned on its second form, and it was very difficult to deal with."

He thought for a moment and continued: "Then the connection was disconnected and I came back again."

"Oh, it's okay." Li Huachao felt something was wrong when he heard it. He couldn't help shrinking his neck and eager to change the topic, "I have completed the main mission of the first stage, and now I can use my professional abilities. This guy wants to take me Go upstairs and have a look."

"Done?" Yu Liang was a little surprised, but then he was very satisfied with Li Huachao's performance, "Not bad, well done."

Li Huachao averted his gaze with some guilt. He looked at the fleshy skin around him and couldn't help but reach out and touch it, feeling the smoothness of the fleshy skin, which was like touching silk.

At this time, Lee kindly handed over a slate and reminded: "This is the intestinal wall. The inspiration for the bioelevator may be to imitate intestinal peristalsis."

Li Huachao blinked and wrote: "Then we are not defending?"

He was about to laugh when he suddenly realized something and brought the hand he had just touched the intestines to his nose and smelled it.


The stench rushed straight to his brain, and his face was instantly distorted. Even Li Huachao retched several times before he recovered.

You can't smell it from a distance, but when you get closer and smell it, the smell is like the subtle fragrance of plum blossoms, one after another.

"What is the basic analysis of the copy? Tell me." Yu Liang ignored Gouzi's daily stupidity and asked about the first stage of the main mission.

Li Huachao directly repeated Lee's answer to Yu Liang.

"Tree? Fruit?" After listening to Li Huachao's retelling, Yu Liang had a magnificent epic picture in his mind.

Flesh-and-blood civilization is like a seed, falling from the "tree" to the ground, taking root and sprouting, and this civilization devotes all its energy to "getting back to the tree".

Later, a fertility crisis occurred, and flesh-and-blood civilization eventually perished due to the fertility crisis.


There was a sound from the biological elevator, and it seemed that it had reached the top of the building.

The folds of flesh gathered upwards and stuck on the top of Li Huachao's head.

Lee walked out of the elevator first, followed closely by Li Huachao.


This is?

Li Huachao's eyes widened, and his entire field of vision was occupied by the sky.

This is the roof of the base. The roof is wrapped by a hemispherical transparent lens, so Li Huachao can look directly at the sky through the lens.

You can see that the outside of the base is full of wind and sand, and the sky above the blowing sand and rocks is the planet.

A magnificent red planet.

This planet is much larger than the planet they are on. This perspective is similar to looking at the earth from the surface of the moon, but the distance between the two is not as far as the moon and the earth.

It was so close, it seemed like it would hit him in the next second.

The moment he saw the red planet, Li Huachao couldn't help but kneel down and worship.

And there was only one thought left in his mind.


I saw [tree].

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