The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 268 Li Huachao’s Snake Plan

In the huge stone room, there were more than twenty Dansheng people sitting cross-legged on the ground, staring at the blackboard, receiving the baptism of knowledge.

They are both Dan-born people, but their shapes are different, and it can be seen that they have undergone some transformations.

Some people have more eyes, not only on the back of their heads, but also on their wrists.

Some people have degenerated one of their hands, giving up the flexible fingers and replacing it with a huge ax blade, which is also a shield in front of them.

Others directly combine their left arm with the secondary palate capture gun, pull out their arm bones and replace them with the spinal bones of the capture gun, while their palms hold the triangular cone head of the capture gun in a controlling posture. , the muzzle of the gun is located on the extension line of the wrist. You can aim at the target by raising your hand, and control the muscle contraction to shoot out the secondary palate.

It is integrated and looks very cool.

Li Huachao still remembered this guy who combined his arm with the secondary palate capture gun. It took a lot of effort to catch this guy.

The capture gun is not only used to capture the target, he can also use it as a grappling hook to grab the flesh and blood wall, and then contract the tendons to use the force to cause displacement.

It can shoot to high places and swing its body up like Tarzan. Like a three-dimensional mobile device, it has the ability to move quickly and is very flexible.

So Li Huachao kept a smile on his face after catching this guy, and cut off the tendons of the capture gun without hesitation, cutting off his idea of ​​​​escaping secretly.

He has no mouth, so he needs to use his hands to pull up both ends of the slit in his mouth, which turns into a weird smile that looks like a clown, and he always maintains this smile.

Li Huachao glanced at everyone, remembering all the modifications they had made to their bodies in his mind, so that he could try them out if he had the chance in the future.

There were not many players present, only about twenty, but none of them were efficient. They all chose to carry out biological modifications on their bodies, and they were large-scale, irreversible biological modifications. They did not just introduce tumors into their hands. Nodular fluid acquisition is as simple as a flashlight.

If this were a cyberpunk world, then these people who undergo body modification and prosthetic clothing would have an appropriate name, cybermaniacs.

And this place is considered flesh and blood punk, so they should be called...

Flesh lunatic?

They can't be said to be madmen, they just discovered the correct way to strengthen them.

Immediately afterwards, he carried out the transformation without hesitation. This decisiveness was better than that of Yu Liang...

Oh, well, Yu Liang didn't have time to do these things at all. The two lives have been online for more than an hour now. It can be said that he has basically done nothing.

Li Huachao looked at Teacher Henry next to the blackboard, then at the students who were maintaining high concentration, and expressed that he was very satisfied with the teaching discipline in the classroom.

After reporting each other, most of the players in this dungeon should be learning Chinese here. There may be some who slip through the cracks, but there shouldn't be many.

He set up this Chinese classroom in the center of this area, with a wide field of vision. The deformed man at the tail always monitors the outside with the big eyes on his head.

If a player explores here, he will definitely be discovered by Li Huachao, and then he will be caught and join the glorious Chinese lecture hall.

If there really is a fish that slips through the net...

Forget it, being able to hold back so many players is already good enough, the remaining players can just leave it to their fate.

Li Huachao didn't believe that his luck was so bad. Someone just slipped through the net and figured out the secret of this dungeon and continued to advance the main mission.

At this time, he noticed that both arms of a Chinese student had been transformed into sickles. Students in this state were unable to learn Chinese.

The students in this lecture hall are all mute, so if they want to learn Chinese, they cannot recite along with them. They can only practice on the stones or slates in front of them.

At this moment, this guy whose hands turned into sickles obviously couldn't practice writing, so he was a little idle, glancing at the classmates around him and the teacher in the lecture hall from time to time.

Li Huachao was very familiar with this state. Aren't these the same students in elementary school who forgot to bring their dictation books for dictation and their oil brushes for painting class?

He clearly knew how tormenting this state was. On the one hand, he was worried about being discovered, but on the other hand, he really didn't know what to do.

The current mute student is even more difficult to deal with because he has no tongue and cannot even speak.

Alas, poor cub.

As the dean of students, Li Huachao was full of compassion. He walked forward and kept smiling. He stood at the desk of the mute student and broke off the poor student's arm bit by bit. Then he removed the deformed arm from behind him. Two hands were torn off the person's body and helped the mute student install it.

After doing all this, Li Huachao also smiled and touched the mute student's head, seeming to comfort him.

Even if Dan Shengren's pain was not obvious when his two hands were torn off, it still hurt a little, but for the sake of learning and progress, there is no need to take this small setback to heart.

After Li Huachao kindly handed the stationery to the mute student, the students around him also learned to be more attentive and serious.

He could not turn his eyes away and remained as silent as a cicada.

In this regard, Li Huachao expressed that he was very pleased. He calmly helped the mute student and freed him from the embarrassing situation of not bringing any stationery. He was really a good and considerate teacher.

And he looked at the sickle on the ground, and installed it on the body of the deformed man with the severed hand. The end of the sickle had slender tentacles, which penetrated into the flesh and blood of the deformed man's wound, and then connected the two together. .

Since the prohibited items controlled knives have been confiscated, it is natural to install them first if you can. You can't waste it, right?

Li Huachao acted extremely calmly, and none of the mute students present had any objections. They just silently hid the biologically modified parts of themselves, either blocking them with their bodies or pressing them under their bodies.

Yep, it's a little bit of a villain's heart to judge a gentleman's heart.

Li Huachao curled his lips when he witnessed all this, but no one protested, and he chose to ignore it generously.

Indeed, these players did not dare to protest openly, because all the players present combined could not defeat the current Human Centipede, and the combat effectiveness of the two sides was not of the same magnitude.

The advanced individual armor and terrifying energy reserves alone will give all players a headache, which is why these players tolerate it until now.

after all……

Apart from learning Chinese, the Chinese really didn't do anything too extreme.

Although I don’t quite understand, I’m not ready to break up right now.

All the foreign server players present have their own Xiao Jiujiu. Their minds are still bright and they are not annoyed by this trapped situation.

Rather than saying he was angry, it was better to say he was willing to give up.

They were gathered here. Although they stopped exploring, they also got the opportunity to communicate with other players.

Apart from anything else, the understanding and creativity of the biological tools of the other players present is very worth knowing, not to mention that they were exploring separately before. Everyone has their own information. If intelligence can be exchanged, the progress of the exploration will also be greatly improved. Amplitude increased.

However, this kind of communication is limited by language. After all, these players come from different servers and do not share the same language.

But at this time, they suddenly discovered...

Learning Chinese seems to be of some use.

It can't change the status quo anyway, so don't waste your time. The players here are basically very self-disciplined, so they study very seriously and carefully appreciate the charm of Chinese culture.

The stone chamber chosen by Li Huachao is also very good. It is located at a high position with a wide view and has a certain degree of concealment. It looks very safe.

There are also monsters that occasionally appear in this area. They are not whistle beasts, but strange-looking monsters.

Similar pieces of meat are wrapped in biological components and squirming on the ground. Most of the pieces of meat are only wrapped in one item, either a skeleton, a neural network, or some kind of organ.

No, it's not a package, they are completely grown together.

It was like there was a crack in the bone, and some kind of rapidly proliferating cells grew out of it, multiplying continuously and eventually forming a mass of flesh.

Whether it is neural networks or organs, this is basically the case.

Meat monsters have no mouth, tongue or eyes. They are like bloody slimes, wandering unconsciously in the base. Their appearance and behavior patterns are very strange.

However, Li Huachao also suffered a secret loss at their hands. Not long ago, a meat monster wandered near the Chinese classroom, and he took action against it without thinking.

I thought that dealing with such a slime would be a sure thing, but the slime separated a piece of meat and infected it on a deformed man. In the blink of an eye, it sucked the deformed man's arm dry, and then multiplied rapidly, first evolving into having more than a dozen fingers. The big hand finally collapsed and turned into a similar lump of flesh and blood.

This piece of meat was like mildew on the bed. It was extremely difficult to remove in a short period of time, and it quickly moved towards the main body of the deformed person. Li Huachao made a prompt decision and cut off the entire arm and threw it away.

The discarded arm was corroded and wrapped by pieces of flesh and blood, forming a similar flesh monster, completing a "reproduction".

This monster is very evil. The key is that there is no way to kill it completely. If a little flesh and blood is left, it can be regenerated and resurrected by attaching to some kind of organ.

Li Huachao even suspected that this thing was not a "living body" at all. It might just be some kind of cell product.

If you want to kill it, you may need to use fire to burn it into slag, or use the biological acid on the ribs of the altar to corrode it. This should completely eliminate the activity of the meat monster.

Cutting with sharp weapons such as swords probably won't have much effect.

"Can this piece of meat simulate the state of an organ?" Lu Baoshen noticed something. Now he was not just nesting in the universe.

After Lu Mingzhe disappeared, he also paid some attention to reality.

"It seems so, but the simulated appearance is different." Li Huachao thought of what the piece of meat looked like at the beginning, and it grew into a hand with more than a dozen fingers.

However, as the size increased, the hand collapsed and turned into completely flesh and blood.

Based on this, Li Huachao made some simple conjectures: "This flesh and blood may have been cultivated to simulate biological organs, but it went out of control, and finally turned into this kind of flesh and blood slime."

"It's similar to... similar to..." He scratched his head and tried to use a name to describe this thing, but he couldn't find it.

Lao Du's academic qualifications limited him.

"Almighty stem cells." An Buchen reminded.

"Yes, that's pretty much it." Li Huachao nodded, confirming that this was what he wanted to say.

He looked at the flesh and blood monster going away and felt a little confused.

If the guess is correct, the Whistle Beast is also a thing created by the civilization of flesh and blood. As a result, it got out of control. The same may be true for this flesh monster.

Are the technologies of these flesh-and-blood civilizations so easy to overturn?

Then they can actually develop a certain civilization, which is really awesome.

But thinking about it carefully, Li Huachao felt that something was wrong.

Was this flesh-and-blood civilization driven away or abandoned its base?

If it is abandoned, do Dansheng people still need to be sent to explore?

But if he was beaten away, Li Huachao would feel a little unbelievable.

Whether it is a whistle beast or a meat monster, the combat effectiveness of these two things is not particularly outrageous.

It is obviously impossible for flesh-and-blood monsters to fight against a systematic civilization.

Just like human civilization, ghost stories basically pose no threat until they reach the root level.

It doesn't matter even if it is the root level. There are so many root ghost stories gathered in the Forgotten City, and the human world is not in a good place.

The fact is that there are only whistle beasts and meat monsters left in this base, and no one from the flesh-and-blood civilization has appeared until now.

It seems that if you want to figure it out, you still have to look for clues from flesh-and-blood civilization to find out where they went.

Of course, this is Yu Liang's business, and he, Li Huachao...

Just be a good dean.

Li Huachao returned to the stone room. He seemed to have thought of something. He looked back at the deformed car at the end of the human flesh train, with a sad expression on his face. Because the deformed man just had his arm cut off, he looked a little pitiful.

He pondered for a moment, then walked up to a mute student with a huge ax blade. Still smiling, he broke off the opponent's ax blade and installed it on the deformed man.

The process was natural and smooth, and neither party raised any objections.

After doing all this, he also began to think about his human train. As of now, the combat effectiveness of the human train is not high, and it basically relies on him as the locomotive.

Multi-threaded operation is indeed very difficult. Li Huachao already feels that his brain is not enough. It seems that he is not suitable to be the brain of the [group].

But unfortunately, he is now the brains of the [Group].

The human train greatly interfered with his flexibility, and the size advantage did not translate into a combat advantage.

However, Li Huachao has no intention of abandoning these carriages and going it alone. After all, who can refuse a popular human flesh train?

Since you can't turn your size advantage into a combat advantage, let's find a way.

In this Chinese lecture hall, Li Huachao also learned one thing.

If a problem arises, you might as well find suitable biological components, modify your body and assemble biological tools, and the problem may be solved.

This is also the way flesh-and-blood civilization handles problems.

After thinking for a moment, Li Huachao chose to do nothing.

Stay with it.

Just wait until these Danshengs run out of energy and die, and then they can lick their corpses.

Connect these Dansheng people to this train and everyone becomes a family.

The Dansheng people are much stronger than the deformed people. After connecting, their combat effectiveness can be increased. Not to mention that the Dansheng people present have basically been modified and have all kinds of strange abilities.

Since we can't find a way to quickly convert the size advantage into a combat power advantage, we won't convert it and simply make it bigger.

It doesn't matter if you grow taller, it's like playing with a greedy snake. As long as you grow long enough, you can do whatever you want in the future?

Li Huachao nodded silently, feeling very satisfied with his thoughts.

If it grows to a certain level, it would be okay to block the resurrection points of these players at the same time. It is quite interesting to think about it. The head is on the third floor and the feet are on the first floor.

I have a slight fever, 38.5 degrees Celsius, and my whole body aches. I am forced to write this slowly, all for the sake of perfect attendance of 1,000 yuan. QAQ

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