The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 267 The whole world is learning Mandarin~

"Can you speak Chinese, please?"

Li Huachao searched his guts and finally managed to come up with a suitable sentence in English.

This sentence is an English sentence buried deep in Lao Du's memory. Young Lao Du labeled it a "universal English sentence", and Li Huachao also understood its meaning well, which was enough to walk sideways in the world of ghost stories.

Of course, if you don't speak Chinese, then I'm sorry, don't blame Mr. Hua for being cruel.

Li Huachao narrowed his eyes slightly, with a ruthless look in his light gray eyes. He, Li Huachao, did not rely on kindness to walk in the world. When it was time to be ruthless, he could be even more cold-blooded and ruthless than Lao Du.

So at this time, he already had a way to deal with these foreign server players in his mind.

He wants to catch all those stubborn people who are unwilling to learn Chinese, and then open an intensive Chinese cram school to achieve the achievement of "the whole world is learning Mandarin."

One more language is one more skill, and one more skill is one more path. After learning Chinese, it may be easier to find a job. Li Huachao thinks these players will not mind finding something to do during their time in the pioneering land. Do.

Li Huachao swung the last car on the human train and twisted the head of the deformed person at the end, like a rattlesnake shaking its tail.

He reaffirmed his judgment.

if not?

Who else would mind?

But to be honest, we still have to find these guys quickly. If they wait for them to complete the phased tasks, activate their professional abilities or the character bar, stamp bar, etc., Li Huachao will not have the confidence to suppress these guys.

It's a pity. If only Yu Liang had acted faster and solved the phased tasks.

Li Huachao felt a little regretful.

Even if it's just one stage, if you can unlock the alienated professional abilities, you can use the combat effectiveness of this armor plus the passive skills of the hunter profession...

Tsk tsk, do you want to know about the humanoid Thomas the Tank Engine?

Not only does it look similar, but its impact is comparable to that of a train.

Yes, there are also bear traps and hunting marks. When the time comes, he will never let any foreign player skip class.

At this time, Henry also saw the slate left by Li Huachao. Naturally, he could understand what Li Huachao meant, so he looked at him with some surprise.



This guy doesn't speak much English?

But the wording was quite polite, unlike his rough behavior.

Henry was a little surprised, but he figured it out almost instantly. The man who slapped him just now was a deformed person, not a Chinese.

After all, it is a character who has "created" so many deformed people, so it is normal for his thinking to be affected. Maybe this guy didn't want to use rough methods to treat himself, but it was just the interference of the [group] consciousness.

Of course, Henry would not be so naive after playing dungeons so many times. He had both arrogance and tenacity in his bones, as he had just kissed his toes without hesitation.

He needs to get the secret out of this Chinese man, the secret about [Group] consciousness.

Henry didn't know how much this guy knew, but he knew that this guy definitely knew more than he did and was stronger.

Much stronger.

Henry didn't believe in luck. No player who could survive in the Kaitan dungeon until he had a certain level of strength and began to challenge the pioneering dungeon was without luck.

We all stand on the same starting line and can be so much better than others. This is strength.

If you want to surpass the Chinese and complete the main mission before the Chinese, you must know more about him, learn from him, and surpass him.

Only by becoming stronger than the opponent can he have the energy to defend his dignity and maintain his pride.

But before that, he didn't mind leaning down and kissing the other person's toes.

This is not Henry's first time participating in the pioneer version. Before that, he knew that players from other language servers would appear in the copy, and another purpose of the pioneer version was competition.

The player who completes the main mission first can extradite the pioneer book to his own server. Henry is not sure what the benefits of this are, but he is sure that it must be beneficial.

Players may suffer some casualties when conquering the original ghost story in the pioneer city, but after that, players in the entire server will reap benefits.

One of the benefits he knew was that after solving the source of the ghost stories in the pioneer version, corresponding special props may appear in all ghost stories in the same language server.

It can become a copy of the pioneer version, and there is a high probability that there will be a special civilization in it.

For example, the flesh and blood civilization this time, the goblin civilization he saw last time, and the magical civilization he heard about a long time ago, etc.

New types of civilization also represent new types of props and special technologies, which is undoubtedly a good thing for a Kaitan player.

For example, the last time he experienced the pioneering version of Goblin Civilization, the winner was also a Chinese, so the copy of Goblin Civilization entered the Chinese server.

After Chinese players solve the source of the dungeon, the products and technologies belonging to the goblin civilization will randomly appear in all dungeons of the server, including but not limited to rewards from some side quests, treasure chests in secret places, and grocery stores. shelves.

Other players on the same server can get such benefits, let alone those who participate in the pioneering book to obtain first-hand resources.

Individual armor, bone guns, and [group] consciousness are all unique technologies. There are many of these black technologies in flesh-and-blood civilization, so he should have a "possessive desire".

I want to become stronger, I want to get more information, I want to get more resources, I want to complete the main mission.

Then you need to communicate well with the man in front of you.

Since he had participated in the pioneer version before, he knew that there would be other players in this copy. In order to facilitate possible communication, he deliberately learned foreign languages, which naturally included Chinese.

But to be honest, his Chinese learning is average, because it is not the Germanic and Latin languages ​​he is more familiar with.

The Sino-Tibetan language group is extremely challenging for any foreigner.

So Henry recalled the Chinese language he had just learned not long ago, and wrote his response to this Chinese man on the slate.

"I can speak some Chinese."

Li Huachao nodded with satisfaction, as long as he could speak Chinese. He needed such a translator who could speak Chinese now.

So he wrote another request on the slate: "I want to find other players."

Henry understood this sentence, but there was some hesitation.

He was not hesitant about the location of other players. Before that, he probably explored the birth point map.

There are quite a few Danshengren storage rooms, and their distribution is irregular, dense or scattered. The birth point where he is located happens to be one of the "dense" components, so he has a rough idea.

Dansheng people on other servers basically adhere to the basic principle of non-interference and explore within their own areas first.

At this point in time, most players are still in their first or second body, and have not explored the dungeon enough, so they will basically choose to stay away from other eggs and stay away from them.

Whether it is cooperation or competition, this must be based on a certain degree of confidence in one's own strength. Obviously, players in the early stage of the dungeon do not yet have this confidence.

Except for this guy in front of me.

The reason for Henry's hesitation was exactly this. He wanted to have exclusive access to the information on this Chinese man, and naturally he didn't want to bring this guy into too much contact with other players.

What if this Chinese person is more pleasing to others, chooses to cooperate with others, and tells others the [group] consciousness information?

Then he kissed his toes for nothing?

Just when he was hesitating, a slate was handed to Henry. These were the next two sentences written by the Chinese, which seemed to be in response to his hesitation.

"We have an old saying in China, which is that those who understand the current affairs are heroes."

"I think these deformed people will be able to pry your mouth open."

As Henry read these two sentences, he also noticed that all the deformed people around him were gearing up, and the smiles on their faces looked even weirder.

Henry felt a chill on his back. He was not stupid. He quickly understood the Chinese people's thoughts from these two sentences. He knew that he had no chance to play tricks yet.

Every player who can appear here is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

So he wrote down a sentence and showed it to Centipede, then nodded and pointed in a direction with a flattering smile.

"Hua Taijun, This way, this way, this way, I know where they are."

Li Huachao nodded, straightened the human train, and then followed the foreign server player forward.

He still has enough energy in his body and can play around as much as he wants without worrying about being disconnected suddenly.

As long as there are no problems with Yu Liang, he should be able to hold on until Yu Liang comes back.

Before that, Li Huachao decided to go to the area where other players were.

Now that he discovered that there were foreign server players in the pioneering book, he naturally wanted to investigate for Yu Liang.

Opening a Chinese small lecture hall is not just for fun, Li Huachao also has his own considerations.

In the world of weird stories, it is still hard to believe that we are all Chinese, let alone these foreign server players. To a certain extent, the relationship between players is more competitive, and intrigues are inevitable.

In their current team configuration, Lu Mingzhe went into hibernation, Lu Baoshen was embarrassed, and An Buchen looked aloof.

Only Yu Liang and Xu Cixi can do the main mission. Yu Liang is conquering the [Group] consciousness, while Xu Cixi needs another life to appear.

His body had so much energy, and he didn't know how long it would take for him to run out of energy. It would be a shame to commit suicide and let Xu Cixi go out to do the mission, so Li Huachao decided to take this opportunity to disgust other players.

If I can't do the job, don't do it either. Give me intensive Chinese classes instead.

Anyway, I have a lot of energy and can withstand consumption. If it continues like this, until Yu Liang comes out, we will have the advantage.

At this time, Li Huachao was still very clever.

As for whether Yu Liang can regain consciousness, Li Huachao still has confidence in him. The intrusion of [Group] consciousness is staged and is not as overbearing as the rabbit game.

If Yu Liang is willing, he can issue the [Brave] seal. Since it is not used, it is natural that Yu Liang has received some kind of signal and he wants to overcome the [Group] consciousness by himself.

Li Huachao always regarded Yu Liang with the highest standards, so he should be relieved.

He followed Henry all the way forward. The space above the dome was very large, almost like a plain. After passing through this place, he entered another maze, but this maze was not capped, so he went directly across the maze and carried the Henry came to the top of the maze and followed a straight line towards the place Henry said.

This base was bigger than Li Huachao imagined. After a period of journey, Li Huachao finally arrived at the other end of the base.

Similar to the place Yu Liang just explored, there are also a lot of flesh and blood walls and bone floors here, but the space is much larger and has many floors.

Not every floor has an incubation room for egg-born humans, and not every floor has a light source.

However, Li Huachao walked all the way, puncturing every nodule he passed and pouring the liquid into the bodies of the deformed people, allowing them to gain luminous energy.

However, they are not used as flashlights, but their entire bodies glow.

The twisted body and face of the deformed man, coupled with the light from the inside out, look like a genetically mutated jack-o'-lantern. Such a string of jack-o-lanterns are connected together, writhing and jumping in the dark, making everyone who sees it The players were all frightened and fled in a hurry.

However, no player can escape Li Huachao's pursuit. As long as they are stared at by that huge eyeball in the dark, they will be caught, their hands will be bound, and they will be tied to the deformed car.

Being targeted by such a terrifying monster when they are at their weakest, one can imagine the despair in the player's heart. The only good thing is that the human centipede does not seem to want to kill them, but just collects them together.

For players, every Dansheng body is extremely precious, so as long as there is hope of survival, they will not commit suicide and switch bodies at will.

Besides, there is no use in committing suicide. They have already seen that the human centipede is blocking the resurrection point. Suicide is just a substitute for teammates to endure the torture.

Players who commit suicide are naturally not easy to deal with. Their teammates were captured by the human centipede as soon as they woke up without knowing anything, and they went out to kill them.

Not only that, the human centipede also snatches away the secondary palate capture gun near the birth point of each egg-born person, pulls out the tendons like fishing lines, and then catches and ties up the teammates of the suicidal player, and parades them through the streets as a warning to others. .

At the beginning of the mission in the pioneer book, monsters of this level appeared, which was enough to make players confused.

This is not too much, after all, the monsters in the Kaidan dungeon have natural advantages, but what is this super cunning thing about?

It’s so mean-spirited. Should players be allowed to explore it?

Not long after, Li Huachao caught more than ten people. He gathered these people together, and then scraped out a piece of wall in the stone room to use as a blackboard to assist teaching.

These captured players were in a state of confusion from beginning to end, and when they understood from the English-speaking Henry's slate what the Human Centipede wanted them to do...

Even more confused.

Learn Chinese?

Do you want us to learn Chinese at this time?

Do I have a problem or do you have a problem?

Is this just a waste of exploration time? !

However, after seeing Centipede Head's methods, these players unanimously chose to give up resistance.

At this stage, with the strength of the Human Centipede, it was indeed walking sideways. Not to mention that this guy also memorized the egg-laying incubation rooms on each floor, so they couldn't escape.

This Chinese...

He is a completely unreasonable devil!

At this time, one of the students in the audience suddenly stood up and wrote in Chinese: "I know where there are other players, I will take you there!"

Since they are already stuck here wasting time, how can they not drag more people into the water?

During the recent exploration, there were quite a few people who knew the general scope of activities of other players, so they reported on each other and reported them one after another.

When we learn Chinese, we don’t have to do any tasks, and so do you, everyone.

Come and learn Chinese, no one can escape!

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