The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 265 Are there any foreign players here? !

Li Huachao stood there and sorted out his mood.

Thanks to Yu Liang's blessing, he collected all the dozens of corpses piled up in the whistle beast's underground palace into this Dansheng human body, turning this body into a human flesh train.

Li Huachao was wearing a black battle armor and was at the head of the train, with dozens of carriages behind him.

The body of the deformed person will be more curled up. The main trunk is normal, but the limbs are not fully developed. It looks like a dwarf with a big head.

It is precisely because of the short limbs that the carriages behind are very low, and the deformed man's two little feet can barely stand on the ground.

Their faces were pale, their bodies stained with blood and mud, and wounds could be vaguely seen on their chests, but at this time they all showed similar smiles.

There is no tongue, but there is a slit on the mouth. The muscles can control the bending of the slit to form something similar to a smile.

Just like the instinctive reaction after successfully joining a big united and friendly family, it seems that joining the [Group] is their ultimate wish.

Prior to this, deformed people only existed as biological batteries. Even as biological parts, they were not considered high quality and may have been abandoned by the [Group].

But now, they met Yu Liang, who refused to accept anyone who came.

Yes, and I, who have great love in my heart, will not despise you.

It would be better to say that this little train of human flesh is so real and exciting to drive.

Li Huachao added settings for these deformed people in his mind, and then felt a burst of joy.

Isn't it a God-given opportunity to get such an interesting toy while Yu Liang is away?

That guy probably went to deal with the [group] consciousness, so now this little human train doesn’t have any [group] consciousness to corrode him and assimilate him?

Li Huachao felt it, and he only felt a very slight temptation from these deformed people behind him.

Personally speaking, his will is still very firm, and he will naturally not be disturbed by the temptation of this [group] consciousness.

He wants to go out to play, to cause trouble, to turn this flesh and blood planet upside down, and leave his name as Li Hua Chao instead of leaving behind the name of [Group].

For a time, Li Huachao's heart was filled with excitement and high spirits.

Holding the sun and moon in my hands and picking up stars, there is no one like me in the world.

Ahem, tell me the number first.

Li Huachao came to his senses and quickly counted the numbers in the universe.


He switched his consciousness to the body of Freak No. 2, and then counted.


In this way, Lu Baoshen and An Buchen in the universe silently watched Li Huachao count all the way until they stopped at the number "thirty-six".

Immediately afterwards, Li Huachao at the end shouted loudly in the universe: "Reporting to the head of the train, the Universe train should have arrived at the thirty-sixth car, but it actually arrived at the thirty-sixth car. Please give instructions!"

With a thought, Li Huachao returned to the front of the car and replied majestically: "Universe, officially set off!"

He took a step and then found that he couldn't start the train at all.


The friction between the thirty-five carriages at the back and the ground is a bit high. If they don't move, it would be equivalent to Li Huachao dragging the thirty-five carriages by himself, just like an old ox plowing the fields, plowing wherever he goes. .

Of course, this is not possible, and it would be too troublesome to walk.

Li Huachao touched his chin, then opened his hand and felt the energy full of this body.

The Dansheng man in the front of the car has absorbed the warmth from thirty-five deformed people, and now it can be said that his whole body is full of strength.

And he has become a rich man, and he can clearly feel that every biological part of his body is craving for his charity.

It goes without saying that the thirty-five deformed people, their latent consciousness is seeking the warm current from Li Huachao, which can moisturize their bodies and maintain their vitality.

In addition, the black armor on Li Huachao is also asking for this warm current. It has the potential to break the ground. It seems that as long as enough energy is given, it can activate at full power.

This feeling--


How to put it, if we only look for the most appropriate metaphor from the perspective of literary analogy...

Remember, this is from a literary perspective and has absolutely nothing to do with his character or hobbies.

Li Huachao emphasized it repeatedly in his heart, and then gave this appropriate metaphor.

It was like having sex, and he was the only man there.

He was thinking wildly and tried to move the train again, but it still failed, so Li Huachao, who tried for the third time, changed his mind.

He controlled the warm current to circulate throughout the train, and then issued the "step" command in his mind.

The human train finally took the first step in its life. Probably because the turn of the warm current was delayed, the steps were not neat but continuous.

"Successful." Lu Baoshen was a little surprised. He thought he would stay in this tunnel for the rest of his life.

"Fortunately, it was successful." Li Huachao also breathed a sigh of relief. After mastering the "stepping" technique, he officially started the train. However, due to the delay, this thing was difficult to drive.

While walking straight was like this, turning or turning back was even more nightmare-level difficulty. Li Huachao tried hard for a long time, but still had some trouble.

He was basically using the most delicate operations to drive the train, but the response the train gave him was extremely perfunctory.

Fortunately, the space in the underground palace is relatively large and can be used as a training ground for trial runs.

After wandering around for a while, he tried subjects two and three. After passing the test and getting the driver's license issued to him, Li Huachao turned back along the tunnel he came from.

Although there is some delay, once you master the rhythm, you can give instructions to the cars at the back in advance. This will make the pace much more orderly, and the entire queue will look like the same person.

Well, it's indeed the same person.

From a distance, this human train looks like a "soldier array" in the Pokémon world, but it looks like a game module with a realistic horror aspect.

"Ready - run!"

Li Huachao shouted loudly in the universe, and then gave instructions in his mind. He increased the team's pace and ran towards the small three-story building where they were originally.

Soon the human train arrived at its destination. Li Huachao led the deformed people behind him in a circle around the altar, and then looked up at the eyes in the dome above his head.

After a little thought, no, without thinking, an idea immediately came to Li Huachao's head.

I want.

Those eyes, I want.

Although I don’t know what it can be used for, it will definitely be very cool if it can be installed on the body.

In terms of treating biological tools, Li Huachao showed completely different characteristics from Yu Liang.

If Yu Liang accepted biological flesh and blood technology, then of course he would choose the doctrine of "install whatever is needed". This is pragmatism.

Too many biological tools will make the body extremely bloated. Just like the current train man Li Huachao, it is extremely difficult to even turn around and walk backward.

Naturally, Li Huachao would not think so. He was "pretending to have what he had" and was a "use-it-all" doctrine.

If nothing else, it's just interesting.

Just do what he said, Li Huachao constructed a suitable train shape in his mind, and then curled up the team of deformed people in the back row on the ground as a foundation, while the deformed people in the front row held one by one, one after another, and pushed them Li Huachao raised the front of the car to a high place.

It's like a snake coiling up and straightening its head, reaching for the higher shore.

Li Huachao climbed up a rib, and then with a exertion, the bone spurs on the arm armor pierced into the huge ribs. At the same time, the warm current entered the leg armor, and bone claws were generated in the leg armor to clasp the ribs to stabilize the body.

Next, the deformed snake slowly raised its body, and Li Huachao, as the snake's head, also climbed up step by step, and soon reached the dome, only one step away from the huge eyes.

The dome is not high, about four stories high. Li Huachao, who has more than 30 deformed people, has a certain advantage in terms of "length".

As for Lu Baoshen, he knew Li Huachao well. At this time, no one except Yu Liang could stop Li Huachao. He could only wait until Li Huachao got tired of playing.

There is no way, as the first created character to join the universe, Li Huachao has a natural advantage in group status.

And An Buchen...

Most of the time, she is like a quail, sitting quietly in the universe, silent and motionless.

It seemed like she was meditating, but also she seemed to be simply staying, as if this was the meaning of her life.

Looking back at the reality, Li Huachao had already crawled in front of the huge eye. Without hesitation, he pulled out the bone spurs stuck in his ribs and began to segment the eye. After a while, he took out the entire eyeball.

Eyelids, eyeballs and some flocculent nerves visible to the naked eye.

This eyeball is located at the edge of the dome, so it is not too big, only the size of a skull, while the eyes in the middle are as big as a millstone.

Li Huachao held the eyeball with one hand and stretched out the other hand to scratch his head.

So it was taken off and installed where?

He thought for a while, placed it directly on the top of his head, and covered the flocculated nerves on his head. He took two of the thickest and longest nerves, one on the left and one on the right, and wrapped them around his chin and tied a bow to secure them.

After doing all this, Li Huachao suddenly found that these nerves were instinctively piercing his head, but he made no next move.

This is……

He thought for a moment, activated the warmth in his body, and directed part of it toward his head.

Sure enough, driven by the warm current, the nerves in the eyes began to lengthen until they were connected to the brain.

And this big eyeball also changed. It deformed and appeared to fit more closely with Li Huachao's big bald head at the moment, as if it had grown here since ancient times.

Just like using electrical appliances in series to enter a circuit, as Li Huachao poured in the warmth, his big eyes also opened, and his bright eyes shot into the distance.

See farther and clearer.

Li Huachao made a judgment in his mind, and then looked at the eyeball on the side.

He has always been fair, so not only does he have these eyes, but the deformed people behind him must also have them.

So in the next few hours, Li Huachao enjoyed picking out his eyes, and the deformed people behind him also gained eyes in different directions.

In this way, no matter where you are looking, you can switch the perspective with just one thought.

Unfortunately, he cannot let the perspectives of these eyes appear in his field of vision at the same time, and can only look at things in one direction at a time.

While picking, Li Huachao stared at the eyeball the size of a millstone in the middle.

Regardless of whether you take it with you or not, take it out first.

Li Huachao stood upside down and stepped on the ceiling, walked step by step towards the huge eyeball in the middle, and took it out again according to the method just now.


Li Huachao took off the big eyeball and looked at the light coming from the big hole, feeling a little surprised.

Is there another floor above the dome?

Isn't this unscientific?

He poked his head out of the dome and saw a new scene.

There is a cave above the dome, where there are a large number of messy stone statues, either upside down or standing.

They seemed to have been damaged, so they looked broken.

Li Huachao widened his eyes and looked at the statue carefully.

It is not difficult to see from the statue that this "normal person" of flesh and blood civilization looks different from the Dansheng people. Their faces are wider and there are some decorations on their faces.

On their foreheads, Li Huachao also saw a slit-like hole, which looked like an unopened eye.

Erlang Shen?

He immediately thought of this mythical character in his mind, and he couldn't help but be curious. These three eyes looked quite handsome.

Of course, he is not as handsome as the three eyes he has now.

At this time, Li Huachao heard a sound coming from behind his head, so he turned around.

Appearing in front of him was another Dansheng.

At this moment, the Dansheng man was looking at Li Huachao with a curious look.


Li Huachao made a confused sound in his throat, and with this sound, he could not speak.

This is……

Another egg-born human?

Are there other Dansheng people in this place?

Wait, don't tell me that this is Xu Cixi.

However, the Dansheng man didn't have any unnecessary reaction after seeing Li Huachao's head. He thought for a while, then carved a piece of English on a stone slab and placed it in front of Li Huachao.

Li Huachao blinked. He looked at the English on the slate and was a little dazed for a moment.


Why is it in English? !

He stared wide-eyed into the eyes of the Dansheng in front of him, as if he wanted to directly see the other person's soul through these windows of the soul.


Can there be foreigners in this game? !

If it is a foreign player who accidentally enters the world of Chinese server Kaitan, the dungeon he has experienced will definitely teach him how to behave and force the other player to master Chinese.

Only foreign server players can communicate in English so naturally on slate.

That is to say...

There are not only Chinese players in this pioneering book?

Li Huachao didn't understand English, so he couldn't understand what this guy wrote, but he didn't have any extra words. He just stretched out his hand, as if asking the other person to help him pull him out.

The foreign server player also understood what Li Huachao meant, so he stretched out his hands to grab Li Huachao's hand and pulled Li Huachao out of the hole bit by bit.

When he noticed that there was a deformed person behind Li Huachao, his eyes showed a little surprise, but it didn't seem like there was much surprise.

He has seen situations like this before.

However, when they saw that the deformed person behind Li Huachao was connected to the next deformed person, foreign server players showed more surprise, probably because they were surprised that Li Huachao could "occupy" so many deformed people.

Li Huachao's body stepped on the ground above the dome. After touching the ground, he immediately felt that he was full of power, and then drove the entire human body train upwards.


Foreign server players stared with wide eyes, looking at the series of deformed people behind Li Huachao. Their faces were distorted, with identical big eyes on their heads, and identical sneers on their faces.

Because Li Huachao was paying attention to the players in the foreign server, nearly a hundred eyes were staring directly at the guy at this moment, with a look of death in their eyes and full of excitement to see a living person.

A bunch of deformed people were like long worms, with their short hands dancing unconsciously and their short legs struggling to climb. For a moment, there was a sense of chaos like a swarm of demons dancing around.

? ? ?

What the hell kind of monster is this? !

At this moment, there was only one thought in his heart.


It’s over, the big one is coming!

After regaining consciousness, he ran away.

Li Huachao blinked the huge eyes above his head and ran after him.

Don't worry, I won't write many foreign characters. I'm not that good. Foreign server players appear as competitors or partners. The four columns are basically the same, and the characters are also based on the principles of word formation. Just treat them as normal means. If you don't know how to write in detail, Yu Liang doesn't know how to use them.

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