The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 262 Armor, Bone Air Gun and Red Eyes

who I am?

My first name, my real name, my last name...

Yu Liang?


No no no.

As a member of the collective, I should be more aware.

Our existence is my existence, and our consciousness is my consciousness.




I am [Group], we are [Group].

[Group]’s brains and swords need to open up territory for [Group]’s survival and prosperity!

No, what a collective, I’m just Yu Liang.

I'm not born from an egg.

I'm a player.

Players who come here.






It was like lightning flashed through Yu Liang's head, and a series of words appeared in his mind, and his consciousness finally returned to clarity at this moment.

He looked at the bone floor under his feet, sweat dripping from his forehead, sliding on the floor, and then fell through the bone gap of the stairs to the first floor.

After waking up, I felt cold sweat.

Ever since he absorbed the energy from the deformed corpse, his mind has become a little weird.

Something invaded his consciousness, constantly trying to erase his individual consciousness and add it to the collective consciousness.

But now it is just assimilating a deformed person who is at the bottom of the flesh and blood civilization, but it turns out to be this...

Such a terrifying invasion of consciousness.

There was a faint worry in Yu Liang's heart.

Do deformed people have this kind of collective consciousness that has evolved to the extreme in their genes?

It's really outrageous.

He originally thought that this flesh-and-blood source monster was simply about fighting monsters and exploring.

At most, we can study the wonderful creations and imagination of flesh-and-blood civilization, and then use this to decipher and so on.

Unexpectedly, there is something like this that can distort human will and change human consciousness.

Has the social development of flesh-and-blood civilization reached such a deformed state?

The world is unified...

It’s really a world of unity.

It is not an exaggeration to say that this kind of thinking is the result of a mad scientist's obsession.

Yu Liang didn't think it was unscientific. On the contrary, he thought it was too scientific.

If this is the case, then the strange story about the origin of this flesh-and-blood system has been solved.

He suspected that the origin of this dungeon was a certain [group] consciousness, a collective consciousness formed by an entire flesh-and-blood civilization.

Maybe this is...

Flesh planet?

Yu Liang had some guesses in his mind.

But in this case, how to solve the root cause of this strange story?

Or what should be solved?

The abnormal development of our own flesh-and-blood civilization should have nothing to do with mankind, right?

Yu Liang always felt that he had no position to destroy the flesh and blood planet.

Could it be that the strange world is unhappy with this flesh-and-blood planet?

So there's going to be a purge?

Let this deformed civilization completely restart?

Yu Liang didn't know the answer, but he didn't care about the answer either.

The goal of the pioneering book is not to solve the root cause of the ghost story, but to complete the main series of pioneering tasks.

Subsequent problems will naturally be solved by other Kaitan players.

If you have to solve the root ghost story in order to obtain this scene card, then it would be...

Why not?

Yu Liang thought of this base and the entire planet in his mind, and he couldn't help but feel a little greedy.

The level of science and technology here is indeed not high, and the progress of civilization is only equivalent to that of humans during World War I, but that is considered comprehensively.

The scientific and technological achievements in the field of biochemistry are probably far higher than those of humans on earth.

The income of this kind of scene card may be greater than the three scene cards collected into the universe in the past combined.


You have to have a life to take it.

Yu Liang's greed and possessiveness cooled down a lot, and awe of this flesh-and-blood civilization emerged spontaneously.

Although he can explain this kind of consciousness intrusion from a more rational and objective perspective, it is undeniable that the degree of evil of this thing is no less than the source of ghost stories in the supernatural system.

Coupled with the fact that his abilities are now limited, the level of danger is either higher or lower.

Yu Liang had a feeling that if he had a San value bar, it would have dropped by half by now.

It may be that the deformed person is too low-level, and the obedience and clustering in his genes are not highly refined, so it can only affect him in this way.

The next time he is affected, his sanity will probably return to zero.

by that time……

He wasn't sure what to expect either.

The Kaitan World injects the player's consciousness into Danshengren's body, so what if the player's consciousness has transformed into [group] consciousness?

Thinking about it carefully makes my back feel cold.

And Yu Liang also knew that there was almost no solution to that kind of ideological assimilation, which was aimed at the sociality and obedience of human character.

A person who is so unruly that he has no social character at all...

In a mental hospital, I'm afraid.

In other words, probably only savages can resist the assimilation of this [group] consciousness.

Yu Liang walked up to the second floor with a heavy heart. Some heavy bone doors fell on this circular corridor, blocking his way and preventing him from passing freely.

He stood in front of the bone door and looked inward, looking through the gap in the bone door at the scene behind the door.

The operating platform is on the platform extending from the second floor. In addition, there is a cabin growing on the wall behind the platform, which seems to be a storage cabinet.

Yu Liang was very interested in the giant creation in the center of the field, so he looked around and tried to open the bone door.

On the wall in the corner, he saw a bone handle, so he stepped forward and pulled the bone handle down.

The bone door opened slowly, Yu Liang quickly got through, and then walked to the cabin storage cabinet to try to open it.

The storage cabinet was surrounded by a complete ring of ribs. Through the gaps between the ribs, he could see that there seemed to be a set of armor-like things in the storage cabinet.

In addition, there is something that looks like a bolt-action rifle next to the armor.

Like the things I have seen before, both the armor and the rifle have an extremely strong color of flesh and blood. They are entirely composed of biomass structures, with only a few connecting parts using metal parts.

The good news is that the locker opens with bone spurs, and the keyhole fits the size of his bone spurs.

Therefore, Dan Shengren's bone spurs should be a standard tool, a product generated by completely stable genes.

Yu Liang inserted the bone spur, then used his other hand to open the cabinet door, and the complete armor appeared in front of him.

The armor is pure black, and there seems to be a layer of light-absorbing material on the surface, so it looks completely non-reflective and has an abyss-like depth.

It seemed to be peeled off from some kind of creature. Yu Liang recalled the ear whistle monster he had just met and felt that the armor was somewhat similar to the large scale armor on its body, but there were some differences.

In short, they are at least species of the same family and genus.

When Yu Liang took off the breastplate of the armor, he noticed that there were small sharp teeth on the inside of the breastplate.

It has no ropes or connectors hanging on the body. In addition to a circle of dense teeth on the inside, there is a mass of flesh-like substance similar to Tai Sui in the center of the armor. Dozens of nerve network-like nerves extend from the edge of the armor. Slender tentacles.

This armor is dead, but only for now.

Yu Liang knew that when he wore this armor, the surrounding dense teeth would directly penetrate into his body and create wounds.

His blood will completely combine him with the armor, and the flesh Tai Sui in each piece of armor will also fuse with this egg-born human body.

The consciousness of the [group] will grow as a result.

"This thing is quite handsome, why don't you try it on?" Li Huachao was attracted by this armor. This angular armor is full of a sense of sharpness of bones. It is both weird and handsome, and has its own unique characteristics. A special charm exists.

"Forget it, I'm worried about being assimilated." Yu Liang just shook his head.

Li Huachao was cheerful: "I'm not worried, just let me play."

Yu Liang ignored Erha. He hadn't figured out what these [groups of] consciousnesses were yet, so of course he didn't want to take risks.

From a sensory point of view, the warm energy in his body is still sufficient, but the sanity value is not enough, so now everything he sees is a little different from just now.

These biological artifacts...

Will move.

It seems to move.

There was a faint blood-colored glow surrounding them, and they stretched themselves at the same time, looking contented.

It seems to be breathing, as if it has life.

Maybe it's really alive.

The corpse behind him had been dead for who knows how long, but it was still affecting his consciousness.

Yu Liang considers himself not a weak-willed person, but since entering the world of ghost stories, his cognition has been randomly distorted by "it", and he is often trapped in the environment. He either thinks of himself as a rabbit person or wants to form a [group] consciousness...

Human will is too fragile in the face of the source monsters. They will not even take the initiative to find him. The aftermath alone gives Yu Liang a huge headache.

If we want to use an analogy, it is like a person swimming in the sea with a giant ship passing by. He is not the target of the giant ship, but the undercurrents and vortices beside the giant ship will still easily envelop people.

Life has no ability to resist in the face of such a behemoth.

And Yu Liang still doesn’t know whether the [Group] consciousness just asked him to join the [Group] consciousness or to create a [Group] consciousness.

Because he could feel that there didn't seem to be much "I" in this [group of] consciousnesses, but he couldn't see it clearly at the time.

As a member of the [Group], "we" seem to want him to become the brain of the [Group].

If it were the [group] consciousness of a flesh-and-blood civilization, he should not be allowed to become the brain of the power center.

In other words, the [group] consciousness of flesh-and-blood civilization has a brain, so there is no need for the brain of an egg-born person.

However, if you want him to create a [group] consciousness, it would be a bit scary.

In this flesh-and-blood civilization, there will be many egg-born people and deformed people, and there may also be more advanced tool people. If two or two can combine and create a [group] consciousness, how chaotic will this base be?

Or can we say that the [group] consciousnesses can merge with each other when they meet, and they decide on their own who is more suitable as the "brain", and the other parts willingly become subordinate structures.

Is it just like playing with a synthetic watermelon?

A picture appeared in Yu Liang's mind for no reason. As he clicked on the screen, some internal organs and brains continued to fall on the screen, including bones, severed limbs and the like. Then the same things would be fused to create a higher synthesis. First-class things.

Until finally, a complete body of flesh and blood giant is synthesized, or an entire structure filled with various bloody creatures is synthesized...

Flesh planet?

Yu Liang paused and thought about it. He raised the rifle next to him and tried to study it.

He had experience in researching secondary palatine guns, so it didn't take him long to figure out the internal structure of the rifle.

The gun works similarly to an airsoft gun, using pressurized gas as power to fire pellets.

It's strange that this kind of gun requires a tightly fitting barrel structure, but this black bone happens to have this high-strength and air-tight structure.

This made Yu Liang wonder at the technology of this flesh-and-blood civilization.

Biology is material, and biology is everything. Biology can be used to make all kinds of wonderful creations.

He needs to install the air bag that comes with the Black Bone Airsoft gun and then install the bullet.

The bullet has a sharp warhead and is completely black. It is installed on the jaw bone like a tooth socket. As long as the entire jaw bone is stuck at the joint of the gun's bones to form a state similar to an bite, it is considered to be installed. folder.

He counted the number of bullets in the upper and lower rows, adding up to 28 bullets.

In other words, he has 28 rounds of ammunition.

When in use, biting into the jaw clip of the black bone air gun will produce a slight vibration, the air pressure in the gun will change, and then the bullet in the jaw will be sucked into the waiting chamber of the barrel to wait.

Yu Liang raised the barrel of the gun and tentatively pressed down on a bony protrusion of the black bone air gun.

Compared to the harpoon gun, the structure of this gun was much more precise, and the grip was polished to make it fit the palm of Dan Shengren's body better.

Very comfortable to hold.


The black bone air gun starts up and shoots out the warhead.

Unexpectedly, the air gun was very powerful. Yu Liang saw that the bullets made a deep hole in the flesh and blood wall in the distance, and there were cracks spreading around it.

It is already equivalent to the power of modern gunpowder firearms. For a pneumatic rifle, this is almost impossible.

He trotted forward, dug the bullet out of the flesh wall, and observed again.

The bullet's cavity has disappeared and it cannot be loaded back into the jaw clip.

Yu Liang could not open the black bone air gun, nor could he open this kind of bullet. He could only guess that it was because there was a special biochemical reaction between the bullet and the air gun, causing the bullet to generate great kinetic energy.

Due to the existence of the air bag, this air gun has a preset compression power source, so it is not a single-shot gun, but a repeating gun.

As for how many times it can be fired at once, Yu Liang still doesn't know.

He only had 27 rounds of ammunition and only one special airbag, so he couldn't afford such a waste.

There was only one jaw magazine and air bag in the cabin. He saw that other locations where the magazines and air bags were stored were empty, which meant that they were once full but had been taken away.

I don’t know whether Xu Cixi took it away or whether it was taken away by a flesh-and-blood civilized soldier.

Yu Liang glanced at the armor and turned away regretfully.

It would be great if this armor could really be used, but it's a pity that it can't be used.

With a real weapon, he is not so afraid of the whistle monster in this base.

Since this kind of weapon is installed in the base, the Black Bone Airgun should be able to cause obvious damage to the ear whistle monster, right?

Yu Liang walked onto the platform and came to the control table.

There is a pair of hoods on the stage. The hood is made of some kind of flesh and is thick and airtight. Its lower jaw is connected to a entangled blood vessel, and the other end is connected to the console.

Yu Liang checked the hood. There were no fine teeth around it, so it wouldn't cause him to bleed.

There should be no problem.

He put on his hood and opened his eyes.

What appeared in front of him was the altar overlooking the spherical dome.

Yu Liang could look down at the altar from multiple angles, and his extraordinary eyesight allowed him to see that there were several pairs of eyes hidden in the tunnels around the altar. They looked at "Yu Liang" without hesitation, and then shook their ears. Whistle, a sharp siren sound.

As if encountering some kind of terrifying enemy, the ear whistle monsters in the tunnel emerged one after another. They surrounded the altar, but they did not dare to step into the altar. They just stepped nervously on the ground, making disturbing footsteps.

At the same time, the eyes on the dome also opened as Yu Liang put on the hood. It stared at the earth with its huge eyes and blood-red pupils.

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