The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 242 The self-cultivation of the capitulators

Although Lu Mingzhe has a rather conceited character, he has to admit that if it had been Li Huachao or Yu Liang here this time, things would never have reached this point.

Li Huachao has a hunting mark, so as long as he puts a mark on An Buchen, he won't be afraid of not being able to find her; Yu Liang has all kinds of weird creatures such as paper figures and cubs, so breaking the illusion is not a big problem.

"She ran away?" Lu Baoshen realized in the universe, and he didn't realize that An Buchen had disappeared from sight until now.

"Well, we have to catch him quickly. If she hides in the new Taoist mansion, I'm afraid it will be difficult to catch him with the hook gun." Lu Mingzhe replied.

"In other words, you let go of the immortal girl Li Huachao captured?" Lu Baoshen hit the nail on the head.

Lu Mingzhe: "..."

"If Li Huachao finds out, he won't blame you, but he will definitely laugh at you." Lu Baoshen thought for a moment and revealed the key to the problem.

Lu Mingzhe: "...You are not allowed to tell him, I will capture the little fairy girl."

Lu Baoshen: "Then please beg me."

Lu Mingzhe: "..."

Especially don't force me to whip you. I still don't believe Li Huachao said before that you have become a bad guy.

In this mission to kill the fairy, Li Huachao's ability was somewhat restrained by the fairy. In fact, he was indeed considered a blood C. It would be a bit embarrassing if he couldn't even do the final finishing work well.

When he thought of Li Huachao's face, Lu Mingzhe realized that this matter was extremely urgent. His eyes fell outside the window and he began to think about how to find An Buchen.

In order to ensure his own existence time, Lu Mingzhe usually adjusts his luck value to 51 when he appears, which is only a little more than the average value of 50. This is the lowest lucky value for him to appear, and now he also adjusts his luck value to 51. Pull it to the highest level, intending to use the high amount of luck to find a way out.

Speaking of which, he blamed him. Since he had seen that An Buchen's character was one of peace, even if he surrendered, he would still wait for an opportunity to escape, but he did not take more precautions.

The characters created are completely random. How is it possible that everyone wants to enter the universe?

When you enter the universe, you will also lose your body and freedom. Not everyone is willing to do so. If the gambler's body created at that time was Lu Mingzhe, Lu Mingzhe probably would not have surrendered as soon as he came up.

We must seize the time and catch the immortal aunt before she transfers to the Taoist mansion.

The task now is difficult, but it is not yet a desperate situation for him.

At this time, probably because the objects in this room were in disrepair, a cabinet chain in the living room broke. The cabinet fell from a high altitude and fell on the table, making a small "ah" cry.

As the cabinet screamed softly in the quiet room, the weird atmosphere spread quickly.


Lu Mingzhe looked at the cabinet that fell on the table, his mouth slightly open, and his eyes revealed a little surprise and speechlessness.

No, don't tell me...


The next second, the cabinet door slowly opened, and An Buchen got out of the cabinet with his hands raised for the second time.

After coming out this time, she also looked at Lu Mingzhe anxiously, then walked up to him honestly, lowered her head deeply and closed her eyes, looking like a primary school student who was caught for doing something wrong and was about to be beaten. look.

The first time I hid in the closet, the second time I hid in the cupboard. Can you hide further?

Lu Mingzhe stretched out his hand and wanted to give her a few blows, but after thinking carefully he put his hand down.

This An Buchen had reported her physical fitness when they first met. Her strength and speed were far superior to ordinary people. If she really wanted to hurt him, there was a certain possibility of killing him directly in the illusion just now.

Although she wanted to run, it wasn't that extreme.

His ability relies too much on vision, and the limitations are still too great without the props or stamps to break the illusion.

Lu Mingzhe threw a silver coin out of the room, and then activated [Qian Shu] to move himself and An Buchen out of the room.

According to the distance feedback generated by [Qian Shu], he has indeed left this room and left the illusion range set by An Buchen.

The illusion just now kept him wandering around in this room, which meant that the scope of the Taoist mansion set up by Xiangu should be this room. Now that he used [Qian Shu] to flash out of the room, the illusion could no longer affect him.

"Why didn't you leave?" Lu Mingzhe raised his doubts. According to his assumption, if the little fairy chose to climb up the window and run upstairs to hide when the illusion just ended, and then find an opportunity to set up a new Taoist mansion, maybe You can really run away completely.

Hiding in a cupboard like this may seem like a trick, but it's actually a bad idea.

"Because I have surrendered, I will not run away." An Buchen's answer surprised Lu Mingzhe. She paused and said sternly, "I have credibility."

"Then why are you resisting?" Lu Mingzhe was confused. If he had surrendered, would this illusion be torturing ghosts?

"It's not resistance, I just need to create an illusion that you believe is true." An Buchen raised his eyes and looked at him, and then said: "I can see 'God's will', or the line of fate. You seem to be able to control that line, not just Your threads and the threads related to you will be affected, so I want to see clearly how you affect 'God's Will'."

This statement was acceptable to Lu Mingzhe. After all, he had seen Xiangu's professional abilities and knew that Xiangu had to act in accordance with God's will.

An Buchen has never seen the gambler's career panel, but now she can tell about his abilities, which shows that she can indeed see the so-called "line of fate".

So it is not difficult to judge from her words that he is God's will?

emmm, that sounds pretty good.

Lu Mingzhe quietly puffed up his chest, and his self-confidence returned to him.

From the looks of it, he was the one who defeated Fairy Aunt Tian.

He glanced at An Buchen calmly: "If you want to see clearly, just follow me. Why do you need to set up an illusion or something?"

"'God's Will' seems to be affected by your subconscious. Your friends and your enemies are affected differently, so I want to give them both a try." An Buchen continued, his voice still calm, but no matter what he heard, Why does it mean to show off in it, "Now I have tested it out, you do have such an ability, so the fairy should surrender when she meets you. If you surrender earlier, you won't die."

Lu Mingzhe was thoughtful. It sounded like the "fairy aunt" she was referring to was the original great fairy surnamed Lin?

He persuaded him to surrender when he came up. It seemed that An Buchen was still a leader.

An Buchen.

An Buchen.

An dare not surrender?

Lu Mingzhe maliciously speculated on the origin of An Buchen's name.

At this point, An Buchen repeated it again: "So for Fairy Girl, surrendering when I meet you is the right choice."

Lu Mingzhe inexplicably felt a sense of pride in her words. It sounded like she was very satisfied with her ability to understand current affairs.

From the looks of it, this little fairy has a bit of a temper.

Surrendering is a real surrender, but after the surrender, I still want to verify my correctness to prove that Lin Xiangu is wrong.

Just like all the characters created in the past, the Little Fairy also has a kind of resistance to the original body, which is specifically reflected in the Big Fairy's acting style and going against the will of nature.

Lu Mingzhe, who wanted to understand, coughed twice, and then said seriously: "So you don't want to find a place to live for a hundred and eighty years?"

An Buchen seemed to have thought about this problem a long time ago. He shook his head and said, "It's hard to win over people. I won't waste time and energy on things that are destined to happen."

"Then why do you still say it?" Lu Mingzhe remembered what An Buchen had said before and his plan to survive in the Taoist mansion.

"Changing your mind is changing God's will, so you still need to give it a try." An Buchen continued to answer.

"Okay." Lu Mingzhe nodded, basically understanding what the little fairy was thinking.

She personally still prefers to stay in the Taoist mansion and survive, but Lin Xiangu's experience has made her firmly believe in God's will, so she will not do anything against God's will.

Just like the fairy aunt's professional skill description, just follow the heavens.

Fortunately, after turning on his ability, he is destined.

Lu Mingzhe looked at An Buchen and said unconsciously: "Anyway, you still caused me some trouble just now. Tell me, how can I compensate you?"

He wanted to take An Buchen as his younger brother before Li Huachao while Li Huachao was still sleeping, establishing his status as the big brother in the universe in one fell swoop.

Oh, second brother, Tianming has someone else on his head.

An Buchen looked up at Lu Mingzhe again, and shook his head helplessly: "There is no marriage between us."

Lu Mingzhe: "..."

"No, just follow me honestly." Lu Mingzhe found a rope and tied An Buchen's hands. He held the other end of the rope and asked An Buchen to walk in front of him, as if escorting him. Like a prisoner.

At present, An Buchen is still responsible for escaping from prison, so he still has to be careful.

"Then where are we going?" An Buchen looked back at Lu Mingzhe.

"Wandering around." Lu Mingzhe replied subconsciously. His eyes searched the original room because he suddenly discovered something.

What about the Scrooge?

This money-sucking ghost hasn't appeared since he first entered the illusion, right?

"Where's that weird creature next to me just now?" Lu Mingzhe immediately looked at An Buchen.

"Knock him out and put it in the closet." An Buchen raised his tied hands at the same time and pointed to another cupboard.

"Broken." Lu Mingzhe hit the bottom of the cupboard with the character "broken" and broke it. A thin, strange creature leaked out of the cupboard and fell to the ground.

"Ouch!" The Scrooge got up from the ground and touched its butt. It put on the paper hood and looked around. It soon noticed Lu Mingzhe and An Buchen who were holding his hand outside the room, so it trotted over and asked doubtfully. ,"What happened?"

"Nothing." Lu Mingzhe could only sigh in his heart.

This money-keeping ghost, a dignified T2-level monster, was actually knocked unconscious.

Even if you don't belong to the flesh and blood system, you won't be so weak, right?

Shame on you.

The two of them were on the road again. An Buchen had no objection to her being restrained. She walked slowly in front of Lu Mingzhe, stopping and walking, as if she was sensing something.

Along the way, An Buchen led the way like a guide dog, avoiding all possible dangerous sections of the road.

It took Lu Mingzhe three or four floors to realize that An Buchen was really good at leading the way. He couldn't even trigger [Do Not Believe in Evil] once while wandering around like this.

All hidden dangers have been avoided by her. Monsters, strange stories, and even players have never encountered them.

This sense of crisis is a good partner for Lu Baoshen, and Lu Mingzhe can basically trust her to lead the way for Lu Baoshen.

"By the way, how did you make those props change?" Lu Mingzhe wanted to find out where the fairy's ability to control props came from.

"Lin Xiangu once explored that apartment building and found some Taoist classics in some areas. She had already collected some of them, so she didn't take them away." An Buchen replied, "After the birth, I I just went to get the book she had found and study it, and I could only roughly study one book in a short period of time."

She extracted the tome she found from the inventory of the page and dropped it at her feet.

""One Hundred Explanations of the Organs and Ways"." Lu Mingzhe read out the name of this book. He flipped through it casually but didn't understand much.

In addition, there are several books, namely "The Purpose of Taiyi Jinhua", "Detailed Explanation of the Five Elements Talisman", and "Illustrated Explanation of the Killing Array".

"Okay." Lu Mingzhe read these books in turn and found nothing wrong.

"The Purpose of Taiyi Jinhua" is a classic book on inner alchemy. Its general content talks about being pure in desire and cultivating to become a moral person. The other three books are related to talismans, formations, and mechanical props respectively.

"So why did you choose this one? If you chose the other two..." Lu Mingzhe thought about it carefully and felt something strange.

Comparatively speaking, this book "One Hundred Interpretations of the Organs" does not involve any killing props, but some of the things in the talismans and formation diagrams clearly have murderous intent.

If An Buchen chooses to learn talismans or killing formations at the beginning, combined with the Taoist illusion, it will still be very threatening to him.

He imagined the situation at that time in his mind, and suddenly broke out in a cold sweat.

If this is the case, he may have to use that precious unlimited coupon (an item given after the completion of the third copy) to ensure his life safety.

"It's not necessary. Since we have formulated a surrender policy in advance, we must choose to study the classics from your perspective." An Buchen shook his head again, "The offensive capabilities are enough, so I need to supplement the defensive methods. There is an opportunity. From a defense perspective, some weapon refining methods would be more suitable."

She said it very naturally, as if the person who tormented Lu Mingzhe with illusions before was not her at all: "If I enter the universe in the future, I'm afraid I won't be able to interfere with your decision, so I can only try to save everyone's lives."

"Uh." Lu Mingzhe blinked, suddenly feeling ashamed.

What is the self-cultivation of the capitulationists?

This is called the self-cultivation of the surrender faction. Before surrender, they start thinking about their plans after surrender.

An Buchen may be really afraid of death, but entering the universe can really make Yu Liang become more cautious, seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages.

Although all this is for her to better save her life, but in comparison...

Li Huachao just wants to cause trouble all day long.

Lu Baoshen just wants to mess around all day long.

It seems that only he, Lu Mingzhe, is relatively normal.

Lu Mingzhe naturally put gold on his face, and then he glanced at the mischievous man who was holding a jar and counting money, and added something in his heart.

There is also a mischievous man who just wants to make money all day long.

How do you stop coughing? I feel like my lungs are about to cough up. It’s outrageous. For me, the most uncomfortable thing after having sex is the cough QAQ

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