The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 239 The Little Fairy Appears

Using the rule ability of "Doubt", Xu Cixi's memory was disrupted and he turned back into a human being.

To this extent, the two moons are complementary to each other.

"In other words, she can also turn back into a human?" Lu Mingzhe pointed to the materialized Gui Cixi beside him and asked.

"This is the second question." Qin Haijian looked businesslike. He nodded in agreement, "She can change back to a human, and it will be more convenient. But the current state is not enough. She is only in the state of soul, and she still needs to find her body, which should be hidden in the body of a certain monster. Only by combining the two can she transform back into her original person. Since her soul is complete, she only needs to take one simple step to transform back into a human being. There is no need to look for scattered souls anymore.”

Then he also asked his second question: "What is the level of the strongest player you have seen so far?"

"A woman, a T1-level woman." Lu Mingzhe simply explained that he did not understand Qin Haijian's purpose in asking these questions.

"Okay, it's about the same as I guessed. Then the third question is next." Qin Haijian thought for a while and asked the last question, "Do you also have only three columns on your page? The inventory column, the character column and the Stamp bar.”

"Yeah." Lu Mingzhe nodded without thinking, and asked the last question at the same time, "So can you tell me what kind of creature you changed from? You said that one moon can turn people into monsters, and another moon can turn people into monsters. Monsters can turn monsters into humans. So did you transform from a human into a monster and then into a human, or... did you go from a faceless man in a dream to a monster and then into a human?"

"Well, you know more than I thought." Qin Haijian shrugged, then put his finger in front of his lips to make a "silence" gesture, and then replied, "Neither."

He smiled, "I've finished asking my questions. Oh, by the way, one more thing, can you give me a few...destructive characters? I can exchange them with you for other things."

"Destructive characters?" Lu Mingzhe wrote down this feature. This requirement showed that Qin Haijian's professional ability was related to destructive characters.

And he is not afraid of a profession that uses destructive characters as a means of attack, because he has many "eliminating" characters on his body.

Lu Mingzhe also wanted to see more about what Qin Haijian's professional abilities were related to, so he donated five "broken" characters and five "burning" characters to Qin Haijian.

These two characters are not difficult to obtain, and Lu Mingzhe did not have any psychological burden after giving them.

"Okay, thank you." Qin Haijian accepted the characters, and then handed a folded handkerchief to Lu Mingzhe, his words ambiguous, "This thing may be able to save your life at a critical moment."

After Lu Mingzhe accepted the handkerchief, Qin Haijian also stretched out his hand to retrieve the "dead" point. The "dead" point reappeared in his hand, and the "dead" point in his hand was like some kind of elastic ball. The slap bounced on the ground, and finally fell back into his hand.

Qin Haijian walked into the stairwell, and Lu Mingzhe looked in his direction and saw metal thorns sprouting from all angles in the stairwell, densely arranged on the spiral staircase.

This is the metal thorn that the adventurer dropped before to stop Xiangu, but now it stopped Qin Haijian.

"Finally I can go downstairs." Qin Haijian used two fingers to pick up the "dead" point that turned into a small physical ball in his hand. As he started, the words on the "dead" point in his hand also changed and became A word "broken" emitting white light.

He threw the "broken" ball. The ball rolled down the stairwell, smashing into the metal thorns blocking its path, making a sound like broken glass.

"Goodbye then." Qin Haijian walked down the stairs. He didn't look back. He just waved in the direction of Lu Mingzhe, as if to say goodbye to him.

Lu Mingzhe also watched Qin Haijian walk down the stairs and disappear from sight.

What is certain now is that Qin Haijian does not have much hostility towards him, and there is no need for them to take action against each other for the time being.

Secondly, it is not difficult to judge from Qin Haijian's words just now that he only has three columns on his body and no monster column. Lu Mingzhe did not remind him, but he just felt a little strange.

Why is there no monster column on Qin Haijian's page?

Didn't you call him when the version was updated?

And what does the answer "neither" mean?

Is he neither the path of "man-monster-man" nor the path of transformation of "faceless man-monster-man"?

So what did Qin Haijian turn into a human being?

Lu Mingzhe couldn't find the answer, so he could only write down some of Qin Haijian's professional ability characteristics.

A kind of "dead" point ball can be released. In this case, the word "dead" on the ball is black and it seems that it has not been activated yet.

After storing destructive characters into the ball, the ball will "destroy" the obstacles encountered on the path.

But the ball in this state will still bounce off the wall, which shows that the ball does not destroy all obstacles mindlessly, but destroys them selectively.

In addition, the "dead" point can also be turned into a two-dimensional pattern and appear on the surface of other things, but it is not yet known what effect this has.

Lu Mingzhe remembered Qin Haijian's nameplate that he had seen at the funeral home. It showed that Qin Haijian's current occupation was a blasting engineer, so this "dead" ball should be the professional ability of a blasting engineer.

He opened the handkerchief Qin Haijian had just handed over, and what he saw was a smiling face painted with blood. This smiling face gave Lu Mingzhe a familiar feeling, and he instantly thought of a terrifying possibility.


This aura is unmistakable, it’s something left over from the ghost story about its origins!

Combined with Qin Haijian's "neither" just now, Lu Mingzhe suddenly realized that "smile" may not have been completely suppressed by the moon, but was reborn as a player through the new Qin Haijian.

So what does Qin Haijian mean when he says that this handkerchief can save lives at critical moments?

Lu Mingzhe thought, and at the same time threw "check" at the smiling face on the handkerchief.


"blood" smiley face

Name: None

Texture: None

Note: If the smiley face drawn by the root ghost story is printed on your face with the blood stains on the handkerchief, you will be infected with the breath of the root ghost story within five minutes.

"Stained with the aura of ghost stories about the origin?" Lu Mingzhe frowned slightly.

If this is the case, won’t we be stared at by the moon?

Isn't this something harmful? Doesn't it have anything to do with saving lives?

Lu Mingzhe was a little puzzled, but he didn't think much about it and just put the handkerchief in the inventory.

Since Qin Haijian said it was useful, it might actually come in handy at some point. Anyway, the system's notes didn't say that this thing would have an impact on his cognition, so there shouldn't be any danger, and it would be okay to keep it.

At this time, another small figure emerged from the fairy aunt's room. The money-keeper stuck his head out to look at the direction Qin Haijian was leaving, and then patted his chest gently, as if to soothe his nervous mind. .

Lu Mingzhe also just noticed that ever since Qin Haijian appeared, the money-grubber had abandoned him and silently ran into the fairy aunt's room to hide.


Running so fast.

"So what can you feel about him?" Lu Mingzhe asked the money-sucking ghost.

The Scrooge nodded: "It has a strong aura, but it is very weak."

This sentence sounds contradictory, but Lu Mingzhe can still understand it easily. What the Shougui said is that Qin Haijian's aura comes from a powerful source of ghost talk, but at this moment, the aura is still a little weak, probably to avoid it. Exploration of the Moon.

However, a T2-level Scrooge can feel the aura of the Root Kaidan, but Moon, who is also at the Root Kaidan level, cannot feel it?

Maybe it's because the current "smile" is really weak.

Lu Mingzhe was secretly wary. Qin Haijian was also on his notepad and he needed to be careful.

If it were an ordinary player, he wouldn't be afraid, but Qin Haijian is a player transformed from the source of ghost stories...

This is the level of caution that requires a notepad.

In the following time, Lu Mingzhe explored the building again, but apart from finding some strange creatures, he found nothing else, let alone the monster hiding Xu Cixi's body.

It seems that you can only use it after the next cooldown of the Goblin Hookgun ends.

This time, after the cooling down, we need to capture Fairy Gu first. We don’t know what Fairy Gu did in the past three hours, but it must not be too difficult to deal with.

The profession of Fairy Girl is different from the normal profession. Even if it is created at T1 level, it still requires time to learn Taoism and study Taoism in order to grow up.

The despondency of Lin Xiangu is the result of the use of Taoism. The ability level of the Taoist government is still linked to the level of Taoism of Xiangu herself. It is difficult for her to really study anything in just three hours.

Lu Mingzhe recalled the scenes that appeared when he was first created. He had indeed watched Lu Xing's life, but those were just some fragments, and the complex ones were omitted.

Therefore, it is even more impossible for Little Fairy Aunt to learn Taoism from Lin Xiangu's memory. If she only learns it in fragments, she may become obsessed with it.

During this period of time, Lu Mingzhe also selected a few T3 or T4 monsters to practice with Lu Baoshen, asking him to learn to use characters to defeat these monsters.

Under Lu Mingzhe's high-pressure training, Lu Baoshen quickly mastered how to deal with strange creatures and fly kites.

Use the high mobility of character switching to continuously retreat. If you can hit the monster, take the time to hit the "breaking" character. If not, quickly flash away step by step.

When using [Qian Shu], the cooldown time of Lu Baoshen's flash is only about half a second, which is only the interval between character casting. So he keeps using flash to run backwards, and he will soon be able to successfully defeat the monsters in T3. Escape.

Based on his running style, it is estimated that only monster creatures of T2 flesh type and above would be interested in chasing him.

Soon, Lu Baoshen spent another two hours, and as if he saw the signal of relief, he quickly took out the goblin hook gun: "Quick, it's cooled down, go catch the little fairy!"

Lu Mingzhe followed Lu Baoshen's ability. He came to the window, first turned in circles to disrupt his sense of direction, and then shot a hook into the void.

When Lu Mingzhe opened his eyes again, he caught a little girl wearing loose Taoist robes on the hook.

"Are you the fairy?" Lu Mingzhe looked at her appearance and made a judgment in his heart.

The hairstyle and outfit are the same as those seen in the previous creation screen, so this girl should be the created fairy.

The hook rope was untied from the little fairy girl's body, and she immediately raised her head. The face exposed in her hair was not a human face, but a strange smiling face of a paper man, with a conspicuous blush on the pale paper face.

paper man?

Lu Mingzhe frowned. The little fairy on the hook gun kept her head down, so he didn't notice that what he captured was actually a paper man. It was only now that the little fairy raised his head to realize this.

After seeing Lu Mingzhe, the paper man inhaled desperately, and soon turned his face into a huge paper balloon, which then exploded, releasing a large amount of dust inside.

Lu Mingzhe quickly retreated when he noticed the paper man's appearance. At the same time, he looked at the end of the hook's trajectory when it came back. Sure enough, there was a small figure flashing past the window sill of the apartment building.

"Mu." Lu Mingzhe switched the positions of himself and the silver coin, and instantly came to the corridor outside the room, while avoiding the dust in the sky.

He looked towards the direction where the hook was shot before, which was on the eighth floor of the nearby apartment building.

Lu Mingzhe made a quick judgment, and at the same time turned his steps and ran toward the building, but after taking a few steps, he felt something was wrong, so he stopped.

No, how did the little fairy escape from the grasp of the goblin hook gun?

Even the Rabbit-shaped God couldn't escape before, so he could only let him catch it. If he could use something like a paper man instead, the Rabbit-shaped God wouldn't be slowly lured back by him.


It was still the Fairy Girl who was captured, but she changed herself into a paper man when the hook was untied, and the dust generated by the paper man's inhalation and explosion obscured his vision, while the real body was...

Lu Mingzhe threw a "burning" character into the room. The "burning" character burned quickly, burning away all the paper dust in the room. Since the window in the room was open, it did not form a closed space and there was no violent event. dust explosion.

After passing the burning room, there was a burning smell. Lu Mingzhe covered his mouth and nose with his sleeves, walked into the room, and locked his eyes on the wardrobe in the room.

"Come out, I don't want to hurt you." A word "broken" appeared on Lu Mingzhe's hand, and he hit the closet without hesitation, making a hole in the closet.

Through the light, he could see that there was indeed a little girl hiding in the closet.

Lu Mingzhe also breathed a sigh of relief.

He almost fooled him. If he hadn't vaguely felt something was wrong, he would have been tricked by the little fairy.

The transformation of the paper man just now is also very deceptive, and the timing of the paper man's appearance is also very clever.

From the closet, a little fairy girl wearing a small Taoist robe came out with her hands raised and said at the same time: "I surrender."

It seemed that she was worried that Lu Mingzhe would kill him, so she added: "Don't kill me, dying will be very painful."

Feeling better, no fever, should be fine soon

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