Li Huachao ran wildly through the mirror world with the adventurer who had been stabbed in the shoulder. The flow of time in the mirror world was reduced to the limit.

One second in the real world is equivalent to fifteen seconds in the mirror world at this moment. Under this time flow rate ratio, the movement speed of him and the adventurer is equivalent to fifteen times the normal state.

"Where to go now?" Li Huachao asked Yu Liang in the universe. Now he didn't know where to run. He only knew that he should run out of the fourteenth floor first and stay as far away from the fairy girl in her current state as possible.

"Let's go to a few other apartment buildings first, and then see what's going on." Yu Liang said, "It's not yet sure what rules the fairy girl's ghost story has, and whether she has broken into the mirror world. method."

"Yes." Li Huachao nodded. His body has now returned to its normal state, and the physical fitness he took from the T1 monster has been returned. Now he has shrunk back to his original appearance.

The battle just lasted only more than ten seconds, but during the battle, he maintained a highly concentrated state and did not dare to let down his guard for a second. This almost consumed all his concentration, until now he started to run away after completing the mission. He just relaxed a little.

Li Huachao could feel that his mental state had declined, but he had just completed the frontal suppression of Xiangu and almost achieved a kill. This sense of accomplishment kept him excited, so he could not feel the physical fatigue at all. , but ran more vigorously, leaving the adventurer far behind.

That was a T1-level fairy, a veteran player from last season, with unfathomable strength. As a result, he was beaten to the brink of death over and over again, so he was still the top thug in Yu Liang's universe.

Well, that's right.

With this record, who else can compete?

Li Huachao was filled with pride, recalling his heroic appearance in the battle just now, completely forgetting that this result was caused by many "accidents".

The fairy's body-protecting energy was stripped away by the adventurer, which was the greatest help.

After losing the gray energy that protected her body, Xiangu seemed to have taken off the armor covering her body, standing on the same starting line as "armorless" players like Li Huachao.

Coupled with the fact that it was a real sneak attack, Xiangu was unable to use other means to counterattack in such a short period of time. She could only passively defend, and was ultimately defeated by Li Huachao's wave after wave of attacks.

"Then the fairy girl is not dead yet?" The adventurer felt that Li Huachao's speed had slowed down a bit, so he quickened his pace and asked. He noticed that Li Huachao's body had also returned to its original state, presumably recovering from the "Hulk" state. .

"No, she brought out the ghost story behind her." Li Huachao replied.

"The source of the ghost story?" The adventurer swallowed hard and couldn't help but shrink his neck, "How about we divide the things now and pretend that we have never met before? You said I will tell her now that I don't know you. is there time?"

Li Huachao thought about this question seriously, then shook his head and generously gave up the credit: "This battle was all due to you collecting the gray energy that protected her body, and you deserve the first credit."

"Then... give me more when you divide things later?" the adventurer asked tentatively.

"I suggest you carefully observe the player in front of you before you speak." Li Huachao stood still, shook his clothes, and said with high spirits, "The breeder who hunted down the T1 fairy girl with the appearance of T2!"

He originally wanted to reveal his name, but after thinking that he had mentioned "Lu Mingzhe" to the adventurer before, he forgot about it because he didn't want Lu Mingzhe to steal his great achievements.


Have you just used the monster you bred?

Oh, just let a few T5 grass babies scold you a few times, and then scold the fairy a few more, right?

The cultivator is so powerful in close combat. Adventurers feel outrageous every time they think about this scene.


Even if the alienated profession has nothing to do with physical combat, can a player still reach this level of combat?

The adventurer felt a little hot in his heart. Which man wouldn't envy the clean and neat battle just now?

Originally, he had always thought that only the old guy in this dungeon could suppress him, but he didn't expect that this breeder who appeared out of nowhere could almost kill Fairy Girl with just his T2 professional strength...

It seems that this copy can be regarded as Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

Li Huachao patted the adventurer on the shoulder and continued: "You don't have to worry too much. The current fairy girl is just at the end of her power. After summoning the root ghost story, she was quickly discovered by the moon. The moon will not allow her to enter her territory. There are other ghost stories about the origin, so they will take action to kill the fairy."

"That's it, that's good." The adventurer also breathed a sigh of relief.

If he was to come face to face with the source monster, he would have no choice but to abandon the breeder and run away.

Well, benevolence and righteousness are the limit, and a brother-in-law fight will not drag the brother into trouble, right?


In the room on the fourteenth floor.

The fairy girl felt that her body was a little stiff. She was like a puppet controlled by the six-sided dice behind her.

What the dice turns out is the happy side, so the current "spirit" uses the power of "happy".

The human face above her had a big mouth open and was laughing silently. It had a long face, pale skin, sunken eyes, bloodshot eyes, and unkempt hair like a beggar.

But it was still smiling, as if feeling sincere joy at its own appearance.

Even the fairy girl felt some joyful emotions in her heart.

It's like...

I remembered happy things.

"Smile is a very contagious thing, so... if you want to influence others, you have to start with you." A man's laughter came from the fairy's mouth. She stretched her hand to her abdomen and poked it with her fingertips. He took a finger of blood into his stomach, and then smeared blood on both sides of his mouth, making it look like an extension of his smile.

She walked to the ice cube at the door and drew three simple strokes on the ice cube with the still warm blood on her hands, forming a red bloody smile.

At this moment, "Fairy Girl" hummed a pleasant song in her mouth. He knew that his situation was very bad, because he felt many auras of the same level in this copy, but this...

What does it matter?

It may be sealed, but it cannot die.

Since he won't die, what else is there to worry about?

Besides, the worse the situation is, the more we need a smile, right?

Following his steps, the entire corridor seemed to come alive. Floor tiles, ceramic tiles, lamps, and all physical objects began to twist and twist into weird angles.

If someone squints and looks there from the other end of the corridor, in the blurred field of vision, he will see that these objects are all smiling, and then he will find that at some point, his face will also have smiles on his face. On the smile.

"Fairy Girl" walked across the fourteenth floor. His steps were very frivolous, but he pointed in a certain direction, pointing stubbornly in a certain direction.

Mirror world.


With the blessing of fifteen times the speed, the two of them arrived here quickly, getting further and further away from the terrifying Fairy Girl on the 14th floor.

But for some reason, there is always a cloudy and depressing feeling in their hearts.

"Do you feel something is wrong?" The adventurer stopped. He looked back and was shocked to see something was wrong. "There seems to be something wrong behind us."

Li Huachao's sixth sense also issued an early warning. He also turned around and looked behind him, and suddenly noticed a car's headlights turning on.

The two lit headlights match the car's lower bumper, and they become distorted together, looking...

It's like smiling.

"So all the inheritance from Fairy Lady is ours, right?" The adventurer said without any reason. He opened his snakeskin bag and counted the contents, "Let me take a look... there are some. What a good thing."

"You..." Li Huachao looked at his appearance and held back what he wanted to say.

There's something wrong with this adventurer's mental state.

At this time, the adventurer was grinning with a big mouth, but he seemed to be completely unaware of his smile, and was seriously dividing the spoils: "There are four Taoist scriptures here, which are in a series. These Here it is, then give me this series. There are still 1,540 talisman papers, which can be divided equally."

After parting ways, the adventurer also looked up at Li Huachao and asked, "Why are you laughing? Are you smiling so weirdly? Are you so happy?"

Am I laughing?

I'm laughing!

Thunder suddenly flashed through Li Huachao's heart. He didn't even notice when he was hit. He subconsciously wanted to move closer to the car's glass to see his own reflection. However, he immediately remembered that Yu Liang had no mirror image. So it switches to Yu Liang taking out the "eye" chess piece to examine himself.

His face was pale, his eyes were sunken, and his eyes were bloodshot. He stared at himself with wide eyes, and his hair that should have been black and straight became curled and fluffy.

The most eye-catching thing was his smile. His lips were chapped, with fine drops of blood oozing out, and the corners of his mouth were raised unconsciously.

A blood-red smile.

It should be me, but it shouldn't be me.

Judging from the picture in the "Eye" chess piece, this person's face is that of Yu Liang, but he doesn't look like Yu Liang.

No matter his face, state or demeanor, he didn't look like Yu Liang, but rather like a mentally ill person lost on the street.

But Li Huachao was very convinced that his current mental state was normal.

Is it the influence of the root ghost story?

When did it start?

Li Huachao began to feel the difficulty of this source of ghost talk, and the next second he was startled by the face of the fairy appearing on the car window.

Judging from the situation reflected in the car window glass, Xiangu was in reality at this time, but her face was extremely strange. It was similar to the situation he had just seen when he saw himself, with the same pale face and wide eyes, and also There is a longer and bigger blood-red smile.

She leaned over and stood in front of the car window, stretched out her hand and knocked on the car window with her knuckles, and made a sound in her mouth: "Bang, is anyone home?"

Li Huachao suddenly broke out in a cold sweat. The sense of crisis was like a needle piercing his brain. He stepped back and stayed away from the car glass.

Immediately, the mirror image of this long-abandoned car suddenly turned around, with the smile that Li Huachao had just seen on its face, and then suddenly opened its big mouth and bit it.

"Mu." Li Huachao switched to Lu Mingzhe, and Lu Mingzhe turned around and swapped the positions of himself and a silver coin, barely avoiding the oncoming car. The car continued its momentum and swallowed up the adventurer who was caught off guard. Down.

The next moment, the adventurer also appeared in the main driving seat of the car. He excitedly turned the steering wheel in front of him and felt an indescribable strength in his body.

Li Huachao jumped out, picked up the snakeskin bag and ran away.

"Oh? Found a thief!" The adventurer in the driver's seat looked at Li Huachao, who was carrying a snakeskin bag, honked the horn desperately, then started the car and chased after him.

With the sound of the horn, the abandoned cars in the underground parking lot seemed to come to life, grinning at Li Huachao, and chased them around.

Yu Liang tried to slow down the flow of time in the mirror world, but it was of no use.

Affected by the strange stories of the origin, these mirror image cars have broken away from the control of the prison mirror and sprinted towards Yu Liang at high speed.

"This won't work." Lu Mingzhe realized something. "If they destroy it here, you will suffer the backlash of the prison mirror."

"No, no, the world in the mirror has been polluted by this thing." Yu Liang frowned slightly, "This parking lot has been disconnected from the world in the mirror."

This is probably the reason why he can no longer control the flow of time in the parking lot in the mirror. In terms of priority, the source of ghost stories is much higher than his "God in the mirror".

Li Huachao and Lu Mingzhe switched one after another, using the hunter's high physical fitness to swap positions with Lu Mingzhe. After stumbling along the way, he managed to reach an apartment building and stay away from the vehicles.

At the same time, Yu Liang was also full of hesitation.

He didn't understand why it was like this.

He was obviously tricked together with the adventurer, but why didn't the "Fairy Girl" directly control his spirit, but chose to control the adventurer?

If you manipulate him, I'm afraid he won't have any good way to overcome this kind of mental pollution.

Could it be that because he has "it" in his body, Xiangu's source of ghost stories cannot be directly controlled?

Yu Liang couldn't think of an answer for the time being. Now he had broken into the apartment building under the control of Li Huachao, but "Smile" continued to hunt him down. There were fairies reflected in the glass reflections he passed along the way. That weird smile on his face, and most of the doors, rooms, and floor tiles on the road were twisted into smiles, biting at him.

There is always a feeling of being against the whole world.

He complained helplessly in his heart.


A crisp sound came from nowhere, and Li Huachao suddenly stopped where he was. He stared blankly above his head in the direction of the moon.

The moon is back.

Normally, this would not be good news, but at this moment the moon is undoubtedly his savior.

The smile disappeared from his surroundings in an instant, and Li Huachao suddenly felt light on his body.

The moon took action.

After being blocked and teased, the two of them finally came back to take charge.

"Get ready. I'll look for an opportunity to grab people from the moon later." Yu Liang is sitting in command in the universe. Sometimes he feels that he is quite disdainful. The only people working are Li Huachao and Lu Mingzhe, and he just needs to grab the head. Just the last head to complete the creation is enough.

But if you think about it carefully, there is also Lu Baoshen in the universe who is a mixed assist, so Yu Liang doesn't have any psychological burden.

Li Huachao returned to reality from the prison mirror.

It was completely different from what he had imagined. The collision of the two forces' strange stories did not produce any strange phenomena in the world, and there was no frightening or depressing atmosphere reverberating in the air.

everything is normal.

He looked at the window of the room on the first floor. The moonlight penetrated the dark clouds and spread on the ground, like a large piece of snow-white floor tiles.


The window shattered for no reason, a piece of glass fell to the ground, and the large piece of glass reflected the scene outside the window.

In the dark night sky, a moon turned around.

The moon spots rearranged themselves on its face, forming a sinister smile.

Smiling moon.

I still haven’t finished it, I will finish it tomorrow~

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