The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 231 I’m a little angry now

(The previous chapter was 227. If I made a typo, I can’t change it. There is no chapter skip)

"It means conquest in the literal sense." The adventurer saw that Li Huachao did not react, so he explained again, "My skills can occupy an area and then seize the resources produced in this area, but it will be easier to get beaten. It is easy to attract the hatred of strange creatures."

"So interesting?" Li Huachao's eyes suddenly lit up. When it came to being beaten... no, when it came to robbing resources and attracting strange creatures, he understood. He was robbing monsters while sneaking away. Isn't this what he was good at?

"It's not that interesting." The adventurer looked at him like this, feeling inexplicably alert in his heart, so he pretended not to care and said, "It's just a small incidental ability. Not all areas in the Kaitan dungeon can produce valuable products. resources, but all areas are guarded by strange creatures. If you occupy them casually, you will probably make countless enemies."

"Wouldn't that be more interesting?" Li Huachao revealed his excitement in his words, and even the spear he thrust out accelerated.


I'm so stupid, really.

I actually forgot that this guy's suicide attempt is unconditional. Even if there is no reward, he will not hesitate. As long as the program is effective, this breeder can do anything.

"In short, it's not of much use, but I can judge the general situation of this area through the resources produced. Let's see if I can find out the reason why Xiangu chose this area as a base. Maybe I can also find Xiangu. The reason for hiding here."

Next, a small flag condensed out of thin air in front of the adventurer. The flag was shrouded in golden light and looked like it was made of condensed energy.

There is a hat logo on the flag, and "Adventurer Special" written in cursive letters under the hat.

He inserted the small flag into the floor of Fairy Girl's room. The golden light swayed like ripples centered on the landing point of the small flag, spreading outside the room and to the entire corridor, along with a special pattern. Together.

After the golden light covering the entire 14th floor disappeared, there were some dark golden lines on the ground. These lines would release a little light every once in a while, seeming to remind the two of their existence, and also seem to be calling. What are you wearing?

"The special effects are so good?" Li Huachao glanced at the adventurer, and at the same time curled up the corner of his mouth, with jealousy written directly on his face.

Why are the special effects of adventurers' skills so beautiful?

He is much simpler than a hunter. He does not have any of the three skills or special effects. All his power is written in the dark, not noticeable at all, and he silently undertakes all the dirty work...

The life of a hunter is so hard.

"What's the use of special effects? I'd rather not have these special effects. These lines are to attract monsters, so as to prevent me from slowly collecting resources." Adventurers tend to be pragmatic, and almost all players in the world of ghost stories also do so. Be a pragmatist.

Only players like breeders, who seem to have no pressure to survive at all, would like this useless special effect.

"Whether you are strong or not is a matter of one version, and whether you are handsome or not is a matter of your whole life." Li Huachao had his own opinions, and it was not convenient for him to say some things to adventurers.

There will be more and more characters in Yu Liang’s universe, that’s for sure.

Although each alienated profession will have its own unique professional characteristics and may have overlapping abilities, they will never be covered.

Don't look at the current hunters who are fighting against the sky and the earth. This is all because there is no other profession in Yu Liang's universe that is more suitable for close combat.

As for hunters, they are still better at hunting, traps, and one-hit kills. If we take the professional classification of traditional games, hunters should belong to the "assassin" category.

Perhaps because of his character limitations, or perhaps because of the limitations of the scene, he hasn't made much use of the hunter's sixth attribute, and he hasn't set many traps for sinners. Instead, he has turned the hunter into a warrior dancing on the tip of a knife.

This also gave Li Huachao a faint sense of urgency in his heart. He could feel that Yu Liang was now almost strong enough to hunt the hostile T1 alienated profession. If a alienated profession with pure combat tendencies was created, wouldn't he? Are you going to retreat from the environment?

But Shuai was different. If he, Li Huachao, was handsome and could put on a show, he felt that with Yu Liang's melancholy character, he would still often put his hunter profession out to show off.

At this time, Lu Baoshen in the universe said straightforwardly: "But you are not handsome at all. I think my [Thousand Skills] field is much more handsome than your turning around."

Li Huachao: "..."

It's bad, in terms of style, it's really like that.

This time Tao was heartbroken.

"Shut up, you don't need it." Li Huachao said angrily.

"My brother knows it, which means I know it." Lu Baoshen's tone was calm, but Li Huachao sounded full of sarcasm.

Li Huachao felt that he was at a disadvantage. He began to worry, why wasn't he a schizophrenic dual personality?

He returned his attention to the monster that was completely embedded in the wall. He had already stabbed nearly three hundred shots, almost "hammering" the monster's waist and abdomen into flesh, but judging from the feedback, this monster Not dead.

The monster's pupils had shrunk as if it was on the verge of death, and the blood hole in its waist and abdomen almost cut it off.

Despite such serious injuries, the monster is still not dead. Its body still has the ups and downs of breathing, as if there is an energy maintaining its life.

No, not dying.

Li Huachao frowned slightly. Judging from his feelings during the previous battle, this monster shouldn't be so weak.

Although in this state, his physical fitness is superior to that of the monster, the monster is by no means incapable of resistance.

Just a few minutes ago, this monster could give him a chasing blow and easily knock him away.

In the previous battle, the monster seemed to be at ease, allowing him to attack.

All the energy of this monster is maintaining the regeneration of the body, so it looks like it is dying. It has almost stopped all its life activities, as if it is performing some kind of turtle breathing technique.

So this monster is letting loose now?

Why do this?

Li Huachao had a vague premonition in his heart. The monster was obviously not a jerk, so the possibility of being beaten passively just now was very simple. That is, it was waiting for an opportunity, or this kind of beating could actually improve its strength.

At the same time, ice crystals began to condense on the monster's body. The white ice crystals covered the monster's body in a few seconds, completely wrapping it. After a while, the monster was frozen into a whole block of ice. Through the translucent ice, Chu could see the monster lying quietly inside.

"Is it shedding its skin?" Yu Liang noticed something was wrong with the monster's condition and made a guess.

Just as he said, the monster was peeling off the skin on the surface of its body, exposing the inner skin.


Wait, the monster is a person?

Li Huachao's eyes widened immediately. This development was something he had not expected at all.

He thrust his spear toward the ice, but found that the ice was very thick and strong. With the sharpness and strength of his spear, it was completely unable to penetrate.

"Hey, the moon outside is covered by dark clouds again, and Fairy Girl is coming up soon." The adventurer checked Fairy Girl's room again and made sure nothing was missing before he ran out again and said to Li Huachao, "Let's go first. If you don't leave, I might leave." No more."

He had already taken away everything he could get from the "treasure box" through the door, and there were still some paper people and talisman strings that he didn't dare to take out.

Obviously, there are a large number of mechanisms and guards inside Xiangu's room. Thanks to his ability to open treasure boxes from a distance, he can directly take away the treasures in the room. Otherwise, the intruder who opens the door of Xiangu's room will definitely die.

The adventurer has no doubt about Xiangu's background, and her trump card should be more than that.

The only reason why there are so few guards in the corridor outside is that there is nothing to guard outside. In fact, this is exactly the case. The adventurer didn't find anything good in the living room, otherwise he wouldn't have destroyed the table. The legs were broken and taken away together.

But this table is indeed a good thing.

Adventurers can predict that if someone dares to open the door to the fairy aunt's bedroom...

He will definitely die.

When he just reached in and touched it, he touched a lot of terrifying mechanisms and props. Thanks to his hand actually entering the inside of the treasure box in the form of embodied energy, otherwise his hand would have been smashed to pieces.

"Okay." Li Huachao agreed, then took out a few metal spoons, synthesized several hidden animal traps and threw them on the edge of the ice.

It’s not yet known when the monster (human) in the ice will come out, but it’s always good to hinder its pace.

While doing all this, he randomly sown some bear traps on the ground in the corridor and in the room to be on guard against the sudden appearance of the Fairy Girl.

His bear trap has a very high priority. As long as the bear trap is stepped on, people or monsters below the root monster talk will be forcibly restrained for a period of time.

The adventurer took out a gray crystal stone from the inventory, and after observing it for a moment, he came to the conclusion: "Sure enough, the energy produced here is this kind of energy."

He recalled the gray energy that was continuously emitted when the fairy was chasing him, and judged that the gray energy came from here.

The gray energy in Xiangu's hands has both defensive and offensive functions, and is very versatile.

In the state of being possessed by gray energy, his attacks could not break the fairy's defense at all. No matter whether it was characters or physical cold weapons, they could not break the defense. At most, they could only consume her gray energy.

The adventurer originally thought that the gray energy was stored by the fairy in advance, but seeing that the fairy showed no signs of saving, he vaguely guessed that the gray energy seemed to be endless, and it was related to the fairy's professional ability.

This also made him realize how scary Fairy Girl is. With the continuous flow of gray energy, ordinary players cannot harm Fairy Girl at all, let alone Fairy Girl has other means.

But it's a little better now. Due to his occupation of this area, the gray energy produced in this area will run to him, and the fairy girl will also cut off its source.

It's just that when he leaves this area and Xiangu enters this area, he will lose the "right to occupy" this area after a period of time, so this occupation does not have much other than providing him with information on the conditions for defeating Xiangu. There are many other uses.

"What do you mean? Tell me." Li Huachao saw the gray crystal in the adventurer's hand and thought about what the adventurer just said, and couldn't help but ask.

So the adventurer briefly told Li Huachao what he had discovered. Li Huachao touched his chin and made a shocking suggestion: "How about killing the fairy here?"

He still has about forty seconds left in his Hulk state, and it seems that Fairy Girl will be back soon, so he will wait for an opportunity while Fairy Girl has no body-protecting fairy energy, and kill him with one blow...

Fairy Girl doesn't know what's going on here, or even that he's here. With this kind of information gap, isn't now the best hunting opportunity?

Hunt a target that is far stronger than yourself.

Li Huachao felt that all the muscles in his body were heating up and trembling. The excitement of hunting penetrated his mind, making his blood gradually boil.



In the universe, Yu Liang and Lu Mingzhe's decision-making is also very simple.

You can give it a try.

If you want to assassinate the fairy, now is indeed the best opportunity. More importantly, they are not the bait, but the executors.

The fairy aunt only knew that the adventurer ran away to her house. She probably wouldn't have too much precautions against another person in the house, and he was planning to let Li Huachao hide in the mirror world for a surprise attack.

He still remembered that there was a mirror facing the door in Xiangu's living room...

Hey, where's the mirror?

Yu Liang was stunned.

"Take out the mirror." Li Huachao looked around, then looked at the adventurer with a dark face.

He remembered that everything in the living room was in the adventurer's snakeskin bag.

"What to do?" The adventurer was full of questions, but he still took out the mirror from his snakeskin bag.

Li Huachao set up the mirror, but after looking carefully, he still felt that the appearance of the mirror was a bit unexpected.

After all, there is almost nothing in the living room, except for this mirror, which is facing the door. If the fairy is not stupid, she will definitely take precautions.

So he looked around and placed the mirror next to the door, blocking the fairy girl's visual blind spot.

In this case, the fairy would not be able to see the mirror when she was standing at the door, and when she walked into the living room, Li Huachao could launch a surprise attack behind her.

"Try hunting Fairy Girl. Fairy Girl can calculate the direction. You may not be able to escape if you run." Li Huachao said, his voice showing a rare calmness.

He must get into the state quickly. If he faces the fairy with a careless attitude, he will die miserably.

"That's right, but save your life first." The adventurer nodded, and then threw a pill the size of a pigeon egg to him without hesitation, "Here, I only have two pills to save my life. With these things, I can survive." Give it a try.”

After saying this, he was about to jump out of the window and run away with the snakeskin bag on his back. That was all he could do. He was not prepared to wade into this muddy water.

After all, he is just an adventurer, he cannot transform into the Hulk, and he has no actual fighting ability.

"No, we are the ones who give it a try." Li Huachao immediately grabbed the adventurer. This was the best bait. He couldn't let him run away.

"Uh." The adventurer sighed. He also guessed what Li Huachao was going to do, so he had to stand still. He was still a little curious about the paper man on Li Huachao's head, so he asked, "Then you let me know. , what’s the use of your paper man?”

"Hide your face, because the fairy said, if you see me again, you will let me die." Li Huachao replied. At the same time, he took out two grass babies, while Yu Liang took out several other grass babies from the universe. A grass baby with insulting skills.

Obviously, Li Huachao only has one chance. If this is the case, let the probability of success of this chance increase to infinity.

Stack the buff first.

"Come on." Li Huachao looked at the Cao Ying insult team in front of him and gave the order to activate the ability.

So a few grass babies thought for a moment and started to attack mentally:

"Orphan stuff!"

"Li Huachao is going with the wind, Yu Xiaolang is going against the wind, Lu Mingzhe is in desperate situation, who do you think you are?"

"A rookie who only knows how to play the downwind game!"

"You look really ugly when you fight. You look like a dog in such a miserable state, haha."

"You don't know anything except close combat. When Yu Liang finishes creating a real warrior profession, you will definitely be locked up in the dark room until you die."

"That's not the case. Then I can just throw it into the zoo and retire."

"Where did you come from? Go back to where you came from!"

Li Huachao: "..."

He looked at the [angry] effect superimposed on the page due to the loud insults, frowned deeply, and silently clenched his fists.

Okay, I'm actually a little angry right now.

(Watching football, I got up late. I will update Zhuang Wu’s career today.)

martial arts coach

[Martial Body]: All qualities +5, proficiency in all weapons, select a weapon to be extraordinary when professionally mutating. When you use this weapon, it will be easier to hit vital points.

[Zhi Ge]: When your shooting speed is faster than the current hostile close target (one and only one), you can disarm it (only normalized physical weapons, characters, stamps and some special props are not included in this list) ).

[Learning and Teaching]: Players or humanoid monsters who receive your guidance will grow rapidly. As the strength of the teachee increases, your understanding of the teaching content will deepen, and the chance of enlightenment will increase slightly.

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