The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 224 Fairy Girl: Stepping on the sky, driving away thunder and lightning

At this moment, "Zhi", who has no compulsive numbers, is still outputting his own cognition.

The little raccoon is also repeating "Zhi" words: "The rules mastered by Kaitan are essentially not high or low, but they are for each other. There are still differences in the display of abilities. For example, some abilities can more easily cause chaos between heaven and earth. Vision, some abilities are easier to kill other creatures on a large scale, while some abilities can only drag people into dreams, and then transform dreams to feed themselves. So in the eyes of creatures like humans, the former is naturally stronger than the latter. "

Naturally, Yu Liang could hear the vague complacency in "Zhi"'s words. She seemed keen to find out the differences between herself and other root monsters, in order to prove that she was the stronger one.

He could already imagine the scene. "Zhi" said these words in the same calm tone as usual, but the meaning of the words was to elevate himself intentionally or unintentionally, and there was a faint sense of boasting.

This is also a rare time when "Zhi" reveals his true emotions, so this also means that "Zhi" really cares about these things.

According to what she said, the strength of the root monster is actually about the same, so her concern is equivalent to trying to find a stronger aspect among a group of millionaires with similar assets, so she can only Criticize other people's appearance, height, physical fitness and other slightly irrelevant things.

So even though "Zhi" seems so cold, he actually still has a little inferiority complex deep inside?

Also, as a source of ghost talk, she was trapped in a zoo by humans. She had the ability to transform but was unable to transform into a human form. In the end, she even needed another human to help her escape from the sea of ​​suffering.

Well, it's a bit embarrassing indeed.

Looking at it this way, Yu Liang suddenly understood why "Zhi" kept emphasizing this kind of thing.

Of course, he only dared to complain in his heart and did not dare to say it openly.

Thinking about it, based on the existence of the "last season" setting, the root ghost story must have existed much longer ago, but it just did not appear in the public eye.

The original idea of ​​those origin ghost stories should not be to cause large-scale panic. It is probably similar to the rabbit-shaped god. It only needs to create a small amount of death and killing.

It wasn't until a certain period of time that a concentrated outbreak occurred in Forgotten City, which allowed some weird things to appear in front of human beings unscrupulously.

And when all the source monsters failed to react, someone else guided the spread of "its" ability, causing the entire Forgotten City to disappear into the human world, turning the Forgot City into a breeding ground for source monster stories.

So the source ghost talkers will probably all hate the confused "Zhi" treasure, right?

After all, it was an outsider who "made" Wangcheng disappear and directly turned over the table, causing the population of Wangcheng to drop sharply and become the current situation of few monks and many monks, but she herself escaped and ran outside Wangcheng. .

Yu Liang felt inexplicably that if he entered Wangcheng with "Zhi" on him, it would most likely be a situation where "everyone shouts for beatings"...

These were all sins "it" had done in the past, and the source ghost story has an endless lifespan, how could it be forgotten?

I always feel like I'm carrying a scourge.

Yu Liang sighed in his heart and couldn't help but postpone the plan to explore Wangcheng again.

There is no division of strength between the source monsters, but it is also difficult to "one-to-many", let alone protect Yu Liang, who is still a human in this situation.

He wrote down what she said, and there were a lot of secrets about the source of the ghost stories. This information was impossible for normal players to understand.

The rules and capabilities possessed by the root monsters are equal, but there should be a vague restraint relationship between them.

For example, the ability of "Zhi" can exert a certain restraint on the "faith" of the moon. The "faith" of the moon relies on the ability to draw merit points from people, monsters, and corpses. However, "Zhi" can forcibly cut off the moon and these beliefs. The connection between them turns the moon into a polished commander, thus achieving the purpose of weakening the moon.

However, the same method may not be of much use this time, because a new moon "Suspicion" is born here. "Suspicion" directly devours humans to gain power, and does not rely on real-time merit value enshrinement, so think again If we follow the same method as last time to solve the root cause of the ghost story, I'm afraid it won't make any sense.

The current situation is obvious. There are difficulty differences between the dungeons, but there is no intensity division between the root ghost stories. This shows that the difficulty is reflected in other aspects.

For example, in the first dungeon, "It" itself wants to go out. It even arranged its own way and took shape with the hands of the player, but it was limited by the rules and could not explain it clearly.

The strange story about the origin of the second copy has not yet taken shape, so we won’t mention it for now.

The mathematician in the third copy still retains his humanity in his three-dimensional part and can't help but yearn for a normal human life. However, his four-dimensional part is often out of his control and will unconsciously peek and follow those living in the third and fourth dimensions. The residents of the building between the buildings are driven by a strong possessive desire to make these residents lose themselves in the four-dimensional space, or lead them to become monsters.

As for the rabbit-shaped god, he is basically just a background. Apart from appearing at the last moment and providing a full copy of the biggest difficulty, he basically has nothing to do.

The core source ghost stories in these dungeons are not completely opposed to human players, and in some cases they will even help players in turn. This is why Yu Liang can solve these root ghost stories relatively easily.

So, the subsequent dungeons with higher difficulty are actually because the root ghost story has more malice towards human beings?

It is possible that creatures like human beings will suddenly feel the intensity of the line increase if the source monsters show more malice.

Or maybe there are more origin ghost stories and the relationship is more complicated, just like now, there are twin moons in one copy, and humans can only survive in the gap between the moons as "nutrients".

Yu Liang opened the stamp bar and took a look. The one with the [Original] stamp was on, which meant that he was now in a usable state.

He had already obtained contact with "the" source of the ghost story, so he summoned her projection when the conditions were met.

As for the sacrifices...

"So what exactly is the sacrifice? I'm not going to sacrifice the dog to you, right?" Yu Liang asked in his heart.

"Sacrifice Lu Mingzhe?" Li Huachao in the universe refused after hearing this, "Don't do this, brother Lu Mingzhe is very good."

Lu Mingzhe: "..."

Do you have any self-perception disorder?

Li Huachao continued: "Without Lu Mingzhe, there would be no point in sneaking out to play in the middle of the night. Sister, don't you think so?"

And these words seemed to really make "Zhi" think, and he was suddenly in a dilemma.

After a long time, the little raccoon replied on his behalf: "The rules are restricted and cannot be changed at will, but for your sake, she can open some backdoors for you. She only needs to use high-quality killings as sacrifices, and she can follow The breath of death is coming.”

"What is high-quality killing?" Yu Liang was puzzled.

"Lao Du, Lu Xing." The little raccoon mentioned two names.

"Probably a powerful player with an alienated profession?" Yu Liang analyzed some similarities.

The little raccoon agreed: "That's right."

"Okay." Yu Liang nodded.

On the other side, Li Huachao in the universe started to brag: "Look, this is for my sake. Sure enough, going out for a walk every day... going for a walk with him every day is very useful."

Lu Baoshen repeated in confusion: "What did you say just now?"

Li Huachao: "Shut up."

"Assist." Yu Liang glanced at the seal again, feeling something was wrong in his heart.

The description of the stamp states that the stamp can only be used once in a round of dungeons, but this stamp has been used in the last reincarnation. Why can it be used again now?

Is it because of "faith" going back in time?


"It" is all subject to the control of the seal, which means that the priority of the seal is essentially higher than that of the source monster, so why is it still affected by the ability of the source monster?

Why does he feel that there are still some doubts in this?

Forget it, I still can't figure it out now, so let it go for now and just be more cautious in the future.

So far, he has basically understood what happened in the last reincarnation.

Xu Cixi died on October 11th. She had no memory of October 11th, and most of their exploration of the truth focused on this day, so Xu Cixi’s body and much of the information he said were Wrong.

Including waiting until October 15th to allow all players to go out together, these are all deceptions designed by the moon in this copy.

Yu Liang looked at the copper basin with a scale at the end of his bed and continued to ask: "So what is this? Have you used this kind of thing last time?"

"No, I don't know, but she said this thing has the scent of Fairy Girl on it." The little raccoon's reply came quickly.

It paused and then said: "And be careful of that fairy girl. Just now when you were in the room on the fourteenth floor, 'she' sensed the breath of the adventurer."

"Adventurer?" Yu Liang was puzzled, "Is he related to Fairy Girl? Or is he a part of Fairy Girl?"

The little raccoon denied Yu Liang's association: "No, there is a folded space. The adventurer is at the other end of that space. You can understand it as a mirror. You are on the reality side of the mirror, and he is on the mirror side of the mirror. From From the moment you step onto the fourteenth floor, the entire space is under her control."

"So the adventurer is really trapped there?" Yu Liang was surprised.

Li Huachao said angrily: "Why can he stay alone and start a small stove? It's not fair! Yu Liang, hurry up and follow me back!"

"I don't know, you left too soon." The little raccoon replied. He was a little tired from helping "Zhi" convey so many words, but he didn't dare to show any dissatisfaction.

After all, this "it" can be said to have the power of life and death. It only depends on her thoughts to live or die.

"Okay." Yu Liang was also helpless. He didn't know what he could do for the adventurers. The most he could do was let the adventurers seek their own happiness.

However, he felt that there should be no problem with the adventurer. After all, he, a guy who fought against Xiangu for a long time, had successfully walked out of Xiangu's territory. The adventurer hadn't done anything more outrageous than him, right?

As long as you don't tease Fairy Girl, nothing will happen.

Oh, Li Huachao also teased her, so that’s okay.

Suddenly, the little raccoon said quickly: "Wait a minute, the breath of the moon outside is getting weaker."

"Huh?" Yu Liang did not look out the window. He also noticed that the depressive aura that had always lingered around him was quickly dissipating.

He carefully looked in the direction of the window sill. He did not look directly out the window, but looked from the ground.

The white moonlight on the ground is receding, leaving the room little by little.

Soon, it became dark outside the window, and there was no longer a trace of moonlight shining in.




This sudden change not only shocked Yu Liang, but also shocked all the players who were still awake in the dungeon.

But some of them were not as careful as Yu Liang. They came directly to the window and looked at the sky.

The sky was covered with dark clouds at some point. These thick clouds covered the moon in the sky, allowing darkness to once again cover the community.

After Yu Liang used a small piece of paper to confirm that there was no moon in the sky, he slowly walked to the window and looked out the window.

This dark cloud also shocked him, but from his perspective, there was another thing that shocked him even more.

The woman in white from heaven.

He saw a figure flying out of his building and falling into the black night sky, like a moving white ferret in the black mud.

Fairy aunt?

Yu Liang recognized this woman and was immediately surprised.

Did she summon this dark cloud?

To cover the moon in the sky?

So what is she going to do?

Yu Liang knew that this kind of means that could block the strange talk about the source of heaven must be very scarce, and often very restrictive.

The most critical point is that this shielding is definitely only temporary.

So what on earth is she going to do when the moon is temporarily offline?

Yu Liang's eyes closely followed the fairy girl flying like a fairy in the sky. She chose the direction of an apartment building and quickly floated there.

That is……

A building opposite.

Yu Liang wrote down the location of the building, and before he could think about what was in that building, he saw a bolt of lightning burst out from Xian Gu's hand and hit a certain room in that building from a distance.


The surprise in his heart could no longer be described by ordinary words. The lightning shot from Fairy Girl's fingertips pierced the sky, making the entire community briefly bright.

The next second, this surprise turned into confusion.

No, are you serious about Guaitan World?

If you are a Taoist priest by profession, then you really have to give Lei Fa, right?


Yu Liang reacted quickly, and he immediately understood that this was not a thunder method, but the character "Thunder"!

It’s the “Thunder” character that almost ignores distance restrictions!

Against the backdrop of the dark night, he looked as domineering as Lei Fa.

Before lightning struck a certain room, a man wearing bear pajamas suddenly jumped out of the window. He barely avoided the "thunder" character shot down from high altitude, then grabbed the window sill a few floors below and scurried into the building.

Obviously, he didn't want to have any conflict with Fairy Girl in the wild, as that would only make him a living target.

Yu Liangzhong, who could barely see who it was, was even more confused.



What the hell did you do?

Do you want the fairy to step on the void, drive thunder and lightning to kill you?

Why did this copy suddenly become a fantasy fairy?

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