The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 220 Just seeking immortality.

There's something not right about this room.

This is Lu Mingzhe’s intuitive feeling.

The first is the mirror.

Looking directly in from the wide open door, you are facing a large mirror.

Lu Mingzhe could not see his own reflection in this mirror, probably because this body belonged to Yu Liang, and he also inherited the trait of "no mirror image" from Yu Liang.

Now, even Lu Mingzhe, who doesn't know much about Feng Shui, understands that this kind of room layout where you face the mirror as soon as you enter the door is definitely not normal.

His eyes passed through the woman in white and fell on the window behind the woman in white.

The window was wide open, but he did not see the moon.

According to the previous judgment, the windows of this apartment building faced the west, and the "suspect" at this time happened to be in the western sky, so he should see the moon.

There is only moonlight, no moon.

Is it because the moon has disappeared from the sky?

The woman in white just now flew in directly from outside, and she didn't seem to worry about being noticed by the moon.

No, no.

Lu Mingzhe stretched out his hand and felt the breeze flowing between his fingers.

He still remembered that when he was in the funeral parlor, there was a candle next to each corpse, and the candle's light seemed to be...

Heading towards the west?

In other words, the wind came from the east, but now the direction of the wind is completely opposite!

Lu Mingzhe realized something and said to Yu Liang in the universe: "Just open the Brave One, don't worry!"

His brows were knitted tightly, as if he remembered something, and he said to Yu Liang: "Also, don't turn around, the moon is behind you."

"Moon?" Yu Liang switched back, and while opening the seal [Brave One], he felt a little chill in his heart.

The moon is behind me?

What's the meaning?

The next second, a cool power was injected into his mind, and the world in his eyes began to change subtly.

The breeze blew in his face, and Yu Liang stood on the semi-open corridor, filled with surprise.

This floor had been significantly renovated. The location he was on was not a normal corridor, but a balcony.

The positions of the balcony and the corridor were switched and completely opposite!

Xiangu removed the balcony railings of each house, connected them with cement, and then built semi-enclosed corridor walls.

Yu Liang looked towards the window opposite where the fairy girl was, and he saw the demolished wall behind the window.

There were originally no windows there, but the door and corridor of the apartment. The fairy had to dismantle them and dismantle them into the current intuitive window appearance.

This can also explain how Fairy Lady was able to fly in through the "window", because there was originally a corridor, but it was broken into windows, but there must still be a way, and you only need to simply walk through it.

It's just that the visual effect is like a fairy in white clothes from the sky descending to earth.


Why did she do this?

Yu Liang was puzzled, searching for the answer to this question in his mind.

The windows of this building originally faced the west, but now they have been changed so that the newly opened windows face the east, and the "door" where he is located faces the west.

In other words, the "doubt" at this time is behind him.

If the fairy had not connected the balconies together and built walls to block them, he might have accidentally seen the moon in the illusion just now.

If what he saw was "faith", then it would be fine. At most, it was borrowing some power of "faith" to cause time to go back. But what is behind him now is "doubt".

He who looks "doubt" in the eye will die.

It can be said that he almost died just now without realizing it.

The illusion created by the fairy...

So terrible.

And Yu Liang was not sure what the fairy's attitude was towards him at this time, because if the fairy had just transformed the illusion and made him fall from a tall building or accidentally "see" the moon, he would probably really die.

Is it because I can't do it or because I don't want to do it?

Yu Liang couldn't help but have questions in his mind.

The two choices are completely different, which represent the two attitudes of the fairy towards him.

There was no answer to this question, but the answer to another question appeared in Yu Liang's mind.

There is a problem with the layout of this room.

The bottom of the room is rectangular, narrow in front and wide in back, and the ceiling is curved. It is a typical "coffin house". Living in it for a long time will definitely shorten your life and make everything unsuitable.

There is a full-length mirror when you enter the door. It is "contradictory" in the Feng Shui pattern, and strange things often happen in the room.

The most critical thing is the orientation of the portal.

The original door was on the northeast side, but now the layout has been changed so that the door is on the southwest side and the windows are on the northeast side.

The entrance door faces the southwest, gathering evil spirits.

The southwest is the location of the Ghost Gate, and the gate faces the southwest. The pattern corresponds to the Ghost Gate. Over time, the southwest gate became the place where evil spirits were raised.

Each of these layouts is a taboo in Feng Shui. If it was designed by an ordinary person, Yu Liang would not have any objections, because ordinary people may not understand this aspect at all. After all, he himself only wrote some folklore novels. Will understand the general Feng Shui pattern.

But Xiangu is different.

She is a Taoist priest. How could a Taoist priest not understand these most basic Feng Shui patterns?

It can only explain that the pattern she planned was something that Yu Liang couldn't understand at all. There was a generational difference in their cognitive levels, which led to such a situation.

"Oh, I actually broke free. It's really good." The woman in white didn't feel angry when she saw that Yu Liang hadn't answered her. She didn't seem to feel any offense. A pair of eyes as deep as an ancient pool looked at Yu Liang's body. Looking at it, as if he wanted to completely remember Yu Liang, who he had never met, in his heart, "Since you are here, sit down."

She walked to the cabinet in the room and took out two cups and a can of tea.

Wash the cup, scald the pot, wash the tea, make low foam, and finally place the inverted tea cup near Yu Liang on the table. After doing all this, the woman in white said leisurely: "If you are not used to it, you don't have to drink it." .”

And Yu Liang also felt that this woman did not show any murderous intention, at least there was no murderous intention now, so he felt relieved and walked into the house.

If this woman is the fairy, then the fairy should also know that he has a source of ghost stories, so she will not try to kill him in this face-to-face situation.

"Are you a fairy?" Yu Liang asked, standing in front of the table without touching the cup of tea.

The woman filled the tea cup in front of her and drank it all in one gulp.

She did not follow the tea art that Yu Liang knew, and regarded drinking tea as a formal thing. She even forgot the etiquette when she poured tea for Yu Liang just now.

If she is like a well-educated lady when she is pouring tea for others, then when she is drinking tea, she is like a Liangshan hero who is drinking heavily from a sea bowl.

This gave Yu Liang a special feeling——

I know more about etiquette than you do, but I don't bother to abide by it all the time.

Yu Liang could see that there was a hint of rebellion in this fairy girl.

"If you are referring to the fairy on the phone, then I am." The fairy lowered her head and poured another cup of tea, and drank it in one gulp, "My surname is Lin, you can call me Lin Xiangu, tell me, who are you? Why did you come territory?"

"Me? I'm just a passing adventurer." Yu Liang replied without thinking, and then introduced himself, "My name is Ren'an."

After saying this, he switched out Li Huachao.

There is no other reason.

If anyone present could take the top spot in the Adventurer Playing Competition, it would be Li Huachao.

At the same time, he was also observing the fairy's face.

If Xiangu can tap his cell phone, she should know that the adventurer Ren'an should be the person next to him.

But now Xiangu didn't seem to have any special reaction to his words, which meant that Xiangu didn't have the ability to eavesdrop on his mobile phone.

"As for why I came to your territory..." Li Huachao, who had just switched out, was still a little confused, so he pondered for two seconds, and suddenly said affectionately, "Before this, I didn't know why, but here After that, everything made sense to me.”

Lin Xiangu: "..."

How come you have goosebumps all over your body despite being a half-immortal?

"I am an adventurer. For those of you who are adventurous all day long, I can open a treasure map." Li Huachao continued, "The treasure map can help me find the biggest treasure in this dungeon, and when I come here When I saw you, I understood that you are mine..."

"Pa—" Lin Xiangu put down the tea cup in her hand with force, and the bottom of the cup hit the table with a crisp sound. This also stopped Li Huachao's subsequent words and made Li Huachao lock his neck involuntarily.

"Don't gossip." Lin Xiangu waved her hand, "Don't come to the fourteenth floor again. I have a formation here. If you break in at will, you will only lose your life."

Her voice was also quite cold: "If we meet next time, I won't hold back anymore."

"Next time we meet? Let's talk about it when you recognize me next time." Li Huachao muttered in a low voice. He said this deliberately, so his voice was controlled to a level that Lin Xiangu could hear.

There was no other reason, but he naturally wanted Lin Xiangu to be wary of him.

What he said just now sounds like he is saying that he, Ren'an, has the ability to disguise himself, and he might not know what I will look like next time we meet.

As for why he disclosed such inexplicable information, it was naturally to trick the real adventurer.

Li Huachao also knew that the guy's personality was somewhat similar to his own, so he wanted to ask Lin Xiangu to think about it.

Li Huachao has enough IQ in terms of tricking people and causing trouble.

Anyway, this Lin Xiangu seems to be incapable of eavesdropping, so she probably doesn't know that he is not a real adventurer.

Lin Xiangu seemed to have heard these words, so she raised her eyes and looked at Li Huachao.

Li Huachao stared straight at her and couldn't help but sigh in her heart.

How could she be an old woman in her fifties or sixties with such a face?

Is it possible that all those who practice Taoism are so good at keeping their appearance?

And when he saw that Lin Xiangu had no intention of harming him, he got up even harder and said with a playful smile, "I still have some things I want to ask the fairy sister."

"You can only ask three questions." Lin Xiangu felt a little helpless when she saw this. She felt that this player was a bit inexplicable, completely different from the players she had seen before, and even different from the player she had seen in the previous three minutes. .

When they first met, he was obviously cautious and uneasy, but now he suddenly became glib.

It's just like……

Once you regain your senses, your true colors are revealed?

The contrast between the front and back is a bit big, which is a very special feeling.

In the universe, Yu Liang asked Lu Mingzhe: "Is there anything I can ask?"

Lu Mingzhe thought for a while and said: "She should know that you are the person who just asked her about the moon ghost story, and you are also the person who hides the source of the ghost story. It is just that you may not know your true occupation and methods, because you are not completely fascinated by the moon. Eat, I guess the nameplate will only be generated in the funeral parlor when you are 'suspected' of eating, and you were next to the funeral parlor at that time. After recovering, you entered the funeral parlor immediately and took away the nameplate with occupation. She It’s probably too late to know your true occupation.”

"It makes sense." Yu Liang nodded. Lu Mingzhe said such a long paragraph, and the meaning was very simple.

It is very possible that Fairy Aunt didn't know him that well. She didn't know Yu Liang's profession, so she couldn't effectively guard against Yu Liang's professional abilities.

Of course, even if you know it, it will be difficult to prevent it. After all, Yu Liang has more than just the ability of a writer.

Just as the two were discussing how to use these three questions to solve their doubts, Li Huachao asked directly: "Okay, then the first question is...sister, what is your name?"

He originally wanted to ask about his age or body measurements, but after thinking about it, he still felt it was a bit impolite. Li Huachao felt that now was not the time to anger Lin Xiangu, so he asked a more normal question.

"My name? You can't say it." Lin Xiangu shook her head. Of course she couldn't say it.

She is well-informed and naturally knows that some people's alienated professions can perform targeted curses based on just one name. Although this kind of curse will not be too powerful, it is still a trouble.

And she doesn't like trouble.

"Eh? How could you not answer truthfully?" Li Huachao was stunned. This was beyond his expectation.

"Of course, I just said that you can ask three questions, but I didn't say that I will answer truthfully." Lin Xiangu nodded and continued, "Now you have one question left."

Yu Liang: "..."

Lu Mingzhe: "..."

Li Huachao, do you want to see what you are doing?

Li Huachao, who heard Lin Xiangu's words, also shut her mouth tightly and stopped asking questions, waiting for the two people in the universe to come up with the last question.

After a while, Li Huachao repeated the words of the two of them and asked: "If one person is one point, how many points are there left to reach the harmony of the moon?"

According to what the fairy said before, "Doubt" and "Faith" are one positive and one negative. When their scores reach 0, reconciliation can be completed.

"There are still one hundred and forty-three points left." Lin Xiangu smiled, her smile without any warmth. At this moment, she became the "fairy aunt" again, facing the killing without even a trace of hesitation or guilt.

Human life is just a cold number.

She continued: "You should be lucky that you will not be my target. You are too troublesome. It is much more difficult to get your score than others, but there is no difference between the scores."

"Those who died..." Li Huachao seemed to want to say something else.

Lin Xiangu interrupted him with more concise words: "I'm just asking for immortality."

Just seeking longevity.

This is the ultimate goal.

Only by reaching the realm of the root can we achieve true immortality.

Or maybe it's called...


(This book will not be distorted into a book about cultivating immortals. The protagonist has his own system and path. It’s just that in the mouths of special professions, the root ghost story will have different names.)

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