The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 218 Glitter Minced Meat Snowman

"Is it done?" In the grocery store, the adventurer asked as he looked at Yu Liang coming out of the warehouse.

"Yes." Yu Liang nodded and took the mobile phone handed over by the adventurer.

Before entering the warehouse, he gave his mobile phone to the adventurer for safekeeping, because he did not want these conversations to be eavesdropped by the fairy.

Yu Liang and the masked man signed a share-sharing contract, and for every grass baby sold, the masked man would receive a fifth of the commission.

The share ratio was not high, and Yu Liang even felt that he had made a lot of money. After all, the masked man needed to provide the growth hormone and reproductive hormone needed by the grass babies. These things looked very high-end and expensive at first glance.

If it could not be diluted hundreds of times, the value of these growth hormones and reproductive hormones would far exceed the value of Cao Ying itself.

And his grass baby business cannot be separated from these special hormones. If he waits for the grass babies to slowly reproduce and grow by themselves, then he doesn't know how long it will take to breed enough grass babies to sell the grass babies. Go to other copies of Kaitan.

With such a technical investment, Yu Liang even felt that the masked man got less share, and the money made him feel a little uncomfortable.

Originally, he was going to use the masked man's grocery store to promote Cao Ying Coins among the players, but Yu Liang was already ready to make a profit. After all, the masked man wouldn't look down on him at all if the money was small.

The final result was beyond Yu Liang's expectation.

In this case, the masked man can't make much from the Cao Ying project, right?

Yu Liang thought about it carefully and felt that it was quite refreshing.

If the partner earns less, doesn’t that mean he earns more?

When he earned enough Cao Ying coins, he directly bought all the products accumulated in the masked man's warehouse.

These overstocked goods just cannot be sold, but they are not useless.

If you leave it to Li Huachao, maybe some new ideas will come up.

Then the next task is to expand the scale of breeding in reality. The next time he enters the dungeon, he wants to try to bring five hundred to one thousand grass babies.

After all, he left more males and females before entering the dungeon this time, and the number of grass babies born in the next round will be much higher than this time.

At least some grass babies must be prepared to sell to other dungeons. It cannot be the same as this time. The grass babies brought may only be enough for the players in this dungeon.

Yu Liang was very satisfied. This feeling of prosperity, stability and improvement was not bad.

It's a pity that he still has to face this copy of the ghost story.

Only by surviving better can we steadily advance these plans.

Perhaps this was also the idea of ​​the masked man. He didn't want to make too much in the early stage, just so that Yu Liang could get some.

Only by becoming stronger can we survive better in the world of ghost stories, and only by surviving as partners can we bring more long-term benefits.

He is so gentle, I cry to death.

"I just opened the treasure map. This building probably hasn't been explored by too many people yet, so there are still a lot of hidden supernatural props. How about we go take a look together?" The adventurer shook his hand. Treasure Map, suggested, "I'll go back to sleep after just two hours of shopping. The harvest tonight is not bad."

He took out two grass babies from the monster pen and put them at his feet. The two grass babies on all fours were spinning around his feet. They were very different from normal grass babies. They looked a little different. Neither is quiet, but seems to have ADHD.

"Okay, let's go and have a look." Yu Liang did not refuse. He happened to also want to understand how the adventurer's treasure map worked, and perhaps observe the adventurer's other skills.

Of course, he was limited to observation and did not think about killing adventurers and taking their alienated professions by force.

Yu Liang still has a moral bottom line. It is impossible for him to kill people at will just for the sake of alienating his profession, whether it is an adventurer who gets along well with him or a stranger passerby.

He does not reject killing, but [Creation] can only be the benefits incidental to killing. There must be a reason for him to kill anyone, and this reason must not be to activate [Creation].

It seems that [Creation] is still a passive skill. He has to wait for others to actively provoke him before he chooses to kill others.

Yu Liang laughed at himself in his heart.

It's a pity that he is not in some novel about pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger. There are no gangsters here who are looking for trouble, and he does not have a female companion who is like a "beautiful woman" who constantly attracts the covetousness of the young master of the family.

However, Yu Liang did not have any plans, he had already been prepared in his heart.

Fairy aunt.

This alienated profession is obviously the first choice.

Yu Liang doesn't mind getting a female-oriented profession. He is still very interested in Taoist priests and wizards, which are alienated professions that tend to be more mysterious.

Not to mention that you can also get a full set of characters and props from Fairy Girl. Taking away all the wealth of an old guy who has been around for decades can basically be said to be a wave of fat, which is equivalent to him directly getting a new alienated profession with full resources. Once [created] and approved, it can be put into use directly.

The process of development is eliminated, and it can be put into use immediately after creation. This is what Yu Liang believes is the most perverted aspect of the alienated profession of "writer".

However, after he thought about it, it actually made sense.

The professional characteristic of a writer is the [universe], which can accommodate monsters and scenes, create characters and put them into the universe, and then generate stories in the universe.

This kind of professional ability can obviously express the connotation of the writer's profession better than "creating words" or "generating word characters".

As for the characters written by a writer, only the protagonist may have his own complete growth process. When other supporting characters or main supporting characters appear in the story, will readers know the detailed process of these characters growing up to where they are today?

Obviously not.

Besides Xiangu, Qin Haijian's profession "blasting engineer" is his second choice.

Qin Haijian is the protagonist in the "Player Game". His body is trapped in a dream, but Yu Liang found his nameplate in the funeral parlor. The occupation on the nameplate is "blasting engineer", which is the same as Qin Haijian's body major. The content is irrelevant.

Therefore, Yu Liang suspected that "Qin Haijian" in the dungeon was the faceless man in the dream mentioned in Qin Haijian's diary. The faceless man also ran out of the dream, and most likely learned about the content related to the players in the dungeon, so he chose He changed his job and made "blasting engineer" his new profession.

However, Qin Haijian's body also appeared in the funeral parlor, which made Yu Liang unsure whether this guy was dead or not.

According to the plot development ideas of normal novels, such a character with a lot of descriptions has a special identity as a faceless man in dreams. How could such a character die so inexplicably?

However, this is not a novel, this situation is really possible.

In the eyes of the fairy, maybe the faceless man in the dream is just a special kind of "demon".

"Let's go." The adventurer unfolded the graffiti treasure map that only he could understand, "Let's go to the 14th floor first."

"Let's go." Yu Liang did not refuse, and he followed closely behind the adventurer.

Under his strong request, the adventurer finally chose not to take the elevator, but walked into the stairs with Yu Liang.

Yu Liang felt that there was no need for him to take risks in the elevator. He would not gain anything like "adventure value" by taking risks, so why should he ask for trouble?

However, this behavior also made the adventurer a little confused. He felt that his friend seemed to have changed. Now he didn't even dare to take the elevator, but wasn't their first meeting in the elevator?

Very strange.

After walking into the stairwell, the snowman made of minced meat under the dim light also shocked the adventurer. He observed it for a while before looking away and asked Yu Liang in a low voice, "What are these?"

"Probably the player." Yu Liang also explained in a low voice, "The person in charge of this building is another moon. When the emotion of 'doubt' appears in the human heart, the moonlight will appear and eat him, and the residue spit out will be It’ll be piled up like this.”

"Okay." The adventurer nodded. He stretched out his fingers and smeared a handful of minced meat next to him, looked at it carefully, then put his fingers into his mouth and took a sip, feeling the taste, "It smells salty. , mixed with a faint fishy smell.”

Yu Liang: "??!!"

Did you eat it?

Yu Liang's eyes widened. He didn't expect that the adventurer would do such an unbelievable thing if he didn't pay attention to him.

"Haha." The adventurer burst out laughing when he saw this, and said triumphantly, "I scraped with my index finger and licked my middle finger. Were you cheated?"

Yu Liang: "..."

Don't force me to let Li Huachao out, you really have to eat it when the time comes.

The two of them continued walking up the stairs, and the adventurer gradually got used to the minced meat corpses on both sides of the stairs. He trotted all the way in front, while Yu Liang followed closely behind, and it was a bit difficult to follow.

Just when he was about to switch to Li Huachao to climb the stairs, his ears suddenly caught a strange sound.



He and the adventurer were the only two people in this stairwell, and neither of them was breathing, so where did this sound come from?

Is there anyone else in this corridor?

Yu Liang turned his attention to the minced meat snowmen nearby, or to be precise, to the heads of the minced meat snowmen.

Are these minced meat snowmen alive?

He had some guesses in his mind, but after looking around, he didn't see any signs of movement on the facial muscles of any head.

Not these minced meat snowmen?

The adventurer in front also stopped. He also felt something, and then looked around to find the source of the gasping sound.


Quietly, the door to the stairwell on a certain floor slowly opened, making a long sound.

On the fifth floor!

Yu Liang and the adventurer, who were on the third and fourth floors respectively, looked in which direction at the same time. They saw a polygonal head protruding from the door on the fifth floor. The monster asked in a soft voice: "My Lord Moon... …are you back?"

For a moment, there was a gloomy wind in the stairwell, and the heads piled on the meaty snowmen also showed a gloomy smile.

With just one glance, Yu Liang realized that this guy's gradient level was at least T1, and the yin energy in his body was heavier than any monster he had seen so far.

The monster quickly climbed into the stairwell. It had two faces, one on the left and the other on the same head. There were slender three-section arms on both sides of the body. These arms helped it stick to the wall. Quickly climb down the wall of the building.

high speed.

Yu Liang and the adventurer retracted their heads. They realized at the same time that it was definitely too late to run. So the adventurer made a quick decision and took out a small gadget from his arms. He first scanned it on the minced meat snowman next to him, and then sprayed it on himself again. .

After doing all this, when Yu Liang looked at the adventurer again, he saw a similar minced meat snowman, except that the head piled on the snowman's body was much more flexible, and the eyes were also very smart.

what is that?

Simulate the state of a minced meat snowman?

You squirt too.

The adventurer spoke to Yu Liang with his mouth, then stretched out a small hand made of minced meat and threw the blue bottle towards Yu Liang.

Obviously, he also suggested that Yu Liang use this thing. In his opinion, this was a better choice than escaping directly.

However, the adventurer overestimated his body that turned into a snowman and the flexibility of his little hand, so the blue bottle drew an arc in the air and hit the railing.


The bottle made a crisp sound when it touched the railing, and then bounced back and forth in the stairwell, getting further and further away from Yu Liang.

Yu Liang: "..."

He still extended his hand to the bottle, and for a moment he didn't know what he should do.

The monster had already reached the fourth floor. It turned its back to Yu Liang and began to observe the adventurer. It seemed that it found nothing wrong, so it quickly came downstairs.

"Quick, don't you have a lazy mud stamp? Doesn't the lazy mud look similar to these minced meats? Try changing it, this monster doesn't look very smart." Li Huachao in the universe immediately reminded him, it seemed to be a deliberate move It’s been a long time.

Yu Liang was helpless. There seemed to be no better way now.

For monsters with high gradients, of course you should avoid them if you can, and avoid them if you can. Head-on confrontation is always the next best option.

So he activated the lazy mud stamp, turning his body into a large ball of mud, and piled it up against the wall. At first glance, it looked somewhat similar to those minced meat snowmen.

And the next second he turned into the lazy mud form, the monster climbed to the wall where he was. The two faces looked at Yu Liang who looked a little different at the same time, but after looking at it for a while, there was no difference either. What I found, so I continued downward.

Not long after, the monster finished checking the minced meat snowmen on the first to fifth floors. It opened the door on the second floor and got into the corridor on the second floor.

Yu Liang and the adventurer waited for a long time and finally breathed a sigh of relief after confirming that the monster had left.

The adventurer restored himself to his original state and went downstairs to find Yu Liang. He looked at Yu Liang's appearance with surprise on his face: "You... you can directly transform into them?"

"Almost." Yu Liang released his lazy mud form. Just now he looked like a ball of flesh-colored stinky mud, and his facial features melted on the mud surface, which looked very weird.

"Then why are you different from other meat balls?" The adventurer was like a curious baby, because he thought the state of the meat was quite interesting.


"Sparkling." Yu Liang's words were concise and to the point.

The two of them went up without encountering any monsters. When they were on the fifth floor, Yu Liang also stopped. He noticed that there seemed to be more corpses on both sides than when he went down the stairs before.

There are two more bodies.

In other words, two more players were killed by the moon during this time.

Fairy Girl is still taking action, and she has never stopped making peace.

Yu Liang was confused.


Why has he still not seen other players in this building?

Where did the body come from?

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