The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 213 Comparison of Ancient and Modern Occupations

"Old guys..." Li Huachao repeated in his heart, even he felt faintly uneasy.

How long has Yu Liangcai been in this world of ghost stories?

Two months.

It has been smooth sailing and its strength has stabilized at the level of a T2 player.

This strength can be considered top-notch in any copy he has experienced in the past, and this is just Yu Liang's combat power relying on strange creatures.

And he also created two roles, which also have full suppressive power on the offensive end and semi-auxiliary end.

It can be said that there are not many players who can threaten Yu Liang.

At least judging from the current copy, there are indeed not many.

However, now he suddenly discovered that this seemed to be just because the current copies were relatively low-level and not enough to meet those powerful opponents.

According to Xu Cixi’s words in the past, we can also know that this is the reason why Yu Liang entered the dungeon four times in two months. Because his strength improved too fast, he needed to constantly enter the dungeon to re-enter the dungeon for him. Strength rating.

However, due to the special nature of Yu Liang's profession, the more dungeons he enters, the stronger his strength will be. Whether it is [Creation] or [Creation], he will activate it more frequently, and each activation will increase his strength by one. gradient.

This has only been two months.

Not to mention last season, this season there should be someone who has experienced a journey into the world of ghost stories for more than 20 years, right?

So how terrifying is "his (her)" strength?

To a certain extent, a player's strength is definitely linked to the dungeons he has experienced.

Although he or she may not be the player who solves the origin of the Kaidan, the time spent in the Kaitan world must have resulted in growth.

If we add some players who have entered the game in the last century, doesn’t this mean that they have at least more than 20 years of experience in the world of ghost stories?

Generally it is forty or fifty years, and it may even reach more than a hundred years.

A copy of a hundred years of ghost story world...

Li Huachao felt terrible just thinking about it.

Even if, as Xu Cixi said, the average player only experiences four dungeons a year, that's still 400 times.

Quantitative changes will inevitably lead to qualitative changes. It would not be surprising to Li Huachao that such a player has several root causes.

After four hundred dungeon experiences, how many stamps, props, and characters will there be?

Although there are very few such people, Li Huachao feels that there must be some.

After all, this land is too big and there are many talented people with lofty ideals.

"Yes." Lu Mingzhe sighed, "Originally there were not necessarily many variables, but now there is no certainty. It was also this adventurer who reminded me that there is a person who should not be in this dungeon. .”

He continued: "Now I even suspect that the things that Yu Liang thought 'Zhou Miao him' did were actually done by that old guy, but they were just applied to Yu Liang's story."

"Is that so? It's possible." Li Huachao nodded, "It does seem like Yu Liang has always been quite narcissistic. When there is a drastic improvement in progress in this dungeon, it is normal for him to subconsciously embrace him."

Then he seemed to remember something, and asked Lu Mingzhe: "Then can you guess what profession this old guy has?"

In Li Huachao's mind, he recalled what the adventurer had said before.

"After all, in the last century... there were many professions that ordinary people couldn't understand."

last century.

A profession that ordinary people cannot understand.

What might be there?

"The professions of the last century..." Lu Mingzhe also thought of the words of the adventurer, "There are not many professions that existed in the last century but have completely disappeared this century. There are quite a few professions that existed in this century but did not exist in the previous century. Less. It can only be said that there were more alternative professions in the last century, so the possibility of entering the world of ghost stories was greater, and the probability of surviving and becoming an advanced player was also greater."

He gave a few examples at random: "For example, paper maker, corpse chaser, corpse stitcher, gold-touching captain, fortune teller, Gu master, etc. Oh, by the way, there is a profession that only existed in the last century. Executioner.”

"Well, it sounds very mysterious. At first glance, it sounds like he is more suitable to survive in the world of ghost stories than a gambler, a writer or something like that." Li Huachao couldn't help but shrink his neck. Most of these professions are related to some "dirty" things.

If it were in reality, he would naturally not feel any connection between the two.

However, in this world full of monsters and ghosts, that kind of profession always has some natural bonuses, right?

"You can't say that. After all, there were professions like hunters, writers and gamblers in the past, but they would have experienced 'modernization' to a certain extent." Lu Mingzhe selectively ignored the teasing in Li Huachao's words, "Compared with the ancient and mysterious professions just mentioned, some modern professions such as lawyers and engineers are also more rational, which is not necessarily a bad thing in the world of ghost stories."

He brought the topic back to Li Huachao's question just now: "As for that old guy's profession... Do you still remember the 'fairy girl' in Tiantian Jili's software? I don't think she is a small program officially set up by Guitan World. Judging from the abilities currently displayed by 'Fairy Girl' on mobile phones, 'Fortune Teller' may be more appropriate here. Then why not use 'Fortune Teller'? Is it because she is not an official mini program? And 'Fairy Girl' It’s also a profession in itself, and it’s a very special role in this dungeon.”

Lu Mingzhe smiled: "Fortunately, we are discussing this issue in the universe, otherwise it is very likely that the 'fairy girl' hiding in the mobile phone will eavesdrop."

"Uh..." Li Huachao blinked, feeling a little outrageous, "That's really the modernization of the profession. What kind of electronic fairy does a small program? According to this, other professions may also show modernization characteristics. ?”

Ideas kept coming to his mind.

For example, Internet fortune tellers can analyze the results based on the birth date and horoscopes after watching a fifteen-second advertisement; the paper maker does not necessarily need to make paper figures with weird faces, but can definitely make a pure two-dimensional wife; the gold captain can be found on Tieba There are special posts about digging graves...

As for the corpse chasers, they are more powerful.

Maybe it was the body picker hanging around the bar.

It seems that the more you think about it, the more outrageous it becomes, but if you think about it carefully, the adventurers you meet in this dungeon are people who constantly "risk their lives" and seek death, so there is no problem.

"Maybe." The intention in Lu Mingzhe's words was not clear. He was probably thinking about something else.

"What profession is unique to this century?" Li Huachao asked while starting to think.

A profession that only emerged after the millennium?

What might it be?

"Navy army, marketing account, and some Internet-related professions. These professions basically appeared after the rise of the Internet." Lu Mingzhe could answer Li Huachao's questions casually while thinking, and he seemed to be He didn't want to be harassed by Li Huachao anymore, so he encouraged him, "You can go outside and have a look. I don't feel like these headless corpses will hurt you."

"Really? Let me go and have a look." Li Huachao was worthy of the title of "Innocent Heart" he had won in the dream of heaven. He believed whatever Lu Mingzhe said. He immediately threw away the female ghost in his arms and climbed up. Out of the bottom of the table.

Li Huachao stood in front of the table just now, with a group of headless corpses playing music in front of him, seemingly not noticing that there was another person in front of him.

"You really can't see me?" Li Huachao was a little surprised. He waved his palms in front of these headless corpses, and these corpses continued to play Yin music as if no one was around.

Li Huachao walked around among these playing and kowtowing headless corpses.

At this time, the door of the room suddenly opened, and a series of female ghost brides filed in outside the door. The wedding clothes they wore did not seem to be as luxurious as the little female ghost who had just entered the coffin, and the first thing they did when they came in was to Sprinkle flowers on the ground and splash white paper flowers of various shapes into the air to create a romantic and happy atmosphere.

"This is... a bridesmaid group?" Li Huachao speculated on the identities of these ghost bridesmaids.

This ceremony concludes love and marriage between life and death...

He's pretty good at combining Chinese and Western things.

Yes, you know what I like to watch.

His eyes swept over the bridesmaids.

Some are tall and some are short, some are plump and some are flat.

It seems that the quality of this batch is pretty good.

He is only around T3 in strength and is easy to bully.


I guess you must also want to be a bride, right?

Li Huachao walked up silently, closed the door he had just opened, and then locked it.

At this time, the ghost bridesmaids discovered that in addition to the headless corpse, there was another one with a head in the room, and he looked fierce.

The female ghost bridesmaids suddenly panicked and hurriedly tried to escape through another door, while Li Huachao coughed hard twice and shook the "Thunder" character on his hand.

The "Thunder" character can still damage Xu Cixi's corpse in T1 before, so it is naturally a powerful weapon against these little guys.

Therefore, the female ghost bridesmaids were just like being held captive by Sun Wukong's immobilization method in the Peach Garden, and they did not dare to move up and down.

"Go, stand in a row and let me take a look." Li Huachao waved his hand and motioned for them to stand in a row in front of the two coffins.

Then Li Huachao saw another speaker at the end of the band. At this time, the same Yin music as the band was playing in the speaker, as if to expand the momentum of the Yin band.

Probably for the convenience of movement, the speaker came with four small wheels. When it noticed Li Huachao standing in front of it, it silently rolled towards the door.

"Come back!" Li Huachao hooked the speaker back with his foot. A "Thunder" character appeared on his right hand, and he muttered, "Since it's alive, it's easy to handle."

And the speaker seemed to have noticed the "Thunder" character on Li Huachao's hand, so it came back dejectedly, waiting for Li Huachao's instructions.

"Can you talk?" Li Huachao squatted in front of it and communicated in a friendly manner.

The speaker shook his head decisively.

"Okay, it doesn't matter if you can't speak." Li Huachao thought about it and made up his mind, "Give me Little Apple's head."

The speaker was slightly raised at an angle, seeming to be looking at Li Huachao with a puzzled expression.

"You haven't learned it before?" Li Huachao smacked his lips, "Then just change to some more festive music. This song sounds too sad and not suitable for my talent show."

So the speakers were forced to operate, and they began to adapt sad music into dynamic and exciting joy, giving funeral music a popular color.

Li Huachao thought it was pretty good, and immediately decided to turn around for this speaker.

The speaker's music arranging ability is really strong. If you take it out of this crappy place, you might really be able to make a career.

It can completely fill the gap in funeral music in the rock world.

He glanced around and felt that the headless corpses around him were too unsightly, so he moved them one by one to the back of the room.

After a simple decoration, the room had the atmosphere of a dance hall, and Li Huachao sat directly on the coffin and started tonight's talent show.


"Yes, that's right, that's probably it." Li Huachao kept echoing.

Yu Liang frowned silently after listening to Lu Mingzhe's general situation report in the universe.

Leaving aside Li Huachao's daily attempts at death and joking, their "adventure" this time was quite effective.

At least it brought a lot of information.

"By the way, you said you met an adventurer. What about the adventurer?" Yu Liang was a little confused.

And this sentence seemed to be heard by some unlucky guy in the dark. The coffin board under Yu Liang's butt vibrated twice due to the beating, as if in answer to his question.

Yu Liang: "..."

Lu Mingzhe: "..."

Li Huachao: "(*^▽^*)"

Yu Liang quickly moved away and allowed the adventurer inside to get out successfully.

"No, I can't feel it inside. Didn't you notice outside that the ceremony is over?" The adventurer was full of complaints as soon as he came out. He also tried to push away the coffin because the ceremony lasted so long. Board, "And...wait."

He suddenly noticed a group of female ghost bridesmaids standing in front of the coffin.

"Do you think there is bigamy in the underworld?" The adventurer touched his chin and said the same words as Lu Baoshen.

Then he seemed to remember something, and hurriedly opened the coffin board on the other side, and the little ghost bride in the other coffin floated out slowly.

"Not bad." The adventurer looked at the "her" in front of him happily, showing a satisfied expression.

The Imp Bride also seemed to accept her fate and floated slowly behind the adventurer.

"Okay, the ceremony is over, and I'm almost ready. The next step is to make you two grass babies that meet your wishes." Yu Liang quickly promoted the next event.

"Okay." The adventurer felt a little strange. Why did he feel that this man had become "pure" after the ceremony?

At this moment, Li Huachao said thoughtful words in the universe: "I kind of want to play a forehead flicking game with the adventurer. Now that I have a crit bonus, he must be too much for me."

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