The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 193 Yes, that’s right, I’m getting married

If a dead person's ghost marriage partner suddenly comes back to life, is he considered widowed?

Yu Liang actually thought about this problem subconsciously, but then he was too lazy to pay attention to Lu Baoshen.

When it comes to destroying the atmosphere, Lu Baoshen seems to have the same talent as Li Huachao, but the direction of development is completely different.

"The dead me married someone else?" Xu Cixi seemed not to have thought that such a thing would happen after she "died", but related tricks are not uncommon in the world of ghost stories.

Perhaps it is to enhance the player's sense of immersion in the Kaidan World, or perhaps it is to create a supernatural atmosphere. In short, the Kaidan World often allows players to personally participate in the Kaidan World.

Yu Liang walked to the coffin and tried to push the coffin board open with his right hand.

The coffin board is heavy, but from the feel point of view, it should not be completely sealed, so it can be pushed open.

"Come..." As soon as Yu Liang said one word, Xu Cixi next to him understood and stretched out his hamster paws like bear paws to push open the coffin board.

The coffin was covered with white flowers. Yu Liang could not identify what kind of flowers they were. He only knew that they were not chrysanthemums commonly used in memorial ceremonies.

There are no bodies.

There was no Qin Haijian's body in this coffin.

So not only the bride ran away from her marriage, but also the groom?

Yu Liang turned around and left. He came to the morgue where he had just been and checked the nameplates on the ground one by one, trying to find the nameplate marked with Qin Haijian.

When passing by his and Xu Cixi's nameplates, he thought for a moment and secretly picked up their nameplates and put them away because the nameplates would reveal their occupations.

But it's not that important. After all, others don't know their names. As long as their bodies don't appear here, it's impossible to match the profession with the person.

Not long after, he found the nameplate belonging to Qin Haijian.


Qin Haijian

27 years old

blasting engineer

"Explosion engineer?" Yu Liang was almost frightened by the name of this profession. This profession reminded him of the architect from the previous dungeon.

The Architect has an extremely long casting range, but it is limited to construction characters, so the Demolition Engineer...

Shouldn't it be possible to use destructive characters at an extremely long range?

This is a bit abnormal.

If his professional level reaches T2, it will be very difficult. None of the alienated professions at this level are easy to deal with, and in addition to the professional-specific abilities, they often come with other auxiliary abilities.

Like Li Huachao and Lu Baoshen, they are both T2-level alienated professions, and their panel data are equally powerful.

Yu Liang hesitated for a moment, but took Qin Haijian's nameplate away with him. Anyway, two of them would be a success, and three of them would be a success, so he might as well take them all away.

I'll use it after I'm not sure.

"There is no body of Qin Haijian outside." Yu Liang quickly walked back to the room, looked at Xu Cixi who was rummaging for something in the room, and asked at the same time, "Did you find anything here?"

When he went out to look for the body just now, Xu Cixi naturally wouldn't just stand there stupidly. She was also looking for useful clues in this room.

"Behind the word '囍' is the time schedule of the shady marriage." Xu Cixi took out a pure white invitation card with the specific time plan of the shady marriage listed in red letters, "It's strange. The venue is this funeral home.”

Yu Liang took it and looked at it. The auspicious day for getting married was the Hai hour on the sixth day of October, that is, from nine o'clock to eleven o'clock in the evening.

Looking at the time now, it's just past eight o'clock in the evening, and there are only ten minutes left before the start of this dark marriage.

The place where the ghost wedding was held was in this funeral parlor, and the wedding process was very simple. It looked like a hastily arranged wedding to achieve some special purpose.

Unable to find a living person to marry, he randomly selected two corpses from the door and forced the two dead people into a secret marriage.

So what is it for?

Is it because of taboos in the auspicious calendar every day?

But that's a taboo, not a good thing. Is it necessary to do something about it?

Or is there some kind of benefit from completing the above?

Yu Liangliang was confused, and then he heard Xu Cixi opening the coffin board of another coffin. There was also no body in the other coffin.

She pointed to the back of the coffin board and said, "There are words on it. It should have been written by the person in the coffin."

And she directly read the above text: "No matter who it is, remember. The moon has two faces, the first half is doubt, and the second half is faith. The moon is ugly, the moon is beautiful. Don't doubt doubt, don't believe Belief."

After saying this, she looked at Yu Liang again. In her understanding, the moon was only related to "faith", and Yu Liang told her about "doubt".

But Yu Liang just stepped forward and pointed to the last words on the coffin board - "Don't doubt, don't have faith."


He gave up thinking.

Because Yu Liang had already vaguely guessed what would happen.

After doubting myself and the people around me, the third object of doubt is the moon itself.

And he didn't want to face the all-pervasive moonlight again, so he simply didn't think much about it.

Clues about the moon can be noted, but ignored.

"Don't be suspicious, don't have faith." Xu Cixi slowly chewed on these words, probably because she had never experienced such strange events as "The Fairy Is Here", so she couldn't feel anything about it.

She only understood that she was right in not looking at the moon and not believing in the moon to obtain power.

"But... the handwriting here is similar to yours." Xu Cixi looked at the carvings on it for a long time and suddenly reminded her.

Yu Liang frowned again when he heard the words. The text just read was read by Xu Cixi. He didn't look too much when he pointed at it, so he didn't notice that it was his own handwriting.

He stepped forward and examined it carefully. The handwriting inside was written with a marker pen, and he could tell that it was his own handwriting.

Is this what you left behind last time?

Or was it imitated by some kind of ghost?

"You have something very important to hide from me." At this time, Xu Cixi slowly distanced herself from Yu Liang, with the same vigilance in her eyes.

After discovering that the handwriting inside the coffin was exactly the same as Yu Liang's, she finally couldn't hold back her suspicions.

There are various signs that Yu Liang seems to know more than her, and he has even entered the funeral parlor or copy before her.

But he still didn't want to tell her anything and just led her to explore.

It didn't feel good, it looked like it was taking her step by step into a deep ditch.

Now she also began to doubt whether the man in front of her who could use characters was actually Yu Liang.

"We'll talk about it later, let's leave first..." Yu Liang glanced at his phone, which showed that the secret marriage was about to start in five minutes.

However, at this time, he suddenly noticed that the ceiling above Xu Cixi slowly melted, and a wisp of blue-white moonlight poured in from there.


Xu Cixi became suspicious of him, so the moonlight appeared.

Yu Liang instantly realized the reason, and at the same time he felt extremely troubled.

Indeed, he could avoid doubt by giving up thinking, but this would also make Xu Cixi doubt him.

An acquaintance suddenly appeared in the world of ghost stories. He knew something but refused to tell her.

This in itself is questionable.

Especially at this critical moment, this suspicion will be infinitely amplified.

Yu Liang knew that he would doubt Xu Cixi if he were in Xu Cixi's position, because his signs so far were really weird.

Lost half of his body.

Think and hide.

The writing appeared on a coffin inside the funeral home.

Each item is easily associated with something.

The moonlight splashed behind Xu Cixi, but Xu Cixi just faced Yu Liang, as if he couldn't see anything but him, and just retreated towards the terrifying moonlight.

Just like last time, the moonlight will not expand its range after it appears, but it will attract people who are suspicious.

In this case……

Yu Liang switched to Lu Baoshen, and then asked Lu Baoshen to activate his ability to summon Lu Mingzhe.

Lu Mingzhe also threw a silver coin to his side, and then locked Xu Cixi with characters on the page, trying to control [Qian Shu] to change the positions of Xu Cixi and the silver coin.

And at this moment, a strong wind blowing from nowhere hit the silver coin.

So the silver coin fell into the coffin beside Yu Liang.

Next, Yin Coin changed places with Xu Cixi.

Lu Mingzhe looked at Xu Cixi who suddenly fell into the coffin, blinked, and looked at Xu Cixi blankly.

Without any reaction time, the coffin panels immediately closed and locked Xu Cixi inside.

Yu Liang: "..."

He tried to push the coffin boards, but the coffin boards didn't move at all, as if they had just been completely sealed.

Looking at the moonlight again, fortunately, the moonlight still stayed in the same place and did not move.

When doubting a teammate, the moonlight will appear behind the doubter. The doubt will make the doubter move away from the teammate and approach the moonlight, thereby being eaten. However, if the teammate can be trusted again, the doubter will move forward and approach the teammate, thus avoiding the moonlight.

It is also a multiple-choice question about "doubt".

The difference is that Yu Liang chose to forcefully change positions to allow Xu Cixi to escape the scope of the moonlight.

Judging from the results, he did succeed.

But due to some evil spirit, Xu Cixi fell directly into the coffin.

"Bang bang bang——"

Yu Liang couldn't help but sigh in his heart when he heard the hammering sound coming from inside the coffin.

It's over. Now the explanation is completely unclear. It seems that Xu Cixi will not be able to get rid of her doubts about him in a short time.

A burst of mournful music played by trumpets or suonas approached the room quickly from far to near.

Before Yu Liang could react to this, he felt a gust of evil wind coming from behind him, followed by the world spinning.

When he came back to his senses, Yu Liang found that he was also lying in the coffin, and then the coffin board was immediately closed.

Darkness envelops.


Yu Liang tried to push the coffin board open, but he couldn't do it at all.

Not to mention that he only has one hand left now, even with two hands he probably wouldn't have this kind of power.

This coffin board seemed to be reinforced by some kind of regular power, and he couldn't open it at all.

So now he is forced to participate in a secret marriage?

Plus Xu Cixi next door...

In other words, two living people are having a secret marriage now?


But he is not Qin Haijian...

Wait, Yu Liang reached out to touch the nameplate in his belt, and soon touched the "Qin Haijian" nameplate.

Written on the nameplate is the name and occupation of the deceased. For the corpses, this is their ID card.

This time it was not Qin Haijian but Qin Haijian.

Yu Liang turned on the flashlight of his mobile phone to illuminate the coffin.

Since you can't get out, there's no need to panic, just stay here for now.

There were writings on the other coffin board that Xu Cixi opened before. He had not seen the coffin board here yet.

At this time, Aile also opened the door of the room and appeared around the coffin where Yu Liang was.

He heard some people walking into the room. There was no verbal communication between them, only the sound of footsteps.



No, there were other sounds besides footsteps.

Yu Liang carefully distinguished the sound. It was dull, like something hitting the ground.



The sound of kowtows was still heard. The sound was very loud, as if everyone outside was kowtowing together.

Who are they kowtowing to?


It couldn't be the two of them who held the secret wedding, right?

I have never heard of the custom of kowtowing to the newlyweds at a wedding.

Yu Liang was confused, but he did not sit idle, but carefully observed the coffin board.

In the dim light, he saw handwriting. The handwriting was of different shades and was written very stiffly, as if it had been carved with something.

Like sharp nails.

It wasn't written with a marker, so he couldn't tell whether it was his own handwriting.


The moon is beautiful.

The moon is arrogant.

It wants all the accolades it can get.

The corpse bowed in homage.

It wants to throw away all darkness.

Humanity prays.

That's what it wants.

Monster twist.

It doesn't love you, it only loves itself.

Eat people, eat people, eat people.

The moon is lying and no one can leave in faith.

The moon will satisfy you but will not leave you.

All people are corpses, and all corpses are ghosts.

It's enjoying.

Because now there is only one left.

It must be deceived and faith cast into doubt.

Doubt is born of faith.

growing up.



"Deceive the moon?" Yu Liang summarized the key information in these scattered sentences.

Therefore, the original moon had two faces, namely faith and doubt. One of the faces swallowed up the other in order to occupy more of human love.

Judging from the description in this passage, it seems that faith has swallowed up doubt.

So now there is only one "faith" left, and this is the reason why the dungeon ghost story came into being.

The "faith" side is enjoying all the praise and blessings, but at the same time it has become arrogant and does not want to accept any more criticism and disgust, even if those criticisms are directed at the other side of the moon.

No, not now.

It's time for the week.

In the first week, there is really only faith, which is why players like Xu Cixi don't know how to doubt.

It's just that at the end of the week, someone deceived Faith and made Faith doubt itself.


Doubt was reborn in faith.

Yu Liang clarified his thoughts.

If I guessed correctly, the person who successfully deceived the moon should be himself.

I always feel that the experience of the week is more spectacular.

He couldn't help but complain in his heart.

So what is he doing now in the second week?

A secret marriage?

Regardless of what the two newlyweds in the coffin were thinking, the wedding ceremony in the room was still going on at this moment.



One thing to say, all the Yin soldiers in the room felt that this pair of CPs were very annoying, very annoying.

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