The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 167: Spreading hands - This is really none of my business!

Li Huachao stood on the first floor, touching his chin.

He suddenly realized that he seemed to have forgotten something.


Previously, Yu Liang put the Snake into a snakeskin bag and tied it up and handed it to him. Then he returned to the cell and fell into a dream. The Snake was also thrown under the bed in the cell.

Although he had confirmed that Snake Eater could not break free from the tightly tied snakeskin bag, it seemed that he had only confirmed it.

There was no time to worry about it after that.

And I have seen the rabbit-human notes before, so maybe there are some snake-eating eggs.

Eat snake eggs!

That's something that can breed fart-eating snakes!

Now that Lu Baoshen is there, he might be able to breed a more interesting Snake Eater.

Li Huachao's heart felt hot.

It's just that the office has been completely turned over by the players, so there shouldn't be any in the office.

More likely in the lab mentioned in the notes.

As for the lab...

Li Huachao looked around. It didn't look like there was a laboratory on the first floor.

The tunnel has a map, and he had never seen an icon symbolizing a laboratory or any unmarked forks on the map before.

He has been to the first, second and third floors of the prison, but he has not yet seen the fourth floor.

So Li Huachao quickly took Shou Gui and Lu Baoshen upstairs.

The corridor on the fourth floor is not long, only about two-thirds of the other floors, and only half of the rooms are cells, and the remaining half are rooms used for other purposes.

These rooms are all large iron doors with built-in door locks, which cannot be opened with brute force.

It was precisely because of this that these rooms were not destroyed by players. Li Huachao tried it, but he couldn't kick open the iron door with his strength, so he had to give up.

Such large objects whose ownership rights have not been confirmed cannot be directly used to synthesize characters. Otherwise, Li Huachao could combine the "door" with something else into characters to make it disappear.

Forget it, let's wait until Yu Liang wakes up next time and uses the raccoon stamp to open the two iron doors.

Li Huachao turned around and went downstairs, running to his cell on the second floor.

First, he looked under the bed to confirm that the snake was still under the bed, but the snake seemed to be weak because it had been trapped in the bag and hungry for so long.

"It's okay, as long as you're not dead." Li Huachao muttered, and then looked at Lu Baoshen, "Here, I'll give you a few characters for self-defense, and I'll follow you soon. There shouldn't be any weird creatures in the dream, you can put it in Lower your luck value and save some luck value."

"Okay." Lu Baoshen carefully wrote down Li Huachao's instructions.

Li Huachao nodded and held up a "sleep" character in his hand.

If you enter the dream from the same room, you will wake up at the same position in the dream.

After confirming his room in the Heping Community, he or Yu Liang always woke up in his room every time, so this time the dream should be similar to the underground mall.

Then Li Huachao put the character "sleep" on Lu Baoshen, and Lu Baoshen's eyelids began to fight. He yawned loudly and lay down on the bed in the cell.

Not long after, he fell into a deep sleep and seemed a little tired.

It is estimated that while Yu Liang was studying rabbit language yesterday, these two little ones had been discussing Capital outside...

It has to be said that the brainwashing of him by the money-slinging ghost was very effective. At least now Lu Baoshen has no doubts about what the money-keeping ghost said, as if he has worshiped the God of Money.

"Why don't you try using one on me?" Scrooge looked at Li Huachao, "Maybe I can also enter the rabbit game."

"Okay." Li Huachao nodded and pinched the character "sleep".

The fortune-teller then lay down on the bed and received the character "sleep" from Li Huachao.

But it seems that because it is a strange creature and the gradient level is very high, the "sleep" character takes effect a bit slowly, and the Scrooge also counted the sheep for a while before falling asleep.

The body of the Scrooge sleeping on this bed becomes illusory and translucent, and then gradually disappears into this cell.

"Eh?" Li Huachao was stunned for a moment, blinked several times in succession, and groped around on the bed for a while.

Where is my big brother?

Really disappeared?

Li Huachao panicked, everything else didn't matter, Yu Liang didn't care much, and he also had the magic weapon Xu Cixi to extinguish the fire, but if he lost the money-keeping ghost, even ten Xu Cixi couldn't extinguish the fire. .


He thought about it again and felt a little more at ease.

As we all know, strange creatures do not disappear out of thin air.

The Scrooge should have really gone to the dream world, because the players in the dream world are all conscious bodies, and the strange creatures and other things are real.

After all, the game of the Rabbit-shaped God focuses on reality.

So if you want to send the Scrooge into a dream, what enters the dream will not be the consciousness of the Scrooge, but directly the entire monster.


His eyes were looking at the snakeskin bag on the ground. To be precise, he was looking at the snake-eating snake in the snakeskin bag.

You can go in too. Yu Liang just asked me to train you. Don’t forget this.

However, if you throw the dream-eating snake into your dream, nothing will happen, right?


No matter what, it’s not my dream to eat.

A dream-eating snake that escaped control in a dream is a little exciting to think about.

Besides, if you dream from this room, won’t you always appear in the same place?

Wouldn't it be nice to just fall asleep before Snake-Eating, then wait for Snake-Eating to fall asleep and then control it?

Li Huachao thought for a moment and looked at the Snake in the bag. He first used a stick to tease the Snake.

At first, Snake Eater had a stress reaction and rolled and bumped desperately in the snakeskin bag, but its ability was not enough to break through the restraints of the snakeskin bag. After a while, it was like a dead snake and stopped moving.

The Snake Eater in this state is hungry and tired, and will soon enter a dormant state after hitting the "sleep" character.

Li Huachao looked at Lu Baoshen on the bed and pushed Lu Baoshen to the ground without thinking. Then he lay down on the bed and used the character "sleep" on himself.

He felt sleepiness rising, and just before falling asleep, he used the "sleep" character on Snake Eater.

The gradient level of Snake Eater is not as high as that of Scrooge, so its resistance to the "Sleep" character is not that high.

In this case, the two monsters will appear at the same place in the dream, and he will enter the dream first. When the snake enters the dream, he can immediately catch it and control it, so that it will not have the chance to run around.

He had done everything he could. Even if Snake Eater ran away, he would have done his best, so Yu Liang was not allowed to blame him.

When he opened his eyes again, Li Huachao had appeared in the underground mall.

[You have entered the scene - underground mall (trial opening)]

"An additional 'trial opening'?" Li Huachao noticed the difference in the prompt box of this scene.


Obviously there was no such thing when I entered the underground mall just half an hour ago.

Could it be that he imprisoned the princess in the rabbit game and caused all the players to enter the underground mall in advance, and then the rabbit-shaped god simply set the underground mall to "trial opening" status?

What a tough talker.

Li Huachao appeared in his shop, which was similar to what he had guessed. Besides the grass babies, there was also Lu Baoshen in his shop.

But only Lu Baoshen.

"Have you ever seen the Scrooge?" Li Huachao took a quick look around and found that there was neither the Scrooge nor the snake in the store.

Lu Baoshen shook his head and said, "No."

"Great... No, I mean, it's over." Li Huachao concealed his true thoughts very well. He really didn't expect that the rules of dreaming only apply to human players.

If that's the case, wouldn't the dream-eating snake be like maggots falling into a manure pit?

If the fortune-keeper and the dream-eating snake enter the dream at the same position, it seems that the dream-eating snake still cannot escape.

After all, the fortune-keeper is a T2-level monster, and it also possesses the magical control skill "Prone to Punish". Wouldn't it be easy to control a dream-eating snake?

Come on and run, Brother Dream-Eating Snake.

Li Huachao waved and shouted in his heart.

He is not worried that the dream-eating snake will eat up the dream. After all, he can escape from the dream with just the word "wake" and his escape speed is top-notch.

Li Huachao walked out of the store and locked the door. So far, he has not seen any players in this underground square. It is best to find the main force first, and then see if he can leave this underground mall.

There are only ten grass babies in his store. According to Li Huachao's expectation, there will definitely not be enough to sell. It would be best to go back to the apartment and bring all the remaining grass babies over.

"Let's go." Li Huachao patted Lu Baoshen on the back. He noticed that Lu Baoshen had been playing with a few silver coins from the beginning, so he pointed to his hand, "Where did you come from?"

"My brother lives in my mind. His name is Lu Mingzhe. He asked me to collect some small mirrors. The Scrooge happened to have silver coins similar to small mirrors, so he gave me a few of these silver coins. ." Lu Baoshen answered Li Huachao's question honestly.

"Sure enough, your name is Lu Mingzhe." Li Huachao looked at the silver coins, which were flipping quickly between Lu Baoshen's hands.

Unlike Lu Baoshen's dull look, his hands are very flexible, and his fingers are far slender than those of his peers. After all, these are the hands of a professional gambler. If they are clumsy, they are in danger of being chopped off.

Looking at it this way, if someone like Lu Baoshen entered the casino, wouldn't it be a random killing?

Who would have thought that such a Slowpoke could hide so secretly?

But what would Lu Mingzhe do with a small mirror?

Is it related to the professional ability of gamblers?

He didn't bother to ask Lu Baoshen, because he knew very well that Lu Baoshen wouldn't know.

"Lower your luck value and save some luck. There shouldn't be any danger here." Li Huachao said to Lu Baoshen, and Lu Baoshen followed suit obediently.

At this time, they were in the small open-air square in the underground shopping mall. It was daytime, and judging from the sky, it was probably about nine o'clock in the morning.

"Choose a road." Li Huachao pointed to the four roads around him. They lead to four different areas, including the commercial area, the food area, and the office area.

"Then this one." Lu Baoshen chose the one on the left. Judging from the arrow mark, it was the road leading to the business district.

"Okay." Li Huachao chose the road on the right without hesitation, which was the road leading to the office area.

"Why don't you believe me?" Lu Baoshen blinked.

Li Huachao glanced at him and said in a serious tone: "On the contrary, I have complete trust in your ability."

"Okay." Lu Baoshen followed Li Huachao closely and said nothing, just like a little transparent person.

Since it was trial opening time, the entire underground mall was filled with lights and light, which also eliminated the weird atmosphere hidden in the darkness.

It seems that there are no monsters here yet, so Li Hua walked this way and still didn't see any monsters.

Not long after walking, he heard some noisy players. After turning a corner, a group of hundreds of players appeared in front of him.

This is an open space in the center of the office area. There are only a few benches, and the ones standing in a group on the open space are the other players.

Just as Li Huachao guessed, these players did not wake up from reality after being pushed offline by the princess, but appeared directly in the underground mall.

Suddenly entering a new map made the player group generally panicked, so they did not dare to act rashly until several senior players made a decision.

In more popular terms, they all want to wait for others to find the way, rather than die themselves.

Countless bloody experiences have told them that if they run around in unknown scenes, they will definitely be killed by strange creatures.

At this time, Li Huachao suddenly appeared and became the focus of everyone's attention.

"Why are you there?"

"What, when did you leave here?"

"Yeah, brother, how did you get out of there?"

For a time, several questions were thrown at Li Huachao.

Li Huachao also pressed his hands towards these people and said loudly: "I am an animal trainer. I promised you that the store will open today. I just went outside to take a look and made sure there is no danger in this underground mall."

"Animal Tamer?"

"Is it the trainer who saved us before?"

"Is it really safe here?"

Many questions were raised again, and Li Huachao remained silent until the players realized this and gradually became quiet before speaking again: "It's very safe here. I confirm this. You should have been here for a while." Is it time? Logically speaking, with such a number of players gathering together, this place should be unsafe, right? But now there are no strange creatures coming here."

He continued: "The underground mall is now in a trial operation state, and my store is the same. I suggest you find a store to complete at least one transaction. The world of ghost talk will send you to the underground mall, so it won't let you Come for sightseeing."

Li Huachao's tone was slightly admonishing, but it still had a more "understanding king" temperament.

It’s similar to just saying that I understand everything I know, and I won’t explain much to those who don’t understand. After all, it’s good that you know it. The interests involved are very deep, so you should appreciate it carefully.

However, when this kind of words comes from the mouth of an "advanced player", it is easy for people to believe it.

"Okay, if you want to believe me, you can come with me." Li Huachao turned around and left, refusing to say anything more.

Following the lead of several players, the remaining players refused to lag behind and quickly followed up. A large group of people followed closely behind the leader Li Huachao.


The Scrooge felt bad.

It wasn't because he left Li Huachao, nor was it because he came to Yu Liang's room.

But because of the snake.

The Snake Eater does appear in the same room as it, but it's not that simple.

It did appear in this room first, so it makes sense that it was startled when Snake-Eating appeared, right?

Then Snake-Eating took advantage of this time to get out of the window. Is this reasonable?

I seem to have heard before that this snake feeds on dreams, so it starts feasting as soon as it comes in. Is there anything wrong with that?

The Scrooge looked down from the window and saw that the snake was frantically devouring the "air" and had now grown to ten meters long, occupying a corner; it saw a giant paramecium hundreds of meters long in the sky, covering the sky. day.

It hadn't noticed it just now, but now it felt it.

This dream seems to have become smaller.

Wait, what about the building next door?

The Scrooge blinked and suddenly discovered that a building nearby was missing, and on the ruins of that building, dozens of strange creatures, large and small, were squatting there, looking at each other.

At the same time, in the open space next to the prison in reality, a building was inserted diagonally, standing alone in the moonlight.

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