The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 161 Are you planning to open a store here too?

seven hours.

Or rather, seventy hours passed quickly.

For Yu Liang, he spent about three days in this mirror world, sleeping only about five hours a day on average, and spent the rest of his time studying rabbit language.

The effect of this kind of sleepless and forgetful study was naturally very obvious. At this moment, seventy hours later, Yu Liang finally stopped.

He sat up from the chair and did a few stretches to relax his body that had become stiff from sitting for a long time.

According to Human Rabbit's notes, his familiarity with Rabbit Language has now reached the first level.

Transform dreams.

But whether such a thing can be done requires actual operation in a dream outside the mirror.

If he only tried it in the mirror, the nature of the dream he saw might be a flipped mirror image, which might interfere with him.

Yu Liang walked through the mirror and returned to the room outside the mirror. He looked at his room and then slowly closed his eyes.

After closing his eyes, he felt that he could more easily see the dream through rabbit language.

It sounds mysterious, but in fact, just entering the first level does not require the use of vision. Closing his eyes can improve his concentration.

He felt as if his soul had emerged from his body. He was floating in the air and looking at his body, and everything in the world was made up of rabbit language words.

Yu Liang thought of a domestic game "Word Game" that he played a long time ago. The situation now is similar to that at that time.

But they are not exactly the same. One is flat and the other is three-dimensional.

These words in the dream world are more complex and three-dimensional. When they appear in the air, the scene is even more wonderful.

Moreover, this single word can express more diverse meanings. It is not just a stack of the same words, but also reflects the physical properties of some objects.

The shape of the stacked text is the shape of the actual object, and the color of the text is the color of the object. The rabbit language text also divides them in more detail. Yu Liang can even tell the newness and age of the tables and chairs from the structure of the text. What is contained inside.

Yu Liang observed for a while and realized what factors he needed to consider if he wanted to create light.

Use the word "light" to simulate a beam of light.

Light propagates in straight lines in the same homogeneous medium.

Light cannot be created and disappeared out of thin air. There needs to be a point as a light source. The light emitted from the light source will be diffusely reflected, so the entire room will be illuminated. There is light everywhere in the entire room, but there is more or less light. question.

There are other optical attempts that Yu Liang also needs to consider.

Although this is a dream, under the transformation of the rabbit-shaped god, the physical rules in the dream of Rabbit Game are copied from the real world.

Yu Liang has not yet reached the second or even third level, so he must abide by the physical rules in this dream.

The stability of the rules is conducive to the stability of the dream. In this way, there will be fewer players who can quickly discover that this is a dream, and they will have fewer possibilities to solve the root cause of the strange story.

It's a pity that because of the fuss caused by Li Huachao's last battle with the princess, all players now know that the rabbit game is actually a dream.

The new exploration map "Reality" has appeared, but traveling to reality requires the use of the "Awake" character.

For most players in this dungeon, the "awake" character is not that easy to obtain. They don't know the relationship between "raw meat" and "fishy", so they can only synthesize "wake up" characters by looking for star-shaped decorations. Wake up" character.

However, these star-shaped decorations that are easy to synthesize into the "awake" character have been searched for by advanced players who discovered the truth of dreams in advance a long time ago. Now only a very small part is left, which is not enough for players to use. Therefore, the current dream world There is also a scene where it is hard to find a charm.

After Yu Liang tested his plan, he exchanged it for raw meat and wine in the world of ghost stories.

Using the original method, he synthesized all the raw meat and wine into "awakening" characters, with a total of twenty-three "awakening" characters.

In addition to what he got before and what Lu Xing left behind, Yu Liang now has thirty "awakening" characters, leaving three for himself as a spare, and the rest can be used for other purposes.

"Okay, I'm going to take a short rest and wait until the afternoon to get up again to prepare for the opening of the underground mall in the evening." Yu Liang glanced at his bed and couldn't help but yawned.

Three days of studying had kept his brain in a state of high concentration. After completing the preliminary learning task, he was already a little tired, and now he just wanted to have a good sleep.

It's like the college entrance examination is over, the burden on the body suddenly disappears, and the tense study atmosphere for many days disappears. Many students will choose to have some fun at this time, and then take a good sleep and wake up. Let’s talk about other things.

Now Yu Liang directly skipped the process of "playing wildly" and chose to sleep.

But thinking about it carefully, it seems that Li Huachao will help him complete the process of "playing wildly".

And he also has a task for Li Huachao to complete. Now it is almost the time agreed with "it". Li Huachao needs to go to reality again and drag the princess into the rabbit game to meet it.

By the way, get another reward for maintaining the server.

Yu Liang felt that it was enough for Li Huachao to do this. After all, after the princess enters the rabbit game, all players will be pushed offline directly and come to reality.

He is also included.

Therefore, even if Yu Liang is awake, he cannot see how and what the princess will communicate with it.

In this case, it's better to just go to bed and wait until you wake up to see what happened during this time.

More hassle-free.

So Yu Liang slept without any psychological burden.

Anyway, he couldn't drag the princess into the dream, so he simply left it to Li Huachao.

"Give me the extra characters, and I'll find a chance to get rid of them." Li Huachao said to Yu Liang, "Our store can't just sell grass babies, right? We have to put in some other things as a supplement, maybe we can get some good ones in exchange Special characters."

"You? Didn't you say we would open at night?" Yu Liang was confused.

"Can't we have a trial opening?" Li Huachao replied, "I'll go check it out first."

Yu Liang thought about it and thought it was right, so he handed over all the useless characters on his body to Li Huachao.

There is no need to keep so many characters such as "sleep" characters, "wake up" characters, and "smash" characters. It is not bad to trade other players' characters for them.

After doing all this, he fell on the bed and fell into a deep sleep soon.

After a while, Yu Liang fell asleep, while Li Huachao sat up from the bed with a thoughtful look on his face.

According to the order of events in the timeline, if everything goes well, Yu Liang will be able to leave this dungeon of ghost story after midnight tomorrow night.

Looking at it this way...

There is not much time left for him, Li Huachao!

Li Huachao jumped off the bed and quickly walked outside the room to look at the grass babies.

You have to hurry up and get rid of these grass babies. There may not be such a good trading opportunity in the next copy.

Li Huachao walked past these grass babies, and his eyes accurately fell on the grass baby among them with the "loud insult". He lowered his body and patted the grass baby's head.

Great, this is just not for sale.

Not for sale, exclusive to him.

Cao Ying raised his head and looked at Li Huachao. He restrained his desire to curse and instead showed a polite and graceful smile.

It's just that it looks uglier, and this smile is uglier than crying.

So Li Hua gave it two punches toward "Bang Bang" to stop Cao Ying's smile.

After checking the situation of the grass babies, Li Huachao also jumped out of the window in the corridor and went straight to the underground mall.

It was already dawn in the dream, and the rabbit game was over, so Li Hua made his way unimpeded and soon arrived at the underground mall.

He stood in front of the huge pothole and looked down. The underground shopping mall now looked more luxurious than before, with all aspects of decoration in place and lights everywhere.

Li Huachao saw a group of rabbit dummies carrying boxes of goods from the entrance of the underground mall to the interior of the mall. The rabbit dummy in the lead was covered in scales and had wings on its back. It was evident that he was chasing rabbits in the game before. The one holding him.

He thought for a while and then slipped down from the pothole to the underground shopping mall.

[You have entered a new scene - underground mall]

[Please stay vigilant and guard your wallet. Remember: all discounted products and promotions are traps of consumerism. Don’t trust the words of all merchants. They are not the same type of people as you. 】

Li Huachao looked at the content in the prompt box and suddenly felt that there was something in this system.

There was no such reminder when he entered the underground mall before. When he wanted to open a store here, this reminder came. Wouldn't all players who enter the underground mall see such a reminder?

This weird world is aimed at him, right?

Li Huachao was thinking wildly as he walked into the slightly dim underground mall.

Compared with the time I came here in the middle of the night, the underground mall now has a very sunny feel. Basically, there are lights for lighting at regular intervals, and there are also various cute decorations on the walls.

It looks almost like a real mall.

However, Li Huachao knew that this underground mall was a newly opened scene. The rabbit-shaped god created it to collect death and fear, not to create joy and happiness.

So how warm it looks now, how scary it will be in the future.

He remembered the map of the underground mall he had seen before and walked along the road towards the commercial district.

The instructor didn't meet any other players along the way, not even strange creatures, which made Li Huachao feel a little bored.

Everything here looks like it is preparing for the opening in the evening, so how busy it was at night is now deserted.

It's like visiting a brothel during the day.

"Alas." Li Huachao sighed.

He originally wanted to have a beautiful encounter with the cute monster creatures, but he was told that it was after business hours and no customers were accepted.

Soon, he came to the center of the business district.

This is a small open-air square, with the blue-gray sky above your head, and shops are distributed in a ring around the square.

Only about half of these shops are still idle. The other shops have some products on display, but the doors are closed, there are no people in the shops and there are no lights on. They look like they are ready for business.

It's just that these products are more or less strange.

A taxidermy shop with eerie decorations. There are some organs and tissues soaked in formalin on the shelves. There is also a whole sheet of fur of an unknown monster hanging on the wall. There is a pile of skulls in the center of the shop. Made of hills.

There are human heads and monster heads, with different expressions, which together form a small hill.

Li Huachao could clearly tell that the hill was not dirty. Its owner had kept it very clean, making it look like a work of art rather than a haphazard pile of garbage.

If this kind of store were opened in reality, it would probably attract some customers who like dark style, but if it is opened in an underground mall, it is obvious that no players will buy this kind of thing.

Because these heads are real.

In addition to the taxidermy shop, other shops were also abnormal. There was Linglong Raw Pickled Food selling snacks, but Li Huachao felt that no players would be interested in pickled ghost babies.

In order not to deviate from the times, this store even provides its own takeout service to facilitate customers to enjoy delicious food at home.

Li Huachao walked into an idle store. As soon as he entered the store, he saw a prompt coming from the prompt box.

[You have entered store B3, which is idle...]

[Dear players, the underground mall is in hot business. Our store occupies the central location of the business district. It is expected to have a large flow of people and the rental price is suitable. By placing the goods on the shelves, it can realize unmanned intelligent business and achieve the completeness of the business operator. liberation. If you have a lot of items for sale, please consider joining us! 】

[Leasing requirements: Provide fifty successful orders per month. If the order volume for this month is not completed, the store will no longer be rented next month. 】

After Li Huachao read the content in the prompt box, he touched his chin and began to think.

Renting a store requires no money or material, as long as you complete the requirement of 50 orders per month?

Is this really about renting out a store rather than hiring a salesperson?

Is this store rental information posted by temporary workers?

This rental requirement…

Are you trying to ensure the flow of people in the mall as much as possible?

As long as there are people coming, there will be death and fear, which can provide nourishment for the dreams of the rabbit god.

And this is a dream, there is no cost in the first place, so the requirements for leasing are completely different from reality, which is normal.

After Li Huachao finished thinking, he turned around and walked out of the store to the small square.

After all, half of the shops were still vacant, so he wanted to look around again, maybe the locations of other shops would be better.

Li Huachao walked around in a circle, and finally his eyes rested on a clean and neat shop.

The scene inside the store is bright, and there are some normal-looking groceries on display, which is completely different from the previous stores.

Li Huachao had some expectations, so she looked up at the store's sign.

Meet the grocery store.


It is indeed your boy.

You are also planning to open a store here, right?

Li Huachao did not hesitate to enter the vacant store next to Yumei Grocery Store and rent the store.

Then he clapped his hands with satisfaction, walked out of his shop, and looked next door.

In business, you can do well only if you have competition, right?

Li Huachao ignored the small wooden sign on the door of the store that said "Yu Liang and Monster are not allowed to enter", opened the door and walked in.

Now he wants to add fuel to the fire.

Hey hey hey.

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