The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 157 Creation - Gambler

Lu Xing didn't speak today.


Until now, I have never seen Lu Xing speak, and all communication with the bartender was through gestures.

Before Lu Xing died, Yu Liang also noticed that Lu Xing made a "3" gesture to the bartender.

When they met for the first time, Lu Xing said "vodka" directly, and did not use gestures to ask the sommelier to use the base liquor vodka.

If gesture commands were a common method of communication between them, there would be no place for the six base wines in this sign language.

Apparently, they only recently started using gestures to communicate.


Because Lu Xing couldn't speak.

In just one day, Lu Xing certainly did not become mute for no reason. It was more likely that he lost his tongue.

Living characters.

Yu Liang had tested the conditions for using living characters in prison before.

Cut off the tongue from a living creature and combine it with water to form a "living" character. When the owner of the tongue's body is intact, this living character can resurrect him.

The living characters were found on a player in the prison who intended to harm Yu Liang. Not long after the player died, Lu Xing and the bartender appeared. There may be a connection between them, so Lu Xing knew about the living characters. The information is not surprising.

Lu Xing would definitely be tempted by characters with resurrection effects, so he went to experiment to get the real effects of living characters.


And now Luxing perfectly meets all the conditions.

Suspected to have no tongue, the body was well preserved and had a trusted companion to resurrect him. The only enemy that could pose a threat was driven away by the rabbit people.

It seems that everything is developing in the direction of favoring Lu Xing.

This is the embodiment of luck, and fate has indeed chosen the most suitable path for Lu Xing.

suspended animation.

Normally, things like fake death and counterattack are done by the protagonist in the novel, and Lu Xing is really as lucky as the protagonist to a certain extent.

Unfortunately, Yu Liang didn't want to give him a chance to turn around.

Ever since Yu Liang used the raccoon seal to approach Lu Xing, Lu Xing had lost control of the battle.

Lu Xing, who was found and restrained by the four shadow warriors, had no hope of turning around. Therefore, under the choice of fate, he needed to use a perfect fake death to escape his irreversible death.

Of course, this was also well prepared by Lu Xing in advance. If he had not thought of using living characters in advance, the situation at that time would have been a life-or-death situation.

The Rabbit Man's persecution was just right, so that Li Huachao had no time to destroy Lu Xing's body.

After all, Yu Liang also knew the secret of the living characters. If it were a normal situation, he would definitely choose to cut Lu Xing's body into pieces without leaving any chance.

It's a pity, it seems that Lu Xing still has a chance to play in the playoffs.

But it's not such a pity. The seal's abilities basically have a cooldown time, and the professional abilities that Luxing is proud of also have a cooldown time.

Even if Lu Xing is resurrected now, it will be of no use.

At most, he would die again.

And this time he will die in his hands, which becomes the condition for creating a gambler.

Yu Liang also wanted to see what kind of ability Lu Xing relied on to reach his current position.

"There is still one and a half minutes." Li Huachao glanced at the remaining time of the rabbit game, then turned his head to feel the speed of the two-winged rabbit man behind him, and felt a little pressure in his heart.

The rabbit man who absorbed three players has evolved to a very strong state. Li Huachao can feel that its oppressive power is second only to the hundred-eyed princess flying in the sky before.

Li Huachao ran wildly in the stairwell, and the rabbit man behind him also chased after him. Tentacle-like thorns on its body attacked him from all directions.

"The speed is not enough." Li Hua dodged the thrust towards Kankan, then rushed into the second floor and closed the safety exit door.


Yu Liang switched to Li Huachao at this moment, and the enhanced character "speed" entered his body. He suddenly felt that his speed increased sharply. After doing this, he switched to Li Huachao again, and Li Huachao continued to escape.

He reminded: "Don't walk in a straight line, and don't go outdoors. It has wings. Going outdoors will definitely lead to death."

"Understood." Li Huachao felt the surge in speed and the pressure suddenly decreased.

He also has a "Chi" character that Yu Liang gave him before. He originally wanted to use it, but now it seems to be okay. Save it if you can. After all, there is only the last bit of time left to continue escaping.


The rabbit dummy seemed to feel that Li Huachao's speed suddenly increased, and it made a surprised sound. Then it flapped its wings and disappeared from the spot.


Li Huachao turned his head and noticed the rabbit man's teleportation acceleration. He hammered down the door next to him, but this room belonged to the player. The door of the room was protected by the world of ghost stories, and he could not open it even if he used violence.

At the critical moment, Yu Liang's voice gave him a shot in the arm: "Slide it head on."

Li Huachao followed the instructions without hesitation and turned around with a sliding shovel on the ground.

The two went up and down, staggering in the corridor without any collision.

"It's a bunny man. The view below is blocked. It can't see you when it's sliding." After safely avoiding the bunny man's surprise attack, Yu Liang's explanation voice came, "It's easy to lose sight when the speed increases. "Qing, this is the shortcoming of the rabbit's vision. This is probably the reason why it has not accelerated just now, and its vision has not evolved accordingly."

He then reminded: "But if it is at normal speed, you should not slide and tackle like just now. It should be able to react and stop directly to attack you."

"Is that so?" Li Huachao blinked. He looked at the two-winged rabbit who had rushed to the end of the corridor, thoughtfully.

"Hiss." The rabbit man yelled angrily, turned around and charged towards Li Huachao again.

This time it seemed to have discovered a clue, so it only used normal speed to pursue Li Huachao.

However, at this speed, it cannot catch up with Li Huachao, who has added the character "speed" to himself. If Li Huachao speeds up, he will slide to avoid it. This makes the rabbit man unable to do anything to him, and can only watch the time pass. Finally returns to zero.


[The Hide Rabbit game is over, congratulations to you for winning the game! 】

[Escape duration: 15:00]

[Remaining players: 2 people]

[Reward Level: Intermediate]

[Acquire 1500 game points and be classified as an "intermediate player", hoping to keep up the good work. 】

"Huh..." Li Huachao breathed a sigh of relief, relaxing his tense body and spirit. He looked back at the rabbit dummy that was chasing after him. At this time, the rabbit dummy had stiffened in place and stopped moving. The scales and bat-like wings on its body have not disappeared.

He was just about to study the rabbit man when he heard Yu Liang's instructions: "Go upstairs and take a look. We have been avoiding the rabbit man in this building just now. We must be faster than the bartender when we get to the fifth floor."

Yu Liang also changed his mind. If the wine master had not had time to resurrect Lu Xing, then he would directly destroy Lu Xing's body and prevent Lu Xing from being resurrected.

Although if you do this, you will no longer be able to create Lu Xing's alienated profession, but if you think about it carefully, maybe the bartender profession is also good?

At least Yu Liang is not picky. Most of the time, he just catches an alienated profession and creates one.

Generally speaking, as long as the alienation profession has its own shining points, it depends on whether it can dig out in-depth usage.

Li Huachao obeyed and quickly climbed up the stairs from the emergency exit, reaching the fifth floor in a short time.

He couldn't see clearly when there was a fire before, but now that the fire is extinguished, Yu Liang can clearly see what has become of the fifth floor.

The tiles on both sides have been turned yellow by the fire, giving it a special ugly look. The white walls above have also been turned black by the smoke from the burning. There are even traces of explosions in the corridor. The door of one room Still missing...

"Gone?" Li Huachao glanced at the corridor on the fifth floor and asked doubtfully, "Are they that fast?"

He walked over and picked up the table knife that Lu Xing had knocked off his hand during the battle. He had not had time to pick it up before, but now he had to take it away and keep it safe.

"No, I made a mistake." Yu Liang switched back to himself. He didn't realize it when he was downstairs just now, but now that he saw that there were no bodies in this corridor, he thought clearly.

This is a dream, just a dream.

Although if you die in this dream, the corresponding player in reality will also die, but it is obvious that the corpse in the dream is not a real corpse. If you want to be resurrected, you should wake up and resurrect in reality.

Yu Liang punched the word "awake" into his body, and then opened his eyes suddenly.

With the dilapidated prison in front of him, Yu Liang got out of bed, walked directly out of his cell, and then quickly walked through the corridor on the second floor, observing the cells on both sides for any players who had woken up along the way.

He first went to the first floor and asked Li Huacho to throw a few animal traps at the door of the prison. Then he went to the entrance of the tunnel and checked the tunnel to confirm that no one was passing through the tunnel.

Judging from the time, Lu Xing should have just been resurrected now, and his cell should be upstairs.

Li Huachao quickly ran up the stairs. He could lower his footsteps and soon reached the third floor of the prison.

As soon as he entered the third floor, he noticed that the door of one of the cells on the third floor was open, so he tiptoed over.

"You still can't talk now?" The bartender stood beside Lu Xing's bed, looked at Lu Xing's pale face, handed over a glass of water, and asked at the same time.

Lu Xing nodded, his expression returned to its previous calmness.

A temporary defeat is nothing.

Just surviving is enough.

He also learned the scope of the beast tamer's abilities during this trial. The next plan will be more rigorous and will not give the beast tamer a chance to break free.

still have a chance.


Um? !

And suddenly, his eyes widened suddenly because he saw a figure he least expected to see.

At the door of the cell, a rabbit-headed player wearing casual clothes was standing there.

Lu Xing knew it very well.

That's the trainer.

But why...

How did the trainer know he was here? !

He obviously died in front of the animal trainer, but why was the animal trainer still aware of his plan? !

At this moment, Lu Xing truly realized how terrifying the beast tamer was.

There are no shortcomings in combat ability. The seal ability is still strong. The character ability is limited by the wine master. However, judging from the previous decisiveness, the beast tamer is also good at using characters to fight, coupled with the extremely keen sense of combat and combat now. IQ...

Why is there such a perverted and omnipotent character?

For a moment, Lu Xing felt a sense of frustration in his heart: "How can you be bright when you are so good?"

"What? You!" The bartender noticed Lu Xing's strange behavior and immediately turned around to look behind him. The moment the beast tamer caught his eye, his whole body was also cold to the bone.

This beast tamer is as haunting as a gangrene attached to his bones, and he can actually follow them here.

"So, living characters can really be resurrected?" Li Huachao showed a joking smile, and a sense of relief ran through him from head to toe, and the frustration he had just been hit by Lu Xing disappeared.

Although he was able to stand up again this time, he still relied on Yu Liang's acumen, but he, Li Huachao, has always been good at fighting people...

No, it’s a fox pretending to be a tiger.

The bartender felt despair in his heart. Now that he was blocked in this cell, he could do nothing but turn his attention to Lu Xing.

Lu Xing still looked as calm as before, but secretly stretched out five fingers and shook them slightly.


The sommelier was stunned for a moment, and the information about the No. 5 base wine came to his mind.

[Gin]: Increases the effect of this character by 100%.

This is a base wine used to enhance the power of characters.

In other words, does Luxing still have one last chance?

His mind was shaken, and he paid attention to the movements of Lu Xing's hand, hoping to use his ability to follow the attack while Lu Xing was typing the characters.

And the fact was just as he thought, characters quickly condensed between Lu Xing's fingers, and the wine master fused the light group of [gin wine] with the characters without hesitation.

"Huh?" Li Huachao noticed that Lu Xing was condensing characters, and immediately ducked outside the cell to avoid it. He came back to look at it surreptitiously two seconds later.

Character attacks at this distance pose no threat to him, and they can't hit him anyway, so don't dodge them too easily.

The situation in the cell was beyond Li Huachao's expectation.

Lu Xing was still sitting on the bed, leaning against the wall, his face turned pale, and it was obvious that he was very weak.

However, his eyes were always calm, as if nothing could move him anymore.

The bartender had already collapsed. He fell beside Lu Xing's bed, motionless.

"What did you do?" Li Huachao frowned, lowered his body and touched the sommelier's neck.

There were still signs of a pulsating artery, and the bartender was not dead.

Just fell asleep

So the character just now is...

Something similar to the "sleep" character?

Li Huachao reacted.

It's just that the "sleep" character created by Yu Liangsheng doesn't seem to be so efficient in inducing sleep, so it's an additional effect of the light group, right?

Also, if there was such a character that fell asleep immediately, Lu Xing should have used it in battle before.

Since it is not used in this way, it means that the light group has a beneficial effect on the characters, and the light group can only be used once.

Li Huachao expressed satisfaction with the judgment he made in an instant. He is becoming more and more intelligent now.

But now the wine master is hiding in the dream. People who enter the dream are protected by the rabbit-shaped god. Li Huachao cannot attack the wine master directly, and has to enter the dream to find the wine master...

If the bartender wants to hide, it will be a bit troublesome to find him.

Lu Xing took out a pen and paper and wrote a sentence on it.

"He has no ability to accomplish anything and cannot threaten you. After the dungeon ends, you will no longer interact."

Yu Liang switched back to himself and nodded: "I understand."

After writing this last sentence, Lu Xing also leaned his head against the wall, raised his head slightly, and slowly closed his eyes.

He had no intention of continuing to resist, and just wanted to face his own death calmly.

Yu Liang stepped forward and took off Lu Xing's knife from Lu Xing's waist.

He only had a dull table knife and a crossbow, both of which would cause unnecessary pain in death, so he chose to use Lu Xing's knife.

The knife was very sharp, even when it cut open its master's throat.


Lu Xing (deceased)

Gradient level: T2

Alienated occupation: Gambler

[Reliance]: Your daily luck value is always the human average of 50. You can reduce your daily luck and save the difference, then use up the storage and increase your luck when you need it.

[Thousand Skills]: Before a character is played and the character does not take effect, you can replace it with another character, or you can replace the character's attack target. Note: When replacing targets, the distance between two or even three parties needs to be considered.

[Do not believe in evil]: Your probability of encountering strange events increases by 50%.

Yu Liang looked at Lu Xing's body. This was the first person he had killed with his own hands, but he didn't feel much in his heart.

Perhaps he was used to seeing killings in this world of ghost stories.

He sighed and started creating.


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