The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 100 (2-in-1 9k) New spiritual object-Lu Jie

"Because I am Li Huachao, I can do whatever the hell I want."

This sentence popped out of Li Huachao's mouth, and then he chose to rush straight towards the sea of ​​flesh.

However, the Scrooge on his back was complaining secretly.

You can do whatever you want, but I don't want to. I just want to make money. Why do you insist on taking me up there?

The Scrooge is very incomprehensible.

Wait, didn’t the benefactor say his name was Yu Liang?

Why did he become Li Huachao again?

A big question mark arose in its heart.

However, the money-keeping ghost didn't think much about it. On the road to making money, as long as there was someone to accompany him, he didn't care who it was.

Of course, if the benefactor is with you all the time, it is still very willing.

Li Huachao didn't notice that the money-grubbing ghost had so many psychological activities. Now he only had eyes for the sea of ​​flesh, but the sea of ​​flesh didn't notice him and was still playing the game of poking the prize in front of the bachelor's apartment.

He sneaked all the way from behind the sea of ​​flesh and soon arrived at its heel. He knew that the monster's heel was a weak spot, but he did not attack it.

This spear is only more than four meters long. Even if it is completely pierced into the heel of the sea of ​​flesh, it will hardly cause any irreparable damage.

The female body wall and the police are both one of the Seven Deadly Sins, and both have the ability to regenerate, so he suspects that this sea of ​​flesh also has such basic abilities.

A thirty-meter-tall monster looked like a monster with high defense and thick blood. Coupled with its regeneration ability, even Li Huachao couldn't think of an effective way to kill it.


If you want to burn this thing to death, you have to bury it in an oil field, right?

Weapons of mass destruction are obviously not found in this town.

As for using characters to kill Rouhai...

This is feasible, but there are no real objects that can be used to synthesize verb characters in this mirror world, so this approach will not work.

If Yu Liang is here, you can also try using the "broken" character to see if you can kill this sea of ​​flesh directly.

Well, forget it, if it was Yu Liang, he would definitely not waste characters doing this kind of thing, because there is no reward for killing Rouhai.

Li Huachao began to regret that he had praised Haikou, but then he thought about it, and it seemed that only Adou on his back had heard it. If Adou was lost, wouldn't his reputation be preserved?

The Scrooge behind him shivered and tightened the hood on his head, suddenly feeling a little cold.

Is it because the benefactor ran too fast and the wind was too strong?

Li Huachao raised his head and glanced at the hill-like monster. Without saying a word, he grabbed the money-grubber behind him and kicked it away like a ball: "Forget it, I won't take you with me. You're too heavy."

"Okay, okay, thank you!" The Scrooge immediately felt grateful, covered his butt and trotted away to hide in the ruins on the street.

Li Huachao climbed onto Rouhai's body and connected to the steel bar, just like a mountaineer. However, his physical fitness was far greater than that of a mountaineer, so he kept climbing on Rouhai's body like an agile monkey.

"Why is it a little itchy?" Rouhai frowned. It felt a slight tingling and itching near its ankle, so it wanted to turn its head to look, but its neck was very short, making it very inconvenient to turn. , and its belly is also very large, completely blocking the downward view.

A woman who lowers her head and cannot see her toes is extremely beautiful in the world, and the same is true in the sea of ​​flesh.

So it directly reached out to scratch the itch. The big fleshy hand slowly reached out to the itchy place and scratched it several times.

Li Huachao looked at the hand, climbed up without much thought, and was led by the hand around his shoulders.

After having such a huge body, Rouhai's senses naturally became dull, so it didn't notice Li Huachao's existence at all until Li Huachao stood on its shoulders.

So Li Huachao started running. His uneven shoulders were semi-hardened and had sufficient points of strength. He didn't have to worry about losing his balance when running on them.

He climbed up from the layers of fleshy folds on his neck, then pierced his earlobe with his spear, and used the strength to swing up and jump to the ears of the sea of ​​meat.

In the dark environment of the ear canal, a kind of yellow-black filth blocked the way.

"Ugh--" Li Huachao looked at the filth in his ears and eyes, and a stench hit him. He couldn't help but retched, and left immediately.

He originally thought about going deep in and completely destroying Rouhai's eardrums, but now he doesn't think so at all.

If he didn't put on chemical protective clothing and a gas mask, he would definitely die from his ears.

Li Hua ran towards the eyes along the sloping cheek towards the sea of ​​flesh. There were only a few weaknesses in the human body, and the eyes were definitely the most important.

He found the point of leverage and jumped up, directly grabbed Naohai's eyelashes, and stood right in front of the huge eyeball.

At this time, Rouhai finally noticed the existence of Li Huachao, but because it was too close to his eyes, he couldn't see clearly what was covering his eyes. It was like people felt that dust had entered their eyes. Reach out and rub your eyes.

Naturally, Li Huachao would not give it this chance. The steel spear in his hand pierced out like a dragon, and in the blink of an eye it penetrated three times. The four-meter-long steel bar was equivalent to a 20-centimeter nail piercing an ordinary In the human eye, this length is enough to cause damage to the sea of ​​flesh.

Just thrusting in was not enough, Li Huachao stirred crazily and laughed wildly at the same time: "Stupid, do you still remember me?!"


The severe pain pierced Rouhai's brain in an instant. It had never felt that its head was so awake. Every inch of the painful nerves were trembling. It quickly closed its eyes and tried to sweep away the pain on its eyes with its hands. enemy.

It's just that his movements were really slow. Li Huachao stabbed a few times quickly, then jumped down from the body of Rouhai and went straight to the heads on Rouhai's belly.

"伱...You are that person! I want to kill you! I want to kill you!" Rouhai recognized who it was from Li Huachao's voice just now, and suddenly became furious. It didn't expect that this guy actually He dared to come back and didn't care about the pain in his eyes. He immediately used his other eye that was still intact to look for traces of Li Huachao.

Li Huachao fell from a high altitude. He could feel the muscles in his whole body tightening. His body was like a fully drawn bow, constantly accumulating strength, just waiting for the next moment to explode. And when he held the steel spear high, Like the Runtu in the Chinese language textbooks of primary school, the tiger's eyes are like torches, the spear is like thunderbolt, and its strength is unparalleled...

Well, this is how Li Huachao sees himself in his mind. The actual situation is that he is constantly looking for balance in the air, looking like a swinging duck.

After all, there is no point of leverage in the air. This is not a battlefield for ordinary humans.

However, he still held the gun very steadily and looked ready to go.

The falling speed in the sky was extremely fast. Li Huachao squinted his eyes slightly to prevent too much cold wind from blowing into his eyes. He had to ensure that his sight was not disturbed and quickly found the only woman's head with independent consciousness.

Li Huachao knew very well that if he killed that woman's head, it would definitely be more uncomfortable for her than cutting off an arm of this sea of ​​flesh.

There it is!

In the center of the fat belly, among the hundreds of black-haired heads, there was an extraordinarily large head. Her face was in the shape of an inverted cone, full of fangs, and the corners of her eyes stretched all the way to her temples.

In just an instant, Li Huachao saw many details, and he followed his instinct, stretched out his body, seized the critical opportunity, and stabbed the woman's head with the spear in his hand.


Driven by brute force, the steel spear moved forward bravely, piercing the head diagonally from above, directly piercing it. The four-meter-long steel bar still had its remaining strength, passed through the head, and then penetrated into the belly of the sea of ​​flesh.

The force of falling from a high altitude was exerted on the steel bar, and the steel bar was immediately moved downwards, opening a huge gaping hole in Rouhai's belly.

The heads growing out of the belly were awakened by the sudden appearance of Li Huachao. They first screamed together, and then stretched their necks to bite Li Huachao like snakes.

Li Huachao grasped the steel bar with one hand, took out a table knife with the other hand, used both feet together, kicked away the attacking heads, and then slashed the neck of one of the heads with the table knife.

The necks of these heads became longer and more slender, like a ball of plasticine, and Li Huachao easily cut them in two with a strong force.

He lowered his head and chopped down. There was only more than ten meters left from the ground. This height was very dangerous for ordinary people, but it was nothing to Li Huachao, so he simply pulled out the steel bars and stepped on these heads. , descending level by level like going down stairs.

Of course, his hands would not stop, and the steel bars kept thrusting out, smashing the heads easily.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

The sea of ​​flesh whose belly was cut open cried out in pain again. It looked at its belly angrily and saw Li Huachao, who was constantly stepping on his head. His eyes seemed to be spitting out fire.

However, the next second it saw the woman's head that had been stabbed in the navel. The head was connected to a slender neck, hanging feebly in mid-air, like a small intestine.

No longer breathing, already killed by that damn human.

At this moment, the sea of ​​meat was like being struck by lightning, and even Li Huachao jumped to the ground and ran away for more than ten meters without noticing.

It carefully picked up the woman's limp penis with its fingers, pulled out her entire penis and put it in front of her eyes.

Li Huachao ran for about ten meters, then stopped and looked back. He was not in a hurry to run, and the sea of ​​flesh couldn't catch up with him anyway.

He looked at the woman and couldn't help but marvel. The woman's body seemed to have only a head and a neck that could be extended to three or four meters.

Is this considered a snake tribe?

This woman is actually pretty pretty based on her face, so is she a beautiful snake?


It can be regarded as a souvenir of this dungeon. The beautiful snake-woman sounds quite exciting. Why don't you catch one and give it to Yu Liang?

Then you have to choose the most beautiful snake girl.

Li Huachao's eyes fell on the heads on the belly of the sea of ​​flesh, and he began to carefully select the beautiful snake people among them. However, the other snake people did not have any independent thoughts, so their hair was disheveled like wild beasts, and their gray-headed and gray-faced appearance made Li Huachao completely recognize it. I don’t know who looks better.

Forget it, the teeth of these snake girls are too sharp and can easily damage the roots, so I won’t give them to Yu Liang.

Rouhai stared blankly at the woman in his hand.

Dead indeed.

The only closest person who had been with it for such a long time died just like that.

All hope was gone.

It clearly promised her that it would eat well until it had eaten the entire town, until it had eaten mountains and the world with its own efforts.

But she couldn't see this day anymore.

There was a kind of sadness in Rouhai's one eye. It thought that it was so powerful that it could protect her, but unfortunately it backfired. It closed its eyes, and big drops of hot tears seeped out from the corners of its eyes.

It began to understand what "losing" felt like. As it thought about it, it tearfully threw the woman's head and the neck hanging behind it into its mouth, chewing it while crying in grief and indignation.

Sadness and the satisfaction of eating came together from the bottom of the heart, which gave it a wonderful feeling, but this feeling was fleeting because it finished eating.

The woman's bit of flesh wasn't enough for it to taste, so it reached out to the belly, grabbed a handful of human heads and stuffed them into its mouth, like pulling out a carrot. Each head was connected to a long string. Long neck.

Nearly a hundred human heads were wiped out in the blink of an eye. It lowered its head and looked at its belly. Now there were no more densely packed human heads that looked like chicken pox on its belly. There were only dark pits left, a bit like briquettes.

Rouhai scratched its belly, and yellow-black pus squeezed out of the pits, which stained its hands and became sticky.

Through eating, the appetite and appetite were satisfied, and Rouhai also recovered from its sadness, replaced by an unprecedented anger because it saw Li Huachao on the ground.

"Stupid! I've been waiting for you for a long time!" Li Huachao waved his spear and continued to provoke the sea of ​​flesh.

"Damn! Damn! Damn! Damn!" Rouhai's eyes widened in anger and he shouted hoarsely. At the same time, he stomped on the ground hard, leaving big cracks in the cement floor. "I'm going to eat you. I swear I will." eat you."

"Then come." Li Huachao laughed. He felt the trembling ground and looked at Rouhai's big feet. He couldn't help but feel stunned.

The meat sea began to run, its eyes had turned red, and thick black smoke came out from the black holes on its belly, and soon turned into a circle of black smoke around the waist of the meat sea. .

The black smoke gradually fell behind it as the sea of ​​meat ran, forming billowing black smoke behind its butt.

Okay, it’s the power of black smoke!

Li Huachao turned around and ran away. At the same time, he clicked on the page and looked at the strange story.

[Current observation progress: 3/3]

[The basic progress of the branch line Ghost Story has been completed and rewards have been distributed. Please switch back to the main perspective to check. 】

[Advanced observation progress: 3/7]

"Why don't you show me the reward? It's obviously the mission I did!" Li Huachao was a little annoyed, "Yu Liang, you are playing a sign-in stream, right? You will receive the reward as soon as you wake up and go online."

He exited the page and looked towards the direction of the grocery store while running, but he could only see the fog.

Li Huachao ran in front, and Rouhai chased behind; Li Huachao was able to do it with ease, and Rouhai was panting.

But the two were able to maintain a distance of about fifty meters, and the error was always within three meters.

One person and one monster gradually moved away, and the money-hungry ghost in the ruins also poked his head out and looked at the direction in which they were going.

Black smoke filled the streets, mixing with the surrounding fog.

Why did you just leave?

The money-keeper was at a loss for a while.

The benefactor is probably going to the place where the trap was just laid, right?

It was not stupid, and it quickly thought of where Li Huachao had gone, so it quickly rushed into the fog and trotted towards there.

This town is now full of monsters. It doesn't dare to go out to get money from just one monster, so it's better to find its benefactor first.


"Stop, I'm going to eat you! I'm going to eat you!" Rouhai continued to be angry, chasing and shouting from behind, but this obviously couldn't increase its speed much, and it still followed Li Huachao and ate ashes. .

Li Huachao kept walking along the street, so he could clearly see the shops on both sides to determine his location.

Soon, he noticed a conspicuous billboard, and his heart was shocked.

When we arrived at the place, about fifty meters ahead was the location of his pre-set trap.

In the blink of an eye, Li Huachao rushed into the animal traps. He quickly shuttled through the trap array according to the radar prompts in his mind. He soon passed by the one hundred and eighty animal traps. He stood in the trap array. This end of the world is quietly waiting for the arrival of the sea of ​​flesh.

The hunter's animal trap is a rule-level ability. As long as it is stepped on, it will definitely produce a three-second restraint effect. If the target has his hunting mark, this effect will be doubled.




The sound of slow and heavy footsteps shook the sky, and the sea of ​​flesh in the fog gradually approached. It breathed rapidly, so the fog around it was sucked into the body and swept away, instantly clearing a blank area.

The moment he saw the sea of ​​flesh, Li Huachao threw a "hunting mark" on it to extend the confinement time.

His eyes fell on the foot of Meat Sea, where there was a bear trap. Compared with the size of Meat Sea, this bear trap can be called a pocket, but it can still confine Meat Sea in its original location. The ground cannot move.

"What! Why can't I move?!" Rouhai tried to move, but it was still a product within the rules, so it couldn't defy the small animal trap.

Li Huachao glanced around it and saw that there were all the traps scattered here and there. When he installed the traps, he had already considered that the pace of the sea of ​​​​meat was very large, so the scope of this trap area was very large, and the traps were spaced apart. The distance is also very large, and there will not be a situation where a dozen of them will be stepped on by a sea of ​​flesh.

He estimated that these animal traps could trap the sea of ​​flesh for at least five minutes.

"What did you do! What did you do!?" Rouhai kicked the ground with his other foot, but unexpectedly stepped on a bear trap. His body suddenly lost balance and fell towards the building on the side of the street. In an instant, Crush several buildings.

This time, it was like an earth dragon turning over and exploding, and a faint rumble spread along the ground.

Li Huachao turned around and ran towards the grocery store. The grocery store was only more than a hundred meters away from him and could be reached in a sprint.

When he came to the front of the grocery store, he happened to see the masked man curiously sticking his head out of the store door to look at the situation outside. When the masked man saw someone coming, he immediately straightened his back and acted as if he didn't care.

"Give way, I want to go in." Li Huachao said to the masked man blocking the door.

"Wait a minute, did you bring that monster?" The masked man's eyes passed through the fog and landed on the sea of ​​flesh a few hundred meters away.

"What did you bring me? There is a monster in this town. I was accidentally discovered by it, and then it chased me. Is there a problem?" Li Huachao stretched out his hand to pull the masked man aside, and then He walked into the store and said, "You won't drive me away, right? Could it be that the store is bullying customers?"

The masked man watched Li Huachao walk into the grocery store, and his brows couldn't help but twitch.

When Li Huachao walked into the grocery store, he was keenly aware that the products on the shelves in the grocery store had slightly shifted and were not as neatly arranged as before.

In other words, this sea of ​​meat can indeed have an impact on this grocery store. The earthquake-like fall just now produced a shock wave, which even affected this store.

When the sea of ​​meat crosses those animal traps and goes to fight with him at the door of this grocery store, the grocery store may be able to be saved, but the goods inside may not be guaranteed.

I guess the store manager will be in a hurry soon.

Li Huachao glanced at the masked man out of the corner of his eye. The masked man was looking in the direction of the sea of ​​flesh.

After a long time, the masked man seemed to have made a decision. He turned around and walked into the store, took off a ring from the shelf, and then walked towards the sea of ​​flesh.

"The monster is chasing me. If you drive it away or kill it, does that count as helping me or changing my destiny?" Li Huachao from the grocery store blinked his eyes with an innocent look on his face. asked.

The masked man's steps suddenly stopped, and he also began to think about this issue.

"If that's the case, then you were unwilling to help me deal with the Mirror Spirit just now. It seems like you have double standards." Li Huachao sighed, "Forget it, go and clean it up, I'll just wait In the store, don't worry, I won't take anything randomly, I didn't see anything, just go ahead."


The masked man raised his eyebrows again.

"So what do you want?" The masked man looked at Li Huachao, his voice was flat, but if you take off his mask, you can find that he is actually smiling.

It's not a sneer, it's a funny laugh.

Because he hasn't met such an interesting person for a long time.

Most players just regard him as a high-level NPC and will no longer have any interaction with him except for purchasing and exchanging goods.

There have been cases in the past where players stole or grabbed goods, but without exception, those people were wiped out of existence because they violated the rules here.

But what Li Huachao is doing now is actually similar to them, except that he completely abides by the rules, making it impossible for people to find fault.

Although this approach is still a bit naive, at least...

Quite interesting.

To him, everything outside him is meaningless.

So he began to look forward to the next meeting, wanting to see how surprised the player would be when he saw him next time.

"This monster, it will cause a devastating blow to your store, and I can help you deal with it. Based on the principle of fair trade, I have done something for you, should you pay me some compensation? "Li Huachao chuckled. He hadn't found out what the masked man was thinking, he just carried out the plan step by step.

The masked man's face showed a strange expression under the mask: "Aren't you afraid of me?"

"Not afraid." Li Huachao shook his head, "I can see that you are a good and moral person."

So I'm going to kidnap you.

He added in his heart.

"Okay, what do you want?" The masked man agreed, "Fair trade, that monster is not of such high value, so you can only choose one thing."

"Not paying is actually... ah?" Li Huachao was stunned. This situation was beyond his expectation. He thought things would develop into something else, but he didn't expect the masked man to agree to him so easily. This made him Somewhat flattered.

Could it be that I am really the child of luck in this plane?

Li Huachao's eyes were wandering around the products. The masked man agreed so quickly that he didn't know which one to choose.

A dazzling array of things...

It's a pity that he didn't have instructions and had no idea what these things were used for. He could only vaguely feel that these things had a supernatural smell.

"I want your mask." Li Huachao circled around and came back to stand in front of the masked man.

"My mask is of no use." The masked man just shook his head.

Li Huachao said: "Then I just want to see what you look like, okay?"

"So you just want to see my face when you do these things?" The masked man really couldn't believe it.

"Yeah, can't you?" Li Huachao talked freely. He didn't pay attention to any rules when doing things. "Look, now you are curious about me, aren't you?"

His eyes scanned the masked man from top to bottom. The masked man was neither tall nor strong.

So Li Huachao continued: "You have never shown your face until now, you are not tall, your skin is quite white and tender, and you may have used a voice changer, so maybe you are a woman? Maybe you are the daughter of a big shot. Then because of this curiosity, some inexplicable feelings arise, and you begin to look forward to the next meeting..."

Masked man: "..."

The veins on his forehead protruded.

How did you come up with these inexplicable plots?

The masked man tried to think about such a plot development, and suddenly goosebumps appeared all over his body.

He suddenly didn't look forward to the next meeting.

So he took off the ring from his hand and stuffed it with Li Huachao along with an instruction manual. Then he pointed to the door and said, "Go and drive that guy away as far away as possible. I'll give you this ring."

"This... is not good." Li Huachao scratched his head in embarrassment, then opened his pockets.

Without any hesitation, he put the ring and the instructions into his pocket and ran far away.

He had just noticed that the masked man wanted to drive away the monster flesh sea at first, and he specially brought this ring with him. This also meant that this ring had the power to fight against the flesh sea.

This must be a good thing, so Li Huachao ran away without looking back, without giving the masked man a chance to regret it.


The sea of ​​flesh struggled to hit the ground in the distance, but it could not break free from the trap on its feet, so it had to vent its anger on the surrounding buildings and the ground.

Li Huachao looked at the radar map in his mind and understood.

About half of these bear traps have been destroyed, and the remaining bear traps can probably continue to trap the sea of ​​meat for about three minutes.

There is still time.

After making this judgment, Li Huachao also directly took out the instruction manual and the ring, and first threw a "check" to the ring.


The "five-five-open" ring.

Gradient: T1

Name: ring

Texture: None

Note: Everyone stand up!

"Huh?" Li Huachao was shocked. The name of this ring alone revealed an extraordinary aura.

Normal items do not have gradient levels, but this ring does. Not only does it have gradient levels, it is also T1!

So scary!

However, there was no useful information mentioned in the notes about the ring, so he quickly opened the instruction manual. There were only three or two pages in the instruction manual, with very little content.

【Instructions for use】

After selecting a single target and activating the ring power, the physical qualities of you and the target will be evenly distributed.

Duration is 5 minutes.

Cooling time is 24 hours.

Note: The target gradient level cannot exceed the ring itself.

"Equal distribution?" Li Huachao blinked and immediately understood the meaning of these four words.

If used on the flesh sea, it means that he can share the strength, defense, regeneration ability, etc. with the flesh sea equally. This is an epic enhancement for him.

However, in comparison, his movement speed would also change, but with the same physical fitness as Rouhai, Li Huachao felt that it was Rouhai who should run.

And if he is running in the sea of ​​flesh, his hunting mark will come in handy again, and his movement speed will increase by 30%.

I just don't know if this average is simply a panel average. There is a big difference in body size between him and Rouhai. If the fists they swing are the same, then he will definitely have the advantage when fighting each other.

The area of ​​his fist is smaller, and with the same strength, the pressure is greater, so the punch will have a terrifying penetrating power on the flesh sea.

Besides, he also has the advantage of shooting speed, no matter how hard he thinks, he will not be able to defeat the sea of ​​meat...

Wait, did I inspire the power of black smoke in Rouhai just now?

Then doesn't its level A bring magic damage?

Oops, this is quite a disadvantage.

Li Huachao secretly felt that something was not good in his heart, but at this time, he could not think so much. He had already got the ring, and it would be unjustifiable if he did not fight against Rouhai.

He walked into the empty space in the fog and stood in front of the sea of ​​flesh, looking at it.

"You actually dare to appear in front of me!?" Rouhai said angrily. It began to struggle on the trap again, and at the same time stretched out its hand to catch Li Huachao.

The distance between one person and one monster is about thirty meters. At this distance, no matter how hard Rouhai tries, it is impossible to reach Li Huachao.

"One, two, three, four, two, two, three, four..." Li Huachao began to warm up in front of Rouhai, seemingly ignoring Rouhai's cannibalistic gaze.

Such a provocative move also made Rouhai become even angrier, twisting crazily on the ground, and black smelly water continued to leak out of the black pit on his belly.

Soon, Li Huachao completed a complete set of stretching exercises. He looked at the radar map in his mind. The map showed that the sea of ​​flesh had almost trampled all the traps around it, which meant that it had almost recovered. Mobility.


Rouhai broke free from the restraints and stood up again. It continued to chase Li Huachao, but Li Huachao also turned around and ran away.

Entrusted by others to be loyal, he got the ring, so naturally he wanted to lead this sea of ​​flesh away before starting a war.

After a while, Li Huachao found a relatively empty small square. It was nearly a kilometer away from the grocery store, so it would definitely not affect it.

Li Huachao stopped, turned to look at Rouhai, and said loudly: "Tell me, how do you want to die?"

After saying this, he put on the "50-50" ring.

In an instant, his body was filled with light.

In the next second, Li Huachao's figure suddenly grew, and he instantly realized what had happened.

The size of the body is also comparable to that of this sea of ​​flesh!

So he immediately assumed the posture of Ultraman Tiga when he transformed, and completed the transformation amidst the rising light.

After the transformation was completed, Li Huachao looked at the sea of ​​flesh opposite him that was already the same size as himself, and snorted coldly: "Fuck me!"

There was a look of astonishment on Rouhai's fat face. It didn't know why it suddenly became smaller, and Li Huachao suddenly became bigger again.

So it suddenly has no confidence in its own strength.

Li Huachao, on the other hand, felt a bit chilly on his body and quickly looked down.

The clothes didn't get bigger with him.

The only thing that got bigger was a pair of shorts, which looked like some sort of protective mechanism.

Li Huachao: "..."

Is this weird world poisonous?

Can I make my shorts bigger, but my tops and pants can’t?

Nearly 9k, just about right

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