The Ascension of the Favorite Spirit

Chapter 342 Clan Leader Candidate

In the palace, Concubine Ye Wen, carrying a raincoat, looked like a strange woman walking out of a painting or calligraphy, with a slender head and eyebrows, fragrant muscles and jade bones, and a pure and elegant aura of wisdom, playfulness and agility.

But Ye Hanjun was only an arm's length away from her, and with his insight, he couldn't detect it.

This person is soft on the outside and cold on the inside, and the fair lady is all an illusion.

Her essence is like the ice devil in the land of eternal winter, who can freeze thousands of lakes with just one look.

With a slight hook, he felt as if he was in an ice storm that made it difficult to move forward, with knives cutting his skin and frost invading his skull. The air was extremely cold and icy, without a trace of warmth.


The corners of Ye Liuying's eyes twitched twice, and then she narrowed her eyes slightly.

Concubine Ye Wen came from the other side. Wherever she passed, there was a clearly visible ice and snow path, slowly freezing everything along the way.

Including her, because she was also standing next to Ye Hanjun, she was naturally affected.

"The smile hides the sword, what a young emperor's sister."

Ye Liuying snorted coldly and did not take a step back.

Behind him, six jet-black wings distorted the space, and the radiated frost and snow evaporated instantly.

The dusk is pale and the sun is dark. This is another completely different kind of coldness, completely different from ice.

"It's only the 5th level. If you show off like this, you may die prematurely." Ye Liuying shouted rudely.

"Hehe, good sister, you are not bad either~~~"

"You bully me just because I'm older. I'm petty and very vindictive~~~"

Concubine Ye Wen, who had a smile as bright as a flower, hugged Ye Liuying's arm, looking so intimate and lively, as if they were a pair of biological sisters.

Little did they know, inside and outside the words, the two of them were facing each other, sparks flashing in their eyes.

"It's so cold! Don't get close to me!"

Ye Liuying pushed Concubine Ye Wen and forced her back, her frown clearly expressing her inner displeasure.

Ye Hanjun saw this, with no emotion or thoughts, and said indifferently:

"The 72nd generation should be the 72nd generation. Ranking is not important."

"Have you awakened the killing power of the ice system? The power of frost that can freeze the soul... is rare."

"S-level, soul-breaking ice user."

Concubine Ye Wen licked her tongue. The sexy and flexible little tongue formed a very strong contrast with the triangular ice cube deep in her pupils:

"What a pity. If I had been born earlier, I wouldn't have missed Shura's Tomb."

"It's just a hundred years of time, a slight difference, a thousand miles missing. I'll forget it, I'll be depressed to death."

Concubine Ye Wen showed the expression of a wounded kitten and said pitifully:

"Brothers and sisters, please share the secrets in the tomb so that I can learn more."

"Also, where are the fragments of the divine bow you collected?"

"It's rare that the four emperors were buried together and all came out alive. Concubine Wen is curious, which of you collected the most?"

After a few words, all kinds of eyes wandered between Ye Hanjun, Ye Qiyu, Ye Nichang and Ye Mochou again.

There was a brief silence in the palace. Only Concubine Ye Wen blinked her eyes. Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers. That's probably the case.


Ming Ye's attire faded from Ye Nishang's limbs, only wrapping her torso.

On her exposed skin, the dark red armor reflected a strange light, as if it could swallow people's hearts and point directly to the depths of their souls.

Silently, Ye Ying left the throne and came to Ye Nishang in a flash.

Her hands were not empty, but she held a long box.

The box seemed to weigh ten thousand, so much so that Ye Ying's already rickety back almost hung to the ground.

The magic of the box goes beyond that. It is covered with talismans of ghosts and gods, and there are eighteen circular knife marks, which are tightly bound like locks.

The heaviness of the deep sea, the height of the sky, the solidity of the mountains, the generosity of the earth, the tolerance of the scorching sun... seem chaotic, but they all point to the great breath of the highest and far away, covering Ye Nishang like clouds and mist.

"This is the bow box used by the ancestor. It is forged from divine gold and used to warm and nourish the God's Bow."

"After the fall of the Divine Bow, it was used to store the fragments to ensure that the divinity was reunited."

Ye Ying muttered quietly to herself, inserting her gray nails into the lock of the box little by little.

Then, when the gap opens a little, every clan member can feel it, as if a cold arrow is raised between the eyebrows. If you dare to have a disrespectful heart, a disaster will befall you.


Ye Hanjun suppressed a certain desire, and his flesh and soul throbbed.

Within the body, it seemed that ancient life was beginning to revive.

There seemed to be a voice echoing in his ears, rushing over, rushing over, those were His things, take them all away, leaving no one behind.

However, before Lord Ye Han could take formal action, his demonic thoughts were shattered and his consciousness became clear.

No one noticed such anomaly, because everyone's attention was focused on Ye Nishang.


The cracks in the glass spread like a spider web.

Large and small metal fragments fell off Ye Nishang's body surface, and the pieces were dark and glowing with an evil red light.

Lord Ye Han could see very clearly that there were eighteen fragments in total, circling around the bow box.

When the bow box exploded with a black hole-like adsorption force, all the fragments disappeared, and not a single one remained.


Ye Ying closed the bow case and couldn't help but admired:

"Even among the young emperors of the past dynasties, this number is still at the forefront."

"Nishang, well done."

"As the son of Shura, he also contributed eighteen fragments of the divine bow."

"In the clan's treasure house, even if it is a resource exclusive to a saint, you are entitled to use it at will."


Ye Nishang responded lightly and immediately returned to the full form of Ming Ye's attire.

Then, she glanced at Ye Qiyu and Ye Mochou, and finally looked at Lord Ye Han, taking the initiative to take a step back and stand on the other side of the palace.

"Very strange."

Ye Mochou shook his head and walked forward, with a large area of ​​dark red armor appearing on his body:

"The path of pure darkness, is it really so powerful?"

"Time and again, people of the same rank and power, why are they always at a disadvantage?"

Ye Ying remained silent, but repeated his old trick and opened a gap again.

Two crunching sounds were heard, and a total of fifteen fragments fell off. They circled around and disappeared into the center of the box. There was no other abnormal sound.


Ye Ying nodded slightly and said to himself:

"The collection of fragments cannot be completely measured by strength."

"Opportunity and luck, these complement each other and are indispensable."

"Don't worry, the clan's treasure house is also fully open to you. From now on, as long as you are lacking anything, you can use it at will."

"Okay." Ye Mochou's answer was concise and rude.

As soon as he finished speaking, his eyes seemed to have penetrating power, looking directly at Ye Qiyu and Ye Hanjun.

Looking at 120,000 years, the son of the Young Emperor and Shura must be the most potential seed in the clan.

This class is worthy of the family's all-out investment.

But no one will remain complacent for too long about what they already have, or what they will definitely have in the future.

Ye Mochou was even more concerned about the remaining two people. How many fragments had they collected? Compared to yourself, is it more or less?

"Excuse me."

There was a hint of amusement on Ye Qiyu's face, and she walked up to Ye Ying calmly.

As the box was opened, a total of sixteen fragments peeled off from his body.

"One less..."

Ye Mochou looked at the whirling and disappearing fragments, his face seemed expressionless, and his face was slightly darker.

"As expected, you will be at the bottom."

Ye Qiyu showed a look of pity, and said without forgetting to kill people:

"No one in the past has seen the Young Emperor's Palace. The number of fragments left in the palace cannot be small."

"Did you find it interesting? The person in charge of the most powerful position in the Demon Server lineage was originally his superior, and has the ability to absolutely crush him."

"In the blink of an eye, he changed his authority, got rid of his status as a caged bird, and established his own business."

"If you were of the same rank, wouldn't you be very interested in fighting him?"

Ye Qiyu glanced sideways, not hiding his fighting spirit.

Touched by him, Ye Mochou's deep eyes swayed like ripples, hazy, as if there were two characters "extinguished" respectively manifested in his pupils.

"If the ranks are not equal, there is no point in winning. It is indeed boring."

"But I am very interested in using you to practice my skills. The newly upgraded "killing pupil" can be trained with your blood sacrifice, and it may have a different taste. "

"Shh, be quiet."

Ye Ying blew a breath of wind, and the evil ghost cried for a moment. The sharp eyes of the two people who met in mid-air were suddenly separated.

"Jun Han, come here."

"The old woman also wants to see how many fragments are hidden in your body."

"Go quickly, brother Young Emperor!"

Concubine Ye Wen smiled and pushed her.


Before her cold fingers touched his robe, Ye Hanjun had already raised his toes and walked towards Ye Ying step by step.

As he moved, some of the ancient creatures on the throne who closed their eyes and fell asleep also opened their eyes one by one, revealing unintelligible glances.




The closer I got, the more than two meters long bow box was as majestic as the continuous mountains and rivers.

Deep in my heart, the desire that had been broken was rekindled like a flame blown by the spring breeze.

"Hold on!"

Lord Yehan shouted secretly, suppressing the soul-level covetousness with thunderous sounds.

As a result, the restlessness weakened again, and the prison-suppressing robe fell off his body.

Under a plain and simple sleeve robe, the dark red armor is like the scales of a red dragon, dense and strict, exuding unrivaled power.


Under the spotlight, the bow box actually trembled.

Five, ten, fifteen... a total of thirty-two fragments of the divine bow, like broken blade tips, rushed into the miniature world in the box.


On the throne, there was a guardian Holy Spirit exclaiming.

The sound of shock was like thunder hitting his ears, making his head buzz.

"Since the death of the ancestor, the fragments of the divine bow escaped into the tomb. At the beginning of each era, has any clansman brought out more than twenty-five fragments? Let alone thirty-two!"

"This, this, this... is incredible, unbelievable!"

There was an insect-like Holy Spirit carrying an ax on his back. He suddenly stood up and hit his head against the body of another Holy Spirit, making a dull sound like the collision of iron blocks.

But it didn't realize it, just minding its own business, chattering in an increasingly excited tone:

"This is the best in history! It's as if we can see the hope of Ye's revival right before our eyes, within reach!"

"But what's hateful and irritating is that this boy still has yet to overcome the disaster!"

"If you are buried in the hands of heaven, you are busy and happy in vain, and the ending is tragic, making animals pity and people lamenting, how unfortunate it is!"

There were many shadows, many ghosts, and suddenly high-spirited guardian spirits.

Lord Ye Han could roughly see their outlines, and more than half of them were strangers. They were suspected to be reinforcements that the Ye clan had brought from various places to sit in the ancestral city and work together to protect the clan.

However, he could not speak, could not speak, and could only respond in silence.

What if these holy spirits knew that the thirty-two fragments were actually appearances and that the fragments he obtained in the tomb exceeded a thousand?

If they knew that even the remnant spirit of Shura Bow, Ye Tianzi, had settled in his flesh and blood, secretly carrying the mission of the ethnic group, would they be so excited that they went crazy? Will you be moved to tears? Will there be excitement and joy in surviving a desperate situation?

——Jun Ye Han doesn’t know.

He only knows that these secrets can only be sealed in his head now, without anyone noticing, and he can digest them alone.


"Okay, okay!!"

In the silence, Ye Ying's dim pupils burst out with endless divine light.

She said four good words in a row, and her palms holding the bow box kept trembling.

"The best in history! Leave a mark in history!"

"The descendant of the Ye family, Lord Ye Han, entered the ancestral tomb in the second era of the New Era! He became the young emperor! He has made outstanding achievements!"

"If you can survive the catastrophe and cut off all the shackles and obstacles, you will be among the candidates for the clan leader and protect my Ye clan's immortality for thousands of years!"

As soon as this statement came out, the entire audience broke into an unprecedented uproar.

Ye Mochou and Ye Qiyu stared at Ye Ying's face with incredible expressions on their faces.

Ye Nishang raised her right eyebrow, the light in her eyes shining like stars in the dark night.

"The pressure is suddenly so great..."

Concubine Ye Wen, who was stunned, came back to her senses, bumped Ye Liuying's arm with her shoulder, and said secretly:

"Hey, your brother is taking off."

"Candidates for the clan leader, generally only saints are eligible to be shortlisted."

"Young Emperor plus the son of Shura, although this status is gorgeous, it will not be recognized in principle until he has become a saint."

"Holy Ancestor Yeying, I would rather break the rules for your brother than make such a promise."

"It's enough to show how important your brother is in her mind."


Ye Liuying rolled her eyes, showing no awe at all for this young emperor who had not yet achieved greatness:

"Creating a miracle from ancient to modern times. Such an achievement is really achieved. Where can I put it without a treasure?"

"You are all looking forward to him taking that step, but I feel that every step of this road is dangerous, and there is no way to survive alone."

"If Lord Ye Han really becomes a unique person in the world, will he become the second Saint Ancestor of Chengfeng, who will be harmed by the Son of God at all costs before he reaches the end?"

Ye Liuying did not lower her voice, Concubine Ye Wen heard it clearly, and the other clan members also listened.

Then, the trance color appeared in pieces.

Yes, if you really get to that point, how can Lord Ye Han's achievements be weaker than Ye Chengfeng, who has the ultimate contract.

Even he was not spared.

If there is another person like this, with the Ye family's current declining clan power, can they really be able to keep it?

"The old woman doesn't want to discuss the subject."

Ye Ying slowly handed over the bow box to a group of squirming shadows, turned around, and revealed a fierce light:

"The old woman can only guarantee that in this era, if there is no title and the title of god to continue my life, I, the Ye clan, will burn out the last drop of demonic blood and drag all the enemy clans who have repeatedly offended us... into the grave."

The atmosphere - heavy again.

The manic guardian saints sat back on their thrones one by one without saying a word.

Under the throne, Ye Qiuguo pursed her chapped lips and couldn't help but ask in a low voice:

"Holy Ancestor...a hundred years have passed, has our clan's situation become even worse?"

"The clan meeting is held to keep you informed of the latest news."

Ye Ying was shocked as soon as she opened her mouth and said expressionlessly:

"The Blood Witch God is dead."

"He was seriously injured and aging. He was sleeping and breathing, so as to sit in the Abyss of the Dark Lantern."

"For me, the Ye clan, he is the strongest ally we can trust, and he is also the last child of my Ming Deng to become a god."

"But against all odds, he survived the Zhouyuan Tribulation, but failed to survive the weaker Era Bell."

"The bell did not kill his soul or kill his divine veins."

"However, as soon as the whole body is moved, the old injuries are aroused... Since the day of the death of the gods, outside the Sunless City, blood clouds have covered the moon, and the blood rain has been majestic. It has lasted for forty-nine years, and it still has not subsided. Signs of…”

"No way……"

Ye Qiuguo was stunned, her pupils shrank violently and were as small as needle points:

"The Blood Witch God is dead?"

"The guardian spirit of the Dark Lantern Abyss... just died like this?"

"It's only been a hundred years since we entered the tomb. How come... everything has changed the moment we came out?"

Ye Aobai, Ye Buqun, Ye Buyi, Ye Lingwu... Every young king felt like they had something stuck in their throats and opened their mouths, not knowing how to speak.

"Holy Ancestor!"

Ye Qiyu's eyes were gloomy, and he suddenly showed a coldness like a cold pool, and said word by word:

"Does this mean that the war launched against my Ye clan will inevitably be brought forward?"

"How much time does our clan have left to prepare? How much time do we have to grow? Please tell us for sure and stop hiding it from us!"

"Holy Ancestor, I want to know too."

The word "Mie" in Ye Mochou's pupils flashed and disappeared, and the fierce evil aura was as majestic as a mountain:

"Without the holy throne, there is no way to participate in this catastrophe."

"As an emperor, I face a formidable enemy and I don't want to swallow my anger."

"If time is tight, I will be willing to accept any unscrupulous way of breaking through that is detrimental to morality!"

"I'm determined."

Ye Ying paused and exhaled slowly:

"To have this awareness is worthy of the surname Ye, and worthy of the blood flowing in your body."

"In the past hundred years, the Holy Spirits sent out to explore have either been disabled or broken."

"Every sign shows that the Red Dust Abyss, the enemy that I, Ye Clan, will always hate and loathe, is gathering strength and may attack at any time."

As soon as he finished speaking, murderous intent far more terrifying than Ye Mochou surged out of Ye Ying's crooked back.

When she grinned, her cold smile widened, even Concubine Ye Wen, who was in charge of the ice power, shrank her neck, not daring to make a single sound. (End of chapter)

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