The Ascension of the Favorite Spirit

Chapter 307 Young King’s Palace

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Looking at the metal slime clan, they were like ants moving, carrying the entire nest and moving away.

Lord Ye Han emerged from the shadows, flashed several times, and stood in front of the kissing demon's flesh.

Guagua, breathe fire.

Quack, roar!

Although he didn't know what the tadpole was going to do, Guagua immediately turned into a fire-attributed dragon and burned the rotten meat on the ground.

A magical scene appeared. The flesh and blood tissue, which was indistinguishable from rocks, soil, and dust, slowly squirmed and finally condensed into a heart the size of a fist.


The mark of the contract flickered, and Lord Ye Han threw his heart towards the Goose Immortal.

The Immortal Goose caught it in one bite, his eyes widened with confusion.

The kissing demons, although they are devoured by desire, are irrational beasts.

But their bloodline has merit, and this one is hermaphrodite.

If you refine the life energy in it well, it will help your development and growth.

I see, that great immortal is not welcome anymore.

The Goose Fairy was not polite, stretched his neck, and swallowed it in one gulp.

Well, it stinks a lot. It tastes much worse than dragon crystal.

However, the life energy is indeed abundant. It does not need to be carefully refined, and the organs can slowly absorb it...

Lord Ye Han took back the Goose Immortal and smiled slightly.

Although metal slime is a rare variant of the slime family, it is not very common.

But among high-ranking dwarves, they are excellent partners.

Being bombarded by hordes of metal slimes can often remove impurities in the ore and achieve a special purification effect.

The same goes for killing prey. What is left is the essence. Goose Immortal is not picky about food, so it is natural for it to absorb it.

Keep exploring.

Ye Hanjun waved his hand, and after a short rest, he forged ahead with determination.

The gap between him and the three young emperors has still not narrowed, especially Ye Nichang, who was born at the peak of the sixth rank. If he wants to catch up with her, there are still several mountains to climb.


There are steep stone walls all around, and sometimes needle-shaped stalactites fall down and hit the ground with a slight crisp sound.

Lord Yehan still maintains Ejifla's dominance, and the devil's wings are sometimes fast and sometimes slow.

He could feel that there were countless bat-winged dragons lurking in the darkness.

This is a very difficult gregarious monster. Once one of them is frightened, they will all go berserk.

Fortunately, Lord Ye Han was cautious enough and moved forward very carefully against the shadow.

When necessary, he will activate layers of phantoms to deceive predators with false clones in exchange for his true body escaping.

Big brother, would you like to play with me?

During the silent exploration, a cold voice suddenly sounded in his ears, and Ye Hanjun ran away like crazy without even thinking about it.

Behind him, a cloud of mist drifted over from nowhere.

There was a little girl, about eight or nine years old, sitting on a wooden board, holding two ropes dropped from the sky with her soft little hands.

She is so cute, with a fair and clean face, big beautiful eyes, and a pink tutu with a bow, which makes people feel love and want to hold her in their hands. Get close.

But what is this place? This is the Tomb of Shura!

It was dark all around and the atmosphere was so suffocating.

An innocent little girl swings carefree in mid-air. Wouldn’t this scene give people goosebumps all over their bodies?

Ye Hanjun's mind was filled with the words swing doll, and he once again summoned Hua Zhu, riding the strong wind and escaping with his life.

Brother, don't you want to play with me?

The little girl gradually stopped swinging, and suddenly pear blossoms and rain fell on her pretty face.

She did not continue to chase, but her cries covered a distance of tens of thousands of meters in an instant.

Hua Zhu and Ye Hanjun groaned at the same time, especially Hua Zhu, who stumbled and almost fell from the air in the chaos of the hurricane.

Little Black Hat, don't be afraid, Ben Gua is here!

Guagua poked his head out of his pocket and cast Super Purification in time.

The flying candles were whirling around, barely able to stabilize their flying posture, and grabbed Lord Ye Han's shoulder with one hand, dragging him forward quickly.

It wasn't until she could no longer sense the cold and sinister life magnetic field of the little girl that she slowed down, found a hidden rock crevice, and stumbled into it.


Hua Zhu spurted out a mouthful of blood, her pale face full of heart palpitations.

Lord Ye Han was not much better. He controlled Ejifla's bloodline, and even his soul was thrown into chaos. Huazhu was not killed instantly, and his tenacity honed in life and death played a key role invisibly. .

too horrible……

Hua Zhu spurted out a second mouthful of blood. She felt her ears buzzing and couldn't hear anything clearly. Only the silver bell-like cry was implanted in her mind like a demonic barrier, and she couldn't forget it no matter what.

Guagua, keep purifying, don't stop!

Ye Hanjun took a deep breath and solemnly reminded:

The swing doll I encountered just now has a very small foundation. Hua Zhu's constitution is fragile and she is not out of danger yet!


Guagua nodded, all his usual naughty energy gone, and only worry and distress shone in his eyes.

Little Black Hat, don't be afraid, I will cure you!

The bright white holy light roared out, like a star phoenix in the sky or a frost dragon underground.

Hua Zhu closed her eyes tightly and gritted her silver teeth, the pain on her face slightly reduced.

My rank is not enough...

Don't be discouraged. If it doesn't work twice, then try it a third time.

Super Purification was activated again. From release to end, a few dozen seconds seemed to span an entire spring and autumn.

Come again!

Guagua used Super Purification for the fourth time.

As it continued to cast spells, Hua Zhu's condition finally improved.

Her shoulders no longer trembled violently, her curled up body no longer stiff, and she relaxed little by little.

After a while, the rapid breathing became calmer, Hua Zhu fell asleep, and fell into sleep silently.

It's so dangerous!

After wiping away the sweat, Guagua heard Tadpole confirm that there were no negative states of Soul Shock and Desperate Crying on Little Black Hat's attribute panel.

It breathed a sigh of relief, and a vague feeling of weakness quickly came up. As if it was drunk, it staggered and fell into Hua Zhu's neck. Its little head was buried in the golden hair, and a butt was exposed, which was sweet. Fall asleep.

Go to sleep, go to sleep, thank you for your hard work.

Ye Hanjun pushed the little guy's buttocks, letting it bury entirely in his hair.

Later, he helped Hua Zhu adjust her sleeping position and used his passive power to soothe her to help her sleep deeper.

Another unexpected disaster...

In the silence of all the people, Lord Yehan summoned the lucky bag and peeked inside.

There was a little more energy in the bag. It was obvious that the encounter just now was also regarded as a disaster, and it operated according to the law of surviving a catastrophe will lead to blessings in the future.

He didn't dare to sleep lightly and was on full alert.

Juexian and Mo were still unable to be summoned. Although Great Goose had regained its full combat power, he had even been promoted to Heaven and Earth Xiaocheng.

But at this time, both Hua Zhu and Gua Gua lost their ability to move, and the team's combat effectiveness dropped to the bottom.

If another monster rushes over at this time, I am afraid that the only way to escape is to activate a miraculous disintegration.

After one day and one night, Guagua woke up first.

After another half day, Hua Zhu slowly sat up.

For a moment, her mind went blank, still recalling what had happened before.

Guagua cheered, jumped on her face, held her cheeks with his little hands, and rubbed her cheeks affectionately.

Yeah, yeah, little black hat wakes up!

Aren't you tired of me? Even if it's a skill that transcends your level, you can cure it with hard work!


The scattered golden vertical pupils gradually came into focus, and the flower-like face gradually regained its stunning look.

She took the little guy down, held it in the palm of her hand, smiled, and said:

Thank you, little Guagua.

You're welcome, you're welcome!

The little guy twisted twice, rushed to Hua Zhu's shoulder, waved his little hand and called:

Let's go! A new adventure begins again!

Lord Ye Han smiled faintly, fanned his demon wings, and took the lead in getting out of the gap.

Although his nerves are always tense, his tolerance is far beyond ordinary people.

In terms of physical strength and energy, the level is maintained at more than 70%, which is enough to start a new round of adventure.


It was only a thousand meters away from the gap where he was hiding.

Ye Hanjun found a sea salt cheese flower buried in the soil. His eyes lit up when he saw the petals blooming.

It has at least 4,500 years of medicinal properties, and its analgesic effect is outstanding!

After picking it carefully and putting it into the storage ring, Mr. Ye Han was in a happy mood.

The tomb of Shura is full of rules set by the ancestors. Most of the items brought in from the outside, whether they are medicines or spiritual materials from heaven and earth, will lose their effect.

Therefore, according to common sense, priority is given to searching for resources in tombs and improving life-saving means as much as possible. This will be the survival strategy that many tribesmen first follow.


Before Lord Yehan could be happy for too long, a crack suddenly appeared on the ground in front of him.

His expression changed drastically, and he suddenly flapped his wings upwards.

Huazhu, who was no more than five meters away, immediately entangled Ye Hanjun and Guagua, trying to escape from the scene with escape techniques.

Damn it, she failed again!

I saw the ground shaking, the mountains shaking, and the sound of thunder filling my ears.

The black airflow, which seemed to be sucking the soul, once it spurted out, wrapped around all the rocks, and they all fell downwards.

Don't panic yet! This is a space crack!

At the critical moment, Ye Hanjun grabbed one of Hua Zhu's arms and Gua Gua with the other hand.

The feeling of weightlessness penetrated his internal organs. After a brief dizziness, Ye Hanjun felt that he had been smashed into a pile of rocks, especially his head, which had been poked with a small hole by some sharp substance.


Although Ejifla is not good at brute strength, she is still a demon on the level of heaven and earth.

In the dominant state, Lord Ye Han pushed his back against the rocks behind him and suddenly stood up from the pile of rocks.

Oops, it's been going on for a while, and it's getting hurt again!

The heartless Guagua, because he didn't notice the fatal danger, just poked his head in a lively manner.

Hua Zhu, who was protected by Lord Yehan, finally climbed out of the pile of rocks.

There were abrasions of varying lengths on her calves, arms, and cheeks, and she looked miserable.

But other than that, there were no serious injuries. Instead, blood was still pouring out from the small cut on Ye Hanjun's head.

Don't move, don't move, I'll treat you!

Guagua released Instant Healing. In just a moment, the wound on Ye Hanjun's head disappeared, and not even the scar could be found.

Little Black Hat, please bear with it for a while. When the injury becomes more serious, I will help you heal it at once!

Having been in danger for a long time, Guagua also understands the preciousness of life-extending skills and will not squander it casually like usual.

Hua Zhu nodded, looked up to the top of her head, and then was stunned.

Didn't we... fall from above?

Under the focused gaze of three pairs of eyes, the space above their heads was at least a thousand meters high, and the surrounding environment was far more open than before.

But there is no big hole further up, and the aura is seamless, as if it has never been damaged.

The space in the tomb is chaotic. Sometimes if you take a wrong step unintentionally, you may be teleported to another floor.

Ye Hanjun kicked away the gravel blocking the road at his feet, rummaged for a long time in an area where vines were growing wildly, and dug out a stone tablet.

On the dark ancient stone tablet, there are demonic characters smeared with the plasma of some kind of creature.


Thanks to Ye Hanjun's upbringing, both Hua Zhu and Gua Gua are literate.

Especially the characters of the demon clan and the witch clan, one witch and one frog are almost proficient in their native language.

So, maybe we were on the ninth floor just now?


Ye Hanjun had no way to confirm, but he had such a guess in his heart.

The dangers encountered before and after all come from the immeasurable embryo.

The location where he landed must be the middle level of the eighteenth level of purgatory.

Now they are all heading to the tenth floor, getting closer and closer to the scariest lower six floors.

I heard that there are the most cracks going down in the tomb. If you want to go up, the probability is slim.

There have been tribesmen who encountered countless falling space cracks in a short period of time. They obviously had good strength, but because they did not have time to develop, they directly arrived at the purgatory floor that they could not adapt to, and finally died...

Ye Hanjun, who was frowning, felt heavy.

Sure enough, staying in the maze demon's belly is the safest.

Since I left, I have been in desperate situations frequently, and I always have the illusion that I have no time to breathe.

Tadpole, you are so unlucky, what should grandpa do? Guagua was curious.

God knows. Ye Hanjun shook his head, I can only confirm that he is still alive.

“There is no concept of southeast, southeast, northwest, up, down, left, and right in the tomb.”

In the haze, I vaguely sensed Yeliu Ying and Ye Yin. They are both very far away from us, and there is no possibility of them meeting up for the time being.

Then he can only do his best~

Guagua jumped up and down, circled around Ye Hanjun three times, and suddenly cast his gaze to one side.

Tadpole, there are strange buildings over there, let's go take a look!

I saw.

Ye Hanjun never stopped observing, looking around in all directions, trying to gain insight into the ecology of species that might live nearby from the growing vegetation or the color of the rocks.

Pay attention to the top of your head, I see bat pterosaur droppings again.

Three hundred meters ahead, there is a large, curled-up centipede. It is a highly poisonous species. It is more troublesome to deal with. Try not to disturb it.

Guagua, do you see a little red flower on the right? Go and pick it off. You can use it to satisfy your hunger if necessary.

Walking cautiously in twists and turns, Lord Ye Han arrived at the target area in half an hour.

As far as the eye can see, the old building complex looks like a raised palace.

It's just a pity that most of them are in ruins, whether due to disrepair or destruction by giant beasts, exuding a sense of long history.

It is indeed the Shao Wang Palace...

Ye Hanjun nodded slightly and flew half a circle around the palace to find the main entrance.

In an instant, he seemed to have discovered a new world, his eyes were shining, and there was a trace of surprise on his face.

It's strange. The door of the palace is open, which means someone has entered and started the trial.

But the plaque above is still glowing. Does this mean that the treasure in the palace has not been taken away?

Ye Hanjun slowly landed on the ground, holding his chin with one hand and thinking deeply.

The Young King's Hall is one of the top opportunities in Shura's tomb.

All clansmen who stand at the 6th level and have B-level authority may want it most when entering the tomb.

Tadpole, is it true that the title can do anything? Can even the authority be increased at will?

It's not always like this.

Ye Hanjun explained softly: However, the title held by the ancestor is called King Shura.

We are his pure-blooded descendants, with his blood flowing in our bodies. Only with this bond can we realize the wishes that others cannot achieve even with their brains.

But aren't you already the young king?

Guagua saw Lord Yehan taking the initiative to walk into the palace, blinked, and caught up with him on the Nine-Rank Lotus Platform.

Although the Young King's Stone is useless to me, there are probably people in this palace who died because they failed in the challenge.

There may be some remaining treasures on him. If I have the chance to collect them, I can't miss them.

Lord Ye Han stepped into the palace with a calm look on his face.

A jade light suddenly lit up in the dark passage, shaped like a jade sword, moving straight forward, unstoppable.

Huazhu, who was following closely behind, had hundreds of whirlpools spinning on the surface of his skin.

As long as she thinks about it, these mini whirlpools will grow into huge hurricanes. Once a predator of insufficient rank pounces, they will inevitably end up being torn apart.

Sure enough, there are signs that the agencies here have been activated...

There was a tribesman who fought fiercely here, breaking through one level after another. Even though he was bruised and bruised, he did not stop...

As Ye Hanjun moved forward, occasionally a rat demon would be frightened. Its red eyes were like blood-quenched lanterns, filled with a terrifying and gloomy magnetic field.


No instructions are needed, Fengyun Palm shoots out again and again.

The created tangential flow will also cause the rat demons that rush towards him to be dismembered one by one.

Lord Yehan, who was unharmed, looked down at the corpses along the way, most of which were unknown monsters.

Occasionally there will be parts of machine puppets, all rusty and broken at the touch of a touch.

It can be deduced from this that this trial has been going on for a long time, and it may not be as easy as ten thousand or twenty thousand years.


I walked for a long, long time, so long that I had to count the time in days.

A human corpse severed at the waist caught Lord Yehan's attention.

He squatted down, trying his best to prevent his fresh breath from touching the gray-white bones.

The sharp nails gently picked up a piece of jade pendant, turned it over, and a square and square word man came into view.


Ye Hanjun tried his best to recall, but he had never found such a number one person in his memory.

Over the past 120,000 years, countless people have entered the tomb.

Even if there is a special clan history that records the life events of deceased clan members, only those with outstanding talents or those who have experienced adventures can be mentioned in detail.

Yeman... was most likely just an ordinary tribesman.

He died here in obscurity, no one remembers what he looked like or what he did.

But Lord Ye Han now knows that he died here, in this young king's palace.

And here, the ultimate treasure from the end... is obviously very close.

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