The Ascension of the Favorite Spirit

Chapter 206 Under the command of Master Han, the geniuses gather

After a brief discussion, Lu Yingying, who had not closed her eyes for five days and five nights, fell asleep.

Huang Ziyu, the commander of the fifth unit, began to lead the Canghai Pavilion group to visit the defense system of Blue Mountain City.

Ye Hanjun naturally followed, but after seeing the dilapidation and mess of the city, he did not make many suggestions and just watched silently.

After a while, a group of instructors led a group of students and began to repair formation patterns, thicken city walls, engrave talismans, and smelt elixirs...

Their duties are nothing more than Earth Magic Apprentice, Wood Magic Apprentice, Architect, Array Master, talisman master and alchemist. By rationally allocating positions, they can race against time to strengthen the defense of Blue Mountain City. system.

Everyone, the war between our Blue Frog Country and the Grass Frog Country has broken out. Blue Mountain City, including Lanyue City and Lanling City three thousand miles away... are all very important positions. Once they fall, they will be attacked from both sides.

And there are all kinds of unwritten rules on the battlefield, such as the rank of the lord who participates in the battle.

Because the battle power of the fourth-level Beloved Lord and the Wheel of Life is too terrifying, when the two armies confront each other, they will not be dispatched by default.

If it is dispatched and really takes action, the balance on the battlefield will inevitably be broken. Then the battle situation will escalate again, completely evolving in the direction of death and bloodshed...

Huang Ziyu looked around at the students wearing battle armor and battle skirts, and couldn't help but talk:

For this reason, here, the third level belongs to the core and is the key to determining the victory of offense and defense.

The presence of Major General Zhancao will definitely increase our morale. We should consider how to lead the troops and what strategies to implement.

Then, the second level is the main force, ranging from ordinary soldiers to big soldiers, with the largest number.

Further down, the first level is all about death. Only as a last resort, for example, when the city is broken, will such a beloved master be allowed to come to the front line in person and burn out the last light and heat, instead of kneeling in humiliation in front of the enemy. forward……

After roughly listening to the first-hand information about Blue Mountain City, the eyes of the four principals, Du Yuanjia, Bian Haoran, Qin Quan, and Sun Lin, fell on the faces of the five star mentors.

Mr. Han, how about you lead the most elite mentor troops and be ready to counterattack Cuishan City on the other side at any time?

Nan Huaqiu pursed her red lips and said seriously.

Nowadays, Master Han's reputation is as loud as thunder, and he has gained the limelight as the first star mentor.

Wang Lin and Qian Xiaochuan, who had not personally participated in the Shadow Alliance interception and killing battle, could still feel the extreme pressure and fatal crisis of that battle through the subsequent descriptions.

Nan Huaqiu and Ji Yan were personally involved. Only they could understand how decisive it was for Lord Han to step forward as a newly promoted third-level person to face the Great Protector of the Shadow Alliance when the silver-white barrier rose. belief.

Although later on, it was mainly the sudden appearance of the white crow that achieved miraculous feats.

But if Lord Han, along with Immortal Goose and Hua Zhu, hadn't been there to contain them, there would have been casualties in this interception. Perhaps not many of the top ten geniuses of Canghai Pavilion would have been able to survive safely.

Lord Han - qualified to participate in any battle, including war!

With him commanding the third-level mentors to form the most powerful elite force, we will surely achieve exciting results!

No. Ye Hanjun shook his head, Joining forces with my mentor to form the strongest force sounds good, but it's not suitable for me.

I think Division Wang and Division Qian are more suitable. According to the existing manpower, they can form two special operations forces to be responsible for the third level of fighting.

As for me, I prefer to stay with the students. While participating in the war, I can accumulate experience points for my authority. A two-pronged approach, without delaying both, is the right way.

For the sake of authority...

Nan Huaqiu lowered his head and thought, knowing that there was such a reason, Lord Han might not be able to say anything.

But this is not a big problem. Everyone has their own thoughts. It is true that this is a war, but since Canghai Pavilion came as a group, it must hope to reduce casualties as much as possible when returning.

Compared with the third level, most of the tutors have rich experience and independent thinking. The students who are around 20 years old are young, inexperienced and impulsive... They are commanded by Master Han, who is about the same age, and give them the necessary guidance and care. , will probably be more convincing and cohesive than them?

Then please ask Master Han to select the members you want first.

Ji Yan held his hand in his hand, showing an expression of support and approval.

All the ten prides are under my command. Do you have any objections?

Ye Hanjun smiled softly and turned to face the students, starting from Ma Nongmei in the tenth seat and scanning them one by one to Jin Xiaohong in the first seat.

It's a great feeling to be able to follow Master Han...

Huo Xin was eager to raise his hands and feet to agree.

Follow Master Han and enjoy the hot and spicy food~~

Yu Yu was also a hidden treasure. He rushed behind Han Jun with a quick stride, and the elegant pig at his feet grunted to chase him.

Master Qiu, I'm going then.

The warrior monk You Jin is Nan Huaqiu's personal disciple. He said hello and after receiving the answer, he took steps with a serious face.


It is said that the time between life and death can sharpen people's hearts. There is no guarantee that some of us will accumulate enough authority experience in an environment like the battlefield, and then officially ascend to the third level...

Tan Ziping, Yan Xuehui, and Ma Nongmei naturally have no objections.

Le Zhengfeng, Linghu Fei, Jin Xiaohong, the top three ten prides all looked at each other and agreed immediately.

The strangest one is undoubtedly the sixth prodigy, Xiao Xian, whose nickname is Xianyun Yehe. Even in the exchange competition between the two houses, he did not participate. Only in the league of the five houses, he showed his strength as a last resort.

He is a D-class farmer, a breeding and cultivating dependent owner, and he is not good at fighting.

However, his contracted spirit Sheepdog Demon has the ability to herd animals. After being strengthened by the power, if it encounters a herd of beasts that are lower than it, even if it has never been in contact before, it will have a high probability of driving it and achieve a leveraged attack. force.

I can help cultivate some special spirits, such as self-exploding spiders, stinking snakes, poisonous toads, etc., to assist in combat.

Xiao Xian had a pensive expression on his face and walked slowly and leisurely to Ye Hanjun's side, as if he was waking up from a dream.

Need not.

Ye Hanjun glanced at it and already had a plan:

These kinds of spirits have a short development cycle, but they are not strong enough. Even if they are piled up in number, it will not help.

I will introduce someone to you, Xiao Li, come here.

Li Jingming squeezed out from among the students and bowed slightly.

This is Li Jingming, the insect catcher. The grimace moth has been cultivated to the full bloom.

He has collected a lot of strange eggs. You should pay special attention to the Itchy Butterfly among them. This kind of spirit is inherently short-lived, but as long as enough honey is provided and it continues to reproduce, it can be born in a week. .

At the beginning, your shepherd dog demon will drive you to guide the swarms of itchy butterflies across the swamp. They are natural barriers. If the grass frogs want to cross the swamp, they will inevitably be hindered a little, and their speed will be slowed down. A slight decrease…”

Respect Master Han's order!

Xiao Xian showed an expression of realization, and was suddenly very interested. He grabbed Li Jingming's sleeve and pestered him to see the eggs of the itchy butterfly.

Hey, hey, Master Han, take me with you. Lao Xiao and I often do research. They are all good brothers who can wear a pair of pants!

Dong Feng was a little anxious before Lord Ye Han could say anything.

Known as the King of Dogs, the strongest of the three, the Behemoth contracted by Yuying Xiaocheng, is also a D-level shit shovel himself, and is the center of attention wherever he goes.

Ye Hanjun stared at him, and after careful consideration, he decided to endure some nasal discomfort and accept this tribe.

Great! In the combat unit that Master Han belongs to, no matter whose contracted spirit poops in the future, remember to call me and I will shovel it away. It will be of great use!

Dong Feng shook his head, very happy.

Master Han, do you like this little girl?

Gu Miaoyulian walked over slowly, her rosy cheeks and her loving eyes gave her a somewhat picturesque visual experience.

Unfortunately, what she drank just now was garlic wine, which was one or two hundred years old.

The flaming red lips opened, and Lord Ye Han couldn't help but hold his breath, wanting to put her on Dong Feng's side.

You are not allowed to drink excessively during non-fighting times. If you can do that, then you can stay.

It's a joke~

Gu Miaoyu tilted her head, circled half a circle around Mr. Ye Han, and then circled Ren Wokuang, who had walked over on his own initiative. She stretched out her hand to touch the muscles on his arm and said happily:

Yes, yes, the legendary male Bodhisattva is talking about your figure, right?

Xiao Ren, you must protect your senior sister from now on. Senior sister is very weak, a gust of wind can blow me down~~

As he spoke, the drunk Gu Miaoyu actually fell down.

Ren Wokuang, who was standing with his arms folded, somewhat helplessly pinched Gu Miaoyu's shoulders with two fingers, and then threw her to a chair aside as if holding a chicken, letting her sleep soundly. .

Xiao Qin, just follow me.

Qin Quan, who was covered in cold air, suddenly spoke, his cold voice making him shiver.


Qin Tianyi nodded, ignored the farce in front of him, walked directly to the side of his second grandfather Qin Quan, and then remained silent.

Bian Haoran frowned slightly.

Everyone else was participating in the battle step by step. The other two heroes, who were also among the Three Heroes, did not take their identities to heart and were willing to follow Master Han through life and death.

However, Qinquan cherished this grandson very much. He brought him to the battlefield, and wanted him to be trained, but also did not want him to die young. He chose to let him stay with him, which was the best of both worlds.

Fire Earth Warlock Sun Lin turned a blind eye.

As the fourth-level strongest person, Qin Quan still has this privilege. Since Qin Tianyi is willing, they don't need to intervene.

Ye Hanjun smiled and didn't take it seriously. He turned to the crowd and called his name:

Zhuang Wenyao, Wang Xinfei, Su Mei, Yu Qingyan, Fan Xiangyun, Tan Xin, Mao Leyue, Nian Feiming...come out!

In addition, among the mercenary team that came to Blue Mountain City with me from Canghai Pavilion, those who have the Jade Infant Bird at the third level should come out!

As soon as this was said, among the mercenaries, who were generally more than a round older, after a slight commotion, a total of two people walked out.

One of them had three scars on his forehead, his face was full of flesh, and his fierce eyes were enough to make a child under ten years old cry every night if not covered up.

The other man was wearing a white robe. Although his appearance was delicate, the wrinkles at the corners of his eyes gave him away. His actual age was no less than 70 years old.

It's the leader of the Hardwood Mercenary Group - He Wei! And Mr. Feizhou - Gu Feizhou!

These two are both well-known figures. One is the Mumuniao who has contracted with the Jade Infant to become a minor, and the other is the Swift Light Bat who has contracted to become a Jade Infant. What does Master Han want them to do?

Most of the mercenaries are rough and heroic.

Following Canghai Pavilion to Blue Mountain City, I saw a total of four top 4th level experts. They all suppressed their tempers and did not dare to make loud noises. They only dared to listen quietly to the arrangements of the hospital.

Unexpectedly, the famous Master Han suddenly called their names.

Would you like to join our army? Ye Hanjun asked directly.

His idea was simple. Although the sand sculptures rode to Blue Mountain City together, the Goose Immortal always used the sand sculptures to train troops. The styles of the bird troops that could be summoned were too single, and they should be expanded.

At the same time, he took his disciples and other students into the war. In order to improve the overall survival rate of the army, he did need some lieutenants to serve as his deputies.

Master Han personally called his name, how dare we refuse?

Gu Feizhou clasped his fists and was the first to agree.

He is a magic apprentice with light attributes and a free mercenary.

Since he had no family to take care of, he came to the border to fight partly to protect the country and partly for personal gain. Being able to work under the famous Master Han was an unexpected blessing.

Does Master Han only need me?

He Wei showed a hint of embarrassment and looked back at the members of the mercenary group he established.

If possible, he would not want to be separated from the members who work well together.

But the temptation from Master Han is very great. He single-handedly established the No. 1 ranking of Canghai Pavilion in the Five Academy League and achieved the position of star mentor at a young age. Who is not curious about such a legendary figure?

How many people from your hardwood mercenary group are here? Tell me one by one what their duties are and what they are.

There are four members traveling with me. They are all second-level masters. I didn't even bring them because they were too weak!

He Weiwei was overjoyed and immediately pulled the four people out and introduced them one by one.

Ye Hanjun looked it over and saw that there was no one holding him back, so he accepted them all.

When He Wei and Gu Feizhou stood behind him, most of the students and mercenaries who were not selected showed envy.

All members of the Stolen Fire Mercenary Group are out.

I have heard that you, especially the leader, are known as the Fire Thieves and are very powerful.

Ye Hanjun suddenly stretched out his finger and pointed at a figure in the mercenary team, whose whole body was shrouded in black robes.

The crowd subconsciously parted a little, leaving more space for the man. In full view of everyone, Dongfang Xu lifted the brim of his hat, exposing his fiery red hair to the eyes of a pair of eyes.

The Fire Stealing Mercenary Group...this group of people is mysterious and mysterious...

Yes, it is said that people are not recruited randomly. Everyone is an elite personally selected by the Fire Thief. It is better to lack than to waste, everyone is excellent!

The mercenaries around him clucked their tongues. They didn't expect that even after ten days of traveling, they didn't realize that there was such a person around them.

Hey, that's not right. The Fire Thief is strong and strong. He seems to be just the peak of the second level.

But now... look at the flames flickering in his pupils and the aura he exudes, which is not weaker than a third-level strong man...

That's right! He must have been promoted! Otherwise, how could he have entered Master Han's eyes?!

The few whispers stopped abruptly after Ye Hanjun spoke:

Will you join our army and obey my orders?

Follow Master Han's order.

Dongfang Xu nodded, with a cold face, more like a killer than a killer.

Although he is a disciple, he is very familiar with it.

But in order to reasonably plan things together, we have to pretend to be what we should be on the surface.

The same goes for Ye Hanjun.

Of course, his perception stayed on the faces of other students and instructors, focusing on Qin Tianyi. He wanted to see if this Qin Tianyi could detect the abnormality and recognize that the fire thief was the former one after his appearance and aura completely changed. Fire Mage·Dongfang Xu.

Obviously, with the help of super spirituality, Ye Hanjun did not feel the murderous intention.

However, it is also very obvious that the fire element controlled by Dongfang Xu is probably too hot, so that the person holding the ice element is innately disgusted. Qin Tianyi, who is at the same level, frowned slightly, and had a fleeting feeling of disgust.

Is there anyone who recommends themselves? If there are mercenaries who are confident enough and good enough, I will be happy to let the students learn survival experience from you.

Ye Hanjun asked openly, and the topic changed again.

There were a large number of participants who came with Canghai Pavilion. He did not have the leisure to observe them one by one on the way here, and many people were missed.

There should be some people with special powers inside. If their strength reaches the standard, Lord Ye Han is willing to take them under his command.

I'm Lin Pingping, so I recommended myself.

The vast majority of people are still looking around, or encouraging people they know around them to fight for a chance in front of Master Han.

A young man with a feather fan walked out. The thick dark circles under his eyes and his pale complexion made him look weak and exhausted, having long been drained by alcohol and sex.

However, his demeanor was too calm. He swayed his feather fan gently, calmly and calmly, and said with extraordinary certainty:

To be honest, I am willing to come to Blue Mountain City. A large part of the reason is that I heard that Master Han resisted the attack of the Shadow Alliance, and I am very curious about you.

I am a ghost hunter. If Master Han has heard of this authority, he should be somewhat interested in me.

Ghost hunter??? Lin Pingfan??!

The two keywords were connected together, and someone finally remembered a past event:

Are you the ghost hunter who single-handedly destroyed the Mad Bear Mercenary Group five years ago?

Everyone thought you were dead, but I didn't expect you to be alive. This is really strange!

Lin Pingfan laughed loudly and said:

How long ago did this happen? If you didn't mention it, I would have forgotten about it.

In the final analysis, I don't like the light to be too bright or too yang-y. I like to stay alone in deep mountains, old forests, fields and wastelands. The more crowded and lively the place, the more I stay away from it.

This time the country is in trouble, and I have no choice but to contribute my strength and share some of the responsibilities... Master Han, I wonder if my authority and rank will satisfy you?

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